【strike back】【学英语私家贴】

We have to get back to the security before dark.

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-21 11:39:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-21 11:42:00 +0800 CST  
1. New target. Gerald Crawford. 新目标克劳福德
Ex-Royal Marine, turned global arms dealer. 前皇家海军陆战队,转为国际武器商人,后面苏丹官员称他为Captain Crawford
Crawford supplied the weapons used at the hotel siege in New Delhi, as well as those used by Connolly in the Cape Town heist. 一句话承和了前4集。
He's Latif's chief armory继续Latif这条贯穿整季的线索。
2.Dieter Hendricks
Crawford’s head of security, former South African Special Forces.
3.Ken Masoto
Central Yard controller中央码头调度

Fox is in the coop. 狐狸中套了,嫌犯出现了
We can still cut a deal. 达成协议
That arms deal was a humanitarian ransom payment。 人道主义赎金
No link was flagged to Crawford.没有线索指向克劳福德
She uses her mother's maiden name. 婚前姓,娘家姓
information such as his point man in Europe. Point man主力队员,核心
I say we get Guantanamo on his ass.Give us ten minutes with him, he'll spill his guts on Latif no problem.美军关塔那摩(古巴)的那套十分钟就可以让他spill his guts,知无不言,言无不尽
We'll go and do a snatch-and-grab.解救行动
The Janjaweed are nomadic. 游牧的,四处流浪的

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-21 13:00:00 +0800 CST  

1. 黑心的苏丹官员Matak Achmed
Matak is the government minister conducting negotiations on my behalf.
They're chewing over the bribe.仔细讨论

You understand we have to be conscious of security in these troubled times. I'm afraid I have some bad news. They have killed one of the hostages 人质. Not your daughter, subhanallah 赞美真主, but another doctor. I have warned you we are dealing with a very volatile man 反复无常的. This will not be an easy matter to resolve.
谈判另一方很快意识到“我们需要出更多价”:I think we're going to need a bigger case.
B. 有进有退
克劳福德拒绝立刻交付武器,而是交付了“抵押品”。But I have this as collateral. And a sign of my good faith in concluding the deal.
Now, there is one suitcase for Tahir, and this one will be for you alone, for all your endeavors in ensuring that our two parties meet as arranged. My deepest gratitude, as always, to a true friend.

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-21 13:19:00 +0800 CST  
2. 战地记者Maggie.
A journo. War zone junkie.
Dip me in shit and call me Colonel. “Dip me in shit”is another unecessarily crass alternative to 'Wow'.就是表示感叹的俚语。
Just give me the headlines. Is it juicy? 多汁的,“吸引人的”的形象说法
Why don't we make this a liquid lunch? 喝一杯的戏谑说法

He looks kinda fun.
Well, he's English. So, no, on both counts.

You going to render Bashir? Make him stand trial for war crimes? He's already been indicted by the courts. Everyone knows the Janjaweed operates on his say-so.
Lieutenant GeneralOmar Hassan Ahmad Al-Bashir (born 1 January 1944) is thePresidentofSudanand the head of theNational Congress Party. He came to power in 1989 when he, as abrigadierin theSudanese army, led a group of officers in a bloodlessmilitary coupthat ousted the government ofPrime MinisterSadiq al-Mahdi.

从Maggie提供的信息上,Section 20查出了暗藏的一支雇佣军小分队
We're cross-referencing border controls. 交叉搜索边境记录
1.The snake guy's a Russian called Grigor.Grigor Tchevsky. 实际是车臣人Chechen.
2. Andre Botha. He's a South African mercenary frequently hired by Crawford's private security firm.
3.a third mercenary, asper Bryce.

Maggie要求Quid pro quo. 交换条件
结果不仅被Scott抢走了相机储存卡,自己雇的车也被他控制了,气的只能说You are such a piece of work.

We need to extract the principal.
I've got a tail to shake.

Buckle up. 系上安全带 Safety belt 安全带
You guys are tooled up for a war! 小幽默

在车上养鸡,抱着鸡笼换车,高喊着“sorry,he's American”,把抢来的车还回去。。。一个抢镜的小人物

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-21 13:37:00 +0800 CST  
雇佣兵试图救出克劳福德,假冒宾馆服务生,送来欢迎礼物Compliments of the hotel.
What are you going to use?
They brought it with them.
When I found out Clare was working in Sudan I approached Matak, and bribed him to have her visa revoked. Instead he had her abducted. He played distraught, of course, promised to personally liaise with the Janjaweed to broker the deal to get her back, for a fee. So, you see, if I hadn't made him aware of her value…

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-21 13:42:00 +0800 CST  
Clare 向民兵首领Tahir 要求给Bakri 一个像样的葬礼
To a wadi near here. 干枯的河谷
He's my fiance. I want to give him a proper burial.

