【TNABO】星际迷航:超越星辰 新闻/资料/票房/讨论专贴


One is hard pressed to think of another franchise with the limitless potential of Star Trek. Where did you begin fashioning this story? Did you have a list of things you wanted to have or avoid?
Yeah. Well, we felt that the first two films, chronologically, take place before the five-year mission. As we’ve said with this one, we want it to be about them on that five-year mission. In fact, two years into that five-year mission, and how that impacted them personally and what it meant to be out in space that long.

And we liked the idea of also, on the fiftieth anniversary, looking at Roddenberry’s original vision and questioning it. The whole notion of the Federation and whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing and how productive is inclusivity and what is the true cost of expansion. That kind of stuff. So we went in with some big philosophical questions to ask … Star Trek’s had to evolve in order to exist in the current marketplace. A film that was totally in the mood of the original series would not be made today, or make money today. Because people want event cinema. They want [things] to be a little more brash and a little more action-oriented. So we’ve had to dial that into the Star Trek brand. But at the same time that doesn’t mean that can’t be fundamentalized by all the tenants of what Star Trek is, and how those characters have evolved over the years, and to really give its DNA a kind of authenticity. So that’s been a really interesting thing, and that’s something we really wanted to do. So Doug and I, when we were really happy with a day’s writing, we would sit and watch a couple of episodes of the original series just for fun. Not to get ideas.
It’s always good to get names from the original series, like dead redshirts. I have a list of dead redshirts on my phone somewhere. Just to know that the same people exist in the universe. But this is our universe. It belongs to us now. J.J. — very cleverly — was able to establish the story again without damaging or affecting what went before. And it’s ours now. Anything can happen. Anyone can die. It’s not the same events.



The first two films referenced the original series of films. Will this do that at all or are you now finally past that?


There will be things in there for every Star Trek fan. It is the same world, and so some of the points of reference will be the same. But they are off in a part of the galaxy that they’ve never been before. They’re far away from the usual suspects I think. As such it’s not like they’re meeting up with an old adversary or someone they’ve met before. We toyed with that. You look at the great episodes and think, “Why don’t we do ‘Mirror, Mirror’ or why don’t we do ‘Arena’?” But that was Galaxy Quest, so that’s off the table. [Laughs.]


楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-20 00:42:00 +0800 CST  

Now that Star Wars is happening, how do you make it different from that?


Yeah, it’s interesting when you look at the original Star Trek. Because it is about an idealistic young farm boy who goes off to fight in outer space. There are similar beats to it. You just try and create a kind of hybrid, I think. Star Wars is science fantasy and Star Trek is science fiction, and they’re two different things.

People very often go, “Oh. Star Wars and Star Trek…” [but] they’re not the same thing at all. It’s a bizarre little thing that you can be in Bad Robot now and hear Chewbacca in one room and someone talking about Spock in the other. But they are still two very different things.
What you have to maintain with Star Trek is that it’s rooted somewhere in our universe. In humanity. Star Wars is a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. The thing that makes that Star Trek more science fantasy is there’s a lot of special effects, a lot of fighting. Star Trek never could afford that, in a way. Which is why it had to concentrate on other aspects of production. We can do both now now. So I think it’s kind of finding a way of having that really fun, spectacular event cinema, but grounding it. Because explosions don’t mean a damn thing if you don’t care about who’s involved in the explosions. You can see that most incredible fireworks on a cinema screen. But if you don’t fundamentally care about the people that are in jeopardy then they’re so unimpressive. You see that time and time again these days.


楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-20 00:50:00 +0800 CST  

Is there a particular character dynamic you were really eager to explore?

Yeah, I felt like the Kirk-Spock thing, we’d done that now. Arguably maybe too soon in a way. I think there’s still a lot of time for those guys to become super friends. Maybe we’ll do that further down the line if we do more. I felt like now it was time to move away from the bromance thing and concentrate on the idea of the crew as a family living in a small space together, and what it means to all of them.

I really love the dynamic between Bones and Spock, so that’s something we’ve kind of concentrated on a little bit with this one. Kirk’s older than his dad was when he died. All that sort of psychological stuff is playing on him. Scotty’s just still Scotty.



Outside of Spock, Scotty’s one of the few characters that gets to have really good one-to-ones with Kirk. How has their dynamic evolving in this film?


They kind of have a friendship whereby Scotty can kind of tell it how it is to Kirk. He respects him but occasionally he will tell him as he does in Into Darkness. So their relationship has evolved from that. I hope when you see us again whatever dynamic evolved through the last two films, there’s been another two years of that. So they’re all very comfortable with each other. They’re all very into the cycle of doing their job. Scotty is just happy to be in the engine room doing his thing.



楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-20 01:01:00 +0800 CST  

Zoe Saldana has said that as this movie begins the crew is done, they’re drained two years into the mission. Where do you go from there?


It’s less that they’re done with it. Because they know that they’ve still got time to go. It’s more that they’re dealing with what would inevitably be the psychological impact of doing it. It’s not they’re, “Oh, I don’t want to do this anymore.” No one’s over it. It’s just that they’re doing their job. They’re going from adventure to adventure and it’s kind of tiring, and wondering what the end game of it all is. The idea of the movie, the story in the film, is that what they encounter helps to clarify what their job is.



What can you tease about Idris Elba’s character?


Idris is doing some extraordinary work at the moment. Me and Doug sat down with him a few weeks ago in preparation for his scenes, and really got to the bottom of who he is in this movie. I can’t tell you that because there’s a lot of complexity about him and mystery about which we obviously want to maintain.

But he’s just this very formidable, very powerful, person/thing that they encounter. He is a kind of a… He’s obviously a match for Kirk. But there’s a dynamic between them that is very interesting. That will all become clear.


楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-20 01:07:00 +0800 CST  

People enjoy seeing the gizmos and gadgets of science fiction. Can you talk about that? And was there anything from the original series that you wanted to incorporate?

Yeah, well, it’s no spoilers to say there’s phasers and communicators and beaming and what you’d hope for from a Star Trek movie. I think a few characters who’ve never beamed before got to be beamed in this one, which was very nice for them. Part of the story at least begins with them docking up at a new Starbase which is at the very edge of space. It’s a new kind of diplomatic hub. It’s called Yorktown, and it’s right on the edge of Federation space. It’s where all the most recent Federation inductees can come and mingle with each other and sort of learn about each other.



It’s like Mos Eisley?


No, that’s a wretched hive of scum and villainy! [Laughs.] This is the opposite of that… Me and Doug joked that there were various aliens with leaflets, handing them out to other aliens, like, “Come and see our world!” But it’s basically a place where they can understand what being part of the Federation means, and it’s an important kind of tactical establishment for the Federation. They’re very, very far out, but it’s been built locally, so it’s very interesting to look at.

It’s where the Enterprise docks up. For the first time in ten months it’s had proper contact with other people—that’s where the story begins. Designing that … You describe it in a screenplay and then you give it to a production designer and they come back with these amazing concept designs. That was the most amazing thing for Doug and I. You write away and you write away and then you see all these boards with this beautifully designed stuff, and you kind of feel like you can take credit for it. Even though you shouldn’t. [Laughs.]


楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-20 01:17:00 +0800 CST  

One of your many strengths is comedy. How has that affected the rhythm and humor of the film and that way in which it compares to the previous two? Obviously it’s not gonna be a romp.

Yeah, but understandably when my name was linked to it, people went, “Oh no. It’s gonna be a comedy.” That’s not what we want to do. But obviously both Doug and myself and the whole cast and Justin are very keen for the film to be fun. The jeopardy for it to be real the tension for it to be nail-biting.

I feel like Star Trek was always very bright and optimistic. There are some fabulous comic touches in the original series. When you watch some of the interplay between Kirk, Bones, and Spock particularly there’s some lovely stuff. So we want this film to have a sense of fun and a levity which never impacts on the tension and never takes anything away from the bad guy.
Galaxy Quest is a great example of a really funny sci-fi film. The threat in that film — the same with the zombies in Shaun of the Dead — is completely serious. And you have comedy happening. We’re not making Galaxy Quest by any means. But it’s possible to have a lightness and a comic touch and characters who are very human, and still maintain a genuine threat and for it to feel real and not flippant.


楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-20 01:23:00 +0800 CST  
2015.06.25 曝光第一波片场照片
取景地位于温哥华北部的Stawamus Chief Provincial Park,这里是背包客和攀岩爱好者的旅行圣地




楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-20 14:56:00 +0800 CST  
2015.08.17 在温哥华片场的照片


楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-20 17:34:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-20 17:42:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-20 17:47:00 +0800 CST  

ScreenCrush发布星际迷航:超越星辰 温哥华片场独家拍摄视频



楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-20 18:23:00 +0800 CST  
2015.10.11 在迪拜国际金融中心更多的片场细节。

首先是导演和负责本片动作指导的5150 Action Production总裁迈克·冈瑟在片场。




楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-20 20:36:00 +0800 CST  
15年10月7日 法国戛纳国际秋季电视节(MIPCOM)



但海报最重要的作用是最终确认了电影的全名 Star Trek Beyond

楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-21 09:44:00 +0800 CST  
2015.10.06 迪拜中央公园塔 航拍片场照片

楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-21 23:24:00 +0800 CST  




楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-22 11:23:00 +0800 CST  
来源微博@ 电影星际迷航

楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-22 20:43:00 +0800 CST  


Who Is Krall?
Idris Elba’s Star Trek character is name Krall, which almost sounds Klingon in origin– but the character is not a Klingon.
When [Idris] came in, he had a lot of [prospective] projects and when I talked to him about this character, it wasn’t about this or that it was about building or having a philosophy or point of view. And I like his character because his character is really challenging the way of the Federation’s philosophy and there are a lot of things that when I was growing up I wanted to see.
In the trailer, Elba’s character Krall is seen and heard saying the line:
This is where it begins, Captain. This is where the frontier pushes back!
His slight reptilian look and dialogue calls back to the premise of the original series Arena episode, which has led some longtime Trek fans to believe he is playing a Gorn. Even the name Krall is registered in the Star Trek databank as “a Gorn assassin who later befriended Nox the Romulan commander of the USS Admonitor, and later became one of the founders of the Klingon Alliance.”
But Lin dismisses any previous canon, insisting that Krall is of a “new species that we discover in this chapter.”



The Federation and Krall’s Motivations
Back to the character’s motivations, Lin says that “he’s a character that has a very distinct philosophy that’s very different.”

He gives us a bit more insight into what might be at play:
I think it’s great to be a fan and I watch utopian San Francisco and go, oh wow, when you’re building this movie you think, they don’t have money, how do they live? How do they compete? And those are things that his character, in a way, has a very distinct and valid point of view.
Later in our discussion, he revealed more of the inspiration of the film’s plot, which gives us some clues about Krall:
It was just really embracing the idea that the Federation, what would happen if you were going on a five-year journey and you’re trying to also not only explore, but also maybe introduce other people to this way of thinking. What would that mean? What are the consequences to that? I mean, spreading a philosophy that you believe in that you think is great, are there gonna be any other points of views that’s gonna counter you? And I think that those are the things that I thought of as a kid. And also then as an adult when I watch Star Trek. And I think we got to kind of explore that a little bit.
Hit the jump to learn more about Idris Elba’s Star Trek character, including how the attack on the Enterprise mirrors our modern world, how much time it took to apply the Krall makeup, and more.



The Attack on the USS Enterprise
As for the attack that brings down the USS Enterprise, Lin reveals that it isn’t a typical huge ship vs. big ship encounter and instead about what we’re dealing with today, small cells in great numbers:
I grew up and Star Trek has a very 1960s sensibility of who has the bigger ship usually wins, right? And if you look at it, the attack, these ships are 40 feet long. And but there’s like 4,000 of them. And so I think even in the way they’re being encountered and how people are coming is it’s you can’t help but, I mean, we live in a world that is ever evolving. And I think that that’s always made Star Trek sci-fi great is when you’re able to at least acknowledge what’s happening today.
When asked if he was referring to attacks like the recent Paris attacks, Lin takes a step back and painted a more broad picture:
Well I’m just saying anything that comes, even in the way we are as a country and how people engage in conflict. That’s something that I felt like in this Star Trek, you see that it’s different. I feel like when I do think about Star Trek, a lot of times it is about the size, it has a very different sensibility. But at the same time, I think it’s also, that’s also part of moving it and taking risks and saying there’s a lot of different ways people engage in the universe.




Four Hours in Makeup
As for Idris himself, the filmmaker praised the actor:
I’ve worked with some really great people and Idris immerses himself and I really enjoyed working with him because he’s all about the character and what’s best about the character’s journey in the film. The only thing that sucked is it took four hours every time we needed to get him on set.
And judging from the brief appearance of Krall in the teaser trailer, that four hours in the makeup chair every morning was well worth it.



楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-23 13:20:00 +0800 CST  

作曲家Michael Giacchino接受法国网站Daily Mars采访,谈及自己的多个作品
以及确认了他将会为电影星际迷航:超越星辰 担任配乐一职

What are your next projects?
I'm preparing for sessions for Star Trek Beyond. They're about to finish shooting, and I'll be seeing what they've done over the coming weeks.
I've talked quite a few times with Justin Lin, but this is the first time I've worked with him. Whenever I work with a new director, I want it to be a collaboration - and it's nice, with great ideas. I think it will be fun to do some things differently than what JJ [Abrams] might have done.
So it's a new beginning for the franchise, musically speaking?
It may well be, yes. I know [Lin] wants to continue in the spirit of what has been done before, but I also expect we'll see what can be done differently - this usually comes with the villain of the film. We'll see.



楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-23 14:56:00 +0800 CST  


照片来自推特@ tracking_ontrek


楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-23 15:26:00 +0800 CST  

在迪拜朱美拉湖塔楼(Jumeirah Lake Towers) 片场





楼主 能言善辩奈特咖  发布于 2016-02-23 19:46:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2016-02-18 10:30:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2016-12-16 09:17:01 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



