【strike back】【学英语私家贴】

E6 over

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-12-06 12:00:00 +0800 CST  
一直忙毕业, 偶然回来看看第四季什么时候出,才发现居然这帖子还在首页?真要谢谢支持了

楼主 noburn  发布于 2013-05-24 09:31:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 noburn  发布于 2014-05-27 15:40:00 +0800 CST  
地点:PristinaAirport, Kosova(普里斯蒂娜机场科索沃)

一大叔Mr. Bailey
一美女:economicadvisor from Erasmus University of Rotterdam,经济顾问,来自于鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学
一官僚: Memberof the European Parliament欧洲议会议员。后面有EU Mission欧盟代表团,European Union欧盟。两者的关系类似于,欧盟是政体,欧洲议会是政府。
一特工:JohnAllen, posing as a trade delegate假扮贸易代表,实际上是Ml6's expert on White Muslim Terror

awful line 信号不好
sub-committee 小组委员会,比committee低一级。生物学中,species物种,Subspecies亚种
on standby 待命
Serbian communism 塞尔维亚共产主义
appreciate your invaluable advice 非常正式的感谢和评价,这里就是讽刺意味
Infrastructure privatization. 基础设施民营化
shopping complex,比shopping mall的商店种类更多点,有吃喝玩乐的地方
air con, air-condition的简写
catchy ,词根是catch,引人注意的
Or we cud holiday @ home this year,一条短信就把男友变成前男友,不太明白,是因为男友太宅,而美女喜欢找刺激?

楼主 noburn  发布于 2014-05-27 15:41:00 +0800 CST  
Fake orgasm,很普遍的现象,知道女人在床上最经常说的一句话是什么吗?


楼主 noburn  发布于 2014-05-27 15:44:00 +0800 CST  
She's really talented. That's brilliant. 表扬用语

楼主 noburn  发布于 2014-05-27 15:46:00 +0800 CST  

主要恐怖份子Fatmir Hasani
one-time member of the Kosovan Liberation Army科索沃解放军,前成员
the biggest heroin trafficker in the Balkans巴尔干地区,读贩,那个词我也别翻译了,反正发不出来,后面还有smack读品交易
amounts to his own state相当于一个国家

次要恐怖分子Agim Rama,表兄弟齐上阵,组织了attackon the US Marine Base in the Philippines袭击菲律宾美国海军基地,bombings in London伦敦爆炸案

a joint op联合行动
maximum security prison最高戒备监狱
civilian cover 平民身份掩护
kidnap绑架,hostage人质, demand 要求
In return for the hostages, Hasani's demanding the release of Agim Rama...we didn't negotiate with terrorists.不跟恐怖分子谈判,也不能一概而论吧
And, according to Gerald Crawford, theBritish intelligence officer (John Allen)working is for Latif. 三个人的关联交代清楚了
interrogate 审讯
We don't happen to know why. Happen用在这里有调侃意味,真不巧,我们也不知道为什么
Project Dawn. 呼应了第一集

楼主 noburn  发布于 2014-05-27 16:03:00 +0800 CST  
We're onto Allen追查
detours to Kosovo. 绕道
Not everything's a conspiracy 阴谋.Could just be a coincidence 巧合.
take that chance 冒险,试试看

楼主 noburn  发布于 2014-05-27 16:08:00 +0800 CST  
Handler: Paris, Zeus, Magenta 三个上级代号
Trojan Horse 特洛伊木马的招数都快被用烂了

楼主 noburn  发布于 2014-05-27 16:10:00 +0800 CST  
that's just a quality 生活品质
Nice bike,motorbike,都指摩托车
Cyanide pill到底是什么样的信仰才能毫无畏惧的服毒呢

楼主 noburn  发布于 2014-05-27 16:21:00 +0800 CST  
They look pissed. 生气,angry太书面
Heads or tails, buddy? 猜正反
magnetic charge电磁起爆器
in broad daylight,in front of witnesses.大庭广众之下
That was not the mission. That wasnot the priority.
a blown mission 搞砸了
the entire Austrian Police Force on full alert 全体戒备
Something didn't smell right. He'sgot a great sense of smell. Smell当feel用
depart from the agreed movement order? 偏离行动计划
Are we sticking to the movement orderon this one?执行行动计划

楼主 noburn  发布于 2014-05-27 16:26:00 +0800 CST  
Rough Guide to Kosovo
Lawless narco-state with token UN peacekeeping force. 翻译的好文艺,毒品帝国无法无天,维和部队似有还无
Languages spoken
Corruption endemic.

