【Matshipiri马特沙比利雄狮联盟专题贴】2017年1月10日 持续更新

2017.7.13 怀念娃娃脸和莫西干在一起的日子
I will stand by you, brother 'til the daylight comes or I'm dead and gone. Brothers 'til the end.-by daniel_charles_baileyhttp://m.youku.com/video/id_XMjg4NzcyMDU2NA==.html?from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=1&source=

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-07-14 20:38:00 +0800 CST  
King of the beats

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-07-14 20:39:00 +0800 CST  


Black & Gold
The lioness and sub-adult male cub of Fourways Pride ascend a large termite mound to scan and try pick up the scent of a large herd of Buffalo.

it's the one mayshipiri male and kambula lioness


We followed this injured lion while roaring for about 30min! That roar though gave us goosebumps!





楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-07-20 21:11:00 +0800 CST  
图为Plains营地的地主雄狮,照片拍摄于2016年,这个联盟的领地位于萨 比森马拉马拉中部东边的克鲁格Rhino Plains区域,是马特雄狮的东部的邻居,这个联盟应该是由2名成员组成,也有可能是3名成员。马拉马拉2015年-2016年有过几次目击到无名雄狮和狮群出现在马拉马拉的报告,不过2017年至今没有再次发现过类似的目击报告,也许这个联盟已经向别的方向扩张领土去了。
大约十天前,在靠近萨比森北部NK营地东边的克鲁格N地区目击到了2头无名狮子,这个地区也有狮群,而且此地和马南兄弟目前的停留地HH营地离得不太远!This morning we saw another male lion who I have never seen or heard of plus a female and two youngsters.2017年7月17日早晨在马南雄狮兄弟和三头年轻雌狮所在的HH营地地区,还目击到了另外1头与狮群在一起的无名未知雄狮,这头未知的雄狮肯定不会是当地的地主Mluwati联盟的成员,因为当地不会不认识自己的地主雄狮。所以这头和狮群在一起未知雄狮应该是其周边地区的其它地主雄狮联盟,很有可能就是离HH营地很近的N地区狮群里的雄狮。从地理位置来看,这个N地区狮群的雄狮,有可能就是如今已经离开马拉马拉东边克鲁格Rhino Plains区域的那个雄狮联盟成员!



楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-07-20 21:14:00 +0800 CST  

A face full of scars. A face that tells a story.
The lone Matshapiri male


One of the Matshipiri coalition mates with a lioness from the Mhangeni Breakaway pride.
With a number of these females mating with this coalition and one lioness reportedly already having Cubs, the pride is likely to be growing in number relatively soon.
3月18日在londolozi与曼海尼分队雌狮交 配的马特莫西干雄狮

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-08-04 19:22:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-08-04 19:25:00 +0800 CST  
The lone Matshapiri male was found recently, moving rather erratically and contact calling incessantly, possibly in search of the six Ntsevu lionesses. Having recently lost his brother due to injury, it means a time of uncertainty ahead for this male.

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-08-04 20:02:00 +0800 CST  
2017.8.5 londolozi博文
Recently the Tsalala Breakaway Pride made a waterbuck kill close to the Londolozi camps. These lions have been spending a lot more time south of the Sand River, moving further away from XKwhere the cubs were first denned. As a result, they are pushing back into the core of the Tsalala Pride territory and we have been wondering for some time when these prides would cross paths, which is exactly what happened just a few days ago.

