
Born April 2011
Our Auntie, the Charleston lioness has taken great care of us since our Mum died in January 2012. We are venturing out on our own more these days. Follow our stories here.
2011年4月查尔斯顿兄弟出生于 Kirkman's Kamp 营地,它们的父亲是著名的KNP雄狮联盟兄弟,普遍认为是老k的大哥Limper所生。KNP雄狮联盟由两头强悍的大雄狮组成,它们来至于克鲁格地区,在与地主雄狮联盟土伦3兄弟争夺萨比森南部领土的时候以少胜多的击败了对手,夺得了南部狮王的宝座!

图片中左边的是老k大哥 Limper ,右边是老k Freddy!

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Morning stroll

A flash from the past. This is a tender moment shared between the current Charleston lioness and her late mother. This granny was one amazing (yet mean) lioness. Apple didn't fall to far from the tree I suppose...JP Joubert

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:30:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:31:00 +0800 CST  
April 25 2011
photo by Kirkman's Kamp
'charleston Pride killed u huge male warthog on the main road. James or Bruce, if you've got some more photos - please share!
查尔斯顿狮群在Kirkman's营地一条主干道上杀死了一头疣猪 ,图片中的这头母狮应该是查尔阿姨14岁的母亲

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
2011年5月16日 ,两天后老k不甘落后,也和查尔斯顿的母狮在交配,对象也是查尔阿姨的母亲!

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:32:00 +0800 CST  
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
good news- Charlston mother of 3 found this pm, den sight just off Kingston break...
from Lion Sands May 2011
The two large Kruger Males still remain a regular sighting on the property and continue to move between several lionesses of the Southern Pride as well as all the lionesses of the smaller Charleston Pride. They continue to move between Kirkmans and Lion Sands and can often be found in the eastern section of the property, but have recently been seen crossing the Sabie River into the Kruger National Park, before once again returning to Lion Sands.
The Charleston Pride, Lion Sands dominant lion pride, was once again seen on an almost daily basis during April and May. They continue to move between Lion Sands and their old territory of Kirkmans towards the east. There have also been some new developments in the Charleston Pride, with one of the lionesses giving birth to three healthy cubs. The cubs are in the region of 2 months old and mother and cubs can often been seen in the eastern section of Lion Sands in a large drainage line off Hammerkop road.
KNP联盟雄狮兄弟继续在Kirkmans和Lion Sands游走,它们游走于南部狮群和查尔斯顿这个小狮群之间, 它们经常能够被在东部地区发现,但是最近发现在它们回到Lion Sands之前,被发现在克鲁格公园正在穿越Sabie河流, 他们尝试接管Hilda’s Rock狮群!
查尔斯顿狮群在Lion Sands地区是处于主导地位的狮群,它们在四月到五月期间几乎每天都能够被看到,他们继续游走于Lion Sands地区和他们过去的领地之间。最近查尔斯顿狮群中发生了新的变化,一只母狮生育了三只健康的幼崽,幼崽现在大概两个月大(也就是说查尔兄妹出生于4月初),幼崽们和他们的妈妈经常能在Lion Sands的东部地区Hammerkop路外侧的排水口处被看到。 他们游走于Lion Sands和自己老的领地之间,但是最近他们在Lion Sands度过的时间更多,三只幼崽上个月被报道他们长得很强壮也很健康,而且被确定是一男两女(这个确定最后证实是错的,应该是一女两男),这些幼崽成长得很快,查尔兄妹已经能够跟随妈妈将食物从一个地方移动到较远的地方了!
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
cubs trying their luck

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:33:00 +0800 CST  
Lion Sands, Sabi Sands Private Game Reserve
2011年8月1日 Michael Moss Wildlife Photography 上传的照片,所以可能不是及时照片。这应该是在7月份拍摄到的母亲与查尔3兄妹的图片,它们健康活泼可爱!





楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:33:00 +0800 CST  
A blast from the past. Photo by Mike Moss August 2011

Aug 23 2011

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
lions- charlston pride 4 lionesses, 3 cubs. cubs getting very big were seen playing along the sand river this morning.
leopard- been abit quite, lots of tracks, nothing for the last 2 days.
lots of buffalo, ele along the rivers.
some of the summer migrants are returning.
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
interesting morning, charlston pride with 3 cubs and one kruger male feeding on a old buffalo, of which they scavenged. not even 100m away southern pride were seen hunting huge herd of buffalo, 6 lionesses with the other kruger male. furthest north the southern pride has been seen. pushing in on the charlston pride territory... very interesting
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Got back Yesterday! Thanks to Elliot, Johpet and Thomas! Actually Thanks to Everyone! You guys are awesome!!!!
Sept 2011

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Young Charleston cub with a taste for people pie
Sept 30 2011

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
10月7日 在Kirkman's营地查尔阿姨与查尔妈妈正在游戏。已经有一段时间没有看到查尔阿姨母亲的踪影了,它这个时候应该已经在某个隐蔽的地方生下来它一生中最后的一胎幼崽!

Photos courtesy of Debra Meece Wortman
Lion Sands Oct 2011
2011年10月查尔妈妈出现在Lion Sands,3兄妹也在身旁

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:34:00 +0800 CST  
Photos courtesy of Debra Meece Wortman
Lion Sands Oct 2011
with KNP males
2011年10月查尔狮群与老k哥俩在Lion Sands营地,老k的肩高不错,腿显得很长,它正在讨好查尔妈妈



by Kirkman's Kamp Oct 25 2011
2011年10月25日回到Kirkman's Kamp营地的查尔狮群,图一躺着的两头小狮子应该就是查尔兄妹


楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:35:00 +0800 CST  
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
the Newest addition to the Charleston pride
Oct 30 2011

Photos courtesy of Debra Meece Wortman
Lion Sands Oct 2011
**this is one of the cubs we have now
查尔狮群来到Lion Sands 营地



楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:36:00 +0800 CST  

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Three new unkown males on kirkmans
2011年11月10日3头年轻正在流浪的无名雄狮出现在查尔狮群的主要领地Kirkman's 营地,它们正是将来查尔兄弟的宿敌沙河联盟,同时它们将来将会打败并取代楼下的两位著名的雄狮夺得南部的话语权!

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve

KNP male &Charleston female Nov 21 2011 by Paul Bester ~ Kirkmans Kamp
3天后老k也出现在了 Kirkmans营地,它正与查尔的母狮缠绵

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:37:00 +0800 CST  
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Nov 27 2011


Charleston pride and Kruger males after a buffalo kill by Kirkmans Kamp

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve


Mon Jan 16
From Paul Rocky Bester ~ Kirkman's Kamp
charlstons lost another member to the southerns last night. lioness got beaten badly, and had her back broken. southern pride were very vocal last night, and this morning were spread all over the reserve. no sign of any charlston members. this could be the last of the charlstons, with no males for backing. sad times..
Paul Rocky Bester it was the lioness with the 7 month old cubs, so as it stands now, only one lioness stands with a sub-adult who is still not hunting.
Paul Rocky Bester 14 yr old lioness died in november by southerns . they were over thrown, while on a giraffe kill. lioness was never seen again.
Linda Pettit .......Charlestons were down to only 3 lionesses (after the 14 yr old lioness died recently ) - the young 2 year old female - the two older females have the cubs. These two prides had a fight on 2 Jan 2012 as well but all came out ok. obviously not this time....
so as it stands now, only one lioness stands with a sub-adult who is still not hunting
waiting on word of remaining 7 month old cubs
Just in from Kirkman's Kamp via Paul Rocky Bester
charlston pride were found last night all 4 cubs counted for. as it stands now one lioness about 4 years old with a 4 month cub, 1 sub-adult with a blind eye, and three 7 month old cubs,( 2 males 1 female) . sub-adult still too young to hunt, so survival rests on the shoulders of only one lion.. tough times..
The prides survival now rests on the shoulders of one 4 yrs old lioness. How will she manage?
战斗结束后的第二天,南部狮群的16名成员正在 Kirkman's 营地寻找食物,似乎想扩大它们的领土。两个狮群一度非常接近,但查尔阿姨成功的带着所有的5个孤儿安全离开了这是非之地!
from Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
only one 7 month old cub was seen from the charlston pride this morning.. pride not in good shape.
6天后的早上,查尔狮群只有一个7月大的幼崽被看到, .狮群处于一个不好的状态!
from Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
fantastic news for charlston pride,, all cubs alive and well. killed a young giraffe this morning
Just in from Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Another member of the Charleston pride was killed this morning by the southern pride, the sub adult had an injured eye as a result of a previous fight with the larger pride and so was severly disadvantaged during the fight. Were Still looking for the remainder of the Charleston pride.

