
最近发现片尾曲版All Is Found 跟王后版有区别,会找机会加上,片尾曲版有“谜底”的意味,前面All Is Found挖的坑,片尾曲版都能一一对上。迪士尼和主创真是用心,给他们赞一个。谁能想到会有一首片尾曲呼应电影中的插曲呢?中文版对照吉娜唱的那一首,翻译的很到位(中文版专辑最后一首)

楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2019-12-30 22:45:00 +0800 CST  
09 Home(Outtake)(家)
I smell that salty breeze blowing through the fjord(我闻到海湾里吹来海风的味道)(安娜站在岸边,望向远处的峡湾)
I hear those creaky ships as old board meets old board(我听到甲板相互碰撞的吱呀声)
I breathe in the place I live(我享受此时此刻的安静祥和)
And wonder what else can I give this home(想知道我能为这个家再做些什么?)
My home(啊,我的家)
Wandering through the town with everyone doing all of their stuff(漫步小镇,每个人都在忙着他们自己的事情)(安娜在城中穿过,个人感觉这时的场景应该跟美女与野兽里贝尔上街那一幕差不多,但是应该会有很多人向安娜行礼)
Somewhere in my heart I feel I've not yet done enough(心中总觉得做的还不够)
For these people I know this place that I love so(为了我所爱的人)
My home(啊,我的家)
My home(啊,亲爱的艾伦戴尔)
I whistle as I walk a lovely smell of kransekake(吹着口哨经过烘焙师的门口,伴随着kransekake的香气)kransekake是什么?下一层补图,其实就是OFA番外里雪宝在大厅里藏身的蛋糕)(画面请自行脑部)
Wafting out of the baker's door(吹送出蛋糕店的门(指香气))
The merchants haggling over fish remind me I have what I wish(那些位鱼讨价还价的商人提醒我,我有我自己想要的)
'Cause I'm not alone anymore(因为我再孤单了)
I'm grateful for this castle(我对这座城堡充满感激)
And for everything we've got(同样对我们所拥有的一切充满感激)
Especially my family(特别是我的家人)
We've all been through a lot(我们都经历了很多)
I know how fragile things can be(我知道世间美好的事物通常很脆弱)
If I lost them I'd lose me(如果我失去这些我将失去自我)
They're my ocean they're my shore(他们是我的海洋!他们是我的海岸!)
I wanna give them more(我愿为他们奉献我的一切)
They're my home(他们在的地方就是我的家)
My home(我的家!)
Bless this happiness we found(愿上帝保佑我们此刻拥有的幸福)
Bless this good and solid ground(愿上帝保佑这片富饶又坚实的土地)
Our home
Our home
Our home
Our home
Our home
Our home
Our home
Our home
Our home
I'm home
通过这首歌,又把2与OFA的距离拉远了,这首歌整体给人的感觉是历经磨难,终于达到幸福的彼岸。应该是跟Some things never change对位的歌曲,可能是主创为了在影片的开头就对主旨加以暗示,所以用了Some things never change,相对来讲,这首歌不存在主旨,所以被弃用。

楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2020-01-16 17:44:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2020-01-16 17:47:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2020-01-16 17:48:00 +0800 CST  
10 I Seek the Truth(Outtake)(探寻真相)
虽然这首歌与成片的节奏不同,但是透露出一个信息,就如歌词Mother I am lost(妈妈,我就要迷失了)Mother I am scared(妈妈,我好害怕),反应出Elsa的焦虑的心理状态。有人吐槽为什么Elsa在Into The Unknown中会突然转变态度,毅然决定北上,剧情略显突兀的原因,可能就是因为这一段剧情,歌曲的删减。应该在Some things never change后有大概20分钟的删减,即DVD中的密室情节。

楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2020-01-27 09:14:00 +0800 CST  
Mother I am flipping through the past(妈妈,我快速地回忆过去)
Turning pages of a book to find you(翻开书页寻找你的秘密)
Mother I am lost(妈妈,我就要迷失了)
Mother I am scared(妈妈,我好害怕)
Mother I don't know what to do(妈妈,我不知道该怎么做)

楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2020-01-27 09:15:00 +0800 CST  
What were you trying to say(你想告诉我什么)(Elsa在密室中翻开母亲的日记,或是书籍,但是可能书上的字与沉船卷轴的字是相同的文字,所以Elsa有了疑问)
Must've written it down for a reason(您(母亲)写下这些字一定是有原因的)
Must've thought I'd find it someday(您一定认为有一天我会发现真相)
I feel this power surging through me every minute(感觉到体内的力量如同海浪般冲击着我)
Like a horse that's gone wild(像一匹脱缰的野马)

楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2020-01-27 09:15:00 +0800 CST  
Mother you were here(妈妈你在那里)
Mother you are gone(妈妈你又离我而去)
And you left behind a scared child(但你却留下了一个无助而又迷茫的孩子)
Can't sit around and cry(不能听天由命)
There's too much to lose(我失去了太多)

楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2020-01-27 09:15:00 +0800 CST  
And I think that I've been given this power for a reason(我相信这魔力给予我是有原因的)
And I need to know why(我需要知道为什么)(有了这一句,就能解释为什么Elsa毅然决定前往北地)
I seek the truth(我要去探寻真相)
What are you telling me(你想告诉我的事)
I'm ready to hear(我准备好去接受)

楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2020-01-27 09:16:00 +0800 CST  
Can't go forward this way(不能再这样生活)
With questions growing day by day(伴随着心中的迷惑愈演愈烈)
I seek the truth
What are you showing me
I'm ready to see
I need to know who you are(我需要知道你是谁?有人会产生疑问,既然Elsa发现了母亲的手迹,应该就知道了母亲的身份,但关键是Elsa看不懂北地文字,so)

楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2020-01-27 09:17:00 +0800 CST  
To know who I am meant to be(想知道哪里是我的归宿,行吧,勉强算Elsa留在北地的铺垫)
Mother you were everyone's queen(妈妈你是每个人的皇后)
I watched you closely and you taught me well
How do I be you(我该如何成为你)
How do I be good(我该怎样做一位好的女王)

楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2020-01-27 09:18:00 +0800 CST  
How do I be me in Arendelle(我在艾伦戴尔如何做自己)
How do I go in this land with a power inside(拥有魔法,如何行走在这片土地(治理这个国家))
That I can't command(魔法是我没法掌控的)(女王在没人的时候发泄魔法?)
It's growing and speaking a language(魔法在成长,她在向我诉说)
That I don't understand(我却没法理解)

楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2020-01-27 09:18:00 +0800 CST  
And I seek the truth(我要去探寻真相)
What are you teaching me(您想要教我的)
I'm ready to learn(我以准备好去领略)
Can't retreat once again(这一次没有后退的可能)
And so I turn to you back then(所以我向您求助)

楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2020-01-27 09:18:00 +0800 CST  
I seek the truth
You left me messages(您留下了信息)
And they hold the key(它们包含着Key)
I need to know what they mean(我需要知道它们的意义)
To know who you want me to be(来知晓您想让我成为什么样的人)

楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2020-01-27 09:19:00 +0800 CST  
Another secret
And another and another(接连不断的秘密)
At least you were consistent(至少您是始终如一的)
Hello father hello mother
But I won't let that pull us back to what we were before(我不会让过去的悲剧再次发生)
I won't let her close that door(我不会让魔法再一次使亲情受伤)

楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2020-01-27 09:19:00 +0800 CST  
No more doors anymore
Where the north wind meets the sea
No more secrets
There's a river
Stay together
Full of memory
You're my family
Come my darling homeward bound
I just found you
Homeward bound
You'll stay found
I seek the truth

楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2020-01-27 09:19:00 +0800 CST  
You drew a map for me you left me a clue(您画了一幅地图并留下了线索)
You didn't leave me alone(您从未离开我)
You're with me guiding what I do(您指引着我)
I seek the truth

楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2020-01-27 09:20:00 +0800 CST  
They say that it can hurt but even so(尽管他们说这样做很危险)
I need to know who you were(我需要知道你是谁)
So I can know who I am(所以我才能知道我是谁)
And I won't let it
I won't let you
I won't let you

楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2020-01-27 09:20:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2020-01-28 22:32:00 +0800 CST  
08The Next Right Thing被吞了,重发一下

楼主 阿塔霍兰  发布于 2020-01-30 09:15:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2019-11-29 06:52:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2020-08-14 09:46:11 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



