
earsummer  3 天之前
Just imagine how much would US companies pay the overtime workers for construction done during the nights. Admit it or not, China has her advantages in many things, which turned out to be very important these days and have been transfered to real economical growth power.
US might lose a battle in constructing a building, however, for China to win a WAR of developing, she has a long way to go.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:41:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:44:00 +0800 CST  
ddnguyen278  3 天之前 @myu106
This is true at one time Americans had the drive and work ethic.. Sadly now everyone wants to be a millionaire basketball movie MMA rap star..
(回 myu106 ) 确实美国人曾经有过拼劲儿和敬业精神。。。真是杯具,现在所有人都只想成为身价百万的篮球 / 电影 / 格斗 /RAP 明星。。

myu106  3 天之前 @ddnguyen278
Americans were amazing before WW2. Just one example: Most brilliant Americans use to go to universities to study Science and Engineering. Today? All kids are dreaming of quick and dirty cash, lawyers, Wall Street, etc.
Take a look at NASA. Most scientists in NASA are 50+ in age.
Capitalism built America but extreme capitalism finally kills America.
(回 ddnguyen278 )二战前的美国人曾经是了不起的。就说一个例子:那时候大多数聪明的美国人都会选择去大学研读科学与工程学。现在呢?所有的孩子都梦想一夜暴富,当律师,或者去华尔街什么的。
看看航空航天局,那里绝大多数科学家全是 50+ 的年纪。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:46:00 +0800 CST  
ddnguyen278 3 天之前 @myu106
I agree, I was watching some interviews of the WW2 veterans because of Veterans day, its like they come from another planet! All of them articulate and well spoken and you can hear the depths of their courage and conviction, irrespective of color or race.. but now.. ugh listening to todays youth you can tell the IQ points have dropped a few pegs..
【美国的老兵节在每年的 11 月 11 日,正是咱家的光棍节,哈哈】

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:46:00 +0800 CST  
mightymudas 3 天之前 6 推荐
All eyes are now on china. This is their century. I went to beijing a couple of months ago and all i see is people working round the clock and i am not exagerating here. Their bank are on open Mon - Sunday. Yes Sunday banks are open there. I woke up 4 am because of jet lag and shops were open.
Chineese people are awesome too.
现在所有的目光都在注视着中国。这是他们的世纪。我几个月前去过一趟北京,我所见的就是人们在日夜不停的工作,完全不是夸张。他们的银行从周一至周日全部上班——是的星期天那儿的银行也开门。我因为时差原因在凌晨 4 点钟醒了,发现商店居然还开着门。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:47:00 +0800 CST  
BroyhillVideo 3 天之前 18 推荐
China is in gear and rolling.
There was a time and place for the US. The Empire State building was built in under a year back in the 30s. But today it takes over a decade to replace the Twin Towers. Just sad, it really is.
美国也曾有过这样辉煌的时代。在 30 年代帝国大厦我们只花了一年就建好了。可现在重建个双子塔得花上十多年。让人如何不悲哀。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:47:00 +0800 CST  
jangkrikngocok  4 天之前
China is the new US...

WertzOne 4 天之前 5 推荐
@jangkrikngocok : Wow, stop insulting the Chinese people.
(回 jangkrikngocok )嗨楼上的,别侮辱中国人好么。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:48:00 +0800 CST  
335Mat  4 天之前 3 推荐
A car is built in what? 1 day? Its all about planing, training, and preparation. Good for them. We are lazy over here and we think we are oh so smart for outsourcing every manufacturing job. The result of is that we pay THEM all the money, gave THEM to time to become industrial. And now we look in disbelief asking ourselves "where is all our money? Where is all our expertise? Why do the Chinese DGAS when we try to tell them that we are the boss."

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:48:00 +0800 CST  
ijin01 4 天之前 32 推荐
china is going through its industrial phase so all these comments about safety and wages dont make sense, look at when they were building skyscrapers in new york, workers were sitting on the beams eating their lunch up in the air, no safety. you cant compare like for like

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:48:00 +0800 CST  
ThomasRohl 4 天之前
Im guessing you Chinamen havent watched Extreme Makeover: Home Edition before?
Also, America doesnt sell fake food like in China where bread is made out of wet cardboard.
【咱还真没看过(>_<)~ ,想了解的往下看,不想知道的童鞋可以无视这一条~ 】
【《彻底改变之——家庭再造》——美国非常著名的电视秀。由剧组找来有需要的穷人家庭,然后屋主一家被安排到外地进行为期一周的旅游。屋主外出期间,参与“家庭再造”的竞赛队伍会拆掉主人原有的房子,完整重建一座全新 house ,包括室内外装修。——这是通常要几个月才能做到的活儿,但剧组要求参赛队伍必须在一周内完成建造。当屋主一家归来时,会有一辆事先停好的巴士挡在新建的房子前遮住屋主视线,然后大家伙儿一起大喊“开走巴士!”“开走巴士!”当巴士最终开走时,呈现在主人面前的就是充满惊喜的新居了。】