Kirkman's Kamp retracted her death but say she's in very bad shape.
Feb 6 2012
from Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Confusing reports came from Kirkman's regarding the young lioness. First report was the Southern Pride had killed her....then later they reported she was seriously injured. Her eye damage happened in the fight they had a week or so ago. This time she had bites to her back end.
The charleston pride was found this morning without the injured female,she was seen walking on her own yesterday after the attack which is promising although in a very bad way. The smallest cub has also not been seen in 5 days but with all the drama that has happened she maybe hidden away.
The southern pride left kirkmans shorlty only to return with the knp males. Another pride was seen at our ecologists house (eye field or skukuza?) So the charlestons are between two prides at the moment,hopefully they dont bump into each other tonight.
同一天2012年2月6日,Kirkman's营地撤回了有关查尔亚成年母狮的死讯,而是说她现在的状况很糟糕 。来自Kirkman关于年轻母狮的令人感到疑惑的报道。第一条消息是说南部狮群杀死了她,之后他们又说她是严重受伤。她的眼睛在一周以前的打斗中受伤了,这一次她被咬伤到了背部。 查尔斯顿失群今早上被发现了,但是没有看到受伤的亚成年母狮,她昨天被发现独自一人在行走,在受伤后虽然它的状况并不好,但是看起来似乎还是有希望的。最小的那只幼崽也已经有5天没有被看到了,它有可能是躲起来了。南部狮群短暂的离开 kirkmans后又和KNP雄狮一起回来了。另外一个狮群被发现在我们生态学家的房子旁(有可能是solo三人组或者skukuza)。因此查尔斯顿现在游走于两个狮群中间,希望他们今晚不要相遇!
Wed Feb 8
From Kirkman's Kamp
The missing lioness was found on our soccer field today,sadly she did not make it. (sub adult)
Pride is down to one lioness raising the 3 orphaned cubs
走失的查尔亚成年母狮今天被我们发现在我们的足球场上,不幸的是她却没有活下来。狮群剩下一只母狮在抚养余下的三个孤儿 !
from Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Great news for the Charleston pride, the only surviving adult managed to kill an adult Kudu bull last night, food for a few days for her and her growing family
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
charlston cubs take down there 1st animal this morning, a young kudu... cubs just under 1 year old amazing.. very interesting one sick lioness from the southern pride has been seen following the remaining charlston pride.

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:38:00 +0800 CST  
the Charleston Pride cubs with their first kill Feb 13 photo by Kirkman's Kamp

