
【本文内容译自gray staff的《German battlecrusiers of WWI》第一章】

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 11:20:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 11:27:00 +0800 CST  
On 17 May 1906, two weeks before the first report from the London naval attaché about the British Invincible, the Kaiser launched a competition between the German shipyards for a ‘fast battleship’ type. This new type crystallised the Kaiser’s ideas regarding the new direction in warship construction, that these ships should form a division for special purposes, and also serve as reconnaissance cruisers.
1906年5月17日,就在收到驻伦敦海军武官有关 英国“无敌”号战列巡洋舰的首份报告前两周,德皇 在德国各大造船厂发起了一场关于“快速战列舰”设计竞赛。这一新型战舰体现了德皇对战舰建造方向的新认识,认为此类战舰除可用于成立一支为特殊任务准备的力量外,还可作为侦察巡洋舰使用。
Therefore, compared to foreign contemporary battleships, they should have a speed advantage of 3kts and should mount at least four 28cm guns so they could fight in the line. The new battleships of the Ersatz Bayern/Nassau class should form the basis of the new type.
因而,与其他国家同时代的战列舰相比,此类战舰应在航速上拥有3节的优势,并至少安装4门280毫米炮,从而能够加入战列线作战。这一新种类的舰船应将 “拿骚”级(Ersatz Bayern/Nassau )新型战列舰作为其设计基础。

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 11:29:00 +0800 CST  
State Secretary von Tirpitz was against this competition because he feared the possible political and financial consequences of a new conceptual type, and the development of a new type would place great burdens on the already overworked staff in the imperial dockyards at Kiel, Wilhelmshaven and Danzig.
海军部长冯•提尔皮茨对这场竞赛持反对态度, 因为他担心这一新概念战舰可能会造成政治和经济上的后果,而且发展这一新型战舰将给位于基尔、威廉港和但泽的帝国海军船厂的疲惫不堪的工人带来巨大的负担。
Likewise, the General Navy Department, or (A), and the construction department, or (K), were fully employed in work for the battleships of the Ersatz Bayernclass and preparations for the new cruiser of 1907. Nevertheless, the competition showed a remarkable farsightedness by the Kaiser and he was clearly ahead of his time in regard to type development.

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 11:30:00 +0800 CST  
A memorandum from the General Navy Department to the state secretary on 29/30 June 1906 on the ‘Großen Kreuzer 1907 and following years’ gave the opinion that the Imperial Navy was only forced to build such a type because of their numerical inferiority to the British in large cruisers, and it was anticipated that the British would also have a greater building capacity.
With the attaché’s report that Invincible would mount eight 12in guns, and taking account of the Japanese Tsukuba, the General Navy Department considered that ‘we must build our Großen Kreuzer as fast battleships’. The General Navy Department foresaw that for years the large cruiser of the Imperial Navy had no possibility of ‘strategic reconnaissance and escort on a large scale’, or ‘independent cruiser warfare (and) merchant protection’, and this would conflict with the operational objectives of the ships.
The principal purpose for the ships, for now, was purely participation in decisive battles as a fast wing. This task required the displacement of a contemporary battleship and an armament that must be effective against battleships, as a confrontation between the two types was inevitable; the General Navy Department was convinced about this.
此时,这类战舰的主要任务仅是作为决定性战斗中实施快速进攻的侧翼力量。为完成这一任务,需要拥有与同时期战列舰相当的排水量,还要有能够有效攻击战列舰的火力,因为这两类战舰不 可避免地会狭路相逢;对此,海军总务局深信不疑。

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 11:32:00 +0800 CST  
Therefore there was a fundamental disagreement between the General Navy Department and the state secretary in the question of operational employment. Admiral von Tirpitz saw the opponents of the large cruisers only as other cruisers. The General Navy Department had also shown remarkable insight, which was proved correct in every way.
The final specific proposal from the General Navy Department for the cruiser project was for: ‘6-8x28cm SK1 L/45 in double turrets or 2 double and 4 single turrets; 8x15cm SK L/45 in either casemate positions or 4 twin turrets; 20x8.8cm SK L/35 or 45; 4x8mm machine guns; 4 torpedo tubes; Armouring: (forward) conning tower 400 or at least 300mm, aft 200mm.In the remaining, approximately 10-20% weaker than the battleship (for Ersatz Bayern); construction coal provisions = 6% of the displacement; speed approximately 23 kts.’
海军总务局为巡洋舰项目提出的最终详细建议为: “6至8门280毫米L/45速射炮,全安装在双联装炮塔内或2座双联装、4座单装炮塔内;8门150毫米L/45速射炮安装在炮廓内或4座双联装炮塔内;20门88毫米L/35或L45速射炮;4挺8毫米机枪;4具鱼雷发射管;前司令塔装甲厚度为400毫米或至少300毫米,后司令塔装甲厚度为200毫米。其余部分的装甲相较于“拿骚”级战列舰薄约10%至 20%;载煤量为排水量的6%;航速约为23节。”

