
Mallet Lord

Long ago, when conflict ragedbetween demons, angels, and humankind in the Sin War, the mallet lords came to our world. Theancient Triune wrote of these giant, four- armed demons with fear and greatadmiration after seeing their power in battle. One account speaks of a mage whosummoned a mallet lord to besiege an enemy fortress. The demon did what it wastold, but not before rampaging through the mage’s own forces causing him toretreat.

Perhaps that is why none of theseven Evils has ever managed to control the mallet lords. Their strength andbrutality, combined with their fierce independence, makes them dangerous evenfor the rulers of the Hells.

The heavy Hellforged bracers makeeach of the demon’s arms like hammers. Mallet lords can smash through bone,metal, and almost anything else.





(1) 哥哥我是怕巨拳领主吗?怕的是砸下来时延迟了……。
(2) Hellforged是暗黑前两作中装备上的词缀,差不多是地狱锻什么什么,如果是甲胄,就是地狱锻甲。如果是护腕,就是壮士断……,不好笑。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-10 19:13:00 +0800 CST  


History is filled with tales ofgreat warriors who were pure of heart and mind. They are all lies. These so- called heroes werelike everyone else. They had weaknesses and fears. They had dark secrets andeven darker regrets. These flaws are what Mephisto, Lord of Hatred, used totwist many heroic warriors into bloodthirsty creatures called the morlu.

During the Sin War, the morlu served as tireless weapons in the Triune’s military. Not evendeath could stop them. Morlu who fell in battle were resurrected by the Triuneto Fight again. These warriors learned from their mistakes in previous battles.Each time they came back to life, they were deadlier and more experienced thanbefore.

I do not know what became of themorlu after the Sin War, but I am certain they found a place in the Hells. Theyare too valuable a weapon to abandon.

We serve the same master now.
Diablo has gifted the morlu with even greater power.

The morlu are incredibly resilient.Stories from the Sin War describe them fighting despite heavy wounds. In oneaccount, a morlu continued hacking through its enemies even after the creaturehad been decapitated.







(1) 魔虏是D3第四章中比较常见的怪物,还算抗打。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-10 19:17:00 +0800 CST  


It is said the fire burning insidethe opressors-or “zashari” as they were called by ancient demonologists-is the breath oftheir creator: Baal, Lord of Destruction. He made them as a smith would forge aweapon, infusing the demons with some of his power and transforming them intokilling machines. I cannot argue with the results. Every account of theoppressors describes them as the perfect soldiers. The Hellforged weapons theywield can shatter bones and armor with ease, but the demons can just as easily tearan enemy apart with their hands.

If the stories of their origins aretrue, it might seem ironic that Baal made these demons, let alone anything atall. But he has been known to create for the purpose of destruction. That iswhy his realm is home to the Hellforge, where the most powerful weapons aremade.

I saw what they could do on Mount Arreat. After Baal was freedfrom his soulstone, he stormed the mountain with the oppressors at his side.The mightiest barbarian tribes were helpless against them.

But even the oppressors could not save Baal from his fate. Hefell to Tyrael and the archangel’s mortal companions. Now these demons serveDiablo.






(1) 残虐魔在D3第三、四章中随处可见,D2中地狱篇章中也出现很多次,造型上算是很传统的恶魔形象,七龙珠中的弗利萨、地下城守护者中的恶魔,形象都很接近。
(2) 在D2中地狱篇章,地狱熔炉是唯一能敲碎那几块封印着恶魔灵魂石的地方。好像还得打死熔炉边儿上的铁匠取得铁锤才可以。具体任务有点记不清了。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-10 19:19:00 +0800 CST  

Sand Dmeller

The ancient Vizjerei might havebeen short-sighted and foolish, but they were talented summoners. Many of the demons theybrought to our world are still here, including the sand dwellers. The Vizjereinamed these creatures the Haz’jareen, meaning “branded ones.” They marked thesand dwellers with control runes and commanded the demons to guard their vaultsand estates. Which the monsters did, even long after their maters died. Timeand the elements turned the demons’ hides into thick, craggy, stone- like skinbut they still wander areas like the Desolate Sands, where the Vizjerei firstset them on their eternal watch.