Feb 15
from Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
interesting morning on the battlefield, eyefeild males one with half a tail, hunting a big herd of buffalo. buffalo stood their growned and eventually chassed of the threat... amazing sighting.. charlston pride were seen with the hildasrock pride from knp... very interesting..
今天看到solo三人组正在狩猎水牛,有趣的是查尔狮群被认为与KNP兄弟还有Hilda's Rock 狮群在一起
From Lion Sands
Brandon was out this morning clearing some roads with Raymond. There after some of the rangers decided to go for a drive around to see what was out there. Their comments.... " Awesome morning drive! Definitely a lion day starting with the Southern pride that had killed a wildebeest but were chased off by the KNP males. The Charlston pride female and 3 cubs were found off Skukuza road with the Hilda’s rock pride just down the road. 4 males of the Sand river pride were also found chasing buffalo on the Sand river. A young male leopard was found hunting but was lost in dense bush. Various rhino and elephant sightings were dotted all over the property. Puza manzi hyena clan were found playing in a pool in the melechuaan river bed." Unfortunately it was a working drive so no cameras were taken.
第二天查尔阿姨带着3个幼崽行走在Lion Sands营地的Skukuza路上,Hilda’s rock狮群也在同一条路上行走。还目击到4头来至于沙河狮群的雄狮在追赶水牛到了沙河河岸边,,,,
from Richard De Gouveia ~ Sabi Sabi
to Linda Petit .., there have been amazing changes happening to the pride lately. After the Southern Pride killed 2 of the 3 Charleston lions the injured female has been hanging around with the remaining Charleston female. It will be interesting to see whether she will be accepted into the pride... There is also some MAJOR news for the Southern Pride as one of the females is pregnant and is scouting out potential Den sites on Sabi Sabi. This could again change the dynamics of the pride and may cause a split to occur...we will just have to wait and see!
Feb 21
From Kirkman's Kamp via Jacques-Pierre Joubert
Charleston Pride was seen this morning. Adult female with the 3 cubs. They're looking great, apart from being a tad hungry. Hopefully we'll see them hunting tonight...
Feb 24
From Kirkman's Kamp via Jacques-Pierre Joubert
Charleston pride was seen this morning. They looked in awesome condition. Gonna look for them this arvie again.
KNP males were seen last night aswell as morning. They are patrolling their territory and looking for the charleston pride at the same time.
from Kirkman's Kamp via Jacques-Pierre Joubert
Another epic afternoon at Kirkmans Kamp. Found the Charleston Pride on a giraffe kill, southern pride lioness sleeping close to the lodge
Update on the lone Charleston lioness & giraffe....this is from Jacques-Pierre Joubert, Kirkmans Kamp
'Lone female indeed killed a fully grown Giraffe on her own. We found where the struggle took place. Must've been Chaos! KNP males were in the furthest Western parts of the reserve patrolling their territory.'
Feb 28 2012
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Game viewing was pumping this morning. I found the Charleston Pride in the Sand River. They looked in great condition.
Mar 5 2012
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Charleston lioness and youngster - JP Joubert
The remaining lone lioness of the Charleston pride. Photo by JP Joubert ~ Kirkman's Kamp

Big yawn from charleston cub - JP Joubert ~ Kirkman's Kamp Mar 5 2012

Adult Lioness of the Charleston Pride that killed an adult kudu this morning - JP Joubert ~ Kirkman's Kamp
Epicness! Lions sleeping in the Sand River
photo by JP Joubert ~ Kirkman's Kamp
Mar 6 2012

Charleston pride female sleeping soundly last night
photo by JP Joubert ~ Kirkman's Kamp
Mar 9 2012

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:40:00 +0800 CST  
Mar 11 2012
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Charleston Pride is still on their Male Kudu kill.
Mar 12 2012
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
The Charleston lioness and her cubs were
lounging around after their Kudu meal.
from Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Awesome morning in the Bush. Southern Pride was found just outside the lodge. They are very close to the area where the Charleston Pride was seen last in.
April 2012
This little pride of one lioness & 3 13 month old cubs continue to thrive.
1 female & 2 males

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve

Apr 4

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:42:00 +0800 CST  
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Sprinting for safety through the Water
Cubs fighting before crossing to the river

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:43:00 +0800 CST  
Kirkman's Kamp said we were nice & full from an impala kill from the previous night.

Lion Sands Game Reserve
Assistant Head Ranger Landon Eades: While watching a large bull elephant feeding peacefully we could hear the distant roaring of lions to the east of us, making their presence known. . It didn’t take long for us to locate the pride (The 2 Kruger Males as well as the Charleston lioness with her three cubs). It was clear that they had made a recent kill as their bellies were heavily swollen.
A flash from the past.
Photos taken by Jane Nisbett Smart, May 2012 at Kirkmans Sabi Sands. The boys and sister very playful. Aunty looking gorgeous (as usual), and the 2 KNP males.
KNP雄狮兄弟来到Lion Sands看望查尔阿姨与他们的三个宝宝,男孩们与妹妹都很顽皮,而阿姨看上去仍然是那么的华丽!