Tracker Freddy Ngobeni and I had seen the Tsalala Breakaway lionesses feeding on the waterbuck with their two young cubs the evening before. When we left them at dusk there was still a majority of the kill remaining and so we returned the following morning, wanting to check if they had been chased off their kill by hyenas. When we returned the next day though, we were shocked to find not a clan of hyenas but eleven lions where we had previously seen four. The two parts of the original Tsalala pride (who split with the arrival of the Matimba males at the end of 2015) had joined up and were feeding on the carcass together. Although there was quite a bit of snapping and snarling, the scene was fairly peaceful. The youngsters of the original pride were very well fed and were lazing at the edge of the carcass, while the females jostled to find a spot to feed on as the two youngest cubs muscled their way in. Although these prides have seen each other at a distance a few times, they have never actually re-joined and it was amazing to see two four month old cubs bravely stand their ground in order to get a share of the meat amongst lionesses they had never properly met before.
向导Freddy Ngobeni和我看见前一晚上查啦啦分裂狮群和他们的2只幼崽正在进食非洲大羚羊!天黑我们离开的时候尸体还剩很多,所以第二天早上我们回来时想看看狮群是否被鬣狗赶走了。第二天我们震惊的发现没有任何一只鬣狗,但是有11只狮子,以前我们只见过4只。原先查啦啦狮群的其中一组加入进来并且一起进食(2015年随着马蹄吧的到来他们分裂了)。虽然有很多争抢和吼叫,但相对还算平静。查啦啦主队的小年轻吃饱后懒洋洋的躺在尸体的边缘,由于两只更小的幼崽挤了进来使得母狮们不得不互相推挤寻找进食点。虽然两个狮群好几次都离的不远,但是她们都没重新汇合过。看见两只四个月大的幼崽站在他们从未见过狮子的周围想要分食,真的很棒
After the kill was finished, the Tsalala Pride got up and moved off by a few hundred meters before settling down in the shade to rest. Later in the morning they were disturbed by the remaining Matshipiri male who was seen walking in circles and contact calling all morning and the pride headed down into the Sand River, only to be seen again the following morning.

Recently we re-named the Mhangeni Breakaway Pride to the Ntsevu Pride, based on this pride of six lionesses splintering off and establishing themselves in a new territory. It seems that it may be too soon for us to be doing the same for this breakaway from the Tsalala Pride though. For many months rangers have argued back and forth about whether there is a chance the Tsalala Pride could ever re-unite. It seems that since the three young Tsalala males have moved off, the prides are a little less wary of each other. Is a re-joining ever-so-slightly more likely now? As always, only time will tell.

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-08-09 18:54:00 +0800 CST  

Nkorho Bush Lodge
7 August
Afternoon Drive
- Started our drive with some elephants who were swimming around in a dam close by. So nice to see when they come out the water looking so dark and their tusks shining white.
- Saw Hosana moving towards a small water puddle where he went to drink. He then played around on some rocks before climbing into a tree to rest.
- Headed to the west where we saw one of the Matimba males (previously thought to be a majingilane male). He was resting and looked to be a little bit injured.
- Saw the Nkuhuma pride again who were all laying together.

前一段时间马南雄狮兄弟在克鲁格Hoyo Hoyo营地一带与3头年轻的雌狮在一起吃饭,但是不久前这个地区的地主雄狮Mluwati雄狮兄弟回来了,,,
8月7日,1头马蹄吧雄狮突然出现在萨比森大象平原附近一带,它带着一点小伤,并且独自一人,也许意味着2头已经步入老年期的马南雄狮和2头正值巅峰期的Mluwati雄狮发生了战斗。如今萨 比森的局势发生了巨大的变化,使得这里比克鲁格Mluwati区域要安全许多,希望另外1头马蹄吧雄狮能尽快和兄弟在萨 比森相聚,,,

图为7月份在克鲁格Hoyo Hoyo营地一带与3头年轻的雌狮在一起吃饭的2头马蹄吧雄狮

MALAMALA TODAY (the last 3 days): August 6th-8th. Arguably the biggest news over the last 3 days is the return of the lone Matshipiri male! On Sunday we found him moving east from Kapen Rocks, possibly in search of the Fourways pride. We viewed him again today with the 6 lionesses of the Kambula pride at Buffalo Pans- they'd killed an impala. 4 of the Kambula lionesses were involved in a mild altercation with the Marthly Pride yesterday- 2 of the Manyelethi males also nearby. This all took place along the Sand River west of Main Camp whilst the other 2 Kambula lionesses were trailing a herd of buffalo east of Rattray's Camp. The Styx pride were seen on Sunday near Mlowathi Dam- an unidentified male leopard with a 2:2 spot pattern (possibly 'Sindile') was seen close to the lions. The 3 young males from the Marthly pride were seen on 2 of the days as they continue to spend time along the Sand River between Calabash Crossing and Charleston North. The Eyrefield pride were found at Charleston North on Sunday.
马拉马拉2017年8月6号至8号这三天都目击到了马特娃娃脸雄狮,在8月8号当天,马特娃娃脸被看到和6头曼海尼分队雌狮在马拉马拉中部的Buffalo Pans一起捕猎,,,
The lone Matshapiri Male returns. He may have lost the initial fight but he hasn't lost the war.



