【TNABO】星际迷航:超越星辰 新闻/资料/票房/讨论专贴


片场视频来自推特@ NabiNarch






楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-23 20:12:00 +0800 CST  

照片来自推特@ PhilMac82

楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-23 20:37:00 +0800 CST  
15年12月15日,迪拜电影电视协会在推特(@ Brand_Dubai) 发布了一些片场的照片





楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-23 21:24:00 +0800 CST  



"It was very action-packed -- yeah, it was surprising. I find [the trailer] to be the marketing people saying 'Everybody come and see this film, it's full of action and fun!'...
There's a lot more to [the movie] than that. I didn't love [the trailer] because I know there's a lot more to the film. There's a lot more story, and a lot more character stuff, and a lot more of what I call 'Star Trek stuff.'
But, you know, [Paramount has to] bring a big audience in; they've got to bang the drum. To the 'Star Trek' fans, I'd say hang in there and be patient."


楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-24 11:36:00 +0800 CST  




DB Wilson收到了这幅20*36的实物海报,同时Omaze平台捐款页也展出了这艘星舰。



拉近镜头看,史波克制服上的肩章写着USS Franklin.



楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-25 00:56:00 +0800 CST  
Doug Jung谈星际迷航:超越星辰编剧历程以及和西蒙·佩吉的合作



I was hesitant to take [the job] because, I mean, you'd have to be kind of an idiot to not see that opportunity – but it's a little intimidating. There's just a huge amount of information and so many years and layers that go into [the Star Trek] canon.
Their shared history with Trek had an impact.
There were definitely times when we were sitting there together and we would both be like, "All right, this is just weird. We need to think of a really good Spock line.” Or whatever – A really good Bones quip.
We'd have some cool idea, but think, "Did they do that once in some Next Generation episode? Is that what's coming to us? Is that where we're getting it?"
It was stuff like that that came up.



Not only did they do their own research when needed, they also welcomed feedback from other Trek experts during the writing process:
[We had] so many people who were such fans of Star Trek, who knew it so well; [we were able] to lean on those people a little bit. We had this guy who did all the alien dialect, and in the script where there was something about Vulcan theology, and I got it wrong…
He sent me an email saying “In the Original Series, we did establish that Spock..." And I literally was like, "That's great!" How fantastic is it that?
We would take that from anywhere we could get it.




Jung also spoke at length about the writing partnership, and how Pegg's familiarity with the material added to their efforts.
What I liked about [Simon’s] point of view is that he is an actor in the new reboot franchise, and he could kind of take a different point of view on it at certain times.
That was really cool, because we would be doing scenes where there was heavy back-and-forth dialogue, and he could sometimes say, "You know, I don't think he'd say that."
He knew the characters and the actors really well, so he would even sometimes tailor things to certain actors, as Simon knew what their strengths were.


Lastly, he also talked about the pair's work to try to build the characters of the Enterprise crew in this new outing:
One of the other things were trying to determine while we were doing it, was what are all the inter-dynamics between these characters? I remember we were talking one day... "Have Chekov and Sulu ever had a conversation on-screen?" We went through the other two movies and they actually, literally, never had a conversation on-screen.
So just because he was there, he knows all that how it sort of went down and we were able to go, "Oh, there's an opportunity." Something where we can maybe build certain relationships that haven't been explored before.


楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-26 01:21:00 +0800 CST  
首款预告发布后,推特网友@ devincf 和林导谈论了电影

楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-26 03:18:00 +0800 CST  
伊德里斯·艾尔巴接受MTV News采访,谈及自己所饰演的反派,称其角色塑造具有开创性。

"Simon [Pegg] and the team have written a very interesting, complex journey for my character. You’ve never seen me play a character like this.
I think 'Star Trek' has prided themselves as being quite classic when it comes to villains, like 'he's a guy who wants to end the world,' there’s no doubt about that. But in this version of the film, there’s a slightly different twist to that.
It’s quite an interesting journey, which I think is groundbreaking for the franchise. But, it still keeps with the 'classic bad guy is a classic bad guy' tone."
Elba also spoke about the grueling pace of filming so far:
"It’s been hard work. I’ve been doing 18-hour days. It’s tough work, but I’m looking forward to people seeing this film."


楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-26 23:56:00 +0800 CST  
在迪拜开拍前发布会结束后,四位主演于Scoop with Raya节目
(和美国的Entertainment Tonight 是同性质的节目)


RAYA: Have you ever seen Dubai in a film? Have you watched Mission: Impossible? What were your thoughts?
QUINTO: I loved it in Ghost Protocol. I mean, I remember that sandstorm - I was like, "What?! How is that…" I mean I know that happens – but not to that degree, correct? Is that my understanding?
RAYA: Well, it can be really intense, but obviously heightened for the blockbuster.
QUINTO: Yeah, heightened for the film, cinematically enhanced, as it were. I think we're just all really excited to be here, and to learn our way around the city in the next few weeks and have the experiences of everything that it has to offer.
RAYA: And here's my job... Middle East, or Middle Earth?
URBAN: [Laughs] Middle East! I'll stick with reality!

ELBA: In Mission and one or two other films. I'm actually very proud that is committed to being a player in the film industry. It's great.
It's amazing, because again, you know, I've traveled around the world, and I think every culture offers something different in terms of how they approach film, what you can get from the different environments around the world.
Shooting in South Africa, shooting here... your camera sees something different and the camera absorbs it. I think there's a great future in film for Dubai for sure.
PINE: I couldn't say it any better. I think, again, it gets back to what film and art can do, which is to show the world different parts of this incredible world in which we live.
There are many different parts to this world, and the first time I ever really saw Dubai was in Mission: Impossible and seeing Tom hanging off the side of which we're going to see today, actually. It's incredible.
I'm really kind of moved about how ancient this part of the world is, and yet how forward-thinking... I've never seen a cityscape like this, and as Idris we travel everywhere doing what we do, and this cityscape, this landscape, this architecture is really stunning.


楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-28 01:35:00 +0800 CST  
《星际迷航:超越星辰》 林诣彬导演长篇专访 谈时间线、主题和故事情节


Question: I definitely want to ask about getting the Beastie Boys in the trailer.
Justin Lin: It’s in the DNA of this canon it was in the ’09 Trek, and I think…For me it was not… I wanted to make sure, I mean, we went through different iterations of the teaser and I wanted to make sure that whatever we did here it’s using all the elements that’s in the film. So it’s been a part of this Kirk’s journey, so I felt like it was very organic in ultimately the finished film.


Question: Is that the song in the movie?
Lin: Well, like I said, I’m using elements that are part of the film and I wanted to make sure we didn’t do anything that is just trying to pump something else in to kinda…you know, it’s a two-hour movie, we have a minute and a half, and I looked at different versions and there are more traditional ways of presenting it and I think the one thing was that when I came on this my level of engagement in Trek came from…I didn’t even realize how emotional it was until, like, the first day I went, it was in preproduction I walked into the hallway of the Enterprise and, like, it just kind of hit me, and it’s been a big part of me. My level of engagement was really from 8 to 18. I watched Trek at 11 p.m. on channel 13 with my dad. He worked all day, closed shop at 9, and we had dinner at 10 and watched Trek. And so a lot of that is trying to hopefully create something that embraces the essence of Trek for me, but then Simon [Pegg] has a very different level, you know, and Doug [Jung] also has a very different…so it was awesome to get in there, to have those collaborators and have that discourse of how we were going to craft this movie. I mean, Simon, he knows everything about Trek and it’s great to really have those guys with me the whole way.
I’ve always thought if I had a chance to do a Star Trek, and in a way when J.J. [Abrams] called me, it was kind of that question I had to answer for myself. I didn’t plan on doing a Star Trek movie. There was a big price to pay for me personally. I was ready to go do my L.A. Riots movie and for me to kinda walk away from that was a big deal, and I had to really kind of look within myself and say, “Okay, well, this is an opportunity. What would that be?”

