

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:17:00 +0800 CST  
projectcares 4 天之前
Chinese may seem "like ants" compared to G7 euro giants ... but they are the mightiest and most hardworking beings I know - they say, "in the end, China will win." With all admiration in terms of work attitudes, we have a lot to learn from the Chinese - if they can do this amazing feat, why cant we? Congratulations for this achievement!

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:17:00 +0800 CST  
piperfawn1  4 天之前 23 推荐
To all people that hate instead to apreciate this impressive job i say that usualy hate and jelousy are the only bitter things that remains in the hands of losers.
Great job China i hope you can lead the world to a new era with your strenght.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:18:00 +0800 CST  
btphy   4 天之前 4 推荐
in 1934 Americans could build the empire state building in a year, that was 100 stories. Similar type of spirit and what they wanted to prove is exact what the Chinese do so as well today. I dont see americans complaining about how unsafe and low quality the construction was. The truth is, the west has lost the glory and now they only find sour grapes seeing the same miracle is only happening in China today.
在 1934 年,美国人能用一年的时间建成 100 层的帝国大厦。这是一种类似的精神,他们当年想证明的也恰恰正是今天中国人所证明的。当时我可没见有哪个美国人抱怨帝国大厦有多低质量或不安全。其实真相不过就是:西方社会失去光环了,当他们看着今天同样的奇迹只能发生在中国时,他们只有酸葡萄。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:18:00 +0800 CST  
Cool! Looks very well thought out on the engineering front. I used to be amazed when theyd pop up a 7eleven in a couple of weeks in Japan. Not any more.
Our Chinese brothers and sisters are catching on technologically.
真酷!从工程面来看构想的非常不错。我过去还惊叹日本人能在几个礼拜之内建起一家 711 ,不过打这以后就不会了。
【从这家伙的 ID 地区显示,外加他收藏视频,外加好友留言看,基本判断他的确是个日本人。想想看过的站里的日文帖子,不敢置信的感觉油然而生。。】

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:19:00 +0800 CST  
ironbull2003   3 天之前
to be fair you have to take into account several things
a) They worked 24 hours/day, so thats about 4-6 work days in America
b) much of the parts were already assembled
c) considering it is a chinese product, this building would collapse at the slightest earthquake...
Its nice that they did it so fast... but pointless... a lot of little things were probably overlooked in the process too..
1 )他们一天工作 24 小时,而这在美国相当于工作 4-6 天
2 )很多部件都是事先组装好的
3 )鉴于这是中国制造的产物,这建筑估计都顶不了最轻微的地震
他们能这么快竣工不错…… 但毫无意义……而且在这个过程中很多细微之处可能都被忽视了……

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:20:00 +0800 CST  
Basketballbat   3 天之前 @ironbull2003
Level 9 Earthquake Resistance, hard to read the description or does the facts hurt your pride that much?
(回 ironbull2003 )(这楼是)九级抗震。你到底是读不懂说明呢,还是这个事实实在太伤你自尊了所以选择性无视?

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:20:00 +0800 CST  
reinfred2007 4 天之前
Quality is the god here in America! We spent 7 years on the NJ-Hudson tunnel, we will spend more time on it!!!! And well spent another 30 years on the new WTC!
在美国质量是王道!建新泽西的哈德逊隧道我们已经花了 7 年,而且我们还打算花上更多时间!!!!之后再花个 30 年建新的世贸中心好了!

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:20:00 +0800 CST  
maseratieeee  3 天之前
we may not build really fast, but god DAMN!!! did you see how fast we flattened Hiroshima?! oooo and remember Nagasaki?!! WOW

Playsitlouder3 天之前 3 @maseratieeee
For fucks sake, that was Japan not China. Please dont make all Americans look like retards. Good job Chinese people!
看在草 马大神的份儿上,(广岛 / 长崎)那是日本,不是中国!别因为你一个人而让人觉得所有美国人都是弱智。干得漂亮中国人!

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:21:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:26:00 +0800 CST  
maseratieeee  3 天之前
we may not build really fast, but god DAMN!!! did you see how fast we flattened Hiroshima?! oooo and remember Nagasaki?!! WOW

Playsitlouder3 天之前 3 @maseratieeee
For fucks sake, that was Japan not China. Please dont make all Americans look like retards. Good job Chinese people!
看在草 马大神的份儿上,(广岛/长崎)那是日本,不是中国!别因为你一个人而让人觉得所有美国人都是弱智。干得漂亮中国人!

