三国杀英文版 Legends of The Three Kingdoms 翻译到三将


楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 02:47:00 +0800 CST  

CAO Chong (M,3) YJ201
·Elephant Weighing
“After damage taken”, you may reveal top 4 cards from the deck, then acquire any amount of them with a total point value less than 13.
When another hero is at “Near Death” state, you may flip your hero card and give all your hand cards (at least one) to this hero. If you do so, you heal him/her 1 health.

CAO Chong (M,3) YJ201
·Elephant Weighing
“After damage taken”, you may reveal top 4 cards from the deck, then acquire any amount of them with a total point value of 13 or less.
When a hero with 1 life left receives damage, you may flip your hero card and discard an equipment card. If you do so, you prevent that damage.

Elephant Weighing,“称象”,这个就没什么争议了吧。

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 06:24:00 +0800 CST  

GUO Huai (M,4) YJ204
·Precise Strategy
At the end of your play phase, if you have used X or more cards this turn (where X is the amount of health you have), you may draw two cards.

Pricise Strategy, “精确的计策”,可能是所有翻译中我最不满意的了,也是因为没有找到典故,不知道这个“精”在这里代表什么意思。反正这样的直译实在是不喜欢,要是找到典故之后一定改。

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 06:31:00 +0800 CST  

MAN Chong (M,4) YJ208
During play phase, you may discard X cards and make another hero to discard a hand card that is not the same type with any of the cards you discarded. If he/she does not do so, flip his/her hero card and make he/she draw X cards. You may use this ability once per phase.
·Royal Plan
“After damage taken”, you may reveal acard. The damage source discards a hand card with different type, otherwise you regain one health.

Royal Plan, “皇家计划”。。。“御策”。。。带计和策的我貌似翻得都不太好。。。见笑见笑了。

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 06:35:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 06:44:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 14:56:00 +0800 CST  

MAN Chong (M,4) YJ208
During play phase, you may discard X hand cards (at least one) and make another hero to discard a hand card that is not the same type with any of the cards you discarded. If he/she does not do so, flip his/her hero card and make he/she draw X cards. You may use this ability once per phase.
·Tactical Defense
“After damage taken”, you may reveal a hand card. Damage source must discard a hand card with a different type or let you regain one health.

Tactical Defense,“策略性防守”。之前翻译成“Royal Plan”。。。因为把“御策”的“御”理解为皇帝的意思了- -感谢@绯雨小闲丸的提醒,本人从买了二将之后没有买过其他补充包- -也不玩OL- -也是历史渣- -说实话也就只记得演义里他劝降徐晃,其他的完全不知道- -。。。也许其他的翻译大概也会有这样的问题吧,希望大家及时指出。

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 15:11:00 +0800 CST  
= =蜀武将被吞了。。。。

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 15:36:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 15:41:00 +0800 CST  
5.2 蜀势力武将(“SHU” Heroes)

LIU Bei (M,4) SHU 001
During play phase, you may give any amount of hand cards to another Hero. You regain 1 life if the total amount of cards given is more than or equal to two.
Monarch Ability: Heroes from "SHU" can supply a "Strike" for you when needed. You become the source of that "Strike".

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 15:42:00 +0800 CST  

GUAN Yu (M,4) SHU 002
·Master of Warfare
You may use or play your red color suit card(s) as "Strike".

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 15:43:00 +0800 CST  

ZHANG Fei (M,4) SHU 003
During your play phase, you may use any amount of "Strike" cards.

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 15:46:00 +0800 CST  

ZHUGE Liang (M,3) SHU 004
During the Start phase of your turn, you may look at "X" amount of cards from the top of the deck (where X is the number of Heroes alive, up to a max of five). You may then put any amount of cards back to the top of the deck in any order, and the rest to the bottom of the deck.
·Empty Fortress
Passive Ability: You cannot be the target of "Strike" or "Duel" when you have no hand cards.

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 15:49:00 +0800 CST  

ZHAO Yun (M,4) SHU 005
You may treat your "Strike" as a "Dodge" or your "Dodge" as a "Strike"

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 15:50:00 +0800 CST  

MA Chao (M,4) SHU 006
Passive Ability: When calculating your distance to other Heroes, subtract 1.
When you target a Hero with "Strike", you may reveal a judgment. If the result is a red color suit, then your "Strike" cannot be "Dodged".

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 15:51:00 +0800 CST  

HUANG Yueying (F,3) SHU 007
Anytime you use a "Scroll" card you immediately draw a card from the deck before calculating the effect of the "Scroll" card.
Your "Scroll" cards have infinite range.

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 15:51:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 15:54:00 +0800 CST  

HUANG Zhong (M,4) SHU 008
During your play phase, when you use a “Strike” under either of the following circumstances, you may dictate that the target hero cannot use a “Dodge”:
1. The number of target hero’s hand cards is greater or equal to your life point.
2. The number of target hero’s hand cards is less or equal to your attack range.

Marksmanship,“(极高的)射击术”。RC原译“Fearsome Bow”,“令人畏惧的弓”;金甲原译“marksman”,“神射手”。个人认为神射手更简洁,美国人也更容易看懂,而又因为“马术”的官(hx)方翻译为“Horsemanship”,故呼应之,变为“Marksmanship”。
*= =其实之前没有仔细读,一直以为烈弓在回合外也能发动,面杀的时候被借刀还杀过几个人- -直到现在翻译才发现是出牌阶段的技能。。。被我搞死的同学们我会告慰你们的在天之灵的= =

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 16:10:00 +0800 CST  

WEI Yan (M,4) SHU 009
Passive Ability: Whenever you deal 1 damage to a hero within one range, you regain 1 health.

Bellicosity,“好战”,为金甲大神翻译。RC原作“Insanity Streak”,“疯狂之纹”,战艾翻译“Ferocious Bone”,“凶残的骨头”,都是比较直接的翻译。这个技能与典故联系太紧密,若不是知道“反骨”,恐怕理解不通。能让美国人好理解的还是金甲大神另起炉灶的翻译。

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 16:18:00 +0800 CST  

PANG Tong (M,3) SHU 010
·Chain Stratagems
During your play phase, you may use or “recast” a ♣ hand card as an “Iron Shackles”.
Expendable Ability: When you are at “Near Death” state, you may discardall cards in your hand and field, reset your hero card (facing up and untapped),then draw 3 cards and regain 3 health. You may use this ability once per game.

Chain Stratagems, “连环计”,金甲原译,出自英文版三十六计。RC原作“Shackles”,和铁索连环的翻译对应。本人原本想要翻译为“Linkage”,“连锁,联动”,表示铁索在赤壁时对于火攻的联动作用,但后来考虑到与武将典故献连环计的联系,改为“Chain Stratagems”。

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-01-21 16:30:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2015-01-20 13:04:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2016-03-06 14:52:24 +0800 CST


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