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:44:00 +0800 CST  
From Lion Sands May 28 2012
Three Lion Prides in a day
The first lion pride to be located was the Charleston Pride. The lone lioness and three cubs were located in the eastern sector of the property, relaxing in the shade of a Tamboti thicket. A few minutes later, one of the Rangers located the eight females and ten cubs of the Southern Pride in the western sector of the property, relaxing in the Mlechuaan River in the shade of a large Acacia Tree. To top off the drive, the Hilda’s Rock Pride was later found on the banks of the Sabie River, where the four females and three males were relaxing along the water’s edge.
All the vehicles out on game drive had an incredible sighting of one or other of these lion prides, photographs a constant reminder of these incredible encounters. An impressive way to end off another week at Lion Sands. For more interesting sightings and updates visit the Lion Sands Private Game Reserves Facebook Group.
今天阿姨带着3只一岁一个月的查尔兄妹在Lion Sands营地的东部的灌木丛中放松的休息,同时在这个营地的西部看到了8只南部狮群的母狮带着10只小狮子在一颗大树的树荫下,而就在 Sabie河对岸也发现了Hilda’s Rock 的4只成年母狮与三头雄狮。

June 5
from Kirkman's kamp
"The charleston pride was also seen but they missed a Kudu cow."

Lion Sands Game Reserve
Assistant Head Guide, Landon Eades : This morning we had an amazing sighting of a young male lion trying to get to an impala kill that a leopard had hoisted. Lions are not as good as leopards are when it comes to climbing and maneuvering around trees. The leopard kill was hoisted right in the canopy of the tree on branches that were just out of reach from the lion. Reluctantly, the lion eventually gave up and made his way down...nose first!!!!!

Lion Sands Game Reserve
Assistant Head Guide, Landon Eades : 19th June - this morning we stopped for drinks on the banks of the Sand River...the scenery here is spectacular and there is always something of interest to see. In the distance we could hear a bushbuck alarming, a clear indication that a predator may be nearby. A few minutes later they appeared...the Charleston Pride crossing the river in full view for all to see. What an amazing sight!!!

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reservehe charlston pride killed a kudu in the sand river this morning( and chased xovo up a tree)
Schotia was also seen on a kill today.
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve

MalaMala Game Reserve
Charleston pride by Pieter van Wyk

7月5日 ,当再次看到它们的时候,阿姨正和它们在马拉马拉进食!

Lion Sands Game Reserve
Field Ranger Brandon Birch : Yesterday I was sitting with the charlston pride who were staring longingly at a giraffe. They didn’t notice the small herd of about 10 male buffalo approaching them until they were about 40 metres away. Expecting the small pride to turn and flee when they picked up on the presence of the buffalo, I was rather surprised as the lions started stalking the buffalo. I was totally taken aback when the lioness broke cover and started chasing the herd who turned tail and ran!
1 lioness versus 10 bull buffalo? Opportunistic to say the least! She gave chase but half heartedly, rather testing to see if there were any sick or young with them. No such luck for the small pride though, but still a lovely sighting!
一天后阿姨带着3个小兄妹从马拉马拉高速转移到了南部的lion sands营地,并且正在全神贯注的盯着不远处的长颈鹿,但它们没有注意到大约10雄性水牛正在接近它们,直到它们之间大约只有40米开外才反应到这个情况,我们希望这个小狮群立刻离开这个危险的牛群,但惊讶的发现它们却开始打牛群的主意。阿姨开始追逐牛群,虽然没有成功,但对于这样的一个小狮群来说,这仍然是美妙的一幕!

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
The Charleston pride with yet another kudu digesting in their Belly

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:45:00 +0800 CST  
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Eliot with his guests

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserveo we had an amazing sighting of hyena and lion interaction. The charlston pride then arrived and after chasing each other around settled down next to each other (the charlston cubs lying three meters from the skukuza pride at one stage). J.p will post pics soon I hope.
Field Ranger Jono Harper : The Charlston young male early a few days ago. I watched the three emerging cubs participate in a hunt on the open ares formaly known as the Toulon golf course.
This was the first time I have seen the cubs on the hunt, the adult started to stalk two Zebra for ten minutes or so and then as lions tend to do the cubs started to flank around the zebra with intent on chasing them into the adult. Unfortunatly thier little experience in the hunting department gave their precence away and the zebra shot away with a dust cloud behind them.