Even after all these years, thecontrol runes branded on the demons remain active. Three people must be presentto alter the runes and bring the guardian under control. One must chant theVizjerei commandments of servitude. Another must write the demon’s control runeon human flesh, preferably their own. And last, one person must-while these otheractivities are underway- strike the guardian’s rune with an amethyst wand.

Zoltun Kulle was obsessed with the sand dwellers. He found a wayto exert his will over the creatures and commanded them to guard his hiddenvaults and libraries beneath the desert.





楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-10 19:28:00 +0800 CST  


The siegebreakers are few, but evenone can turn the tide of battle. The Evils used them to great effect when breaching thedefenses of Pandemonium Fortress while it was held by the angels. But as withall things, such power comes at a price. Siegebreakers can by unruly, even whencommanded by the Prime Evils. The Triune learned this lesson the hard way whenthey summoned the creatures in the Sin War. They tried to bind the monstrousdemons in enchanted shackles, but nothing could secure the creatures. Thesiegebreakers brought the walls of the Triune’s summoning chambers crashingdown.

Is that kind of destruction worththe cost? I believe it is.




(1) 国服名称没找到,这是D3进入亚瑞特山中攻打罪恶之王时,不可能错过的紫怪。你们现在是不是一下就能拍死它?

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-10 19:30:00 +0800 CST  


These lesser demons are rarelyblessed with physical might, so they turn to other sources of power to dominate the Armaddon, thestupid but powerful beasts that trample and stun anyting that dares stand intheir path. Under the leash of the subjugators, their destruction and be aimedanywhere their master chooses.

This is the essence of power,controlling something stronger. Think beyond the control of one creature andimagine a thousand- a million- dancing to our puppet strings. The possibilitiesare endless.

Subjugators are easy to communewith, even when dead. Mark the demon’s skull with a Vizjerei rune of tongues.This will force the creature’s spirit to reveal its true name. Once it does,ask any question and it will answer. But always begin these requests byspeaking the demon’s name.

A subjugator, slain in the Sin War, was one of the last demonessences I practiced marking. Everything went as expected. It is time to moreon the Evils.






(1) 虽然图片上是骑在末日骑兽身上的,但实际上在游戏中,它俩并不在一起,都是各自送死。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-10 19:32:00 +0800 CST  


There are legends of women dressedin scarlet, dancing through the forests at night or in
the dark alleys of city streets. Tosee them means that the succubi are hunting their next victim.

Azmodan may have perfected theiruse, but I believe andariel, the Maiden of Anguish, was the first to sculpt herdemons into these beautiful forms. She was quite clever to teach her minionsthe art of seduction. Temptation is so powerful a force that one might believeit is its own form of magic.

Many succubi will warn theirvictims about their true heritage before they strike: a glimpse of demonicwings, a hint of sharpened teeth, a flash of a forked tongue- anything thatwill seem dangerous to the humans of Sanctuary. The men and women rarely flee.Lust may be the succubi’s weapon, but it is the thought of tasting somethingforbidden that truly ensnares their victims. The allure of pleasures beyondmortal flesh is sweet honey that drowns out the bitterness of caution.

That allure permeates the succubi’sflesh. Wearing bits of the demon’s wings, teeth, and other body parts asjewelry will make it easy to seduce anyone.