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:49:00 +0800 CST  
romanosalvatore 4 天之前 2 @ThomasRohl
Really? We sell 100% real food here in the U.S...LOL.....LOL....Our food is PACKED with MSGs and GMOs and RED 40 and a WHOLE lot of crap. HOME EDITION, this is a 15 story, earthquake resistant building....Have you even been to China? Take a trip to Hong Kong, I assure you your face will melt in awe.
(回 ThomasRohl )是么?咱美国卖得都是百分百货真价实的食品?哈哈哈笑死我了。。。我们的食品根本是成堆的味精、转基因货、色素以及别的许多垃圾的合体。你拿《家庭再造》来比这个??这可是座 15 层高,带防震功效的高楼啊。……你根本都没去过中国是吗?去香港转转吧,保证你到那儿会看傻眼的。

rodricav 4 天之前 @ThomasRohl
You are so dumb. You are really dumb. For real!
(回 ThomasRohl )你真是个傻子。纯傻子。纯的。

Vaioleto 4 天之前 @ThomasRohl?
You must be pretty morbidly obese if you consider the stuff you buy in America "food".
(回 ThomasRohl )如果你把你在美国买到的东东当做“食品”的话,你现在肯定已经是病态肥胖症患者了。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:49:00 +0800 CST  
anjelicknight1 4 天之前
China and the chineese people in general are a very insecure race of people! What are they trying to prove here! look at how they cheted at the olympics and how they are trying to show to the world that they are the best at everything such as building this hotel here in 6 days perfect example! There craftsmanship is the worst in the world! There stingy and imoral they will kill for profit! Cheap goods, = cheap people. The world belongs to the west we invented everything the asians copied it!
中国和中国人从总体上看是一非常没有安全感的民族!他们到底试图跟这儿证明什么!最经典的例证就是看看他们都是如何在奥运上造假,又是如何想通过一切——比如 6 天建起这酒店这种事——来向世界炫耀他们是最好的。他们的手工世上最最差!他们又小气又没品,为了利益不惜杀戮!廉价商品 = 廉价人民。这世界是属于西方的。我们西方发明了所有东西而亚洲只不过在山寨而已!

gottawachit 4 天之前
@anjelicknight1 : Thats the dumbest shit ever to here, First you know that AMERICANS employ millions of people in Guatemala, Mexico, China, Thailand, etc in sweat shops where they allow sexual assaults, harassment, poor working conditions, homicides, etc JUST FOR PROFIT. What are we trying to prove when we build a house in 7 days on the home makeover show hmmm. We also cheated in the olympics, steroid bust on that one chick. I see a very insecure man/woman right here named anjelicknight1.
(回 anjelicknight1 )你是这儿迄今出现最大的傻 X ,首先你得知道是美国人从危地马拉,墨西哥,中国,泰国等地雇佣了数以百万的人民,让他们在血汗工厂里劳作,在那些工厂里美国人放任性侮辱、骚扰、糟糕的工作条件、自杀等等仅仅就为了自己能获利。我们在《家庭再造》那剧里用 7 天去建造房子,我们又在试图证明啥呢?我们也一样在奥运里作假,该记得兴奋剂抽查吧?我看这儿最没安全感的人就是你 anjelicknight1 了。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:52:00 +0800 CST  
rajzep 4 天之前 36 推荐
@anjelicknight1 : lol...stop bashing the Chinese. Its Western companies that want cheap products and force their suppliers to make products as cheap as possible. What do u expect when u want the best but at the lowest cost?
(回 anjelicknight1 )真是好笑…… 别把枪口对准中国人。明明是西方的那些公司想要便宜货才逼着他们的供应商用尽可能低的成本去生产。你还期待什么?用最低廉的价格还想买到最好的产品?

