














楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-05 10:31:00 +0800 CST  



楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-05 10:33:00 +0800 CST  


Map of Sanctuary


The Coven and its Rites

The Dead and the Damned

The Creatures of Sanrtuary and Realms Beyond

The Angels of the High Heavens

The Demons of the Burning Hells










楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-05 10:34:00 +0800 CST  

Man’s pleasures give may to pain.
Histruths are buried in the shroud of lies.
It is this time when Hell shallreign.
While all of man dies.

Seven Evils spawned of sevenheads.
Seven realms birthed from death
Infested unending cycles uponcycles.

循环往复 侵袭。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-05 10:42:00 +0800 CST  


Whatis power?

Think on it for a moment. Pictureit in your mind’s eye.

What do you see? A blade? A spell? A vault of gold? The emperorof Kehjistan on his gilded throne? A Zakarum high priest with his fine raimentand bejeweled scepter?

I see a twig of Entsteig pine. Yes, just a little twig of thatcoarse bark with dry, green needles. As common in the forests as salt in thesea. A poison made from its sap can kill a man in three days but rub the barkon a wound and it can purify infections. Grind the needles into a powder andthey are the primary reagent in a blindness curse.

That is power. Not a blade. Not a crown. Not a fortune. Not eventhat pine twig. Power is knowing how to use those things to get what you want.

The world around us is vault of riches waiting to be plundered.Every creature, every plant, and every culture can serve us, willingly or not,in our goal to aid the Lords of the Burning Hells. But the Coven cannot usethese weapons if we do not study them.

That is why I have collected all that I have learned from mytravels and the knowledge of those who came before us into this codex. Read it.Learn about our allies and our enemies. Learn of the dangers that await us, andhow we might turn them to our advantage. Know this world well, and you willalways have something useful to offer the demons.

The final war between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells iscoming, and if our masters do not prevail, we will suffer a fate worse thandeath.

I have seen the Coven’s uncertain destiny in the fire. Throughthe flames, the demon lords whisper to me of what is to come. They have told meof two outcomes. In one, the Lords of Hell recognize our worth and we rulealongside them. In another, they see us as less than useless and torment oursouls for eternity.

What path we find ourselves on when the storm comes is up to us.











(1) 翻译之初,我对Power这个词非常的纠结,往往我们引以为傲的中文,却难以涵盖这个词,在爱德莉雅提出问题时,模拟出你会回答出的答案,从利刃到权利均能代表Power,可是汉化为力量,实在是无可选择的选择,也许中文底蕴丰富的朋友,能将其涵盖吧,我是跪拜了。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-05 10:44:00 +0800 CST  

It took far too long beforeI understood that Diablo was the voice whispering to me in the flames. The Lordof Terror had been watching me, testing me. I had felt his power. Primal andancient. Far beyond anything the Coven had discovered. I thought the wisdom Ihad learned from the flames was for all those who sought it.

But when the fire called me to the town of Tristram, Iknew the truth. Diablo had chosen me. Only me.

I left the Coven and never looked back.

The people of Tristram did not know that Diablo had beenimprisoned beneath their feet. Not until it was too late. His darknesssuffocated the little town. It drove King Leoric and his servants to bloodymadness. I saw all of it as a promise of what I could have -what I could do-ifI pledged myself to Diablo.

I was unsure of how to serve the Lord o Terror until PrinceAidan arrived.

He had returned from war to find his home darkened, hisfather turned to the undead, and his little brother possessed by Diablo. Heshowed tenacity and courage. He faced the terrors of Tristram alone, and he triumphed.Then, having achieved so much, he suffered a very human moment of arrogance: hebelieved that he could contain Diablo within his soul.

For a time, it seemed that he would succeed. I sat withAidan and lay with him at night, nurturing him as I know I must. It took timebefore I saw the change. His eyes would flicker, his lips would twist upward,and his voice would deepen. Then I would speak with the Lord of Terror himself.

