
On 31 January 1907 (K) produced a document detailing the design features of design 2b1. Accurate dimensions would come after the conclusion of towing tests, whilst the displacement had climbed to 19,200 tonnes.
Turbines of the Parsons type were to be fitted with four shafts for 36,000 shaft horsepower (shp) for the six-hour forced trip, and 40,000shp for the measured mile. The centreline turrets were to have a revolving shaft, whilst the wing turrets would have a fixed shaft, just as the wing turrets of Ersatz Sachsen. There were four below-water torpedo tubes. Bunker capacity would be 3,000 tonnes.
Further improvements followed on 16 February 1907. The torpedo bulkhead was moved inboard in the area of the boiler rooms. The wing turrets were likewise moved inboard about 2m, allowing them to have rotating elevators connected to the gun mountings, therefore allowing a higher rate of fire.
The new C/07 turret had a co-rotating working chamber and munitions elevator, and had only been planned for the centreline turrets previously. With the inclusion of the new turret, one of the objections raised by (A) against design 2b was resolved. The citadel was increased in length and the munitions provisions were increased. The improved project was termed 2c1.

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 18:13:00 +0800 CST  
On 22 June 1907 Kaiser Wilhelm II signed the building order for cruiser F aboard the small cruiser München and tenders could be invited. A series of tests for lattice masts remained reserved. Nevertheless, before the contract was signed on 26 September the construction department detailed further improvements in a memorandum of 17 September.
1907年6月22日,在“慕尼黑”号小型巡洋舰上,德皇威廉二世签署了巡洋舰的建造命令,招标工作随之展开。针对桁格桅的一系列测试仍尚待实施。不过,在建造合同于9月26日正式签订之 前,造舰局还在9月17日的一份备忘录中详细记录了后续改迸的情况。
Savings in weight now allowed the armoured belt to be a uniform 250mm and likewise the casemate armour was increased to 150mm. The torpedo bulkhead would extend to the height of the upper platform deck and the sloping armour (Böschung) was increased to 25mm thickness.
吨位裕度使得带装甲的厚度可以达到统一的250毫米,同样,炮廓装甲的厚度也可增至150 毫米。防鱼雷舱壁将上延至上层平台甲板的高度,倾 斜装甲的厚度则增至25毫米。
Meanwhile on 27 March 1907 the winner of the fast battleship competition was announced. The winner was given the working title ‘Polemos’, and was the product of the A.G. Weser dockyard, Bremen. The winning entry showed remarkable similarities to the final design of cruiser F.
与此同时,1907年3月27日,造靓局公布f快逢战 列舰设计竞赛的胜选方案.胜选方案暂定名为战争(Polemos ),是位于不莱梅的威悉河(Weser )船厂的杰作。这一优胜参赛方案与F号巡洋舰的最终设惊人的相似。

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 18:14:00 +0800 CST  
‘Polemos’ displaced 19,100 tonnes, whilst design 2c1 displaced 19,200 tonnes. The weight distributions for armour, armament, machinery and hull were almost identical percentages. The armaments were the same, but ‘Polemos’ had the same arrangement as F2.
The belt armour of the A.G. Weser ship was 270mm, compared to 250mm for project F2c, whilst both had 200mm citadel armour. The major difference was that ‘Polemos’ had reciprocating engines whereas F2c had turbines, but nevertheless both ships were designed for around 24½kts. Naturally the Kaiser was delighted with the result.
威悉河船厂设计的战舰主装甲带厚度为270毫米,而F2c号方案的装甲带厚度为250毫米,不过,两种方案的上装甲厚度均为200米。主要的差别在于,“战争”方案采用的是往复式发动机,而F2c号方案则采 用了汽轮机,然而,即便如此,两者的设计航速均为24.5节左右。自然,德皇对这一结果非常满意。
Since the original memorandum of the General Navy Department about the Große Kreuzer of 1907, the state secretary had gradually brought his own views into line with those of the department.
自海军总务局上报了1907年列建的大型巡洋舰的 分备忘录开始,海军部长逐渐改变了其想法,最终与海军总务局取得了一致意见。
Whilst it would be an over-simplification to say that von der Tann was a faster version of the Ersatz Bayern/Nassau class, with the weight saved from the two deleted turrets put into machinery to achieve a greater speed, it can be seen that the broadside of von der Tann equalled that of the battleship, albeit without the ‘lee reserve’.
The armour of the cruiser was just 20mm thinner than the 270mm belt of the first battleship of this class, whilst the speed met the criteria for cruisers, being about four knots faster. The cruiser of 1907, F –von der Tann, was a striking design and an excellent combat vessel.
【Von der Tann End】

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 18:16:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2018-08-08 19:20:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2018-12-19 21:42:15 +0800 CST


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