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 11:33:00 +0800 CST  
In July 1906 a member of the information bureau, or (N), of the RMA, Korvettenkapitän Vollerthun, wrote an article in that month’s issue of the magazine Marine-Rundschautitled ‘The Panzerkreuzer as a Fleet Type’. This article was seen as a kind of response by the RMA to the Kaiser’s prize competition.
In the article Vollerthun firstly presented a brief description of the historical development of the armoured cruiser type, before saying of the newest cruiser-building: ‘The modern English armoured cruiser is a cruiser of high combat value, but it does not possess the values required to resist a contemporary battleship in combat in a decisive battle.’
文中,沃拉图恩首先对装甲巡洋舰的历史发展进行了简单介绍,其后才谈及了在建的最新型巡洋 舰:“英国现代装甲巡洋舰是一种具有强大战力的巡洋舰,但仍不具备足够的实力在决定性战斗中与同时代的战列舰相抗衡。”
He went on to say that the cruiser type had not made the jump necessary to indicate transition to a common type, which had been discussed in trade papers and in parliaments. Paradoxically, he said it was an illusion to believe one could combine strength and speed in a common type, a deception that would be to the detriment of the type construction.
‘The impossibility to do so therefore requires a clear distinction between the duties of the battleship and the armoured cruiser, and limiting what one expects of the latter tactically. Never should the armoured cruiser be considered as a legitimate link in the line, and therefore should never be allowed to want to fight with the line.’
“这是不可能实现的,因而需要对战列舰和装甲巡洋舰不同的职能有清醒的认识,并降低对后者的期望值。绝不应将装甲巡洋舰视为战列线上不可或缺的部分,因而绝不应幻想其能够与战列舰 一起在战列线上并肩作战。”

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 11:35:00 +0800 CST  
In conclusion, Vollerthun stated that the cruiser type was incapable of developing its combat power, and the battleship of increasing its speed, to a point where a common type could emerge. 在文章结尾部分,沃拉图恩总结称巡洋舰无法进一步提高作战能力,而战列舰亦不能进一步增大航速,因而不会出现一种通用战舰。
If we accept that the article was written on a semi-official basis, then we are forced to the conclusion that either the information bureau was firmly in the Tirpitz camp, or else the bureau was practising disinformation, aimed at convincing the British they were going down the correct path in their cruiser and battlecruiser development. The views expressed in the article were at odds with opinion in the General Navy Department and their views on the ‘fast battleship’ concept; however, Korvettenkapitän Vollerthun would soon join their number.

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 11:36:00 +0800 CST  
During the summer of 1906, as the reports about Invincible were received from the London naval attaché, Admiral von Tirpitz was coming to the realisation that something had to be done. On 18 July, from his holiday home at St Blasien, he wrote to his deputy in Berlin, von Trotha, that: ‘It has recently come to my knowledge that the English have increased the type size and calibre, which will make it necessary for us to proceed with a further type increase in the budget of 1907.’
1906年夏,在从驻伦敦海军武官那里收到有关“无敌”号战列巡洋舰的报告后,冯•提尔皮茨海军上将开始认识到必须要有所行动。7月18日,在位于圣布拉希恩(St Blasien)的度假寓所内,他给柏林的副手冯•特罗塔(von Trotha)写信称:“近来,我逐渐了解到英国已增大了该类舰的吨位与舰炮口径,看来我们有必要在1907年预算允许的范围内进一步增大该类舰的吨位与舰炮口径。”
He also instructed departments (A) and (K) to prepare designs for the battleship and large cruiser as soon as possible. The battleship was to have twelve 30.5cm guns, whilst the cruiser should have eight 30.5cm pieces. The cruiser, when compared to cruiser E/Blücher, represented a huge increase in combat capabilities.
The choice of 30.5cm guns for the battleship was obvious, whilst the cruiser maintained parity with the reported armament of Invincible, and for that matter Tsukuba. With this proposal von Tirpitz was making a compromise between financial considerations, public opinion and military requirements. Nevertheless, the cruiser project was soon abandoned, on financial grounds, whilst the battleship project came to fruition a year later.