(1) 难得国台翻译是一样的。不用再去满处找资料了……。这是从D1到D3中均有出现的恶魔,袒胸露乳的发波儿,波儿慢但相当有威力,我一直奇怪那种波儿的音效是什么,很想是塑料袋缠成绳,崩的一下。另外这篇是这本书我折的最深的一篇儿。
(2) 所谓色字头上一把刀,我几乎拿出写本子的劲儿去描述,不过这样的尤物确实值得。只不过我对魅魔翅膀长的位置,有点疑惑,站着容易厥过去,飞起来脖子得使多大劲儿才能往前看啊。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-10 19:33:00 +0800 CST  

Treasure Goblin

Old stories refer to thesecreatures as the Drunkard’s Faerie because people dumbfounded with drink often see a smallcreature carrying a bag of gold out of the corner of their eye. Manyhistorians believe they are a race of goblins that are native to our world, butthat is not he case. They are demons.

I confess that I once thought thesecreatures were worth hunting. The moment I saw the gold and jewels they carried upon theirbacks, I felt the pull of greed. I spent weeks seeking theirtreasures for my own. That is the trap. These goblins are minions of Greed, a powerfuldemon lord, who lures selfish and covetous adventurers to their doom in a seaof riches they will never spend.

But it matters little. This demonlord has no ambition beyond her hoard.I say let her wallow in it. We seek another destiny.





(1) 我特意又拿着戒指开门进去确认一下这名恶魔领主的名字,确实很干脆,就叫贪婪,来回拍箱子盖是我进这个地方最大的乐趣……。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-10 19:40:00 +0800 CST  

Andariel, The Maiden of Anguish

Now I write of the seven Lords ofthe Burning Hells. Beware this knowledge for it is dark
and forbidden, even within the Coven.

I know what the scholars say of thedemon lords’ beginnings.For once, the secret histories ofthe Vizjerei, the sealed tomes of Ivgorod, and the texts of the old Triuneagree: each of the Evils were spawned from theseven heads of Tathamet, the first being to challenge the eternal order of Anu.

I donot care of their ancient origins, only their final purpose.

Andariel is frightening creature. She desires, more than anything, to inflict horrors that crackopen the minds of her victims. Pain is her tool, not her end. Daggers can kill, but anguishlingers on and eats away at the mind, reducing its prey to noting.

Other within the Coven have attemptedto seek her favor, but none have ever been seen again. I once encountered a beautifulmaiden who tempted me with promises of power. The whispers in my dreams told meshe was lying, so I refused.

Andriel is ambitious, cunning, anddangerous, but she moves in the shadows and latches onto the plans of the otherdemon lords as she sees fit. My dreams tell me that her fatewill not be her own, but one chosen by someone more powerful.

I believe the Coven should nevermake treaty with her. If we must enter the service of the Burning Hells, we must do soin the service of the one who shall reign supreme.









(1) 安达莉尔国内官方称为痛苦女王,实际英文是想体现铁处女那种刑具的意味,我个人还是比较喜欢叫做处女的,听起来很禁忌。安达莉尔是D2第一章最终boss,放毒很厉害,需要提前放传送门,以便提前进行回城补血,回收尸体等。凯恩之角的百科内对她的数据是这样表示的,力量:19、防御:60、精准:169……。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-11 10:03:00 +0800 CST  

Duriel, Lord of Pain

The Lord of Pain is perhaps thesimplest of the Great Evils to understand. None in the Coven dream of seeking his power orpatronage, not even for the most selfish of reasons. Duriel has no desire orambition beyond inflicting pain. What could we offer him, save to volunteer ourtime in his care? Whereas Andariel relishes the anticipation of pain and thefear it creates, Duriel only cares of the existence and propagation of agony.

He is clever, yes. He always seeksnew avenues of torment and new victims to flay. This has made him easy tocontrol. The Prime Evils, Belial, and others have enticed him to do theirbidding simply by promising him a fresh symphony of screaming to enjoy.

Perhaps we could entice him in thesame way. Not by offering servitude, but by offering whole villages and townsup for his sadistic needs.

Communing with Duriel or hisminions requires a payment of pain. Only in the throes of agony can thesedemons be contacted. Self- inflicted wounds caused by whipping or branding areideal methods for this.







楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-11 10:06:00 +0800 CST  
Andariel was the first I marked for the Black Soulstone. Theritual was quick, just as my master promised it would be. I confess, I find itstrange that the soul of one of the mightiest creatures in existence could bemanipulated with such a simple pattern. Yet, it is comforting. I have beenchosen because I am capable of this. The Maiden of Anguish is the first proofof my ultimate victory.

Subduing anguish is like bottling poison. Without the rightcontainer, the toxic fluids would eat at the walls and spill out.

For this ritual: Encircle four infinity knots woven from khazrahair with the leaves of any evergreen tree. Each knot should be connected bydrippings of human blood.

It went as planned. But I did not expect Andariel to watch me.She looked into my soul as I worked to subdue hers, and for a moment, Iwitnessed her surprise. She realized my intentions and fought as hard as shecould. If she had been fully formed, she would have defeated me.

But she was not.

I confess, I was fearful of confronting Duriel, even if it wasonly his lost, wandering soul. If I had failed, and his power managed toimprison me in his domain, I would have suffered for years, perhaps decades, atthe hands of his minions before they allowed me the release of death.

But there was no confrontation at all. The Lord of Pain saw intomy heart, witnessed my master’s vision of the End of Days, and rejoiced. Evenif Duriel is only a helpless passenger, the end of Santuary and the EternalConflict will bring him indescribable pleasures.

I created a circle filled with complexities and safeguards, notwanting to risk falling to the lord of Pain’s power. The diamond contains hispower, the open circle and the closed disorient him and disperse his wrath, andthe anchors at the top and bottom form a closed loop of his desires; all of itformed with my own blood, drawn fresh with a ragged blade. The wounds will healquickly.









(1) 安达莉尔和督瑞尔均是来自D2中,分别是第一章和第二章的Boss,我记得头次进入安达莉尔的宫殿时,为了躲避她的毒性攻击,基本上就没怎么正面进攻过,因为一击半血,这里也是大部分人首次能够获得暗金装备的地方,比现在D3的Boss可实惠多了,起码是能用的那种,到了第二章,我的一个女性友人因为看到沙漠虫子的画面,尤其爆浆的特效时,非常作呕,我想她在看到这画面之前就觉得我够变态了,直到看到这个就更加确定了。督瑞尔可说是大部分Boss战中数一数二的难打,跟D1中屠夫一样的小空间作战,压迫感十足,别看他大胖的身子,行动起来相当敏捷,而且大部分攻击也是一击必杀的,所以要小心面对。
(2) 对于安达莉尔的收服,我认为时间节点,应该是二代玩家刚刚击败她时,爱德莉雅就尾随其后进行捕获,毕竟以一个狡诈的文人,直面魔王的能力还是有些吃力的,所以她才提到,如果安达莉尔全盛状态,应该就会失败。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-11 10:08:00 +0800 CST  

Azmodan, The Lord of Sin

I have learned that many powerfuldemon lords are trapped here on Sanctuary. in their absence, the Lesser Evils haverushed to fill the void of power and have battled each other for dominance. TheLord of Sin has been the most successful in that war.

Azmodan knows the glory of powerand the sweetness of sin. He knows that pleasure is a weapon and ambition is avulnerability. It is fitting that he is consumed by his own ambition. He chafedwhen the Prime Evils held sway over him and wants nothing more than tosubjugate and control all the realms of Hell.

I believe he could succeed. But Ialso believe he must not. Sanctuary and humanity mean less than nothing to him.Azmodan’s victory would see humanity erased, used for nothing more thanfleeting pleasures.

It may be arrogance, but I believe we are more than that.

And I finally found a master that agrees.

If the need arises to deal withAzmodan, or his servants, be sure to fast for at least three days beforehand.This will clear the mind of all desire and make it easier to resist the Lord ofSin’s influence.








楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-11 10:09:00 +0800 CST  

Belial, The Lord of Lies

The whispers and rumors within theCoven have filled me with hope and fear in equal numbers. Many of us believe that wehave already made contact with a Prime Evil of the Burning Hells. Ourpredecessors in the Triune served them during the Sin Wars, so we assume it isone of them. This may be so, but I doubt it. The Prime Evils are imprisoned onthis world. Unable to act freely.

Or so I thought. Diablo’s influence was strong enough to reachout to me-and others-from his prison.

If it is not them, who else is it?Which relish deceiving even us, his loyal followers? Who else but Belial, theLord of Lies? He has struggled to establish dominion over the Burning Hells andhas turned to Sanctuary for a new source of power.

If so, I stand in awe of hisstrategy. I must learn from his actions. With only a fraction of his persuasiveskills we could have endless numbers of mortals enacting our will without eversuspecting it. But one could never truly serve Belial, only be used by him. Wewould be pawns in his game, not partners in his glories.

He has infected the nobility of Caldeum.
He is too well protected to mark alone.







楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-11 10:19:00 +0800 CST  

Despite all my efforts, I have not marked Azmodan’s soul yet. Ibelieve he has become aware of my master’s plan- not because of any mistake,but because he can see the pieces being arranged on the board. He can read theplan from the movements of the pawns.

I doubt he will step foot on Sanctuary while the Black Soulstoneexists. I will need help to subdue him in his domain.

I have prepared the ritual. Though it lacks finesse andelegance, it will serve its purpose. But speed will be of the essence. WhenAzmodan is defeated in the Realm of Sin, his soul will be in a state of shockfor a brief time. Those few vulnerable minutes will be my only opportunity,else his soul may enter the process of rebirth too quickly and be lost to me.

I have covertly drawn power from the Black Soulstone itself forthis task. The ritual will be complex in its structure but fierce in itseffect. I only need to bind the Soul of Sin into a cage with no rounded sides.Then he will be helpless.

For all his illusions, tricks, and glamours, the Lord of Lieshas fallen. If he had not been so confident in his victory, he could haveruined everything. I believe he knew my true intentions. He could have exposedthem to my companions, but he did not. Perhaps he thought to compel me to use thesoulstone on his behalf instead.

I had to prepare the ritual ahead of time and use it at theopportune moment. Using the power I drew from the beating hearts of a dozensand wasps, I funneled Belial’s soul through the edges of the broken star,disorienting his spirit long enough to trap it within the Black Soulstone.








楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-11 10:20:00 +0800 CST  

Baal, Lord of Destruction

One of my first tasks in the Covenwas to search for the resting place of Baal, known by his true name of Tor’Baalos. Once Ilearned that he was contained in the body of the Horadrim’s old leader, TalRasha, it was only a matter of time before I found his tomb deep beneath theAranoch deserts. It lay amid an array of false caverns and traps meant toensnare any trespassers. Unfortunately, I could not learn how to enter thefinal chambers and free him. This angered me for quite some time.

The whispers in my dreams explainedthat I had done well in failure. Baal was a reckless force of annihilation, andafter such a long period of imprisonment he was likely to kill any mortal whostood before him.

I believe that is the truth. ThoughI have no proof, I believe I have discerned another truth about the Lord ofDestruction: it is by his will that the Eternal Conflict shall always rage.Even when he was exiled from the Burning Hells, he sought to corrupt all ofSanctuary. He did not do so because of any insight into humanity’s potential,but because it existed and could be made into a weapon against the HighHeavens.

What if he ground the High Heavensinto ash? What if he destroyed Sanctuary and every other realm in existence?What would come after he lay the Burning Hells to ruin?

Would he destroy himself? Or wouldhe be clever enough to never let it reach that point? Would he first embracedefeat, death, and rebirth, before risking an end to his cycle of annihilation?

These questions intrigue me. Andthey drive me ever forward.








楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-11 10:22:00 +0800 CST  

Mephisto, Lord of Hatred

My first vision of Burning Hellswas the Realm of Hatred. It was as if I could feel the touch
of Mephisto, or Dul’mephistos, uponevery mote of matter around me, even though the demon lord was not there.

