
The island of apples which men call theFortunate Isle (Insula Pomorum quae Fortunata uocatur) gets its name from thefact that it produces all things of itself; the fields there have no need ofthe ploughs of the farmers and all cultivation is lacking except what natureprovides. Of its own accord it produces grain and grapes, and apple trees growin its woods from the close-clipped grass. The ground of its own accordproduces everything instead of merely grass, and people live there a hundredyears or more. There nine sisters rule by a pleasing set of laws those who cometo them from our country.
苹果岛,即人们所称幸运岛(Insula Pomorum quae Fortunata uocatur),得名因其自给自足;田地无需耕种,农人不必劳作,一切皆为自然之赐。大地自生百谷及葡萄,苹果树长于林间青翠沃土之间。且不止农牧,其地还满足一切所需,人们可于此地长久安居。九姐妹在此用愉悦之法治理自我国至此之民。

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:02:00 +0800 CST  
3 Later medieval literature
3 后世中世纪文学
In Erec and Enide by Chrétien de Troyes, the consortof Morgan is the Lord of the Isle of Avalon, Arthur's nephew named Guinguemar(a derivative of the legendary Breton hero Guingamor). In Layamon's Brut,Arthur is taken to Avalon to be healed there (by means of magic water) by amore supernatural and distinctively Anglo-Saxon redefinition of Geoffrey'sMorgen: an elf queen of Avalon named Argante.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:02:00 +0800 CST  
Some later versions of the Arthurian legend(including the best-known, Le Morte d'Arthur by Thomas Malory) have Morgan (bythis time Arthur's sister in the narrative) and some other ladies (magicalqueens or enchantresses, sometimes with the Lady of the Lake among them; othermay include the Queens of Eastland, the Northgales, the Outer Isles, and theWasteland) arrive after the battle to take the mortally wounded Arthur fromCamlann to Avalon on a black boat. In the Spanish summary of the Post-VulgateRoman du Graal by Lope Garcia de Salazar, Morgan then uses her magic to hideAvalon in mist. Arthur's fate is usually left untold; in the Stanzaic MorteArthur (which influenced Malory), the Archbishop of Canterbury later receivesArthur's dead body and buries it at Glastonbury. Conversely, Stephen of Rouen'schronicle Draco Normannicus contains a fictional letter from King Arthur toHenry II of England, in which "Arthur" claims that he has been healedof his wounds and made immortal by his "deathless/eternal nymph"sister Morgan on Avalon, using the island's restorative herbs.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:02:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:02:00 +0800 CST  
Morgan also features as an immortal ruler of afantastic Avalon, sometimes alongside the still alive Arthur, in somesubsequent and otherwise non-Arthurian chivalric romances such as Tirant loBlanch, as well as the tales of Huon of Bordeaux,where Oberon is a son ofeither Morgan by name or "the Lady of the Secret Isle",and Ogier theDane, where Avalon can be a "castle". In his La Faula, Guillem deTorroella claims to have visited the Enchanted Island (Illa Encantada) and metArthur who has been brought back to life by Morgan and they both of them arenow forever young, sustained by the Holy Grail. In the chanson de geste LaBataille Loquifer, Morgan and her sister Marsion (Marrion) bring the heroRenoart to Avalon, where Arthur now prepares his return alongside Morgan,Gawain, Ywain, Percival and Guinevere. Such stories take place centuries afterthe times of King Arthur.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:03:00 +0800 CST  
4 Connection to Glastonbury
4 与格拉斯顿伯里的关联
Around 1190, Avalon became associated withGlastonbury, when monks at Glastonbury Abbey claimed to have discovered thebones of Arthur and Guinevere. The works of Gerald of Wales make the firstknown connection:

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:03:00 +0800 CST  
What is now known as Glastonbury was, inancient times, called the Isle of Avalon. It is virtually an island, for it iscompletely surrounded by marshlands. In Welsh it is called Ynys Afallach, whichmeans the Island of Apples and this fruit once grew in great abundance. Afterthe Battle of Camlann, a noblewoman called Morgan, later the ruler andpatroness of these parts as well as being a close blood-relation of KingArthur, carried him off to the island, now known as Glastonbury, so that hiswounds could be cared for. Years ago the district had also been called YnysGutrin in Welsh, that is the Island of Glass, and from these words the invadingSaxons later coined the place-name 'Glastingebury'.
如今我们可知,格拉斯顿伯里古称阿瓦隆岛。此处实为被沼泽所环绕的岛屿。在威尔士语里,它被称作YnysAfallach,意为苹果岛,此地曾经硕果繁盛。卡姆兰之役后,一位名为摩根的贵妇成为了此地的统治与赞助者,她与亚瑟王颇有亲缘关系,便将他带来这座岛屿,也就是如今我们所知的格拉斯顿伯里,以便照料,使其伤势痊愈。数年前,该地在威尔士语中,亦名为Ynys Gutrin,即草之岛,后来,入侵的萨克逊人便根据此名,杜撰了“格拉斯丁伯里”这一地名。

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:03:00 +0800 CST  
Though no longer an island in the 12th century,the high conical bulk of Glastonbury Tor had been surrounded by marsh beforethe surrounding fenland in the Somerset Levels was drained. In ancient times,Ponter's Ball Dyke would have guarded the only entrance to the island. TheRomans eventually built another road to the island.Gerald wrote thatGlastonbury's earliest name in Welsh was Ineswitrin (or Ynys Witrin), the Isleof Glass, a name noted by earlier historians which suggests that the locationwas at one point seen as an island.
尽管十二世纪此处已不再是岛屿,但在萨默塞特平原上的沼泽干涸之前,格拉斯顿伯里突岩上的高椎体仍被沼泽环绕。古时,庞特球堤守卫着岛屿唯一的入口。罗马人最终建造了另一条入岛之路。杰拉德写道,威尔士语中,格拉斯顿伯里最早的的名字是 Ineswitrin(或 Ynys Witrin),即草之岛,这个被早期历史学家记录之名表明此地曾一度被视为岛屿。

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:03:00 +0800 CST  
The discovery of the burial is described bychroniclers, notably Gerald, as being just after King Henry II's reign when thenew abbot of Glastonbury, Henry de Sully, commissioned a search of the abbeygrounds. At a depth of 5 m (16 feet) the monks were said to have discovered amassive treetrunk coffin and a leaden cross bearing the inscription:
Hic jacet sepultus inclitus rex Arturius ininsula Avalonia.
("Here lies entombed the renowned kingArthur in the island of Avalon.")
Hic jacet sepultus inclitus rex Arturius ininsula Avalonia.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:03:00 +0800 CST  
Accounts of the exact inscription vary, withfive different versions existing. The earliest is by Gerald in Liber dePrincipis instructione c. 1193, who wrote that he viewed the cross in personand traced the lettering. His transcript reads: "Here lies buried thefamous Arthurus with Wenneveria his second wife in the isle of Avalon."Inside the coffin were two bodies, whom Giraldus refers to as Arthur and"his queen"; the bones of the male body were described as beinggigantic. The account of the burial by the chronicle of Margam Abbey says threebodies were found, the other being of Mordred.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:03:00 +0800 CST  
In 1278, the remains were reburied with greatceremony, attended by King Edward I and his queen, before the High Altar atGlastonbury Abbey. There, the site became the focus of pilgrimages until theEnglish Reformation.


楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:03:00 +0800 CST  
The story is today seen as an example ofpseudoarchaeology. Historians today generally dismiss the authenticity of thefind, attributing it to a publicity stunt performed to raise funds to repairthe Abbey, which was mostly burned in 1184.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:03:00 +0800 CST  
The fact that the search for the body isconnected to Henry II and Edward I, both kings who fought major Anglo-Welshwars, has had scholars suggest that propaganda may have played a part as well.Gerald was a constant supporter of royal authority; in his account of thediscovery clearly aims to destroy the idea of the possibility of King Arthur'smessianic return:

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:04:00 +0800 CST  
Many tales are told and many legends have beeninvented about King Arthur and his mysterious ending. In their stupidity theBritish [i.e. Welsh, Cornish and Bretons] people maintain that he is stillalive. Now that the truth is known, I have taken the trouble to add a few moredetails in this present chapter. The fairy-tales have been snuffed out, and thetrue and indubitable facts are made known, so that what really happened must bemade crystal clear to all and separated from the myths which have accumulatedon the subject.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:04:00 +0800 CST  
The burial discovery ensured that in laterromances, histories based on them and in the popular imagination Glastonburybecame increasingly identified with Avalon, an identification that continuesstrongly today. The later development of the legends of the Holy Grail andJoseph of Arimathea by Robert de Boron interconnected these legends withGlastonbury and with Avalon, an identification which also seems to be made inPerlesvaus. The popularity of Arthurian romances has meant this area of theSomerset Levels has today become popularly described as the Vale of Avalon.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:04:00 +0800 CST  
In more recent times, writers such as DionFortune, John Michell, Nicholas Mann and Geoffrey Ashe have formed theoriesbased on perceived connections between Glastonbury and Celtic legends of theOtherworld in attempts to link the location firmly with Avalon, drawing on thevarious legends based on Glastonbury Tor as well as drawing on ideas like Earthmysteries, Ley lines and even the myth of Atlantis. Arthurian literature alsocontinues to use Glastonbury as an important location as in The Mists ofAvalon, A Glastonbury Romance, and The Bones of Avalon. Even the fact thatSomerset has many apple orchards has been drawn in to support the connection.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:04:00 +0800 CST  
Glastonbury's connection to Avalon continues tomake it a site of tourism and the area has great religious significance forNeo-Pagans, Neo-Druids and as a New Age community, as well as Christians. Hippyidentification of Glastonbury with Avalon seen in the work of Michell and inGandalf's Garden also helped inspire the Glastonbury Festival.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:04:00 +0800 CST  
5 Other locationsfor Avalon
5 阿瓦隆的其他位置
In medieval times suggestions for the locationof Avalon ranged far beyond Glastonbury. They included paradisal underworldrealms equated with the other side of the Earth at the antipodes, Mongibel inSicily, and other unnamed locations in the Mediterranean.
In more recent times, just like in the questfor Arthur's mythical capital Camelot, a large number of locations have beenput forward as being the real "Avalon". Ashe suggests an associationof Avalon with the town of Avallon in Burgundy, as part of a theory connectingKing Arthur to the Romano-British leader Riothamus who campaigned in that area.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:05:00 +0800 CST  
Nightbringer 阿瓦隆部分
翻译:亚米加 一校:列兵 二校:T菌
The Isle ofApples
The islandlies in the centre of a great lake whose still waters gleam like blue steel,and are surrounded by dark forests. A hero slain in battle must find hispainful way through these forests until he reaches the shores of the lake,where a boat draped in black cloth awaits him with a mysterious woman sittingsilently at the helm.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:05:00 +0800 CST  
The boatglides across to the island without causing a ripple on the still waters, andas it approaches Avalon the hero's gaping wounds become whole again. With allhis manly vigour restored to him he steps onto the beautiful island, where the sunalways shines and rough weather is unknown. Orchards of apple trees laden withglowing fruit rise up from the water's edge, and as he walks amongst them thegrass is like a soft green lawn beneath his feet. Towards the centre of theisland there are green silent forests with flowery glades, filled with suchpeace as men will never know on earth.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:05:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2018-05-02 00:58:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2021-02-23 08:02:18 +0800 CST


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