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 17:58:00 +0800 CST  
Shortly after, on 4 September, the state secretary sent a request to (A), (K) and the weapons department, or (W), of the RMA, stating the following:
I request the accelerated working through of this project for a Großen Kreuzer to the following criteria:
此后不久在9月4日,海军部长向海军部所属的A 局、K局和W局(武器局)下达了下列指示:
a. Heavy artillery 8–28cm (4 in double – 4 in single [turrets])
b. Medium artillery 8 to 10–15cm.
c. Light artillery as in the Großen Kreuzer E.
d. The displacement should not exceed that of the battleship Ersatz Bayern.
e. The price should be below that of Ersatz Bayern.
f. Speed is approximately as that of Großen Kreuzer E.
g. Compared to Großen Kreuzer E the armour should be strengthened with all means.
h. If possible turbines.
I expect the presentation of the result with project sketches by mid September.

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 17:59:00 +0800 CST  
With this Tirpitz had committed to the conceptual proposal of (A) and its inevitable consequences, such as greater cost and defensive qualities, as the new cruiser would have to resist 12in gunfire. Without doubt the large cruiser was moving towards the battleship type in displacement, cost and offensive and defensive capabilities.
从这一指示看,提尔皮茨已经接受了A局所提出 的概念方案及由此带来的必然后果,如更高的成本以及更强的防御力,因为这一新型巡洋舰必须能够抵御12英寸炮的攻击。毋庸置疑,在排水量、成本和攻防能力方面,大型巡洋舰正在逐渐接近战列舰。
The protocol of the next meeting, on 15 September 1906, reveals some interesting information, as well as the presentation by (K) of their newest design studies. In his introduction State Secretary von Tirpitz noted that until recently he had been against trying to catch up with the English (that is, the British) in the budget year of 1906 because of financial reasons, but that this was no longer the case.
He said that if the size of Invincible had been known, then Germany should have had the same. The decision to follow the English must now be taken. Then the chief of the construction department, Vizeadmiral von Eickstedt, spoke out in favour of maintaining the Blüchertype for the new build of 1907, listing the following reasons:
他称既然已经知晓了 “无敌”号的吨位,那么德国也应该拥有相同吨位的巡洋舰。现在必须下定决心追赶英国。其后,造舰局局长冯•埃克斯戴特(von Eickstedt)海军中将坦言,他支持这艘将于1907年列建的巡洋舰继续沿用“布吕歇尔”号的设计,并列举原因如下:

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 18:00:00 +0800 CST  
1. The results of the explosive trials were pending, and if they called for a redesign and enlargement then two increases would quickly follow one another. This would cause further delay.
2. The turbine question was unresolved.
1.抗爆炸冲击试验结果仍不得而知。如 果试验结果要求对其进行重新设计并提高吨位,那么很快就要相继增加两艘巡洋舰的吨位。这会进一步造成延误。
Admiral von Tirpitz stressed that political considerations must be taken into account, and these spoke for an immediate increase in displacement. He added that there was currently much goodwill towards naval requirements. In view of this Kontreadmiral von Heeringen was for an immediate displacement increase.
冯•提尔皮茨海军上将强调,必须将政治因素考虑进去,这就需要立即增大排水量。他补充称,目前对海军需求存在许多殷切的期望。有鉴于此,海军少将冯•黑林根(Kontreadmiral von Heeringen)支持立即增大排水量。

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 18:00:00 +0800 CST  
A gun calibre of 28cm was recommended, as this was suitable for fighting against the enemy battle line. However, von Tirpitz saw the opponents of the large cruisers as other cruisers and therefore thought the calibre question was debatable. Then he continued that one of the grounds for a displacement increase was a calibre increase, and on this basis he granted the 28cm gun.
After some further discussion about the underwater protection the state secretary announced he had decided for an increase in the large cruiser type. With that the construction department presented their design studies 1, 2, 3, 4 and 4b. Studies 3, 4 and 4b were rejected because of the positioning of their 15cm medium-calibre battery, with the eight 15cm guns arranged in four twin turrets. Therefore only projects I and II were considered. Their main points were as follows:

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 18:01:00 +0800 CST  
Project I: 23 (23½) kts, 19,500 tonnes, eight 28cm SK (four in two double turrets fore and aft and four in single turrets on the sides).
Project II: 23½ (24) kts, 19,350 tonnes, eight 28cm SK in double turrets, including on both sides.
1号方案:航速23 (23.5 )节、排水量 19500吨、8门280毫米速射炮(4门安装在舰艏和舰艉的2座双联装炮塔内,4门安装在两舷的4座单装炮塔内);
2号方案:航速23.5 ( 24 )节、排水量19350吨、8门280毫米速射炮(全部安装在双联装炮塔内,包括两舷)。
Of these, project I had the advantage of better positioning of the heavy artillery, project II the advantage of higher speed. Vizeadmiral von Eickstedt suggested positioning only six 28cm SK in three double turrets, just as with the old Brandenburg-class battleships. Thereby 800 tonnes in weight could be saved.
其中,1号方案的优势在于重炮的位置布局更为有利,而2号方案的优势在于航速更快。冯•埃克斯戴特海军中将建议仅配置6门280毫米速射炮,安 装在3座双联装炮塔内,就如老的“勃兰登堡”级 (Brandenburg )战列舰一样。由此,排水量可减少800吨。

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 18:01:00 +0800 CST  
The state secretary acknowledged that this had certain military advantages, but for political reasons the eight guns of Invincibleshould be met with an eight-gun ship. On the same grounds a suggestion from (W) for 24cm guns went no further. Kontreadmiral von Heeringen suggested the two single turrets per side of design 1 should be brought together as a double turret.
海军部长承认这会带来一定的军事优势,但是出 于政治考虑,配备8门舰炮的“无敌”号需要1艘8炮战舰才算祺逢对手。出于相同原因,未再对W局建议的240毫米炮进行进一步讨论。冯•黑林根海军少将建议将方案1中每舷两座单装炮塔整合为每舷1座双联装炮塔。
Finally State Secretary von Tirpitz announced a decision: 1. A temporary project with the gun positioning as proposed by (A) (von Heeringen). 2. Displacement and cost of this new project will not exceed the data specified in project I. The speed should total 23½ (24) kts (project II) by a corresponding reduction in armour. (A) and (W) are invited to support the working through of the project of (K) so that it could be finished in the shortest possible time.
1.临时方案如下:舰炮布局按照A局 (冯•黑林根)提出的建议执行。
2.这一新方案中的排水量与成本不应超过1号方案所列数据。通过减小装甲厚度使航速达到2号方案中的23.5 (24)节。

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 18:07:00 +0800 CST  
The projected cost for design F1 was about 35.1 million marks, whilst the other projects varied between 35.65 and 35.4 million marks. None exceeded the cost of Nassauat 36.5 million marks, but the effect of inflation was not taken into account. With design F2 the four single turrets were replaced by two double turrets adjacent to one another and this reduced the cost by approximately half a million marks.
F1号设计方案的预计成本约为3510万马克,而 其他方案的成本各异,在3540万马克至3565万马克之 间。没有一个方案超过“拿骚”号3650万马克的成 本,但是并未将通胀因素考虑在内。F2号设计方案将四座单装炮塔改为两座相邻的双联装炮塔,这将成本削减了近50万马克。
Two days after the meeting the new design F5 appeared. The construction department reported that the design could not be brought below 19,000 tonnes and the estimated cost was 35.3 million marks. Because of the extremely short preparation time many details of the design were reserved, such as number of funnels, training arcs of the turrets and final interior arrangements regarding boilers, machinery and magazines.
Towing tests were incomplete, as were estimates for stability. Design F5 had three double turrets on the centreline, arranged as the battleship Brandenburg, and two single 28cm turrets in the forward wing positions. Baurat Bürkner took the design to the state secretary on 24 September, and Tirpitz took the opportunity to order a modified design F2 and F5/5a to be available on 26 September.
拖曳试验尚未结束,稳性评估亦未完成。F5号设计在舰体中线上配置了 3座双联装炮塔,这与战列舰“勃兰登堡”号的布局相同,在舰艏两舷则布置了两座280毫米单装炮塔。9月24日,造船工程师伯克纳将这一设计呈递至海军部长,提尔皮茨借此要求其在9月26日上报经过修改的F2号方案及F5/5a号方案。