And, again, I think it’s 50 years. It was around before I was born, and so, for me, I think that at its core I felt like on this chapter if we could kind of deconstruct Trek on different levels and then hopefully reaffirm why it’s great then we can maybe send it off and they’ll have a long run after this, and that to me was kinda on a more cerebral sense, you know, I feel like that was kinda the mission here on this one.

And, again, the schedule was insane and I felt on the whole level having Doug and Simon and the crew and the cast, it felt like a big indie movie because if you weren’t passionate, if you didn’t have a connection to this franchise, then you shouldn’t be a part of it, and that was kinda the mantra when I signed up, and our point of views, our level of engagement are all very different, but I think we always had, whether it’s walking around the production office, that level of engagement, that discourse was always welcome and I think ultimately it’s gonna get infused into the film.


Question: It seems a little bit to me that you’re taking everybody in the crew out of their — the crew of the film not the crew on the set — out of their comfort zone, at least from the set-up that I’ve seen in the trailer. You take away their ship, you kind of put them out in the wild. Was that the core idea that spoke to you about doing something different with the…?
Lin: At the most basic level when you talk about deconstruction, I feel like that’s a very literal interpretation, but I also felt like it’s going through that journey. J.J. [Abrams] did such a great job of putting all these people together, but I wanted to hopefully create an opportunity or a situation where we really see how they react to things and to each other. Those are things that even in all the years of watching Trek we had hundreds of hours with the movies of stuff with engagement, but in this timeline I wanted to hopefully create something where we can be on the five-year mission, we can hopefully explore and push, and introduce new species, and put them in situations where hopefully it then mirrors back and reflects about the exploration of humanity. I think that’s important.


Question: What are some of the themes that you guys are working with here?
Lin: Well, I mean…the other thing is just having someone like Idris [Elba] join. I feel very fortunate and it’s something I felt like we had to…you know, i wanted to create a situation where, anybody that joins us, we have to earn our keep. You know, I’m the new guy, but when he came in he had a lot of projects, so when I talked to him about this character, it’s not just about this or that, it’s about building it and having a philosophy and a point of view. And I like his character because his character is really challenging the way of The Federation’s philosophy and there’s just a lot of things that I think when I was growing up I wanted to see. I’m sorry, I don’t know if I answered your…


Question: Well, his line in the trailer, “this is where the frontier pushes back,” is maybe a little literal in the way he’s reacting to the federation.
Lin: Yeah, but also I think, as you’ll see, he’s a character that has a very distinct philosophy that’s very different than…I think it’s great being a fan and a lot of times I watch Utopia, East San Francisco, and I always feel like, “Oh wow.” When you’re building this movie, you’re like, “So they don’t have money. How do they live? How do they compete?” And those are things that I think his character in a way has a very distinct and valid point of view.


楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-03-07 19:38:00 +0800 CST  
Question: How close are the shots in the trailer to being done? How did you decide to reveal the action set piece you showed in the first trailer? Because you pretty much show the Enterprise getting destroyed in the trailer.
Lin: Six weeks ago I was in Dubai. [Laughs] So these shots usually take six, seven months just to do it. So, again, there are a lot of people in dark rooms around the clock and I’m in there and we’re talking and were building. Around the world everybody’s trying to get this, and so we knew that this was going to be the first time anybody was going to see [it] and there was going to be a lot of eyeballs on it.

What’s our interpretation? How are we going to enter? How am I going to enter into this franchise?



Question: The Enterprise being taken down is a big piece of the film. Like you said, there’s a lot of other ones, but I felt like a lot of times when you see that, even in Star Trek, you think of it as maybe second act, you know? I don’t mind sharing that. I think that’s a point of initiation, and I’d love for everyone to hopefully engage on that level and let’s see where we can go.
Lin: I wanted to hopefully create a situation where it’s organic in putting these characters in situations where they have to react, a lot of the time off of each other and also to whatever predicament they’re under.