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:52:00 +0800 CST  
andreajerabek  4 天之前
@anjelicknight1 : You are forgetting one minor detail. The Chinese were here long before the Romans ruled Europe! Noodles do not come from Italy and you can NEVER COMPARE A RACE OF PEOPLE TO THEIR GOVERNMENT!
(回 anjelicknight1 )你忘了一个小细节:早在罗马统治欧洲之前中国人就已经存在了。面条可不是意大利起源的。而且你永远不能把一个民族的人民和他们的政府划等号!

philoilman  4 天之前
It is understandable that there are Americans who doubt the capabilities of China. When China was at the top of the world during the time of Marco Polo there were just the Native Americans then. China invented the gun powder, compass, paper and a lot of others. The British had to bring Opium to China because their gold and silver was being depleted importing silk, porcelain etc. which resulted to drug addiction of the Chinese. I guess the Chinese are now reclaiming their old glory.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:53:00 +0800 CST  
gottawachit  4 天之前 2 推荐
WHATEVER!!! Say all you want but in America we said the Chinese Americans couldnt and wouldnt be able to build the railroads; we were wrong. We complain every time someone else does something impressive, Give them their due!!!
We Americans complain so much about other countries success and point out their failures. WE a bunch of depressed and spoiled kids!!!

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:53:00 +0800 CST  
nosesteel 4 天之前
Spent a month in China this summer and this kind of thing is going on all over their country on a massive scale. Its not their government that builds these, its private enterprise led by innovative and very hardworking Chinese. This year they built the fastest train and supercomputer in the world, and their construction techniques, both in scale and technology, are second to none in the world. At 10% growth rate per year, China is leaving the USA in the dust.
今年他们建成了世界最高速的列车和最高速的超级电脑。而他们的建筑技术,无论从规模上还是科技上讲,都是世界最高水平。通过每年 10% 的成长速度,中国正在把美国远远抛在身后

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:54:00 +0800 CST  
illirond  4 天之前 @nosesteel
probably theyll grow to the point where U.S., Japan and Korea are now and then drop down to 3~4% growth a year. You just hit that diminishing point sooner or later. Also Chinese have 1.3 billion people, good resources, and big country, they have the potential to outgrow the U.S. by 4~5 times. Getting developed is inevitable for them and other poor countries. But I got to wonder, will their people ever have freedom like U.S.
(回 nosesteel )有可能中国会一直成长至美、日、韩现今的发达水平,然后年增长速将回落到 3~4% 。迟早都会碰到那个减速点的。并且中国有 13 亿人口,丰富的资源,广大的国土,他们当然有潜力超过美国 4 到 5 倍。对中国和其他贫困国家来说,迈向发达国家不可避免。可我倒想知道,他们的人民会否真有一天能享受到美国人现在所享有的自由。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:54:00 +0800 CST  
gottawachit 4 天之前
YOU know, we can do this in America except we are to spoiled. We complain that they are communists/socialists all the time but we do that shit too. We call others commis all the time for lame shit but when it comes down to money we give a lame excuse to say its okay. Labor UNIONS are socialism people!!! when it comes to money we dont care, when come to peoples rights we argue forever.
你知道,我们美国人也能做到这个,可惜我们被宠坏了。我们总抱怨他们中国人是共产主义者或社会主义者,但其实我们干的勾当跟他们一样。我们因为屁大点儿事儿就把别人称作共产分子,但当有钱赚的时候我们随便找个借口就什么主义都 ok 。兄弟们,“工会”这东西本身就是社会主义的吧!!!谈到钱的时候我们啥都不在乎,当扯到人权我们就吵个没完。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:54:00 +0800 CST  
itsmonti1  4 天之前
I am moving to China and be part of the economic boom. China will be the next world economic power. United States lost its power a while ago. The US was the economic power in the 50s, 60s but now with globalization Recessions and depressions is becoming a norm in the US.
我打算搬去中国,并参与到这场经济大爆炸中去。中国会成为下一个世界型经济力量。美国在很久以前就失去它的能力了。美国在 50 年代和 60 年代曾经代表着经济力量,但随着现在的全球化,经济萎缩和经济萧条在美国已成了常态。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:55:00 +0800 CST  
ronineditor  4 天之前 12 推荐
As an American, Ill say that its amazing the work ethic of the Chinese... hard workers, no complaining, a lot of pride no matter the pay. American workers bitch and moan constantly, slide into work late, wanna leave early... have unions to protect any concessions that could save their jobs, etc.
Yes, it might be 7:1 exchange rate in China but its more about their workers being more productive than ours. Look at what they did with the Olympics, for instance - all volunteers.
作为一个美国人,我会说中国人的敬业精神相当值得钦佩…… 辛勤的工人,无怨无尤,不计报酬而是充满对工作的自豪感。美国工人就只会不停地抱怨唠叨个没完,只会惦记迟到早退……只会靠工会来保住他们的饭碗,等等。
没错,也许现在人民币兑美元的汇率是 7:1 ,但(与其说美国人失业的原因是人民币汇率低)更重要的因素是他们的工人远比我们的工人有更高的生产力,比如说,看看他们在京奥时的表现吧——所有那些都是志愿者。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:55:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2016-04-16 06:36:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2021-03-16 16:24:09 +0800 CST


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