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 18:10:00 +0800 CST  
On 28 September Tirpitz took the three latest designs of 1a, F2a and F5/5a to the Kaiser and he gave his approval to project 2a, which was the cheapest alternative. This also met with the approval of the front-line navy because of the resemblance to the fast battleship perception.
So far the development of the first German ‘battlecruiser’, the large cruiser F, had occurred in a remarkably short space of time. Not even a month had passed since the state secretary had first instructed the construction department to implement a design utilising 28cm guns and the latest design variants had been created within a week.
至此,德国第一艘“战列巡洋舰”,即F号大型巡洋舰的研制在极短的时间内就宣告完成。距海军部 长最初指示造舰局基于280毫米炮制定设计方案甚至 还不到一个月,一周之内就相继出现了多个不同的新方案。
The state secretary was showing a real sense of urgency and this was confirmed in his letter dated 2 October 1906, in which he wrote: ‘I urge the participating drafting groups to support (K), so that the completion of the project suffers no delay, and allows the building task to begin with the new budget.’
海军部长表现出了切实的紧迫感,这一点从他 1906年10月2日的一封信中可见一斑。在信中,他写道:“我催促参与其中的制图小组协助K局开展工作,使设计方案能够毫不延误地及时完成,从而能够在获得新的预算后立即启动建造工作。”

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 18:12:00 +0800 CST  
On 14 October a report arrived that the Invincible class mounted their eight 12in guns en échelon, so that an eight-gun broadside was possible; however, the Germans did not know that this was over a very limited arc.
The state secretary had directed (K) not to work on such a project, especially as at the 19 September conference such an arrangement proposed by the weapons department had been rejected as ‘impracticable on construction grounds’. The construction department replied the following day that such a design, 2b, had been considered just a week before.
海军部长曾指示K局不要制定像这样的设计 方案,尤其是在9月19日的一次会议上,武器局提出的 这种方案就曾因“无法按此法建造”而遭到否决。收 到报告后的第二天,造舰局就回应称,一周前就已考 虑过这样一种设计方案,即2b号方案。
The next meeting to consider the design alternatives occurred on 7 November 1906. Vizeadmiral von Eickstedt reported that three designs now came into the question: Project 2a, as approved by the Kaiser with eight 28cm guns in double turrets, with the wing turrets arranged in parallel;
1906年11月7日,接着又举行了一次会议以审议其他设计方案。冯•埃克斯戴特海军中将报告称,现在有三种方案可供考虑:一是德皇批准的2a号方 案,该方案配置有8门280毫米炮,全部安装在双联装炮塔内,其中两舷的炮塔平行配置;

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 18:12:00 +0800 CST  
design 2b, with the midship turrets arranged diagonally; and design 5, with three double turrets on the centreline and two single turrets on the wings. The increase in weight of two single turrets was 240 tonnes compared to 2a and 2b.
二是2b号方案,其中的舰舯炮塔成对角线配置;三是5号设计方案,舰体中线上配置3座双联装炮塔,两舷配置2座单装炮塔。与2a和2b号方案相 比,安装两座单装炮塔所增加的重量为240吨。
Meanwhile (K) had determined from towing tests that projects 2a and 2b could obtain a half a knot increase in speed simply by altering the hull form. The General Navy Department preferred project 5, saying that the turret model arranged near the ship’s side, the 06 model turret, was limited to two shots per minute, whereas the centre-line turrets of project 5 could fire three shots per minute, because of the better shell-hoist arrangements.

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 18:13:00 +0800 CST  
It was also doubtful if 2b could fire its guns athwartships without damaging boats and other equipment. Thereon the state secretary imparted that the displacement increase required to give project 5 the same speed as 2b was not desired, and that the latter was more in character as a cruiser.
Vizeadmiral von Eickstedt declared he was not opposed to 2b and the state secretary also declared himself for 2b, because ‘it highlighted the character of the ship as a cruiser’. Therefore design 2b was made the basis for further design work.
冯•埃克斯戴特海军中将宣称其并不反对2b号方案,海军部长本人也支持该方案,因 为“它突出展现了巡洋舰的舰艇特征”。因而,2b号设计方案成为开展后续设计的基础。
A further memorandum of 7 November from the construction department outlined some further developments. The most important was the mention of turbine propulsion for the first time. The bow armour was increased in its extent, and after towing tests the length and beam were altered. The new version was named 2b1, which was sent for the Kaiser’s approval together with 2b.
造舰局还存有关于11月7日会议的另一份备忘录,它记录了另外一些设计。其中最重要的是首次提 出依靠汽轮机推进。舰艏装甲面积得到增加,在拖曳试验结束后,舰长和舰宽也发生了改变。这一新的设计方案被称为2b1号方案,与2b 号方案一同呈交德皇审批。

楼主 自由之翼CM  发布于 2018-08-08 18:13:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2018-08-08 19:20:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2018-12-19 21:42:15 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



