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楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 16:58:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 16:58:00 +0800 CST  
Background Essay Author: Leila K. Norako
背景文章作者:Leila K. Norako
译者:亚米加 一校:列兵二校:T菌
The Isle of Avalon, most famous as thefinal resting place of Arthur in many stories and legends, has neither a fixedlocation nor a fixed description throughout the literary canon of Arthuriana.Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Britanniae (c. 1136) is theoldest extant work including references to Avalon. He calls it InsulaAvallonis, refers to the island's alleged healing powers, and claims thatArthur’s sword was forged there. Geoffrey also refersto Avalon in his Vita Merlini as the “Isle of Apples” (Insula Pomorum), an epithetrooted in Celtic, Greek, and Scandinavian mythological traditions in whichapples frequently possess magical properties. In both the Historia and Vita,Arthur is transported to Avalon after being mortally wounded, in hopes that hewill be healed on the isle (in the Vita Merlini by none other than Morgan leFay, who is benevolent in earlier Arthurian legends). Support for the theory ofAvalon’s Celtic origins stems in part from thefolkloric tradition surrounding the Isle of Arran, located in the Firth ofClyde. It has been frequently likened to the island of Emhain Abhlach (“Emhain of the Apple Trees”), a placeassociated with the Irish sea god Manannan. As Mike Dixon Kennedy suggestsin Arthurian Myth and Legend, Geoffrey was likely inspired by theextant Celtic tradition of such a place. It should be pointed out, however,that no conclusive evidence can be found that directly traces the influence ofCeltic mythology and legend to the genesis of Avalon and its literarytradition; while speculations abound and are, in many cases, well defended andresearched, they cannot be proven. Regardless, Avalon is consistentlyrepresented as a mysterious and otherworldly place, even after being associatedwith Glastonbury in the twelfth century (a connection inspired by the “discovery” of Arthur’s remains there).
阿瓦隆岛因在许多故事与传说中作为亚瑟王最后的长眠之地而举世闻名,贯穿于整个亚瑟王经典文学中却并无确切的位置或固定的描述。蒙茅斯的杰弗里的《不列颠诸王史》(C.1136)是现存最早提及阿瓦隆的著作。他称其为“苹果岛”(InsulaAvallonis),指出这座岛屿所谓的治愈之力,并声称亚瑟王的佩剑铸造于此。杰弗里也在他的《梅林传》中将阿瓦隆称为“果实之岛”(Insula Pomorum),这是一种源于凯尔特人、希腊和斯堪的纳维亚神话的传统,苹果时常拥有神奇的魔力。在《不列颠诸王史》与《梅林传》中,亚瑟王在受致命伤后被人送至阿瓦隆,以期他在岛上得到医治(在《梅林传》中,此人正是早期亚瑟王传说里仁慈的摩根勒菲)。可供支持阿瓦隆的凯尔特起源说源于爱尔兰岛克莱德湾的民间传说。在这些传说中,阿瓦隆时常被喻为果之平原(“苹果树的平原”),此地与爱尔兰海神马南南颇有些渊源。正如麦克·迪克森·肯尼迪在《亚瑟王神话与传说》中所提示的,杰弗里很可能受到这一地区现存的凯尔特传说的启发。需要注意的是,并无确凿证据证明凯尔特神话和传说对阿瓦隆起源及其文学传说的影响;尽管众说纷纭,并且多数情况下这些说法都经过充分推敲,但仍无法证实。无论如何,即使十二世纪阿瓦隆与格拉斯顿伯里被联系起来,但阿瓦隆始终被描绘为一个遗世独立的世外桃源(这一关联的提出正是因亚瑟王遗体的“发现”)。

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 16:58:00 +0800 CST  
The rulers of Avalon differ according tothe text in question. Morgan le Fay is, by far, most frequently identified asthe ruler of the isle. In addition to appearing in Geoffrey’s Vita (butnot, interestingly, in the Historia), she appears in Chrétien de Troye’s romances Eric andEnide and Yvain. In both, she is a healer and mistressof Avalon, though in Eric and Enide, the actual ruler of Avalonis said to be Guinguemar, and Morgan is simply referred to as his lover andlater as a powerful healer. In this tale, Morgan calls the Perilous Vale – The Valley of No Return – her home, alocation which might be a reference to Avalon. William of Malmesbury, however,states that Avalloch rules Avalon with his daughters, and Morgan is notmentioned at all by him. While rulership of the Isle is given little emphasisin later texts, Morgan is often tied to the place in some way, most typicallyby being one of those who brings Arthur to Avalon for healing after the battleof Camlann.

