【strike back】【学英语私家贴】

Kilo in position.(K for kate)
Delta in position.(D for Damien,没办法,估计S已经被石桥抢注了)
平时讲电话时,如果不容易讲清楚时也需要用类似的指代,比如,你叫Bra,直接跟人家说B-R-A很容易听成听错,这时就需要说B for Boy,R for Rose,A for Ace。

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-02 22:20:00 +0800 CST  

Confirming targets.确认目标
Target visual!发现目标
Targets on the move!目标移动
Give me status.汇报情况
Capture, not kill.活捉
If I hadn't taken him out, he would've killed you.学多两种同义词吧
reconfigure some of the images 恢复图像
Connolly's in the wind.跟丢了
I think he made us. 暴露
Someone call an ambulance!Get a medic! 求医问诊
Well, I can brief him in Cyber Ops.网络战
Patch this through.转接(电话)
I'm in pursuit. 追击
Charlie one is a gray-panel van heading north.为什么叫Charlie one?
Negative positive比说Yes No 拽多了
I was followed.被跟踪

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-02 22:28:00 +0800 CST  
A cloudy start for the day, but clear skies are expected to revert later.至于说那么多吗,不就是多云转晴吗?
It's a green light.“批准”的形象说法
Kid gloves. “小心谨慎”的形象说法,原意小羊羔皮手套——很贵的
play hide the sausage with Kate.外遇的形象说法,sausage香肠,不解释
Good things come to those who wait.
My enemy's enemy is my friend.

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-02 22:33:00 +0800 CST  
the British High Commission 高级专员公署
Criminal Intelligence liaison with the South African police.某种官职
My security is more than adequate.比万无一失还要万无一失
I was asked to report on Saddam's weapons stock.第一次知道萨达姆的英文名字
Whitehall 英国白厅,指代政府
White House 美国白宫,指代政府

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-02 22:41:00 +0800 CST  
Can I grab a Laphroaig on the rocks, please?看来是Scott的favorite
Just give him a scotch. Neat.Laphroaig就是一种威士忌
Can you make that two? 来两杯

You are to follow every order you are given to the T。

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-02 22:45:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-02 22:47:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-07 20:53:00 +0800 CST  
One day you're gonna be where I am and you're gonna have to make these decisions for yourself.
I gave him an informed choice. He volunteered.

If he didn't drive a lorry full of Semtex into the barracks that he would kill his family in front of him.
Semtex塞姆汀塑胶炸药,后面Kate还担心过两种东西Talking Sarin? Talking VX? 一种是Sarin 甲氟膦酸异丙酯,沙林毒气 另一种是VX, 乙基毒气(一种极其致命的极毒神经性毒气的代号);维克斯毒气——不知道这几个词会不会被禁发
The explosion killed five soldiers, and maimed dozens. 致死,致残
Daniel Connolly is not a man to keep his promises.守信,keep promise

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-07 21:03:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-07 21:19:00 +0800 CST  

Override the security.突破安全防线
Cracking the access code破译密码
The worm will then allow me to remotely bypass the proprietary firewall and work on the system from here.蠕虫病毒,远程绕过本地防火墙
hacking into the system will bypass the base site security and avoid triggering the alarm.

Authentication failed授权失败
Code incorrect命令无效
Code accepted命令已接受
Enter login输入口令
Access granted准许访问
User not recognised未知用户名
Password accepted密码正确
virus detected
system compromised
警告 :发现病毒系统受损

dir/[email protected]
D-I-R, Slash, root at 10, Dot, 105, Dot, 0, dot, 57.

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-07 21:21:00 +0800 CST  
Mahmood. Pakistani weapons scientist. she's on ATAT's payroll. Mahmood and Bratton. It's in Baghdad in 2003. Days before Porter got him out of there.
Bratton and ATAT intended on planting a chemical weapons stock, in Iraq, giving the Pentagon hawks what they wanted and making a killing when the war started.

ATAT公司的门上写着 Authorized personnel only闲人止步
there'll be anti-ram barriers, acoustic, infrared sensors, ballistic-resistant entry points. You name it. 高级密码锁,声控装置,红外探测器,防弹门
Most likely a biometric key. Retinal scan, fingerprint match...生物锁,视网膜扫描,指纹核对

It's a bit late to find your spine. 现在才想装硬骨头是不是有点晚了?

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-07 21:29:00 +0800 CST  
live fast, die young
So, what happens if you don't die? Who would you rather see in the mirror in 20 years time? A happy masseuse with a couple of kids, or just some cold-hearted soulless bitch with black holes for eyes?

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-07 21:31:00 +0800 CST  
Connolly 看到同伙被 Kate 揍过之后说
It's true what they say. You can take the girl out of Ireland.
google 原文,发现是You can take the girl out of Ireland, but you can't take Ireland out of the girl.没有上下文,就不太确定具体意思,大概是指爱尔兰姑娘的“英雄本色”?话说我们老板就是爱尔兰姑娘,我得小心点。

Scott问Connolly:Why'd you change the schedule?
Connolly反问:Are you getting cold feet? 临阵退缩

ATAT军事顾问抱怨说:I put my neck on the block for you. 我为你抛头颅洒热血上了断头台

爱尔兰人 Connolly 称呼英国人为 the Colonial enemy
还与 kate 探讨了一下人生,亮点在最后一句,这人得有多么杀气外露啊
Did you always want to be a cold-blooded butcher?
I always wanted to be a jockey. On the level. When I was 15, I jumped school, and hopped on a bus to Fermanagh to work at a stable out there. You know, mucking out, grooming. I even got to ride a couple of times. It was the greatest week of my life. And then on a Saturday, the head lad calls me in and says, "We have to let you go."
Why was that?
I frightened the horses.

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-07 21:40:00 +0800 CST  
Grenade! Get down!...Another grenade!

看着 kate 壮烈牺牲,想哭。。。
We have an anti-handling device.反拆除装置
There's a tilt switch, yeah? 倾斜开关
That mercury moves, it'll detonate.

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-07 21:43:00 +0800 CST  

Southern Kosovo科索沃南部
电话中提到Kwarfet's contact is still in place.

Maputo, Mozambiquecoast马普托,莫桑比克海岸
I'd like it to be you. Soldier to Soldier.
You were never a soldier.

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-07 21:46:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-07 21:49:00 +0800 CST  
Darfur, Western Sudan
Mombasa, Kenya
Khartoum, Sudan

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-21 11:07:00 +0800 CST  
发生地点:Primary care clinic [初级护理诊所]
Doctor Clare Somersby
Subin 一闪而过的黑人女护士
Najim 黑人小男孩,以及他可怜的母亲。They were collecting firewood. “捡柴火”那么土的词都有英文翻译。The Janjaweed came. 金戈威德(阿拉伯民兵组织)

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-21 11:29:00 +0800 CST  
she's been stabbed and raped too. 刺伤,以及不让我翻译的词
She's hemorrhaging completely. 大出血
We'll need to operate.手术
She's stable. (病情)稳定
she's still sedated. 镇静昏迷中
Clare, we have had this discussion. We cannot save everyone.
Enough talk of martyrdom [殉难,牺牲]. We have to survive, or else our purpose here will become meaningless.
They are talismans. Very powerful.很强大的护身符
5.I think we should split up.Maybe there's a way I can draw them, create a diversion. 声东击西

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-21 11:33:00 +0800 CST  
The convoy is leaving.

楼主 noburn  发布于 2012-11-21 11:37:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2012-10-30 20:49:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2020-11-14 12:01:46 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



