
When the deadhero wanders contentedly through this forest he slowly becomes aware of theother inhabitants of the island. They are heroes like himself, who haveperished in the defence of the right against the powers of darkness, togetherwith a race of beautiful women who are the keepers of that magic which inspiresmankind with charity, courage, kindliness, and pure-hearted love.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:05:00 +0800 CST  
In the depthsof the forest there is a small church built by Joseph of Arimathea, and it isthere that the hero finds the supreme joy of worshipping the Creator who gavehim, during life, the strength to combat evil and defy the oppressor.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:05:00 +0800 CST  
Avalonaccording to Geoffrey of Monmouth
Avalon isvariously described as an island or valley. Geoffrey of Monmouth gives the nameAvalon to an otherwordly island of Celtic mythology, located to the west ofBritain. In his Latin, it is Insula Avallonis. He mentions the place twice inthe Historia Regum Britanniae, saying
阿瓦隆多被描述为岛屿或山谷。蒙茅斯的杰弗里则将阿瓦隆之名给予了凯尔特神话中,坐落于不列颠之西的来世之岛。而该名称他用拉丁文写作Insula Avallonis。在《不列颠诸王史》中他两次提及该地:
the gloriousKing Arthur was mortally wounded, and was carried from [the battlefield ofCamlann] to the Isle of Avalon [Insula Avallonis], so that his wounds might behealed.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:05:00 +0800 CST  
He alsostates that Arthur's sword, Caliburn, was forged there and that he was carriedthere after his last battle so that his wounds might be attended to.

The Sleep of King Arthur in Avalon

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:06:00 +0800 CST  
The meaningGeoffrey attaches to the name emerges in his poetic Vita Merlini, where heintrodudes the island as the Insula Pomorum, or 'isle of apples', which, headds, is called "Fortunate" (which recall the Fortunate Isles ofclassical myth). It is a lush otherworld paradise that produces grain withoutcultivation and provides longevity to its residents. It lies vaguely overwestern waters and is the home of Morgan - Morgan Le Fay - here depicted as akindly enchantress heading a sisterhood of nine, and all were adept healers.Morgan’s nine sisters recollect the nine maidens of Annwyn who kept a magiccauldron in Preiddeu Annwfn (see also Nine Witches). It is often seen as havinga connection with apples because of the similarity of its name to variousCeltic words denoting that fruit: Old Irish aball, Middle Welsh afall, MiddleBreton avellenn, Celtic avallo. It has also been connected with Avalloc,evidently originally a god who, according to William of Malmesbury, lived therewith his daughters.
杰弗里在他的诗歌《梅林传》中显示了他对这个名字的理解。其中,他将这座岛屿称作“Insula Pomorum”或是苹果岛,又补充道,苹果岛这样的名字被认为代表着“幸运”(这让人想起古典神话中的幸运岛)。阿瓦隆是一个葱翠盎然的世外桃源,不需耕作便可丰收,居者皆得永生。它依稀在西部水域之间,是摩根——摩根勒菲——的家,在《梅林传》中,摩根是一位带领着九位姐妹的友善慈爱的女巫,她们皆善于医治。摩根的九位姐妹使人联想到安温的九位少女,在《安温的战利品》中,这九位少女拥有一口魔法埚。因阿瓦隆之名与凯尔特语系中许多表示水果的词相似,因此时常将阿瓦隆与苹果联系在一起:古爱尔兰语‘aball’、中古威尔士语‘afall',中古布列塔尼亚语‘avallenn’,凯尔特语‘avallo’阿瓦隆也与Avalloc有关,根据蒙茅斯伯里的威廉姆记载,Avalloc显然最初是某位神祇,与其女等居于阿瓦隆。

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:06:00 +0800 CST  
In Geoffrey'spoem, the bard Taliesin tells how Arthur was taken there after Camlann in aboat piloted by Barinthus, an authority on seafaring who also figures in theIrish tale of 'St. Brendan's Voyage'. Morgan placed Arthur on a bed made ofgold, examined his major wound, and undertook to heal him if he would stay inAvalon for a long time under her care.

