三国杀英文版 Legends of The Three Kingdoms 翻译到三将

DENG Ai (WEI M 4 WEI 015)
Reclaimed Field
Whenever you lose card(s) outside of your turn, you may do a judgment. If the result is not ♥, you must put the judgment card on your hero card as a “field”. For every “field” you have on your hero card, subtract 1 when calculating your distance with others.

Q: What happens to “fields” when DENG Ai kills CAI Wenji?
A: They go into discard pile.

Q: What happens when ZHANG Liao uses “Assault” on DENG Ai and SIMA Yi, both with only one hand card left?
A: In counter clock wise starting from ZHANG Liao, if DENG Ai’s order is before SIMA Yi, he loses his hand card, then he may use “Reclaimed Field” to do a judgment, and SIMA Yi may use “Sorcery” to replace the judgment card with his hand card. After calculating the effect of “Reclaimed Field”, SIMA Yi has no hand card, so ZHANG Liao only acquires the hand card from DENG Ai. If SIMA Yi’s order is before DENG Ai, SIMA Yi loses his hand card first and cannot change the judgment when DENG Ai does the judgment; ZHANG Liao acquires both the cards from DENG Ai and SIMA Yi’s hand.

Q: When DENG Ai is “Striked” by a hero with equipped Frost Sword, and that hero choose to prevent the damage when DENG Ai doesn’t “Dodge” it, and discard two of DENG Ai’s cards, how many times of “Reclaimed Field” can DENG Ai use?
A: Two, since Frost Sword discards one card at a time.

Q: When LU Su uses “Alliance Formation” and chooses DENG Ai and LU Xun to exchange their hand cards, what happens?
A: DENG Ai and LU Xun lose all their hand cards at the same time, they may both use their abilities. Starting from LU Su, if LU Xun is before DENG Ai in counter clock wise order, he may use “Alliance” and draw a card, then DENG Ai may use “Reclaimed Field” to do a judgment; if DENG Ai is before LU Xun, DENG Ai does the judgment before LU Xun draws the card. After calculating both effect, they acquire each other’s original hand cards. (DENG Ai cannot use “Reclaimed Field” multiple times even if he had more than one hand card since he loses all the hand cards at one time.)

Q: When hero A uses “Borrowed Sword” on ZHANG Jiao with equipped weapon (black color suited) to “Strike” hero B, and DENG Ai uses a “Ward”, then uses “Reclaimed Field” and ZHANG Jiao exchange his weapon with the judgment card, what happens if the “Ward” is “Warded” by hero A?
A: If ZHANG Jiao doesn’t use a “Strike” on hero B, nothing happens since he doesn’t have a weapon anymore. If hero B is not in ZHANG Jiao’s attack range anymore (since he lost his weapon), ZHANG Jiao cannot use a “Strike” even if he wants to. If hero B is still in ZHANG Jiao’s attack range and ZHANG Jiao uses a “Strike” on hero B, hero B has to “Dodge” or take a damage (ZHANG Jiao cannot use the effect of the weapon since he doesn’t have it anymore).

Secret Passage
Trigger Ability: At the start of your start phase, if you have three or more “fields” on your hero card, you must reduce your max life point by 1 unit. You will then permanently acquire the ability “Ransack” (you may use “fields” as “Snatches” during your play phase).

Q: When DENG Ai (after “Secret Passage” is activated) uses a “field” as a “Snatch”, does that “field” still -1 distance when calculating the distance during the “Snatch”?
A: No, DENG Ai cannot use “field” as “Snatch” and use it to subtract distance at the same time.

Q: What’s the suit/color/point of the “Snatch” when DENG Ai uses a “field” as it?
A: It’s the same as the “field”, so you cannot use a black color suit “field” as a “Snatch” on JIA Xu.

Q: At the start of DENG Ai’s start phase, if he has 3 “fields” and he’s at full health, what happens?
A: DENG Ai must reduce one max life point, his life point will decrease one unit as the max life point reduces, then he permanently acquire the ability “Ransack”.

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-03-20 09:29:00 +0800 CST  
木美人版香香 超喜欢

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-03-20 09:37:00 +0800 CST  

SP018 沉毅的国丈 伏完
【谋溃】,“Deficient Stratagem”,有缺陷的计谋。这个技能的负面效果还是蛮明显的,虽然不知道典故,但也算是贴切技能吧。

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-03-20 10:09:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-03-20 11:16:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-03-20 11:53:00 +0800 CST  

SP031 清侧重臣 丁奉
【短兵】,“Sharp Dagger”,锋利的匕首。
【奋迅】,“Rushing Rouser”,前冲的激励者。翻译不太满意(我是有多喜欢同首字的技能名),有更好翻译的同学可以在下面回复。

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-03-20 12:09:00 +0800 CST  
话说这个丁奉。。。是在抽烟么- -

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-03-20 12:13:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-03-20 12:58:00 +0800 CST  
lz又出现了 然而并没有翻译新的武将。。。过两天看看有没有时间

楼主 可横那  发布于 2015-06-28 02:31:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2015-01-20 13:04:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2016-03-06 14:52:24 +0800 CST


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