Question: Did it take any convincing to get Idris to cover up his whole face in the film?
Lin: I’ve worked with some really great people, and Idris just immerses himself and I really enjoyed working with him because it’s all about the character and what’s best for the character’s journey in the film, so…I mean, the only thing that sucked was that he took four hours every time we had to get him on set, but other than that, it was great. It was a pleasure working with him.


Question: In terms of Trek movie villains, especially the Next Gen. ones, common problem there is you have a villain coming in with a doomsday weapon, and you gotta stop a ticking clock and him. And that kind of like deflates some of the fans’ reactions to some of those films.

How conscious were you guys of that and trying to shape Idris’ role and maybe going in a different direction than the previous films?
Lin: I mean, a lot of times, it’s kind of plot vs. character. I think the one thing that, for me, the way the process here is being very clear and hopefully engaging on every character. So it was either Idris or Sofia…it was a lot of time spent on dealing with them and having those point of views. I think without those point of views then you’re just kinda serving plot…
When someone is really kinda challenging the way of life, the way The Federation might see how we should act, I mean, I could see that there could be a valid, whether right or wrong, there’s a valid philosophy, and that’s the point of entry.


Question: In Into Darkness, we saw The Federation is a little corrupt. I was wondering if we sort of see it continuing on in this direction or is it just sort of being scaled back and show a more utopia this time?
Lin: There was no conscious effort. I think it was just really embracing the idea that The Federation…For me, what would happen if you’re going on a five-year journey and you’re trying to also not only explore but also maybe introduce other people to this way of thinking? What would that mean? What are the consequences to that? Spreading a philosophy that you believe in, that you think is great, are there gonna be any other points of views that are going to counter you? It’s easy to preach what The Federation is about and how you’re supposed to act, but what happens when that gets stripped away? Who are you? That’s something that I was excited to explore.


Question: Are you going to address how they cured death at the end of Into Darkness and possibly leaving behind some other things?
Lin: I don’t know if we’re leaving it behind, and Simon and Doug and I definitely have spent some time on that. [Laughs] But you know at the same time I feel like Star Trek has been around 50 years and I’m excited to be a part of it but I’m also excited to be a participant but hopefully to see where it’s gonna go, and I think every filmmaker that comes on has a different point of view and it’s a big universe. It could support many different points of views and journeys and adventures, and so I totally embraced what J.J. brought ahead of me because without him this whole group wouldn’t have been together.

So I’m definitely very appreciative of that and to have the opportunity to kind of build on that. It definitely now exists. I think the people that really care, you can’t ignore that, but at the same time, do we address that? I don’t discount it. We don’t sit there and say it doesn’t exist. It’s part of this universe now.


Do you see real world parallels in the themes you are exploring in Star Trek Beyond?
Lin: Star Trek has a very 1960s sensibility of who has the bigger ship usually wins, right? And if you look at it, the attack [on The Enterprise in the trailer], these ships are 40 feet long, but there’s like 4,000 of ‘em, and so I think even in the way they’re being encountered and how people are coming, you can’t help but…


楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-03-07 20:08:00 +0800 CST  
Question: There are some obviously direct callbacks to Kirk in the first movie with the Beastie Boys song and the motorcycle. Can you tell us basically a bit of how his arc maybe in this film mirrors where he’s come from?
Lin: It definitely…it’s a big part. if you think of how in this timeline how Kirk engaged and joined Starfleet, and then you’re going in on a five-year journey, you’re two-and-a-half years into it, I think some existential issues are gonna, it’s gonna very obviously gonna pop up. I think, if I was in his shoes, I would have those and I think we do try to kind of answer, and I think that was one of the challenges.