《The Passing of Arthur》by Hawes Craven

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:06:00 +0800 CST  
This accountis related to much older beliefs, and even realities. Geoffrey pictures Avalonas one of the Fortunate Isles of classical myth. He speaks of self-sown grain,vines that flourish without tending, and inhabitants who live for a century ormore. But he combines all this with genuine Celtic motifs, including the ninesisters. Moreover, the first-century geographer Pomponius Mela refers to agroup of nine virgin priestesses actually living on the Ile de Sein off thecoast of Brittany. Reputedly, they could cure the sick, foretell the future,control the weather, and assume animal disguises. Their talents resembleMorgan's as Geoffrey describes them. She herself, in her origins, is a Celticgoddess.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:06:00 +0800 CST  
Given thenumerous mythological examples of apples as otherworldly or magical fruits, andgiven that the Celtic word for "apple" is avallo, Geoffrey’s equation of "Avalon" to "Apple Island" isprobably correct, the apples being paradisal or magical fruit like those of theHesperides, or of Celtic otherworld regions portrayed elsewhere. We must alsonote, however, the appearance of a ruler named Affalach (various spelled)occurs in Welsh genealogical and legendary matter, named as the father ofModron - the Celtic progenitor of Morgan le Fay - he is said to rule an islandwith the qualities of Geoffrey’s Avalon. Geoffrey’s Insula Avallonis equals the Welsh Ynys Avallach, which may signify"Apple Island", or may mean "Avallach’sIsland". Scholars have also pointed out that the Irish sea-god Manannanwas said to live on an island called Abhlach ("lush with Appletrees").
鉴于不少神话中苹果都是具有魔力的神奇果实这一例证,且考虑到凯尔特语中的苹果为‘avallo’,杰弗里将阿瓦隆定为‘苹果岛’的做法是正确的,如赫斯珀里德斯及凯尔特冥界传说中所描绘的那样,苹果是乐园仙果。但需注意的是,在威尔士系谱与传说中,有一个名为阿瓦拉赫(拼写各异)的统治者,号称摩德隆之父——摩德隆即为摩根勒菲的凯尔特起源——据说他统治着一座与杰弗里笔下的阿瓦隆特质相似的岛屿。杰弗里的Insula Avallonis相当于威尔士语中的Ynys Avallach,也许意为“苹果岛”,或意为“阿瓦拉赫之岛”。学者们还指出,据说爱尔兰海神马南南便居住于名为苹果的岛上(“苹果树平原”)。

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:06:00 +0800 CST  
Anothercurious point is that Geoffrey's spelling of the name, whether or not heinvented it, would scarcely be a true Latin equivalent for the Welsh. HisInsula Avallonis is influenced - perhaps through Breton channels - by the nameof a real place, a town, in Burgundy, Avallon. This is of Gaulish derivationand certainly does have the "apple" meaning. Geoffrey's use of it,coupled with hints in his Prophetiae Merlini and elsewhere, may indicate adifferent version of Arthur's passing. One school of thought suggests that"Avallon" comes from Irish oileán (island).

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:06:00 +0800 CST  
It wasperhaps originally a Celtic paradise. It was said to produce crops withoutcultivation, to be ruled by Guingamuer (Guingomar), Morgan's lover, or by aking named Bangon. Burgundy, whether coincidentally or not, is near where theBritish high king called "Riothamus" in continental chronicles endedhis career, probably slain in battle against the Visigoths. In their ArthurianHandbook, Geoffrey Ashe and Norris Lacy trace the career of Riothamus andargue, as other scholars have done, for an identification between Riothamus andArthur. If this identification is correct, it adds an entirely new angle to theidea of Avalon or Avallon as Arthur’s final resting place.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:06:00 +0800 CST  
Successiveauthors added sporadically to the concept of Geoffrey’s Insula Avallonis. Wace and Layamon both relate the Briton beliefthat Arthur would return from Avalon to rule again. Layamon gives its fairyqueen’s name as Argante rather than Morgan. Chrétien de Troyes names its ruler as Guinguemar, Morgan’s lover, while Heinrich von dem Türlin callsits queen Enfeidas, Arthur’s aunt. In the Italian LaTavola Ritonda, the island, located in the Soriano Sea, is inhabited by awicked sorceress named Escorducarla. Durmart le Gallois names its ruler as KingBangon. The French tale of Les Merveilles de Rigomer refers to all of theBritish Isles as the "Isles of Avalon".

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:07:00 +0800 CST  
Apart fromwhat Geoffrey transmits himself, little is known of the way the island wasregarded before him. The Irish sea-god Manannan ruled over an elysianotherworld isle to which the epithet ablach was given, meaning "rich inapple-trees". There is obviously some connection, but the Irish parallelremains unenlightening. Some have thought that Avalon was an abode of departedspirits. Evidence is lacking, and indeed, as the story of Arthur's sojourndevelops, the whole point is that he is not a departed spirit; he is stillalive through enchantment and will continue in Avalon till the day comes forhis return. Wace and Layamon note this as a Breton belief, and several authorsfollow inventively in the same path.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:07:00 +0800 CST  
Their Avalontends to drift into other climes, and Morgan goes with it. Étienne de Rouen inDraco Normannicus (ca. 1169) takes Arthur to the Antipodes, though hisintention may be satirical. Others do not venture so far. The author ofFloriant et Florete (ca 1250) seems to identify Avalon with Sicily, as opinionthat passes from romance into folklore. The resulting Sicilian presence ofMorgan is the reason for the term Fata Morgana applied to a mirage phenomenonin the Straits of Messina.
Afourteenth-century poem about the hero Ogier places Avalon in the East near theEarthly Paradise, and a Danish redaction of it points to India, while a Spanishmedieval poem La Faula considered it to be an oriental isle.But the chroniclerJean des Preis, or d'Outremeuse, toward 1400, tells of Ogier's meeting withArthur in a Mediterranean Avalon, where Morgan houses them in a palacesurrounded by pools and fruit-trees, and both enjoy immortality and perpetualyouth.
他们倾向于将阿瓦隆搬到其他地区,而摩根也随之而去。鲁恩的斯蒂芬在《龙之诺曼底》(ca.1169)中将亚瑟王带去了澳大利亚与新西兰,不过他这样写可能是意图讽刺。其他人并未去那么远的地方开展故事。《弗洛里特的弗洛里特》的作者便将阿瓦隆岛与西西里岛关联起来,这是一个从浪漫传说引渡到民间故事的观点。而摩根在西西里传说中的登场,其结果便是产生了“Fata Morgana”一词,指代了在摩西納海峡出现的海市蜃楼。