Diablo told me his plans. He set me to act in case ofhis failure.

And so, I did. As Diablo continued to possess Aidan, hebecame known as THE DARK WANDERER.We remained together until he departed Tristram. I think he loved me, in hisway. Perhaps I even loved him, knowing what he would bestow upon me.

A vessel. Something powerful enough to contain the soulsof not just Diablo, but all his brothers and sisters.

And now that Aidan has been slain, this vessel growingwithin me is the true hope for the End of Days.

She is the key to Diablo’s return.

I do not know how I will bring him back yet, but onething is certain: This book must never be returned to the Coven. They are notworthy of its secrets.















楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-05 10:45:00 +0800 CST  

The Coben and its Rites

TheCoven is not the first order to work with demons. Others have had that honor.But there is an advantage to not being thefirst: we can learn from the mistakes of those who came before us. We canrefine the methods of ancient demonologists and revive their forbiddenspellwork.

We should also look beyond demonology. I have studiedwitchcraft, as have many of you. Those arts will be useful to our cause, aswill the spells of the mage clans, the illusions of the Ammuit, the elementalfury of the Zann Esu, the enchantments of the Ennead, and the divinationrituals of the Taan. Even the magic of the Zakarum has some value.

It does not matter that these groups are not aligned with theBurning Hells. It does not matter that we disagree with their beliefs. The onlyquestion we should ask ourselves is this: are they powerful?

The followers of Zakarum are mindless zealots, but theirinquisitors are effective at interrogation and torture. We would be fools toignore such methods simply because of their origin.

Remember, too, that we are free from the rules that bind thesereligions and cultures. Where they are limited by tradition, we are not.

The only way we will prevail in the coming war between the HighHeavens and the Burning Hells is if we embrace all this world has to offer. Wemust mold what we take into a new system of power. The old leaders of the Covenstarted this process, but they did not go far enough.

If they had, they would still be alive.

Drawing this symbol on the ground
with powdered amethyst inflicts
a fatal curse. Be warned: This is
the final test of every Coveninitiate.
Perform the ritual perfectly an
Then immediately purge it with a
counterspell, or it is certaindeath.
Survival requires a steady hand
and a quick mind.










(1) 此处说的真神教领袖们,指的是原罪之战时期三合教的那帮人。爱德莉雅就像是生活大爆炸的谢耳朵一样,除了她的主子,谁人都瞧不上,关于符文的考验就可窥见一斑,审核机制真是严苛,真是非死即活啊。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-06 10:31:00 +0800 CST  


Wewere once the Cult of the Triune, servants of the three Prime Evils:Diablo,Mephisto, and Baal. Now we are the Coven, a gathering of lostsouls seeking our destiny in the fires of the Eternal Conflict.

It feels strange to write aboutourselves like this, but it is important toknow where we fit in the final destinyof Sanctuary. Or where we do not. Lords and peasants alike refer to“cultists” with contempt. They think we have devoted ourselves to a falsecause, and that our willingness to die speaks of a diseased mind. Their disdainshall be repaid ten times over-not by us, but by the future we will create.

In our hearts each of us knows thattis world shall fall to darkness one day. That our deeds in bringing that dayforward will be rewarded. I plan to dedicate the rest of my life in search ofthat destiny. As does Maghda.

When we joined the Coven, it hadlost its way. The leaders were content to consort with lesser demons and dabblein dark magic. They had no aspirations beyond that. They had no vision. If leftin their care the Coven would have died a slow, pathetic death.

That was unacceptable for Maghdaand I. we did what we had to do. We burned away the old growth so thatsomething stronger could take root. I would expect the same to be done to us ifwe ever grew complacent. For that is the one thing that must never betolerated.

Always reach for more. The momentwe settle, the Lords of Hell will turn their backs on us and seek new servants.

I was always more powerful thanMaghda but that did not mean I was greater. Neither of us were. We complementedeach other. I, the fire and the passion. She, the insight and the control.