Update from Kirkman's Kamp....re: Charleston & Skukuza prides being together.
'Both sets of lions have gone their seperate ways,an unknown young male was seen very close to the charlstons this morning.'
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Another great day today.Hyena den very active with over 12 animals.Charlstons with another young male.Rollercoaster's son on a kill,Two unknown leopards seen and the eye field males seen!
Extra note regarding young male with them. ',he is still with the charlstons but the female keeps smacking him around.Very hard to watch as he is injured and too young to fend for him self.He is just desperate to be amongst other lions.Will be interesting to see what happens tommorrow
Injuries are not too bad,he looks under 2yrs old (same size as the charlston cubs) too young to be on his own.'昨天那头年轻的雄性小狮子今天与查尔狮群在一起,不过查尔阿姨在不断地拍打它,它还太年轻,无力反击,只能躲在查尔兄妹它们的后面。这只小雄狮受伤并不严重,它看起来只有两岁,和查尔兄妹一般大,还无法独立生存!

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:46:00 +0800 CST  
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
This morning the charlstons were found with the unknown youngster still with them.Eighteen members of the southern pride were also found late this morning.The guys are going to count the young males in the southern pride to see if any are missing.

We had a few really nice sightings of the Charleston pride. On the first day of the month we watched the lions trailing after a large herd of buffalo at Sibuye Drive. For these lions to execute a buffalo kill from a herd such as this would be a tremendous feat, considering that there is only one lioness that is mature enough and has the power and skill necessary for the task. It usually takes a few fully grown lionesses to bring down a buffalo, and even then there are no guarantees. Even with the odds stacked against them, the four lions were not short of courage as they ran among the buffalo and attempted to pick out an ‘easy’ target. This action carried on well into the night and judging by clues from the scene on the next day, it is safe to say that the buffalo won this particular battle. Three days later the Charleston Pride showed themselves again. This time they were much further south, close to the Flat Rocks. We became really excited when they spotted a young giraffe and began to actively stalk it, closing in on the giraffe. When they were just about in position, the giraffe managed to gallop away and the lions missed another opportunity. The three sub-adults are around fifteen months old now, and should be able to start contributing more significantly towards hunts. Interestingly, these sub-adults look just as developed, if not more so, as the young lions from the Styx pride that are a few months older. This may be due to the fact that they have no choice but to participate in hunts to assist their surrogate mother.查尔狮群正在追捕水牛,这是一个艰巨的任务,因为它们当中只有阿姨是成年狮子,并且只有她具备成熟的捕猎技巧与能力。通常围捕一头成年水牛需要几只成年的狮子合力完成,而且未必可以做到。即便如此,查尔狮群的4只狮子仍然不缺乏勇气。这次的围捕进行到了晚上,第二天我们看到水牛赢得了这场战斗的胜利。3天后查尔狮群再次出现,它们发现了一直年轻的长颈鹿。查尔兄妹大约15个月大了,它们已经能够在阿姨捕猎的时候给予更多的帮助,冥河狮群的亚成年比它们兄妹年长几个月,但它们看起来有一样大的体型,可能由于这是查尔兄妹不得不帮助这位代理母亲长期捕猎的缘故!

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:47:00 +0800 CST  
2012年8月10日 Kirkmans Kamp
This is first time that these cubs have attempted to hunt buffalo, At the moment the Lions are lying close to the swimming pool, unfortunately they were unsuccessful this time.