Wanna give me a hand, princess? 帮帮忙
I'm paraphrasing here 用自己的语言解释
Ah, Sounds like Brighton. 英国城市,人家也不怕黑
trade in human organs人体器官交易。我对各种喝醉了、被绑架了然后被割肾的报道持怀疑态度,肾不是割来就能用的好不好,你好歹验个血型啊
Last but not least 作报告时最后一点常用的提示语

楼主 noburn  发布于 2014-05-27 16:32:00 +0800 CST  
What would they want with us? Want with介词什么的用法可意会
Duct tape. 那种布制厚胶带
I apologize for your ordeal.折磨
In an hour or so 大约
be free to leave. 任意
Thank you…sir. 这里处理的挺细致,老头停一停之后加了一句sir,老太太恶心的看了他一眼

楼主 noburn  发布于 2014-05-27 16:36:00 +0800 CST  
就从season 5 第一集重新开始吧

楼主 noburn  发布于 2015-06-18 15:17:00 +0800 CST  
Season 5, episode 1

楼主 noburn  发布于 2015-06-18 15:18:00 +0800 CST  
泰国曼谷 Bangkok, Thailand
ladyboy 人妖
muay thai 泰拳

楼主 noburn  发布于 2015-06-18 15:20:00 +0800 CST  
1. 大使一家人
Robin Foster, Ambassador
副大使 Malcolm, Deputy Ambassador
北朝鲜将军及代表团General Ong Ji-Woo and the North Korean delegation.

2. Section 20
Philip, Colonel,依然健在的20分部领导
Damien Scott, 通常充当Bravo Two
Mike Stonebridge, Sgt Stonebridge, 通常充当 Bravo One
Martinez 和Richmond 分别在解救人质和潜入酒吧两场戏中充当Bravo Three,而另一人充当“zero”。明显是说Richmond —— “she's hot.”

3. Garland, Private Garland 江湖消息灵通人士
He's ex-militaryintelligence. He's got a bar that fronts for a safe house for any freelancers who are passing through. He runs in dodgy circles.

4. 反派
Ray McQueen
Aaron, muscle for his cousin, Ray McQueen. He's alunatic. Killed a man once in the Octagon. 有着以一抵两的实力

楼主 noburn  发布于 2015-06-18 15:29:00 +0800 CST  
整集中只有大使说过成段的台词,别人都是言简意赅,只有gogogo, move,clear。。。


1. 剧集一开始
When I was young, my father used to tell methat there were very few differences that cannot be settled by a good honestchat across a table. I look forward to proving him right. I would like topersonally welcome General Ong Ji-Woo and the North Korean delegation. I wouldlike to stress that their satellite launches and long range tests are just that...

2. 参加谈判之前
What we have to realize is that it's up tous to help North Korea break out of this cycle of agreeing to and thenterminating conferences about its nuclear weapons programme. Clearly, theycannot be allowed to carry on selling their nuclear technology to countries likeIran, Syria, Pakistan. These talks are absolutely crucial in not only bringingboth sides together, but also increasing their standing in the internationalcommunity.

3. 把炸弹带到朝鲜代表团驻地时
I have dedicated my life to peace, tried tofind ways to bring people together, to find ways of saving lives and avoidingconflict. I've shown humility before cruel and brutal men because I believethat violence is not the answer. Violence can never solve the differences wehave. Violence cannot win the peace. I believe all these things, General, butwhat I know is that none of this means anything without my daughter. I am sosorry.

楼主 noburn  发布于 2015-06-18 15:37:00 +0800 CST  

1. Affirmative, negative 不是简单的yes no

2. 各种代号
Bravo One, Bravo Two, Bravo Three, BravoTeam, Zero

3. 看见,不用see,用eyes on或者visual

Eyes on two targets.
We got eyes on the girl.
No eyes on McQueen.
No visual on McQueen.

4. 各种指代
Eyes on two targets. 目标人物 target
op's out. 目标人物 op
hostage is gone. 人质 hostage

5. 各种战术用语
In position. 就位
stand by 预备
Copy that. roger that. 听见
Clear. The girls are clear. 地方或者人物已经安全。
On me. 跟着我
I'm in pursuit. 追踪
Send sit-ref. 战情汇报

debrief 简报
Heads up 注意
we've been made 暴露
we blow it. 搞砸任务

楼主 noburn  发布于 2015-06-18 15:56:00 +0800 CST  
Scott 和 Stonebridge去找Garland时
this is about business. 公事公办

He's done a high-profile snatch and grab 高调的抓捕/绑架

楼主 noburn  发布于 2015-06-18 16:02:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2012-10-30 20:49:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2020-11-14 12:01:46 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



