
March 8, 2016
A few days back my guests and I had an incredible experience…we spent pretty much the entire day with the Southern Pride!
The morning started early as we set out to enjoy another spectacular “Bush Sunrise” and we were anything but disappointed. We had planned to venture into the southern reaches of the reserve, but there were other things in store for us. We made a turn past Gregg’s Hide on our way into the south and came across a small group of kudu that seemed to be a little apprehensive as they made their approach to the water’s edge. Kudu are usually quite vigilant and weary of water sources in general, but they just seemed to sense danger nearby.
It wasn’t long before we stumbled upon the larger of the two Charleston males resting about 200m away as the crow flies. I thought immediately about the kudu and figured they must’ve picked up his scent as they neared the hide. He was looking pretty thin and I suppose it should’ve been no surprise because he’d been seen mating with Floppy Ear for the past several days. It was a welcomed surprise for my guests as I hadn’t shown them lions yet due to this being only their second outing of a 5-day safari with us. We weren’t with him for ten minutes before the call came in over the radio that both Floppy Ear and the other Charleston brother were found mating about 100m from us! Needless to say the decision for the day’s events had been made…
We moved across to see the mating pair and boy oh boy were they frisky! Mating in lions usually happens every 20-30 minutes for a few seconds at a time over a period of 4-5 days. Considering that Floppy Ear had already been mating for several days, it was quite impressive to see her allow it to continue with the second Charleston male, especially seeing as he was initiating the process every 3-5 minutes! Impressive by anybody’s standards… Mazino (as many Guides and Trackers call him) was looking very well-fed in comparison to his larger brother and must’ve finally gained the upper hand on him to lure away Floppy Ear, so maybe he was just making up for lost time. In any event, we spent a great deal of time watching them go at it, moving closer to Gregg’s Hide every time mating was initiated until they finally waked over to satisfy their thirst. Incredibly though, unbeknownst to us, there was a herd of about 50 Cape Buffalo resting at near the dam and they were less than pleased to see the lions.

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-03-09 00:29:00 +0800 CST  

The buffalo were initially quite startled at the encounter, but soon realized that the lions had other things on their mind and actually then began chasing the lions away from the dam. It was quite a sight to see…

After spending most of the morning with the mating pair, we decided to head off to check up on “Big Boy” before heading back to Bush Lodge for a well-deserved breakfast, but Lady Luck had more in store for us, much, much more. Another Southern Pride lioness made her way into the sighting with her two adorable cubs! Could this morning get any better?! After a brief time spent in the shade, she led the cubs and the large male on a mission through the bush and judging by the blood on her face, I assumed she was taking them to a kill. At this stage it was very late morning and nearing midday. The female soldiered on in the blistering heat stopping for nothing, not even her whining cubs, who paused briefly at every piece of shade they could find. We followed them for roughly 2,5km through the bush before we descended into a drainage line (riverbed) where two other lionesses lay in the shade along with a large kudu bull. Clearly the morning could get better… The Charleston male made a B-line for the carcass and laid claim immediately, while the cubs rested after their strenuous journey. The lioness tried to guard the kill from him so the cubs could feed, but he soon overpowered her. It was a fantastic experience!

We stopped off at the lodge briefly to fill our tummies, quench our thirst and digest the events of the morning, but a couple of hours later we were back at the kill to check up on developments. Everyone was full and trying desperately to escape the heat. At a stage we even had a lioness use our vehicle’s shadow as her shade! Way too close for comfort, but perfectly relaxed. So much so that the cubs even came over to suckle, a mere foot from the vehicle and its inhabitants! It was an incredible experience and one that neither my guests nor I will soon forget.

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-03-09 00:49:00 +0800 CST  
2016年3月8号 sabi sabi 博文:和南部狮群在一起的一天(翻译版)
早上一大早我们就出发去看壮丽的"树丛中的日出",我们感到很兴奋.我们本来打算去保护区的南部区域,但是上天给我们准备了别的节目.当我们路过Gregg's Hide(一个地名)并且朝着南方进发时,我们碰到了一小群角纹羚,它们看起来十分紧张地聚集到了水塘边.角纹羚是一种十分警觉的动物,而且它们并不喜欢靠近水源,所以它们大概是察觉到了危险的存在.