《King Arthur in Avalon》 by: Dante Gabriel Rossetti

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 16:58:00 +0800 CST  
The Isle Avalon is, in fact, frequentlypresented (in medieval and modern texts alike) as a place of healing,particularly as the place where Arthur is taken after his mortal wounding.Initially, Avalon’s role seems to be one of preservation —though his wound is mortal, he will live as long as he remains on the Isle; insome cases his stay in Avalon must be permanent, while in other cases he needonly remain in Avalon until his wounds are healed. In the Vita, for instance,Morgan tells Arthur upon his arrival that he will need to stay for a long timefor his wounds to be properly healed. In later medieval Arthurian works,writers imply that Avalon is his permanent resting place, perhaps his place ofdeath and burial. Thomas Malory in his Morte D'Arthur leavesroom for either possibility in his description of Arthur’s departure:

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 16:58:00 +0800 CST  
“Now put me into thatbarge,” seyde the kynge.
And so he ded sofftely, and there[re]sceyved hym three ladyes
with grete mournyng. And so they sette he[m d]owne, and in one
of their lappis kyng Arthure layde hys hede. And than the quene seyde,
“A, my derebrothir! Why [ha]ve ye taryed so longe frome me?
Alas, thys wounde on youre hede hath caught overmuch coulde!"
And anone they rowed fromward thelonde, and sir Bedyvere
behylde all tho ladyes go frowarde hym. Than sir Bedwere cryed
and seyde,
“A, my lordeArthur, what shall becom of me, now ye go frome
me and leve me here alone amonge myne enemyes?”
“Comfortethyselff,” seyde the kynge, “anddo as well as thou
mayste, for in me ys no truste for to truste in. For I must into the
vale of Avylyon to hele me of my grevous wounde. And if thou
here nevermore of me, pray for my soule!”
But ever the quene and ladyes wepteand shryked, that hit was
pité to hyre. And as sone as sir Bedwere had loste the
syght of the barge he wepte and wayled, and so toke the foreste
and wente all that nyght. (Malory, ed. Vinaver, p. 716)

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 16:59:00 +0800 CST  
As mentioned earlier, a tradition ofArthur’sdeath and burial at Avalon surfaced well before Malory, in no small part due tothe alleged discovery of Arthur and Gwenevere’s remainsat Glastonbury Abbey in the twelfth century. This area of England is stillassociated with the mythic isle; the flooding of the countryside during thesummer used to create islands out of many of the higher hills. Roger ofCoggeshall in his Chronicon Anglicanum (c. 1220) simplystates that Arthur's body was found at Glastonbury which was formerly known asAvalon, the Isle of Apples. Gerald of Wales, writing in the late 12th century,argued against fantastic speculations about Arthur's remains in both his Liberde Principis Instructione (c. 1196) and his SpeculumEcclesiae (c. 1216). He asserts in the former that though "legends had fabricated something fantastical about his demise (that he had notsuffered death, and was conveyed, as if by a spirit, to a distant place), hisbody was discovered at Glastonbury" (Liber, Sutton). In the latter, hespeaks even more forcibly against the legends of Arthur's journey to Avalon,stating that "tales are regularly reported and fabricated about KingArthur and his uncertain end, with the British peoples even now contendingfoolishly that he is still alive" (Speculum, Sutton).

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 16:59:00 +0800 CST  
Despite Gerald's efforts to disavow themythologizing of Avalon, the tradition of the Isle as the final resting placeof Arthur and as a place of otherworldly mystery extends into the Arthurian"renaissance" of the 19th century, where many references to Avaloncontinue to be found. Many poems were written about Avalon during this time,several of which evoke the isle as an idyllic, healing place of eternal beauty.American poet Madison Julius Cawein, for instance, wrote a series of poems("Unanointed" [1901], "Uncalled" [1902] and "Avalon"[1909]) in which the isle is consistently described in such terms. In"Uncalled," the poet imagines that he can see the beautiful Avalonbut knows that it cannot be reached in this life. Other nineteenth-centurypoems that center on Avalon refer to it as the final resting place of Arthur.William Morris's "Near Avalon" is one such work, as is J. ArthurBlaikie's poem "Arthur in Avalon." Morris's imagistic poemdescribes the barge that carries Arthur to Avalon, and maintains, for all ofits detail, a sense of the unknowable; the many details have an air ofsignificance, but the reader is not necessarily aware of what they mean.Blaikie's poem was inspired by James T. Archer's painting, "La Mortd'Arthur"; it depicts the dying Arthur and the vigil kept by the fourQueens who bore him on the barge to Avalon. Another poem of this period thatevokes Avalon as Arthur's place of repose is Sally Bridges "Avilion" (1864), a dream-vision that includesa richly detailed account of the poet's metaphysical journey to the isle.

