
1974年,美国/伊利諾州(State of Illinois)芝加哥(Chicago),数百人目击了幻影袋鼠。

楼主 小墓F  发布于 2017-03-04 13:02:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 小墓F  发布于 2017-03-04 13:07:00 +0800 CST  
1974年10月19日,美国/伊利諾州(State of Illinois)芝加哥(Chicago)/贝尔蒙特(Belmont),一名报童目击到幻影袋鼠,双方距离只有几英尺远。

楼主 小墓F  发布于 2017-03-04 13:14:00 +0800 CST  
1974年10月23日,美国/伊利諾州(State of Illinois)芝加哥(Chicago)/席勒伍兹(Schiller Woods),一名目击者看见幻影袋鼠,次日晚,再度有目击传出。

楼主 小墓F  发布于 2017-03-04 13:18:00 +0800 CST  
1975年7月,美国/迪凯特(Decatur),Rosemary Hopwood女士目击到一只幻影袋鼠,她开始以为是一只狗,但又看了一下,确认这是一只袋鼠。3天后,一些匿名目击者也报告说看见幻影袋鼠。

楼主 小墓F  发布于 2017-03-04 13:24:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 小墓F  发布于 2017-03-04 13:31:00 +0800 CST  
1974年11月4日,美国/伊利諾州(State of Illinois)芝加哥(Chicago),一名卡车司机目击到一只幻影袋鼠,他下车检查后确认那确实是袋鼠。

楼主 小墓F  发布于 2017-03-04 15:27:00 +0800 CST  

Ekaltadeta is an extinctgenus of giant marsupials related to modern rat-kangaroos.

They are hypothesized to have been either predatory , or omnivorous with a fondness for meat, based on their chewing teeth.

This conclusion is based mainly on the size and shape of a large buzz-saw-shaped cheek-tooth, the adult third premolar, which is common to all Ekaltadeta .

A few species actually did also have long predatory "fangs".

Fossils of the animals include two near complete skulls, and numerous upper and lower jaws.

楼主 小墓F  发布于 2017-03-04 16:13:00 +0800 CST  
The Kangaroo sightings of Tulsa & Owasso Oklahoma connection. These Sightings were in Mysterious america author. Loren coleman & Mysterious Oklahoma author. David A. Farris. A buddy of mine worked for the Tulsa World years ago. I was fortunate enough to obtain the original photo of mystery solved in tulsa & owasso around 1981. The Kangaroos turned out to be a cavy or cavies . Though they never explained where the creatures came from . That is still unsolved.

楼主 小墓F  发布于 2017-03-04 19:27:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 小墓F  发布于 2017-03-05 15:35:00 +0800 CST  
1958年,美国/内布拉斯加州( Nebraska)/格蘭德艾蘭(Grand Island)/普拉特河(Platte River),目击者Charles Wetzel 看见一只袋鼠在追逐他的狗。

楼主 小墓F  发布于 2017-03-05 15:39:00 +0800 CST  
In 1981, Ray Ault, was tending to his sheep flock when a huge kangaroo came bounding past.

楼主 小墓F  发布于 2017-03-05 15:42:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2017-03-03 00:16:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2017-10-31 13:19:57 +0800 CST


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