Lions mating


Save big cats, and love these beautiful animals


Inyati Game Lodge
Two new male lions have popped in for a visit. It is the second time the Avoca males have trekked south to Inyati. Being part of a vast reserve such as Greater Kruger National Park means that Guides and Guests atInyati Game Lodge are likely to find new animals every drive.
8月8日,2头牛油果雄狮突然出现在萨 比森西部的Inyati营地,这是它俩第二次到访保卫者雄狮西部的领土,,,


楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-08-09 18:57:00 +0800 CST  
8月7号在大象平原一带还看到了1头马蹄吧雄狮,但观察员并没有说明其确切身份,因此我们并不知道8月7号目击到的马蹄吧雄狮是姜黄还是腹毛。不过8月8号9号的萨 比森北部目击记录当中,没有继续看到那头马蹄吧雄狮,8月9号却在马拉马拉看到了腹毛,所以8月7号在大象平原一带看到的马蹄吧雄狮,很有可能就是如今南下到马拉马拉的马五,,,

World Lion Day! Celebrating an important annual highlight of the risks facing the Africa’s most beloved big cat!

2017年8月10号世界狮子日,K营地向导上传在Kirkmans Kamp拍到的马特娃娃脸雄狮,马特娃娃脸的状态看起来很不错,不过世界狮子日当天上传的照片几乎都是旧图,,,



楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-08-13 06:21:00 +0800 CST  
One of the Matchipiri coalition before they got chased out of their territory

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-08-28 17:42:00 +0800 CST  
MALAMALA TODAY: September 2nd. Yet again lions took center stage with a total of 5 sightings: 3 unidentified large males were seen in Clarendon Open Area- we couldn't get within 100m of them before they'd start moving away. It's always refreshing to know that, even in this day and age, there are animals who scarcely come into contact with humans.
The scar-nosed Manyelethi male and a Kambula lioness were found just north of Rattray's Camp- something caught his attention further south and he wasted no time in heading that way whilst the lioness ran off in the opposite direction.
我们在Rattray's 营地北部遇到了疤鼻和一头坎布拉雌狮---当南边远方的某种声音(或气味,气味的可能性更大,因为后面多次提到风)引起疤鼻的注意时,它立刻朝那个方向跑去,而与疤鼻在一起的坎布拉雌狮则转头向相反的方向逃离了。
The male crossed the Sand River and, with the wind in his face, continued through the Tamboti Thickets before coming across the lone Matshipiri male and another Kambula lioness.
Again, the lioness ran for the hills and so did the Matshipiri male. The steady winds made it difficult for the aggressor to track down the fleeing lions but he eventually came face-to-face with the Matshipiri male who took a few steps towards him before bolting off. This time the Manyelethi male was hot on his heels but we were unable to keep up with them. Bouts of roaring followed before the Manyelethi male turned back north.

疤鼻最初是闻到气味或听到声音后向Rattray's Camp以南追踪并找到了娃娃脸,在短暂的短兵交接后,疤鼻北上离开,所以这说明疤鼻并没有在战斗时赚到便宜,甚至是吃了小亏,不然它就不会马上北上离去,而是继续留着南边殴打或追杀娃娃脸了。不过疤鼻虽然已年老,但勇气可嘉。而娃娃脸由于在前几个月多次独自与敌对联盟战斗失力后,显然它已经逐渐失去了自信,,,

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-09-03 12:35:00 +0800 CST  
2017.9.2 马特娃娃脸和五只曼海尼分队母狮

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-09-03 12:38:00 +0800 CST  
2017.9.2 马特娃娃脸回到马拉马拉