When you make…you try to make a film that’s based on a franchise that was on a TV show that’s been around for 50 years, where else can you take these characters? And so that was one of the…for me that was a great find. Without that find I don’t think I would have done it. It is about why is Kirk doing what he’s doing? We assume, when we watch it on the TV show, that that’s just something he did, but I wanna know why, and are you going to continue? Are you going to…what’s the reason? Why do you do what you do? Great, you can go out and talk about how great The Federation is and be a part…whatever. But why are you part of it?
Once I was really happy with the inciting incident, I wanted to stay true to all the characters. So this was not one where…I really feel like, at least on this chapter, it wasn’t about like, “Hey, let’s do all these things.” It was about, “Okay, what at its core”

— I want to hopefully experience and hopefully we can share, and then at that point let’s really be honest with every one of these characters and to make sure they have hopefully enough real estate in that journey so that we can all kind of engage so that hopefully it sets it up so that later on you see a lot more of whatever characteristics that drew you to these characters.


Question: From this teaser trailer, it kind of looks like an old Trek episode where they get stuck on a planet. Is the whole story like that? Is it this contained, like, them getting stuck on a planet and…?
Lin: Well, I don’t know how contained. Even if it’s a planet, it’s a big planet.


Question: Will any follow up to Khan or Carol Marcus be addressed in the film?
Lin: We pick ‘em up about two-and-a-half years after the end of Into Darkness, but I…there was many iterations where we did go and explore. At the end of the day, I just felt we’re two-and-a-half years in…I mean, it is really interesting. What we shot and what’s going to be in theaters, it’s pretty…volume, I mean, quantity wise it’s quite a bit, but then to be honest I actually had even more beyond that, so that’s something that we definitely talked about and worked on. I didn’t think it was — at least in the presentation of this film — it didn’t quite fit in. I mean, it’s probably there with the transport…


Question: Due to the budget the movies have to appeal to a wide audience while the TV shows can appeal to a smaller segment of the population.
Lin: Well that’s the thing. Again, it kind of goes back to this earlier question of kind of this idea of alien species. I’ve always been fascinated by them when I watched Star Trek, but I think a lot of times they end up just kind of falling behind and, aside from Vulcans and Klingons and stuff, they’re just around, and so I thought one of the great things is what if we can create a character that’s compelling that could be a part of this film and maybe, you know, let’s see where this character can take us, and so what was really great about this process, as we were creating it, I was also looking and when Sofia came in I saw her audition and I was like…it was great because I felt like I found the character but I also can use what her strength is to help build the character because it was just the way this process was, and so the next time I had her in makeup and she came in for a screen test, it was like boom. That was great, and who she is I think, as a filmmaker, I’m using a lot of what I love about the strength of Sofia and her personality to kind of help build the character.


Question: Did you approach this more like an episode where this is a story that is told here or did you approach this as more like what happens here will inform the next six pictures?
Lin: No, I keep kinda telling everybody we’re doing the Gattaca thing where, just swim as hard as we can to the buoy and figure out how to swim back later.


Question: What does the title Star Trek Beyond mean to you and how did that come up?
Lin: It came from my initial conversation with J.J. He kinda tracked me down and we’re talking and I didn’t know what to expect. I thought maybe he’s offering to go shoot a script that existed, and he said, “No, it’s yours. Go and be bold, and just take it. Be bold and make it what you think you would do to Star Trek,”

and the more we talked about it the more we kept saying, “Well, let’s keep pushing, let’s keep pushing,” and that’s when Simon kinda said, “Well, it should be Star Trek Beyond,” and it was his idea and it kinda came from all our conversations and then we looked at each other and like, “Oh! That sounds like the title of this film.”


Question: Where are you in the editing process right now?
Lin: I’m in the middle of it. Yeah. We have a good cut already. I mean, it’s six weeks and I’m having a great time. Again, you know, I’ve gotten to a point in my career where I don’t really have to do anything I don’t want to. I don’t have to work with people that I don’t want to, so whether this works or not, I mean, it’s on me. The accountability is on me.

I love the crew that came together. Everyone’s working really hard and it’s because everyone loves what they’re doing. We’re six weeks in right now and it’s a tight schedule, especially when you’re doing outer space and stuff, but what I already love is that a lot of the stuff we talked about…
I mean, I can’t believe it’s only been, you know, like 10 months, but everything that we talked about, the cast has been incredible and kinda of bringing that to life.


楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-03-07 20:33:00 +0800 CST  
Question: Was it tempting as a Star Trek nerd to load in all the cameos that you could think of?
Lin: [Laughs]There are a lot of talks and a lot of — I got a lot of calls with offers of people wanting to come in…
Question: Oh, volunteering to be in it?
Lin: Yeah, but it was one of those things that I just didn’t — i appreciated it but it would’ve taken away from the film.


Did you design this movie with 3D in mind?
Lin: They always come to me — even the Fast movies — saying can we do 3D, and I just felt like there was this kind of…you’re just trying to milk people for more money, and so I resisted. I was like, “No. No way.” In this case, I felt like, especially with space and the depth, I think you get a different experience going 3D, so it’s definitely been kind of designed into it, and I feel like in the nature in how some of these shots are constructed, I would want to see it in 3D, you know? But it will definitely be a bit of a different experience in watching this movie 2D. So that was definitely taken into account. I don’t think I would have agreed to 3D if it was just, again, to like milk people for more money. I just don’t think that’s right.


What’s the status of the Spock-Uhura relationship
Lin: I think what we’re doing is appropriate to the two-and-a-half years sense, and they’re definitely…I feel like, especially coming on…it’s a continuation in a way and I don’t want, again, to just ignore things and act as if they don’t exist. So there’s definitely an acknowledgment and their relationship is consistent, I feel, to what was built before.


Are you already thinking about possibly directing more Star Trek movies?
Lin: I’ll never say never, but I’ve had a great time. I, also, I’m getting older and there’s a lot of stuff I wanna do. I didn’t plan on doing this, and so…but I also feel like that’s the right way to enter something is to not be strategic and like, “Oh, this’ll be good for me or this.” Just because I love it and when I met Simon and Doug I realized I wanna work with these people. I met the cast, I’m like, “I wanna be a part of this.”
Again, coming from the indie world, that’s the best way to make a movie, and anything less it’s just painful. So, I’ve been very lucky to kinda have that journey and I’m not looking for anything else…I feel fortunate to be a part of this, but I am itching. I have a lot of things I wanna do and I’m not getting any younger.


楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-03-07 20:40:00 +0800 CST  
Tencent’s rights to be Paramount’s exclusive online distributor in China will last for a year after new films first hit theaters.

Paramount’s “Star Trek Beyond” is set to appear on screens next year, around the 50th anniversary of the space drama’s debut on TV. Other highly awaited films include “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows” and “Jack Reacher: Never Go Back,” Tencent noted in a statement.


楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-03-09 22:06:00 +0800 CST  
Oscar nominated and Emmy winning actress Shohreh Aghdashloo (House Of Sand And Fog, House Of Saddam) has joined the third installment in the Star Trek series, Star Trek Beyond.
The film, which we hear is undergoing some reshoots next week with Aghdashloo playing the role of the High Command of the Federation.
However, the film is still on track to be released this summer, on July 22, from Paramount.

16年03月12日 据DEADLINE独家报道


楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-03-12 10:23:00 +0800 CST  

作曲家Micheal Giacchino为电影创作的原声光盘已上线亚马逊


现在接受预购,价格为 $17.98

楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-03-12 23:04:00 +0800 CST  
2016.03.12 导演发推
Friday night movie at #STB cutting room. Big thanks to@bad_robotfor a special screening of #10CloverfieldLane


楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-03-13 10:01:00 +0800 CST  

“You’re last in line,good luck avoiding spoilers for an extra six weeks.”

所以不在表单之内 被暂时忽略的



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加拿大 塞浦路斯 芬兰 印度 爱尔兰 拉脱维亚 墨西哥 挪威 罗马尼亚 瑞典 台湾 土耳其 英国 美国 委内瑞拉 越南

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智利 哥伦比亚 克罗地亚



波兰 西班牙

丹麦 葡萄牙






楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-03-13 14:57:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-03-16 12:30:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-03-16 13:06:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2016-02-18 10:30:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2016-12-16 09:17:01 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