I believe Mephisto is imprisoned inTravincal, beneath the sacred temples of the Zakarum. There is no other explanationfor the seething hatred that courses through their ranks. Even imprisoned, thehe has incredible power over humanity. Many of the Lords of Hell rely on forceto enact their will; Mephisto can turn neighbor against neighbor for reasonsthat seem right and good. He can spur on conflict until there is only bloodshedthat can be directed at his chosen targets.

Hatred even shapes the bondsbetween Mephisto and his closest followers. There are stories that hisdaughter, Lilith, rebelled against him and the Hells. She forged a pact with anangel known as Inarius. For what purpose, I do not know, but their forbiddenunion did not end well. Inarius was imprisoned in Mephisto’s realm. Even now helanguishes there, subjected to unending torture. Lilith has not been heard fromsince.

Was it hatred of her father thatdrove Lilith away? Or of all demons? Hatred is a powerful and simplifyingforce. The complexities of the world fall away when a heart is gripped bysomething as strong as hatred. It is a shame that mortals are blinded by itscomforts.

Humans accept hatred as naturallyas breathing. I am certainly not immune. As Zoltun Kulle claimed, we are allhalf-demon. If that is true, is there even a single force from the angels thatwe could wield as easily?

LILITH. Daughter of Hatred. Where is she? Whispers of aforbidden realm. The Abyss. Is she there?








(1) 爱德莉雅是如此执着于莉莉丝究竟在哪儿的目的何在?是为了以后剧情的铺垫吗?又或者是莉莉丝的灵魂是否成为她重生的手段呢?现在很难揣测她的用意,另外最后红字部分很明显是个地点,但是全网都查不到,我认为还是在烈焰地狱里,至于她躲起来的目的,也许就跟所有母亲一样,在适当的时候要保护自己的孩子,也就是我们。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-11 10:26:00 +0800 CST  

Baal’s soul is a restless, powerful entity. He caused so muchchaos across Sanctuary after the destruction of the Worldstone that I thought hemight succeed where my master failed.

Yet when he fell, his soul eagerly awaited my touch. He wishesto see the End of Days as much as his brother.

The power of destruction is not an easily controlled thing. Myritual did not attempt to do so. The central rune, carved into a human jawbone,amplified Baal’s power, but the outer runes anchored it within the circle. Icould feel a moment of pure satisfaction racing through his spirit, for thespell made him feel like he had just inhabited a new host body.

He quickly understood the truth, that I was imprisoning himuntil my master could make use of his spirit, but he did not lash out as Iexpected. I felt something close to amusement from him. I did not understand,but perhaps it is impossible to understand the ways of the Greater Evils.

I marked Mephisto’s soul after Baal. I think I had grown tooconfident. My master’s plan had been working well, and I had accomplished thingsno any other human ever could.

When I found the Lord of Hatred’s soul, it fought back with arage that I had not anticipated. More than once, it seized control of my mind,and if my ritual did not have safeguards built into it, I would have been lost.Nevertheless, I completed my task.

Even in my arrogance, I still knew that hatred was a dangerousforce. I left noting to chance; I conducted the ritual with offerings from livehuman sacrifices, using fresh blood and organs to build the three- sided cageand the three anchors both inside and outside the circle. If I had used oneless anchor or brought one less sacrifice, I would have failed.






楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-11 10:27:00 +0800 CST  

Diablo, The Lord of Terror

Diablo, also called Al’Diablos, hasbeen depicted in many different physical forms. I myself have glimpsed him in dreams, thoughI do not know if what I saw was his true body or if it was a figment of my owninner fears.

Like his brothers, Mephisto andBaal, diablo was imprisoned on our world. His spirit was locked in a crystalknown as a soulstone. There are many rumors as to its current resting place. Ido not know which one is true, but the thought of seeking it out fills me withdread.