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:32:00 +0800 CST  
tib080808 1 天前
Its more interesting to read the comments than watching the video.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:32:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:33:00 +0800 CST  
giorkaro8971  3 天之前
Made in China, with chinese drywall, chinese appliances and underpaid chinese workers???? The building will fall down in six months!!!!
中国制造,用中国土墙,中国设备和低薪的中国工人????这楼 6 个月内就得塌了。

aristotledude 3 天之前 @giorkaro8971:
It has a steel frame construction and is built to be "EARTHQUAKE" resistant. Stop being such an ignorant racist.
(回 giorkaro8971 )它是钢筋架构而且是按 “防震”功能来建造的。别表现得像个脑残的愤青。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:33:00 +0800 CST  
cucxoimap  4 天之前
I dare not to use stuffs made in China :D
我从不敢用中国制造的东西 :D

havocrein 4 天之前 @cucxoimap
you are proberbly using it right now.
(回 cucxoimap )你八成现在就正在用着。

Lamthalas  4 天之前 @cucxoimap
Since you dare not using stuffs made in China, can I have you computer?
(回 cucxoimap )既然你不敢用中国制造的东西,那可以把你的电脑给我吗?

copperpot77 4 天之前 @cucxoimap
Can I haz your computer? Cellphone? TV?
(回 cucxoimap )那可以把你的电脑、手机、电视给我吗?

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:34:00 +0800 CST  
TheLamarPie 3 天之前 @giorkaro8971
Your a dumass, go look up those terms in the video...Stop hattin, face the fact in 10 years, China will be way above the US, you could sense US Foreign Policy struggling already, selling advance weapons to Chinas Neighbors for a future war...
(回 giorkaro8971 )你这白痴,去看看视频说明先…… 停止憎恨面对现实吧,现实就是 10 年之内中国将会超越美国一大截。你能感觉得出美国的外交政策已经是在垂死挣扎了:把先进武器卖给中国的邻国们,准备未来要打场战争。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:38:00 +0800 CST  
airr916  3 天之前 6 推荐
I think people are stereotype and saying that everything made in China is fucking sucks. Just look around you and all your shits, even the computer monitor in front of you or your itouch/ipod. Almost every high-tec are made in china now and you guys just didnt realize. And please give at least some credit to these people who actually built this hotel and the engineers...jeez
我看那些嚷嚷所有中国制造都是垃圾的人根本是食古不化。看看你周围的所有那些玩意儿,甚至包括你眼前的电脑显示屏,你的苹果手机 /MP3 。你们只是没意识到,现在几乎所有高科技玩意都是中国制造。还有至少请给这酒店的建设者和工程师们一些尊重 Orz …

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:39:00 +0800 CST  
maseratieeee 3 天之前 6 推荐
they are advancing REALLY fast. all we do in america is bitch about it and talk shit and wait for someone to "fix" it. we advanced really fast a long time ago. i wish we would do it again, but i think its Chinas turn.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:39:00 +0800 CST  
Ardenwolfe 3 天之前
Yes, they are the next Superpower. Between the new bullet train and this, no doubt.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:39:00 +0800 CST  
jjjjeeeeffffc   3 天之前 @jimmiepatrick
what is great bout everythin u said is that being in america (or another country) allows us to do those things. If we had a population that was bursting at the seams n needed a hotel or apt building put up in that time, im sure as hell wed do it. but we dont n we dont need to rush. our work ethic is great. if i was workin on that id only work 8 hours a day, weekends off, coffee breaks, lunch breaks, n still get paid more! its great. but wed rush n work overtime if we had to
(回 jimmiepatrick )你所说的那些里最棒的一点就是:正是作为一个美国(或是别国)人,才使得我们能做这些。如果我们有像他们中国那样多到塞不下的人而不得不以那种速度来建酒店和公寓楼,我保证我们也做得到。但我们不需要,所以也没必要那么紧赶慢赶。我们的敬业精神很好。如果是我来做那个,我将每天只工作 8 小时,周末休息,有咖啡和午饭时间,可拿到的薪水却更多。这多好。但是如果我们不得不提速或加班时,我们也一样能做得到。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:40:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2016-04-16 06:36:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2021-03-16 16:24:09 +0800 CST


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