But she grew to comfortable, toocomplacent. She believed we were nearing the mountain peak, but we were stillstumbling through the foothills.

When I left her to answer Diablo’scall, I did not fell sadness. I felt a burden being lifted from my shoulders.



如此描绘本教颇为古怪,不过重要的是,我们究竟会在圣休亚瑞的终极命运中,处于什么样的地位,又或许根本就没有什么地位可言,何谈地位 那些官老爷和农夫都对“邪教”同样的嗤之以鼻。从头到尾就认为,我们为之奉献牺牲的事业是失心疯,走了一条歪路。对于这帮不敬者,无须亲自动手,用咱们所谱写的未来,彼时必将让他们十倍偿还报应不爽。








(1) 这段很隐晦的描述实际上在泰瑞尔整理凯恩的手稿时有所描绘:“在我风烛残年之际,这个邪教组织又在西域之地重整旗鼓,据称更名为真神教。很多人称,有两个女巫加入了这个苟延残喘的教派并毒死了教派的首领。真神教被这两个篡夺者所控制,并为它建立了新条例,残酷的刑法和恶魔召唤的仪式。据称这俩女巫让信徒们相信凡人的命运,生来就是注定成为烈焰地狱的奴仆。”你看这一笔带过的诗意,背后却是窝藏祸心。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-06 10:33:00 +0800 CST  

The answers lie with the ancientmage, Zoltun Kulle.

Various historical accounts cast him as a monster, a visionary,or a misguided genius. I believe he was all these things.

Kulle was recruited into the Horadrim, the order of magescreated by Archangel Tyrael to hunt the Prime Evils. But serving as Tyrael’spawn was not to be Kulle’s fate. His battles with demons darkened him, and heset off on a quest to make himself a god.

He had discovered the secret of humanity, that we were createdby a union between angels and demons. The first generations of these childrenwere called the nephalem, and they were extraordinarily powerful. Eachgeneration grew weaker as time went on, but the power did not disappearcompletely. It still lurked in the blood of every man, woman, and child.

Kulle found a way to unlock that power, but the Horadrim huntedhim down before he could finish his work. Whether he is truly dead or banishedto a different realm is another question.

But his fate does not matter, only what he learned. And what hecreated.

THE BLACK SOULSTONE. It is the answer I have been seeking.

Kulle wanted to use it to mark the souls of angels and demonsalike, trapping their essences in the crystal and using that power to awakenhis own latent nephalem blood. However, he was unable to activate it in hislifetime.

He was a fool to aim so short. It has the capacity for so muchmore.

I have been dreaming of the soulstone. Every night.

Not as it is, but as it willbe.

Trembling with the spirits of the Prime and lesser Evils whoscream from their prison. They shake with rage when they realize what Diablo isplanning. But it is too late. Far too late.

Before they can act, the spirits are channeled into the vessel.My master consumes them all. Becomes them all. Mortal flesh burns away toreveal his greatest form.

The Prime Evil.

I can make this dream a reality. With Kulle’s spells to mark thesouls of the Evils, and the Black Soulstone to contain them, I can bring thisvision to life.
















(1) 你们也许只记得阿兹莫丹在剧情上表现出被黑灵魂石所封印的剧情,那么其他魔众是怎么被封印进去的呢?恶魔篇章会有解答。
(2) 虽然爱德莉雅写这段笔记时,除了跟主子合谋,以及肚子里的莉亚之外,还八字没一撇,亲生母亲就已经不拿莉亚当自己孩子了,只是拿她当个工具,太可怕了,我得抽颗烟歇会儿。
(3) 自从看了B站的鬼畜弹幕,我就再也无法直视这个词儿了。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-06 10:45:00 +0800 CST  

The Dead and the Damned

life does not endure. Our fleshfails, our skin wrinkles, our limbs ache, our lungs struggle to drawbreath, our minds wither, then our hearts churn slow, then not at all.