My fear is natural. Wise, even.Every hidden history on Sanctuary- and beyond- regards Diablo as the mostdangerous of all the Evils of the Burning Hells. His cunning surpasses any of theothers, and he can corrupt or destroy at a whim… but it is his patience thatmakes him truly fearsome. Diablo has not once acted upon impulse or anger inall the histories of Santuary. He makes his plans, waits for the opportunemoment, and strikes only when the time is right. And while he waits, he ponders the possibility of failure andplans for it.

When I first considered joining Diablo, I felt fear. He had notcorrupted me, not yet, and I suspect he called me as his proof against failure.

Perhaps it was because he did not stoke my fears. He whisperedof the End of Days, but only to pronounce me worthy to serve him in hisultimate victory. He gave me dreams of decay and corruption, but only becausehe knew I would see them as the natural end to humanity.

This was the simplest ritual, and the most difficult. The leastdangerous, and the most important.

My master, Diablo, did not fight me when I marked his soul. Hisspirit caressed mine, but he did not resist. His plan is years away from completion,yet he is filled with confidence.

The ritual to mark his soul has nothing to do with containment.Soon, seven mighty souls will be drawn into the Black Soulstone, but only onewill be in control. I created a dominant structure, one that bled outside thecontrol of the circle, to ensure that the Lord of Terror’s will would beunbound. It should be a simple matter for him to seize control of thesoulstone’s power.

The ritual, of course, was conducted with my own blood.Seemingly a river of it. The bloodline of vessel comes from me. Now he has anaffinity for it.

The final spell. I need more time to prepare, but have none. It is this orfailure.

A purified iron blade should suffice to engrave the symbol onthe Black Soulstone and keep the essences contained until the right time.

Duriel and Andariel, bound as one. Belial below them, alwayshidden in layers…

Three points for the Prime Evils. Diablo at the innermost mark.It will be through his power that all the Evils are contained. Consumed.

Azmodan, the only remaining Lesser Evil. Once he is contained, Ican complete the spell and infuse the soulstone’s power into the vessel.

Kulle’s summoning rune. Reshaped. Reformed. No longer will itdraw souls in, but channel them into something else.

The vessel’s body, intertwined with the Evils. In contact witheach, but a slave to none…save for Diablo.


















(1) 现在终于说到正根儿了,我怀疑最初北暴应该是想把整个地狱都涉及,但是开篇先用最年轻的这位魔神作为主导,然而随着名气越来越大,只好将这个最年轻的作为主角来延伸了,很巧合的是,几天前(2019-04-26)我刚刚从cd project上的gog购买了暗黑1,想重温一下故事和整个游戏,值得一说的是,游戏的品质仍然过硬,即使过去23年了,仍然能够玩进去,起码掉的东西,确实是值金子,然后随便翻了一下游戏提供的额外内容,里面有早期暗黑的随盘手册,里面有一部分暗黑故事的背景设定,里面详细的介绍了七位魔众,与现今我们玩到的系列中是一致的,这个部分让我很惊喜,因为这个故事并不是慢慢扩充起来的,是一开始就有个大纲的,所以说后期天使、恶魔与人类的最终命运,也许早在23年前就应该已经有了定论。
(2) 莉亚作为母亲效忠于暗黑破坏神的容器,非常的无辜,未来是否还会有她的篇章,可能希望渺茫了。

楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-11 10:29:00 +0800 CST  

The pieces are in place. The Black Soulstone holds almost allthe raging spirits of the Evils.

I sense the final gate approaching, and the key is in my care.The vessel. She still sees me as her mother, but that is not right. She wasborn of me, but she is not mine. She is his.

She will become him.

Diablo, reborn.

The Seven made One.

The Prime Evil.

The Lord of the Burning Hells, the broken ruins of Sanctuary,and the High Heavens.

And it will be my hand that turns the key.









楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-11 10:31:00 +0800 CST  






楼主 leon99lover  发布于 2019-05-11 10:37:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2019-02-05 18:31:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2021-01-20 19:12:25 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