Fiancé, fiancée未婚夫,未婚妻
Bridegroom, bride新郎,新娘
Groomsman, best man, 伴郎
Bridesmaid, maid of honor 伴娘
Husband, wife丈夫,妻子
widower, widow 鳏夫,寡妇

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-21 13:47:00 +0800 CST  

That's like my Pulitzer Prize right there! 普利策奖,美国新闻界最高奖项辛克莱与石桥之间一段搞笑对话
So what's my role? Apart from sitting duck? 我除了坐以待毙以外还能干什么
You grab the girl. She'll make a perfect shield. 拿那个女孩做盾牌
Doesn't sound very chivalrous. But I like it. 不够骑士风度,但是我喜欢

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-21 14:03:00 +0800 CST  
uck! Get down! 低头

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-21 14:03:00 +0800 CST  
Gotcha. 等同于Got you的连读,明白了
gimme. 也是 Give it to me的连读
一个同学天天喊Seeya. 即为See you 的连读,再见

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-21 14:04:00 +0800 CST  
The 。。。's kicking in. I'm up for a road trip. 矛啡——知道是哪个词吧?——起作用了
He's bleeding out. 不停出血
We're gonna patch you up. 包扎

继Scott取笑那辆借来的破车:You call this piece of shit a car? 之后
石桥也看不起它:You need "a" car
you and I are taking one of those Janjaweed technicals.就是出现的那种敞篷吉普车,可以架机枪的那种

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-21 14:06:00 +0800 CST  
E5 over

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-21 14:07:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-27 12:58:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-27 12:59:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-12-06 11:23:00 +0800 CST  

Pull back here, aim, pull the trigger.最简单的射击指导
sniper rifles狙击步枪
They're gaining!他们追上来了
I'm gonna draw the fire. 吸引火力
No ammo! I'm out of ammo!没子弹了
Government troops. 政府军
Army checkpoint.军事检查站
I'll namedrop Matak, we'll get an escort back to Khartoum.namedrop 抬出某人大名,扯虎皮做大旗
escort 护卫

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-12-06 11:29:00 +0800 CST  
They're prepping him for surgery.我认为这个词其实就是prepare的简写。
he can recover from his wounds
I understood he survived the surgery.
So far, yes, but complications do occur.并发症
You're the surgeon. 外科医生,本集还出现了shrink 心理医生

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-12-06 11:33:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-12-06 11:34:00 +0800 CST  

He's stalling.牲畜关进畜舍,指的是黑人部长在出事后对女上校避而不见,stall
同理,还有Kill the lights! 关上车灯,kill比shut更形象

Rest assured, Minister. 请放心——这话说得好有威胁感啊。

I know self-loathing when I see it. How reckless that can make a man. self-loathing悔恨
Redemption costs. 赎罪是要付出代价的
You will be willing, in time…when you have lost your taste for ultimatums. 当你丧失了基本的人性时
rescue some damsel in distress. 拯救陷于危难的少女

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-12-06 11:46:00 +0800 CST  
Take the wheel.你来开车,wheel可以指方向盘或者车轮,具体意思看上下文
Pull over.停车
This conversation is off the record. 非正式的
Damien said you were a ball breaker.难对付的人
This operation was not officially sanctioned.没有得到官方批准
I took a calculated risk.可控风险,预期风险
This would fit that scenario.符合实际情况
Probably nothing, it's an oil burn or a blip. blip雷达图像上的光点

do me a favor。帮忙 return the favor 回报

I've been arrested for trafficking arms。traffic交通运输,traffick 非法运输
Londonvetoed the mission. veto 否决 vote 投票 vote for 投赞成票
Send a chopper 直升机,标准名称为helicopter,下文的口语说是“bird”
It's a long shot, but they might have had a bird out here. long shot 大胆


楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-12-06 11:59:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2012-10-30 20:49:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2020-11-14 12:01:46 +0800 CST


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