All things on this world shall die. Most things

Yet, death need not be the end. Ourlords and masters have told us so, and the power they have taught us is ourproof. Any dead creature has gifts to offer the Coven. There is power in blood,in decaying flesh and bone, in ribs bleaching in the Kehjistani sun, in skullsdrifting along the bottom of the Twin Seas. The discarded forms of mortalcreatures can be used or reused in countless ways. It is an art ripe forexperimentation.

But the remains of the dead containonly a fraction of the usefulness their spirits once had. The power of soulsis extraordinary. They are vibrating knots of energy that rejuvenatethemselves, burning brightly and for far longer than any temple of flesh could.Even when siphoning tremendous draughts of power from them, if a spark of existenceremains, it will shine on.

Souls instinctively yearn for avessel to call their own, whether it be a mortal creature or a temporaryconstruct. Most will even accept imprisonment inside a body they do notcontrol, for it is better to know the sensation of flesh than not. Sometimesthe soul is strong enough to wrest control from its host. This is crux ofpossession.

Possessed humans are excellentsubjects for experiments as you can draw out multiple souls for any use youdesire. Give the unsuspecting victim a tea made of oakleaf bark laced withpowdered human bone marrow to determine whether they truly harbor multiplesouls. It is lightly poisonous, and the sickness will make it difficult for thehost to maintain their defenses against the intruding souls, thus makingdetection easy.

There is abundant power in thebodies and spirits of the dead. But beware the teachings of those who claim toserve the “balance” between life and death. Those fools are known asnecromancers, and they have little to offer us. We do not seek balance. We seekdomination. We seek victory.









(1) 这段描绘地太过抽象,而且不少生僻词,我只能根据自己的理解翻译:尸体里的灵魂还剩一点,用处挺大的,但是复活它得用法力激活,如果一点不剩了,也就不能复活了,说白了灵魂就是发动机,法力便是汽油。至于对不对的,以后大家看官方汉化后是什么意思吧。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-07 17:20:00 +0800 CST  

Risen Dead

The dead may rise from their gravesfor many reasons. The presence of a powerful demon, a convocation,or a source of corruption can all stir them. Some of these dead wander theworld in silence until the magic that reanimates them fades away. Others takeup weapons and hunt down anything that still lives.

A risen dead strong enough to walkthe earth is a creature that can be drained of its power. Doing so in the monthof Ratham-especially on the seventh day-produces the best results.

Power from a risen dead can bestored in dagger, amulets, rings, or almost any other object. Purify the itemof any residual energies by washing it in a copper pot filled with water, apinch of Death’s Breath, and the blood of a young pack beast.





(1) 复生死尸来自台版官方的翻译,从此篇开始,说一下原则,前面的翻译均是台版,后面的是国服,我会进游戏里确认台版的,国服是来自凯恩之角的2.3秘境怪物进度表一贴中,作者zbyxzh整理了怪物的名称,特此感谢。


楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-07 17:21:00 +0800 CST  

Dune Dervish

The state of these poor beingsshould serve as a warning to us all. They were once Vizjerei mageswho conducted arcane rituals in the deserts of Kehjistan hoping to summon alieutenant of the Burning Hells. Their “success” not only ended their lives butcursed their eternal souls. They wander the deserts, hunting on instinct alone.There is little to learn from them but caution.

Avoid contact with dervishes whiletraveling the deserts. Wear a cloak ofdeerskin branded with Ammuit runes to become invisible to the creatures.

My first test of Kulle’s spellwork was a success. I marked thesoul of a dune dervish and bound it to a ruby. The crystal shattered momentslater, but that was expected. The only thing that matters is that Kulle’s magicworks. I must experiment on demons to know how useful it truly is.