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:07:00 +0800 CST  
The Majorcanpoet Guillem Torroella, in La Faula (1360-70), describes a voyage on a whale'sback to an island that is likewise in the Mediterranean and is clearly meant tobe Avalon. The narrator enters Morgan's palace, and she shows him paintings ofArthurian characters. A young man in her company turns out to be Arthur. He hashealed his wounds by bating in the water of the River Tigris, which flows fromthe Earthly Paradise, and his youth is annually restored by visits of the HolyGrail.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:07:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:07:00 +0800 CST  
InPerlesvaus, Guinevere and Loholt, Arthur's son, died before Arthur and wereburied there. (In Perlesvaus, Avalon may be identical to Glastonbury.)Perlesvaus somewhat strips it of its otherworldly associations by havingLancelot simply happen upon it during his adventures. In Alliterative MorteArthure, Arthur is borne to a manor there, but a surgeon from Salerno fails tocure him and he dies. However, because of the first syllable in Glastonbury'sname, some may have thought it identical with Caer Wydyr, the Fort of Glass,another name for Annwfn. Another tradition claims that a man named Glast orGlasteing found his eightfooted pigs here under an apple tree, and called itInsula Avalloniae.
在《帕西瓦尔》中,桂妮薇儿、亚瑟王之子洛霍尔特都死于亚瑟王之前,并被葬于此处(在《帕西瓦尔》中,阿瓦隆可能正是格拉斯顿伯里)。《帕西瓦尔》某种意义上通过兰斯洛特碰巧发生在岛上的冒险经历,褪去了阿瓦隆的超凡脱俗。在头韵诗《亚瑟王之死》中,亚瑟王被带往此处的一座庄园,但萨勒莫的医生并未治疗他,致其不治而亡。然而,由于格拉斯顿伯里名字中的第一个音节,有些观点认为其与琉璃堡垒 Caer Wydyr有所关联,而此名正是安温的另一个名字。另有传说宣称,一名名为格拉斯特或格拉斯丁的男人在此处的一颗苹果树下发现了他的八脚猪,并将此处命名为“苹果岛”。

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:07:00 +0800 CST  
Nightbringer 剑鞘部分
翻译:亚米加 校对:列兵
Excalibur, The Scabbard of

The scabbard of Excalibur, "heavy ofgold and precious stones", was, in Merlin's opinion, worth ten of thesword, because as long as a fighter had the scabbard upon him, he would lose noblood, no matter how severely wounded. The importance of the scabbard is anargument for making Excalibur the sword given by the Lady of the Lake, since itis more difficult to account for a scabbard belonging specifically to a swordthat appeared sheathed in stone and anvil. Morgan stole this scabbard and threwit into a convenient body of water fairly early in Arthur's career.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:07:00 +0800 CST  
In the fifteenth-century Catalan romancesTirant Lo Blanch, Excalibur seems to possess a kind of oracular magic: gazinginto his great sword enables Arthur to give every questioner an answer repletewith the wisdom of medieval courtly philosphy. This, however, occurs in apassage that surely describes an elaborate and presumably rehearsed masque.
When Gawaine fought the magician Mabon overthe fairy Marsique, she obtained the scabbard for him but it subsequentlydisappeared.

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:08:00 +0800 CST  
Sir Thomas Malory does not name the swordin his Le Morte d'Arthur. In the early Welsh story of Culhwch and Olwen, thesword is called Caladvwlch, which can be linguistically linked with the magicalsword Caladbolg (derived from calad - 'hard' - and bolg - 'lightning'), a swordborne by Irish heroes, and in particular Cú Chulainn. Geoffreyof Monmouth calls the sword Caliburnus, and so derives the Excalibur of theromances.


楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:09:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 _seaking_  发布于 2018-05-01 17:10:00 +0800 CST  



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