《La Mortd'Arthur》by:James T. Archer

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 16:59:00 +0800 CST  
This interest in Avalon continued intothe twentieth and twenty-first centuries due, undoubtedly, to the continuedinterest in the legends of Arthur in general. The idea of Avalon so popular inthe 19th century has extended into these more recent literary traditions,though (as is the case with nearly all aspects of the Arthurian legend) authorscontinue to reinterpret and reinvent its popular modes of representation.Authors from Margaret Atwood ("Avalon Revisited" [1955]) to SalmonRushdie ("Crusoe" [1990]) have evoked the idyllic landscape ofAvalon, as have various singer/songwriters; both Cindy Lauper ("Sisters ofAvalon" from the eponymous 1997 album) and Van Morrison ("Avalon ofthe Heart" from the 1990 album Enlightenment) have writtensongs about Avalon, both of which play on modern interpolations of the Avalonlegend; Lauper's evokes some of the later twentieth-century representations ofthe Isle as a place of feminine strength, while Morrison's is thematicallysimilar to the nineteenth-century poets such as Cawein, viewing Avalon as aninternal spiritual goal.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 16:59:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 16:59:00 +0800 CST  
Avalon has also been adopted and adaptedby neo-pagan communities, some of which are more or less directly influenced byBradley's work. "Officers of Avalon," is an online support group forneo-pagans in emergency services (website: http冒号//www点officersofavalon点com).The Avalon Witchcamp and The Avalon East Pagan Gathering (in the UK and NovaScotia respectively) are gatherings devoted to the communal celebrations ofneo-pagans. The Avalonian Tradition is an entire branch of neo-paganism in andof itself. Jhenah Telyndru is the founder and "Morgen" of TheSisterhood of Avalon and Academic Dean of the Avalonian Theological Seminary,and has written several treatises on the tradition. On the Sisterhood of Avalonwebsite (http冒号//www点sisterhoodofavalon点org), Telyndru denies any directinfluence of Bradley's The Mists of Avalon, though there arenumerous similarities between their respective works. Telyndru asserts, in thewebsite's section entitled "The Avalonian Tradition," that

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:00:00 +0800 CST  
The power of Avalon, and indeed, theentire Arthurian legend, is not a fancy of days gone by. We need only lookaround us to find ample proof of its relevancy. Tales of Arthur, Morgan Le Fayand Merlin fill today's bookshelves. Psychologists, fantasy writers, Celtic scholarsand personal growth proponents have all gained insight from this mythic cycle.There are many Wiccan and Pagan groups which draw heavily from the realm ofArthur and find a path of spiritual growth symbolized in the Quest for theGrail and the Code of Chivalry.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:00:00 +0800 CST  
This organization is only one of manyAvalonian groups, several of which apparently draw their authority from theirlocation in Glastonbury a place that has become a virtual neo-pagan communityin and of itself.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:00:00 +0800 CST  
The name "Avalon" also appearsfrequently in popular culture, sometimes clearly evoking the Arthuriantradition directly, while at other times being used only as a name that evokesthe mysterious. These references range from cars (Toyota's Avalon models,http冒号//www点toyota点com/Avalon/), to nightclubs(http冒号//www点avalonsacramento点com/html-home点html), to nudist colonies (Avalon,of West Virginia, featuring as its logo a nude figure curled up like an apple).Some play more substantially with the literary tradition of Avalon than others,but most of these appropriations seem to be more casual (though intriguing)evocations than anything else.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:01:00 +0800 CST  
Avalon, as this brief chronologicalsurvey demonstrates, has been treated to a rich (if at times strange) andmultifaceted development over the centuries. From the early portrayals as amysterious place of supernatural qualities, to the wide-reaching array ofmodern permutations and adaptations, Avalon remains an ephemeral and mythiclocation that continues to inspire creative reinvention.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:01:00 +0800 CST  
Avalon (/??v??l?n/;Latin: Insula Avallonis, Old French Avalon, Welsh: Ynys Afallon, Ynys Afallach;literally meaning "the isle of fruit [or apple] trees") is alegendary island featured in the Arthurian legend. It first appears in Geoffreyof Monmouth's 1136 pseudo-historical account Historia Regum Britanniae("The History of the Kings of Britain") as the place where KingArthur's sword Excalibur was forged and later where Arthur was taken to recoverfrom his wounds after the Battle of Camlann. Avalon was associated from anearly date with mystical practices and figures such as Morgan le Fay. It istraditionally identified as the former island of GlastonburyTor.


楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:01:00 +0800 CST  
1 Etymology
2 Geoffrey of Monmouth
3 Later medieval literature
4 Connection to Glastonbury
5 Other locations for Avalon
1 语源
3 后世中世纪文学
4 与格拉斯顿伯里的关联

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:01:00 +0800 CST  
1 Etymology
1 语源
Geoffrey of Monmouth referred to it in Latin as Insula Avallonis in theHistoria Regum Britanniae (c. 1136). In the later Vita Merlini (c. 1150) hecalled it Insula Pomorum the "isle of fruit trees" (from Latin pōmus "fruit tree"). Thename is generally considered to be of Welsh origin (though an Old Cornish orOld Breton origin is also possible), derived from Old Welsh, Old Cornish, orOld Breton aball or avallen(n), "apple tree, fruit tree" (cf. afallin Modern Welsh, derived from Common Celtic *abalnā,literally "fruit-bearing (thing)").It is also possible that thetradition of an "apple" island among the British was related to Irishlegends concerning the otherworld island home of Manannán mac Lir and Lugh, Emain Ablach (also the Old Irish poetic name forthe Isle of Man),[2] where Ablach means "Having Apple Trees"– derived from Old Irish aball ("apple")—and is similar to the Middle Welsh name Afallach, which was used toreplace the name Avalon in medieval Welsh translations of French and LatinArthurian tales. All are etymologically related to the Gaulish root *aballo"fruit tree" - (as found in the place name Aballo/Aballone) and arederived from a Common Celtic *abal- "apple", which is related at theProto-Indo-European level to English apple, Russian яблоко (jabloko), Latvian ābele, et al.
蒙茅斯的杰弗里在《不列颠诸王史》(c.1136)中,将阿瓦隆称为苹果岛(Insula Avallonis)。在《梅林传》(c.1150)一书中,他又将阿瓦隆写作Insula Pomorum,也就是果实岛。这个名字一般认为来源于威尔士语(尽管也可能起源于古康沃尔语或古布列塔尼语),衍生自古威尔士语、古康沃尔语或古布列塔尼语中的“aball”或“avallen(n)”即“苹果树,果树”(参见现代威尔士语中“afall”,衍生自原始凯尔特语“abalnā”一词,意为“开花结果的(事物)”)。也有可能与不列颠传说中关于“苹果”岛的内容与爱尔兰传说涉及马格纳·麦克·列与鲁格所居住的冥界之岛相关,苹果遗迹岛(同样也是古爱尔兰诗中马恩岛的名字)的名字里,“Ablach”即意为“此处有苹果树”——衍生于古爱尔兰语“aball”(苹果)一词——这个词同样也与中古威尔士语中的名字“Afallach”相似,而中世纪威尔士语中的这个词,在法国与拉丁亚瑟王传说中,被用做阿瓦隆的替代名。在语源上,所有这些词都与高卢语的词根*aballo-“果实树”有关(在地名阿瓦隆Aballo/Aballone中有发现),起源于一个共同的凯尔特语词根*abal-“苹果”,而这个词根在与其关联的原印欧语系中,可等同于英语中的“apple”,俄罗斯语中的яблоко (jabloko)和拉脱维亚语中的ābele等词。

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:01:00 +0800 CST  
2 Geoffrey of Monmouth
According to Geoffrey in the Historia, and muchsubsequent literature which he inspired, Avalon is the place where King Arthuris taken after fighting Mordred at the Battle of Camlann to recover from hiswounds. Welsh, Cornish and Breton tradition claimed that Arthur had neverreally died, but would return to lead his people against their enemies. TheHistoria also states that Avalon is where his sword Excalibur was forged.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:02:00 +0800 CST  
Geoffrey dealt with Avalon in more detail inVita Merlini, in which he describes for the first time in Arthurian legend theenchantress Morgan (Morgen) as the chief of nine sisters (Moronoe, Mazoe,Gliten, Glitonea, Gliton, Tyronoe, Thiten and Thiton) who rule Avalon.Geoffrey's description of the island indicates a sea voyage was needed to getthere. His description of Avalon here, which is heavily indebted to the earlymedieval Spanish scholar Isidore of Seville (being mostly derived from thesection on famous islands in Isidore's famous work Etymologiae, XIV.6.8"Fortunatae Insulae"; in medieval geographies, Isidore's islands wereidentified with the Canaries), shows the magical nature of the island:

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:02:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2018-05-02 00:58:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2021-02-23 08:02:18 +0800 CST


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