(1) 就是双臂是锁链刃的那种怪物。
(2) Mark这个词,是标记的意思,我觉得太现代了,瞄准吧不够通顺,想起资料片cg玛瑟尔用他的镰刀钩出泰瑞尔的灵魂,画面感随之即来。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-07 17:22:00 +0800 CST  

Enslaved nightmare

These creatures were once human.Like many others, they sought to wield the power of the BurningHells for their own purposes. But such things always come at a price. The willsof these selfish fools were no match for the Lords of Hell. Their minds werebroken, their bodies brutalized, and their souls leashed to their masterforever. At least they are capable of following order or killing on command,else they would have been discarded.

Overand over, I see that it is better to set the price before accepting a gift fromthe Lords of Hell. We should proceed carefully on our journeys.




(1) 第四章悬浮在半空没腿的怪物。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-07 17:23:00 +0800 CST  


None should ever doubt the rawpotential of a soul. Especially not after seeing one of these wraiths.Strong or weak, when humans die before they are ready, their soulswill try to cling to this realm. Devoid of conscious thought their continuedexistence is a scream of denial. They care for noting but their own lingeringrage.

Some angry spirits will cling toany corpse that still has its muscles and sinew intact, puppeting them in arepulsive imitation of life. They areinstruments of terror and little more. Better to use these creatures for apurpose than to let them wander aimlessly. But that has proven very usefulindeed…

Thesteps to commune with a spirit are such: first, mark a circle of binding aroundits resting place; second, take an onyx dagger and coat it three times withKehjistani sage oil; last,embedthe dagger half into the ground at the southern edge of the circle and cast aspell to summon the spirit to your side.





(1) 应该是掘墓者那种怪物,透明绿色的那种。这个名称可能是泛指,不太好找官方的名称。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-07 17:24:00 +0800 CST  

Skeletal Guardian

The skeletal guardians are far morepowerful than most risen dead. These creatures, once nothingmore than a pile of bones, were granted life by enterprising mage and giftedwith the ability to wield powerful magic. Creating one takes considerable timeas well as rare and expensive reagents.

During the golden age of the mageclans, the skeletal guardians were created to protect the estates and vaults ofwealthy individuals. Wherever one of these risen dead lingers there is likelysomething valuable nearby.

It is not wise to confront aguardian directly. Weaken the magic that animates them first. Approach thecreature at sunrise and chant the Elegy of the Damned in its presence. Thiswill confuse the guardian long enough to safely pass by it.

Though the Coven could learn how tomake skeletal guardians, I do not believe we should. A dozen shambling corpsescan unleash as much destruction as a single guardian, and with much lesseffort.

Mage clans take great pride increating these guardians, often outfitting them in ornaments and armor. Uselessgestures. The vanity of mages never ceases to amaze me.







(1) 这应该是库勒书馆里面的守书那帮怪物,从这段开始我才发现,凡是爱德莉雅标注红线和备注的,都是用的上的内容,另外她对其他法系同行都是瞧不上的态度,看来文人相轻,在哪儿都一样。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-07 17:26:00 +0800 CST  

The Creatures of Sanrtuary and Realms Beyond

How many beasts walk this world?

Some scholars have wasted theirlives searching for the answer.

The creatures of the world are simply too great in number. Thatis good for us. It means the tools we have at our disposal are limitless. It isnot our purpose to document every beast, but to study and use the ones thathave something we need.

We can even learn much from simply observing them. Everycreature, no matter how insignificant, exists because it has a strength. Mostare quick, clever, dangerous, or a combination of these things. If they werenot, they would never survive the harsh and unforgiving wilds.

We must understand the inner workings of these creatures. Natureand magic are an interwoven tapestry. The tides, the seasons, and the movementsof the stars are all connected to the beings of this world. They are bound tothe flesh and bone of all beasts. They in fluence each other, just as theyinfluence humans.

Sightings of certain beasts have meaning, both good and ill. Thetime when creatures migrate, hunt, or mate can be a sign of when is best toperform certain rites.

Even beyond their symbolic value, these creatures have practicaluses. Some can be used as bait for larger predators. Some can be harvested forreagents required in spells and rituals. Others can be enslaved as guardians.