不久以后我们发现了大鼻头,他在距离乌鸦飞翔之地200米远的地方休息.我马上想到了先前那群角纹羚,它们刚才应该是嗅到了狮子的气息所以察觉到了危险的存在.大鼻头看起来很瘦,我想这也是正常的,因为他已经和软耳连续交配了好几天了.这对我的客人们来说是个很好的惊喜,因为这只是他们5天总行程的第2天而之前他们还没有见到过狮子.我们在大鼻头旁边呆了还不到10分钟,对讲机里就传来了信息,另外一只查尔斯顿雄狮(小鼻头)在离我们100米远处和软耳交配! 我们不假思索地就决定了今天就和他们呆在一起了.

我们前去观看正在交配的一对,它们看起来激情十足! 狮子的交配一般每20-30分钟进行一次,每次持续大概几秒钟,整个交配过程大概会持续几天.考虑到之前软耳已经连续交配了好几天,所以我们很惊讶它会允许第二头雄狮和它继续交配,特别是这头雄狮(小鼻头)每隔3-5分钟就要交配一次! 这种频率在任何人看来都是令人惊叹的... Mazino(这是许多护林员给小鼻头起的名字)看起来吃得很饱,特别是对比起他饥肠辘辘的哥哥来说.他应该是在和哥哥的争斗中占了上风,所以得到了软耳女王的垂青,而他似乎要尽力弥补过去所失去的交配机会! 我们整天花了很多的时间来看它们交配,每次交配开始时我们都凑近了看,直到它们决定休息一会儿去喝水解解渴.令人惊讶的是,这时候大概有一个50头水牛组成的牛群正在水坝处,它们可不愿意看到狮子的到来.


楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-03-09 19:37:00 +0800 CST  
我们在交配的小鼻头和软耳旁边呆了几乎整个上午,然后我们决定去看看"大男孩"(大鼻头),在我们折回地球村吃早餐以前.但是这个时候,幸运女神为我们准备了更多的节目.另外一只南部雌狮领着它的2只可爱的幼崽出现在了我们的视线! 在短暂的在树荫下休息过后,这只母狮领着大鼻头和2只幼崽穿过了树丛,它的脸上还留有血迹,看起来它应该是要把它们领到猎物那里.这时候时间已经接近中午了.这只母狮在炎炎的烈日底下义无反顾地前进着,甚至它的2只幼崽的抱怨声也没有能让它停下来,这2个小家伙基本上每路过一处树荫就要休息一会儿.我们跟着它们走了大概2.5公里,穿过了树丛,来到了一处河床处.在河床上2只其他的南部母狮正躺在一只巨大的公角纹羚尸体旁.大鼻头马上在猎物尸体旁拉起了警戒线,宣告着这是他的东西.2只幼崽在长途跋涉过后休息了下来.幼崽的母亲试图和大鼻头抢夺食物使得幼崽有东西吃,但是大鼻头很快就把母狮给彻底压制了!

我们回到了住处,吃东西,喝水,回味早上发生的一切.几个小时过后我们又来到了角纹羚尸体旁看看狮子们都怎么样了.每头狮子看起来都吃得很饱,然后它们在尽力寻找能够躲避炎热的方法.有一只母狮甚至来到了我们的游览车旁遮阳! 这么近的距离多少让我们感觉有点不舒服,但它看起来很放松.2只幼崽在这时候来到了妈妈旁边吃奶,距离我们的游览车只有1英尺远! 这真是一段不可思议的经历,我想我和我的客人都会铭记很久.

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-03-09 19:38:00 +0800 CST  
2016年3月8号 sabi sabi 博文后半段
我们在交配的小鼻头和软耳旁边呆了几乎整个上午,然后我们决定去看看"大男孩"(大鼻头),在我们折回地球村吃早餐以前.但是这个时候,幸运女神为我们准备了更多的节目.另外一只南部雌狮领着它的2只可爱的幼崽出现在了我们的视线! 在短暂的在树荫下休息过后,这只母狮领着大鼻头和2只幼崽穿过了树丛,它的脸上还留有血迹,看起来它应该是要把它们领到猎物那里.这时候时间已经接近中午了.这只母狮在炎炎的烈日底下义无反顾地前进着,甚至它的2只幼崽的抱怨声也没有能让它停下来,这2个小家伙基本上每路过一处树荫就要休息一会儿.我们跟着它们走了大概2.5公里,穿过了树丛,来到了一处河床处.在河床上2只其他的南部母狮正躺在一只巨大的公角纹羚尸体旁.大鼻头马上在猎物尸体旁拉起了警戒线,宣告着这是他的东西.2只幼崽在长途跋涉过后休息了下来.幼崽的母亲试图和大鼻头抢夺食物使得幼崽有东西吃,但是大鼻头很快就把母狮给彻底压制了!
我们回到了住处,吃东西,喝水,回味早上发生的一切.几个小时过后我们又来到了角纹羚尸体旁看看狮子们都怎么样了.每头狮子看起来都吃得很饱,然后它们在尽力寻找能够躲避炎热的方法.有一只母狮甚至来到了我们的游览车旁遮阳! 这么近的距离多少让我们感觉有点不舒服,但它看起来很放松.2只幼崽在这时候来到了妈妈旁边吃奶,距离我们的游览车只有1英尺远! 这真是一段不可思议的经历,我想我和我的客人都会铭记很久.