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-09-03 12:39:00 +0800 CST  
2017.9.1 马特娃娃脸归来
MALAMALA TODAY: September 1st. There was a lot of newsworthy lion activity around Main Camp today as well as a pack of 9 Cape hunting dogs just south of the camp. 5 leopards and yet another dead one... 4 lion sightings: the lone Matshipiri male is back! We found him in the company of 5 Kambula lionesses along the Sand River south of Main Camp. He is in exceptional condition and mated several times with one of the lionesses. A mere kilometer away, on the other side of Main Camp, was the Marthly pride. While we were watching the 2 lionesses and 5 youngsters the other 2 Marthly lionesses appeared in the distance! They 2 'outcasts' made a steady retreat once they noticed the other 7. At first it seemed like an over-reaction from the tailless lioness but her motives soon became clear when she led us to her 2 young cubs that were stashed away nearby. They then proceeded to move away even further and at a brisk pace. The 2 lionesses with the 5 cubs moved south as darkness fell and we watched them hunt nyala near Main Camp. The Eyrefield pride were seen in the south.

2017.9.2 马拉马拉向导上传的娃娃脸
Until The Dust Settles --------------------------------------------
The Matshaphiri Male returns to Mala Mala Game Reserve.
It is merely a matter of time until the next dominate male reveals himself within the Sabi Sands Wildtuin. It is simply a numbers game and it's not over yet.

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-09-03 12:40:00 +0800 CST  
2017.9.7 马特娃娃脸

2017.9.8 马拉马拉消息马特娃娃脸回归
3 lion sightings: the Marthly pride spent most of the day near Matumi Rocks. The Matshipiri male was found in the Sand River south of Main Camp. The unidentified male who has an issue with his bottom jaw was just north of Rattray's Camp
3狮目击!查啦啦有尾组在Matumi Rocks附近度过一天。发现马特娃娃脸在主营地南边的沙河。一只身份不明下巴底端有问题的雄狮就在Rattray's营地北边(上次我发了贴和冥河型男特征一致)

2017.9.9 芭比回到马拉马拉在次赶跑娃娃脸

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-09-12 03:21:00 +0800 CST  
2017.9.8 娃娃脸再次回到马拉马拉

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-09-12 03:26:00 +0800 CST  
2017.9.3 在马拉马拉的娃娃脸

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-09-12 03:31:00 +0800 CST  
2017 9/12 娃娃脸的一天:马拉马拉

MALAMALA TODAY: September 11th. The days highlights centered around the lone Matshapiri male who was found in the Sand River near West Street Bridge.( 11号的亮点都在西街桥旁沙河的娃娃脸上)The setting itself is picturesque enough to make any sighting spectacular but throw in (over the course of the day) well over 100 elephants, 2 leopards, hyenas, giraffes, zebras, waterbuck, impalas, a plethora of birds and you have yourself some MalaMala Magic! The Tamboti female killed an impala ewe in the Sand River directly west of the Matshipiri male- thanks to a clinical strike and a steady easterly breeze, she went undetected.( tamboti雌花豹在娃娃脸西边捕获高角羚-感谢不稳定的东风没让娃娃脸发现她)The female cub of the Kikilezi female was less fortunate when, impressively, she killed an impala a few hundred meters north of the lion. Hyenas were quickly on the scene and stole the kill. The Matshipiri male heard the commotion and wasted no time in getting there. As he charged in he didn't notice the young leopard and literally ran past her, within centimeters! The hyenas were promptly relieved of the carcass. (kikizile雌豹的女儿就不幸运了,她在娃娃脸北边几百米捕获高角羚,令人印象深刻。鬣狗很快就来到现场偷走猎物。娃娃脸听到了骚动但没有按时抵达。在他冲向猎物时丝毫没有注意到一旁的年轻雌豹,直接经过了她,就那么几厘米!鬣狗快速地分食尸体) Other lion sightings: the 6 lioness of the Kambula pride and a Manyelethi male are in the Sand River south of Charleston North. (一头老保和六头坎布拉母狮在charleston北的沙河)Other leopard sightings: the Ndzilo female and her cub have an impala kill near Calabash Crossing. The Teardrop female and her 2 cubs were also seen in the south. 2 herds of buffalo and many elephant sightings were also recorded. Photo of 2 White-fronted Bee-eaters by ranger Pieter van Wyk @pcfvanwyk#malamalagamereserve #itsallaboutthewildlife

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-09-12 06:29:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2017-09-12 19:26:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2017-01-10 18:13:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2019-04-03 17:29:41 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