All have a role to play in the days to come.










Ps: 我脑海里在叙述这段的时候,一直是BBC老爷子说话的声音……

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-08 14:55:00 +0800 CST  

Dune Thresher

Dreams of dune threshers signify anunexpected event is coming. Always be on guard in the daysand weeks after seeing one.

The creatures live beneath the sandy wastes of Kehjistan andonly surface to feast on unsuspecting prey. The ancient Vizjerei demonologistsscoured the deserts for these creatures, but their reasons for doing so havebeen lost to time. However, dune threshers can be useful for us. Their toxicstomach juices are a key reagent in poisons. A single drop, mixed with food ordrink to mask its acrid flavor, is enough to kill. Death is slow and painful asthe poison can take months to eat away at a victim’s internal organs.

When draining the beast’s stomach, move the corpse so that thetail faces east-that is the direction of death. Positioning the creature thisway will ensure the poison is effective.

Approach slain dune threshers with care. Their jagged tails cancontinue thrashing for some time after death.

The rock-hard plates along their bodies are resistant to manyforms of magic, including fire. Vizjerei mages forged these plates intoshackles to constrain lesser demons. My first attempt to follow their methodwas a success, but the bindings did not hold for long. Kulle’s spellwork is farmore reliable.







(1) 下面红字这段爱德莉雅其实是知道费斯杰利法师们究竟要用蜥做什么。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-08 14:57:00 +0800 CST  


The superstitious bogans lurk inthe blood marsh of westmarch, where they form intosmalltribes and worship a crude fire deity. They have an extraordinary sense ofsmell, which makes them expert foragers. Many of the plants they collect-suchas elemus leaf and blood moss-areuseful for summoning rituals. It is easier to pillage a bogan village for thesereagents than to hunt for them in the marsh.

To scare the beasts away, create asmall effigy with human hair, moss, and branches from a pine tree. Ignite theobject and toss it near the bogans. They will flee in terror, thinking it asign from their god. I recommend killing a few for extra measure, just toensure they stay away for a long period of time.

Blood magic suffuses nearly everything in the marsh, includingthe bogans. Manipulating the region’s energy can change the creatures from eithermore aggressive to mor docile.





(1) 沼泽怪是第五章里威斯马屈郊区的溺水沼地里的怪物,不过有很多种类。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-08 14:58:00 +0800 CST  


There are many different types ofscavengers. Though they have small physical differences, theyare all aggressive and ravenous. Scavengers travel in packs and eat living preyor carrion alike. When food is scarce, they turn on each other. When that is nolonger an option they gnaw at their own limbs.

The scavengers may seem likenothing more than pests, but they have some uses. These beasts symbolizeambition and survival. Wearing a scavenger paw the day before important ritualswill bring excellent results. However, the paw must be cut from a livingscavenger. It cannot be bought or received from another person, or it will loseits power.

Screeching agitates newly summoned demons. Offering them a fewscavengers to feed on has a calming effect. This makes it easier to mark thedemon’s soul or contain it in a circle of entrapment.





(1) 食腐兽是D3第一章中悲泣荒原内比较常见的怪物,跟书里面表现的不太一样,比较光滑。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-09 18:37:00 +0800 CST  

Quill Fiend

These vermin are mindlessscroungers who are little better than rats. But they are dangerous.Some rarer breeds carry poisons in their quills, while others produce unstablesubstances that can spontaneously ignite. It is wise to trap rather than killthem so that their bodies can be harvested for any useful reagents later.

Theirquills are sturdy and resistant to magic. They can be fashioned into needlesfor drawing blood and venom from other creatures.




(1) 也是D3第一章比较常见的怪物,实际上D2第一章中大部分场景中也比较常见。话说这两作的第一章虽是一个地方,咋感觉D2更大些呢。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-02-09 18:38:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2019-02-05 18:31:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2021-01-20 19:12:25 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