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
CRAZY LION POLITICS - the eyrefield males were roaring close to the soccer field by camp which sent the Remaining KNP male into a roaring frenzy who was a Kilometer away whilst the southern pride devoured a buffalo buff.
Not only that but the young Lioness from the Charleston pride is missing, the other members of the charleston pride did not look like they had been in a fight, so fingers crossed for the morning.
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reservehe
southern pride was seen on our boundry with the knp male.Sad news about the Charlston Pride they were seen with out the young female, looks like she has been killed.The young male with one eye is by the river,things dont look good for him either.
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Charleston Pride are still digesting their Kudu in the River bed, Scotia Female Killed an Impala and has hoisted it to keep it safe from the four hyenas that are sitting under the tree. Xovonekela looks like he is mating with the Stained eye female .
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
The first rains of the season have arrived - a gentle, soaking rain anticipated to continue into tomorrow. The bush is already looking sparkly and new, as the layer of dust covering everything dissipates. This morning saw the two Eyrefield males roaming the open areas near Skukuza airport, as well as lots of zebra and rain soaked impala looking very sorry for themselves! The Charlston pride were on a bull kudu kill yesterday evening in the Sand River, with the son of the Rollercoaster leopard hunting bushbuck in the reeds next to the giant sycamore fig, and the Schotia female lounging in a Jackalberry tree next to the Msutu river all day along... 'Tis a good life!
from the Mala Mala Aug game report
(3 sightings)
The Charleston Pride enjoyed a relatively good month of sightings. Throughout the winter, they have been spending more time to the north of the Sand River. It is likely that we would enjoy even more sightings of them, although their domain is in an area not often travelled. This pride has been devastated by bad luck in recent times, and this month was no different. The sub adult female has been missing since around the 16th of
August and is now presumed dead. It is believed that the pride had a confrontation with the Selati Pride and the young female was on the wrong end of the battle. This is a terrible blow to the pride whose numbers were already depleted. At least the adult female is an experienced hunter and assistance from the young males is mounting daily as they mature. As with last month, these lions were seen on occasion trailing the large herd of
buffalo which has been passing through that area. Although the lions made a few attempts, the sub adults will need to gain more experience before they will be able to execute a kill of this nature.
查尔斯顿狮群成员= 3名
(马拉马拉保护区给出查尔阿姨的年龄报告与Kirkman's出入非常大,K营地在今年一月份提到查尔阿姨当时只有4岁。个人认为Kirkman's Kamp 营地对查尔狮群的年龄报告更加准确,因为查尔狮群属于这个营地的管辖,而且这个营地也是查尔狮群的常驻地)

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Charlstons on a kill

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Two young unknown males were seen with the charlstons last night, the Charlston female was not tolerating them at all, growling and swatting them with her paws. This morning diffrent story, all lions lying next to each other, trying to warm up in the rain.Then ALL four males greeted the female by rubbing up against her(no aggression from her at all). Could the Charlstons be getting a bit bigger?? Time will tell..
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserveles
Update at Kirkmans for the past few days: leopards have been everywhere (all of them) The eyrefield males were seen,looking very stong and healthy.The Toulon males were chasing the eyefield males out of kirkmans this morning.
The Southern pride has also been seen most days.The Charlston pride not only has two new members but a third trying to join them(maybe the charlston female is starting an orphanage for the lions of the sabie sands LOL) The general game has also been good and the bush is transforming every day.

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:48:00 +0800 CST  
Charleston male and the unknown one

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
The charlestons were seen today, looking very good, just the female and the original two youngsters.


Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Charleston pride female looking fantastic on the banks of the Sand River

Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
This morning the Charleston female was found with her 2 cubs taking advantage of the space left behind by the Southern Pride being in the South of the reserve.
同一天的阿姨3人,但它们已经来到了南部狮群的领地sabi sabi。照片里查尔兄弟1岁7个月的爪子显得粗壮有力,已经赶上阿姨了!

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:49:00 +0800 CST  
Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserveith one of the Southern Pride females, the Eyrefield males are looking good down by the sand river. Lots of elephants everywhere.


Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Charleston lioness in all her GLory...JP Joubert

Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserven Pride was seen with full bellies after finishing their buffalo kill. The KNP male was seen mating with one of the Southern Pride lionesses. The River has dropped considerably and blue skies are predicted for today! JP Joubert


Kirkman's Kamp Private Game Reserve
Charleston Pride of lions chase the dominant male leopard, Xovonikela, up a tree.
2月17日 查尔三人组追逐一只雄性花豹,最终花豹成功的逃离到了树上!
Update from Kirkman's Kamp
The charlestons are alive and well and on kirkmans, the southern pride has crossed south through tinga, and apparently have been seen going towards Phabeni gate in the knp. The female lioness has led the Eyerfield males away from the Knp male, but he is still trailing them as we speak..

The 2 males subs born approx late Mar to mid April 2011. They are just coming up 2 years old.
The Charleston Pride ventured to just north of Kirkman's Kamp itself

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2014-12-25 23:50:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2014-12-26 07:30:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2020-02-11 01:42:03 +0800 CST


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