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-03-22 23:00:00 +0800 CST  
Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
We have had some glorious rain in the bush and despite this Charleston male looking less than impressed by it, we are extremely happy for this much needed rain!

Five Southern Pride females were chasing zebra around an open area while the two cubs sat back a distance away and watched.大约十个小时前的更新:5头南部雌狮在一个开放的区域追逐斑马,而2个幼崽坐在远处观看。

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-03-22 23:01:00 +0800 CST  
We saw these 2 male lions on 9 Oct 2015 shortly after entering the Kruger Gate. They crossed the road from left to right. Dont know if they are the ones you looking for.


楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-03-22 23:04:00 +0800 CST  
查尔兄弟和2个南部雌狮在Sabi Sabi 杀水牛!2016年3月14日
Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
The Charleston males and two Southern Pride females were on a fresh buffalo kill this morning. Hopefully they will be joined by the other females and cubs soon!
查尔斯顿兄弟和2个南部雌狮今天早上在Sabi Sabi 杀死了一头水牛,希望其它南部雌狮和幼崽很快会加入到它们!


楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-03-22 23:06:00 +0800 CST  
Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve

上次的信息显示这个小团队去到了K营地以南克鲁格地区的Tinga营地,那里是skukuza希尔达狮群的传统领土,在希尔达少年的母亲失踪后,那里便成了无主之地。希尔达少年和查尔阿姨它们现在应该仍然留在此地,它们长期留在T营地想必与这几个月以来貌似移居到K营地的土伦雄狮与沙河狮群有着直接关系,但是Tinga营地现在其实也不是很安全,最新的消息显示在T营地周边的skukuza地区以西,有如今已经马上6岁的四路兄弟,4岁的马大少几天前也流浪到了skukuza以东,还有5岁出头的冥河兄弟应该也在这个大范围内流浪,加上最近与T营地相邻的lion sands营地也有陌生的年轻雄狮出没。这些流浪雄狮都能直接对查34造成致命的威胁,不过幸亏查尔阿姨在查尔兄弟入侵南部狮群后及时的接受了3岁的希尔达少年,有它的帮忙这会使得查34活下来的几率大增,,,



楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-03-22 23:09:00 +0800 CST  
2016.03.17 sabi sabi 查少和南部又杀了一头牛
The Charleston males and two Southern Pride females were seen finishing off one of their kills last night, before moving onto their second kill this morning.

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-03-22 23:10:00 +0800 CST  

sabi sabi保护区回复:

保护区也会认错自己的地主雄狮所以土伦老大是单独出现在了sabi sabi,查少在不远处吼叫,不知道意味着什么。。。或许土伦只是捕猎过了界,希望不要发生冲突!

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-03-22 23:12:00 +0800 CST  
Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
Lion update:
We relocated the Toulon male yesterday still resting with two Southern Pride females. All of a sudden the three lions scattered and we saw the twoCharleston males charging in, going after the Toulon male. They did not manage to catch him after spending at least 30 minutes chasing.
Two of the Southern Pride females that were with the Toulon male yesterday joined up with two other females and the two older cubs this morning.
3月19日Sabi Sabi营地狮子更新:





楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-03-22 23:14:00 +0800 CST  
Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
It was great to see the five Southern Pride females and two cubs united yesterday. They were found moving not too far from where the two Charleston males were feeding on a buffalo.

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-03-22 23:15:00 +0800 CST  
A sighting of The Charleston lioness on the prowl this afternoon at Lion Sands Narina.
Tinged by @shosholoza
查尔阿姨今天在靠近Lion Sands Narina的地方行步。

Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
The Charleston males ventured to the nearest water source in order to satisfy their thirst after feeding on a buffalo.吃完水牛后,查尔兄弟前往离它们最近的水源去喝水解渴!

Portrait of a king这是一张查尔小鼻头牙齿未受损前的旧照

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-03-22 23:16:00 +0800 CST  
3月19日在Sabi Sabi营地追逐土伦老大的查尔小鼻头!

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-03-22 23:21:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2014-12-26 07:30:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2020-02-11 01:42:03 +0800 CST


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