

楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-14 11:14:00 +0800 CST  
Eternal,omnipotent God, in whom the sole hope of the world is, Of Heaven the Maker.Thou, of earth, too, the lofty Creator: Consider, we pray Thee, Thy people, and gently, from out Thy high dwelling Look down lest they turn their steps to the place where Erinis is ruler;There where Allecto commands, Megaera dietetic the measures.

But rather by virtue of him, this emperor Charles whom Thou lovest , O most beneficent God, may'st Thou graciously please to ordain it That, through the pleasant glades of forests ever in flower,And through the realms of the bless'd, their pious leader may bring them Into the holy shades, where the heavenly waters will quicken The seeds that were sown in the life, and where the ripe crops are made glorious Cleansed in supernal founts from all of the thorns they have gathered.

Thus may the harvest be God's, and great may its worth be infuture Heaping a hundred fold the corn in the barns overflowing..




楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-14 11:14:00 +0800 CST  
In the name ofthe holy and indivisible Trinity felicitously amen. Charles the Fourth, byfavour of the divine mercy emperor of the Romans, always august, and kingofBohemia; as a perpetual memorial of this matter. Every kingdom divided against itself shall be desolated. For its princes have become the companions of thieves. Where fore God has mingled among them the spirit of dizziness that they may grope in midday as if in darkness; and He has removed theircandlestick from out of His place, that they may be blind and leaders of the blind. And those who walk in darkness stumble; and the blind commit crimes in their hearts which come to pass in time of discord.


楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-14 11:15:00 +0800 CST  
Tell us, pride,how would's" thou have reigned over Lucifer if thou had'st not had discordto aid thee? Tell us hateful Satan, how would'st thou have cast Adam out of Paradise if thou had'st not divided him from his obedience ? Tell us, luxury, how would'st thou have destroyed Troy, if thou had'st not divided Helen from her husband? Tell us, wrath, how would'st thou have destroyed the Roman republic had'st thou not, by means of discord, spurred on Pompey and Caesar with raging swords to internal conflict?

Thou,indeed,oh envy, host, with impious wickedness, spued with the ancient poison against the Christian empire which is fortified by God, like to the holy andindivisible Trinity, with the theological virtues of faith, hope, andcharity,whose foundation is happily established above in the very kingdom of Christ.Thou hast done this, likea serpent, against the branches of the empire and itsnearer members; so that, the columns being shaken, thou Slightest subject the whole edifice to ruin. Thou Last often spread discord among the seven electors of the holy empire, through whom, as through seven candlesticks throwing lightin the unity of a septiform spirit, the holy empire ought to be illumined.


楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-14 11:15:00 +0800 CST  
Inasmuch as we,through the office by which we possess the imperial dignity, are doubly-both asemperor and by the electoral right which we enjoy-bound to put an end to future danger of discords among the electors themselves, to whose number we, as king of Bohemia are known to belong: we have promulgated, decreed and recommendedfor ratification the subjoined laws for the purpose of cherishing unity among the electors, and of bringing about a unanimous election, and of closing allapproach to the aforesaid detestable discord and to the various dangers which arise from it. This we have done in our solemn court at Nuremberg, in session
with all the electoral princes, ecclesiastical and secular, and amid a numerous multitude of other princes, counts, barons, magnates, nobles and citizens;after mature deliberation, from the fulness of our imperial power; sitting onthe throne of our imperial majesty, adorned with the imperial bands, insignia and diadem; in the year of our Lord 1356, in the 9th Indiction, on the 4th day before the Ides of January, in the 10th year of our reign as king, the 1st asemperor.


楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-14 11:16:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-14 11:17:00 +0800 CST  
1. What sort of escort the electors should have, andby whom furnished.
(1)We decree, and, by the present imperial and ever valid edict, do sanction ofcertain knowledge and from the plenitude of the imperial power: that whenever,and so often as in future, necessity or occasion shall arise for the election of a king of the Romans and prospective emperor and the prince electors,according to ancient and laudable custom, are obliged to journey to such election,-each prince elector, if, and whenever, he is called upon to do this,shall be bound to escort any of his fellow prince electors or the envoys whomthey shall send to this election through his lands, territories and districts,and even as much beyond them as he shall be able; and to lend them escortwithout guile on their way to the city in which such election is to be held,and also in returning from it.Thathe shall do under pain of perjury and theloss, for that time only, of the vote which he was about to have in such election; which penalty, indeed, we decree that he or they who shall proverebellious or negligent in furnishing the aforesaid escort shall, by the veryact, incur.


楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-14 11:19:00 +0800 CST  
(2)We furthermore decree, and we command all other princes holding fiefs from theholy Roman empire, whatever the service they have to perform,-also all counts barons, knights, noble and common followers, citizens and communities of castles, cities and districts of the holy empire: that at this same time-when,namely, an election is to take place of king of the Romans and prospectiveemperor-they shall, without guile, in the manner aforesaid, escort throughtheir territories and as far beyond as they can, any prince elector demanding from them, or any one of them, help of this kind, or the envoys whom as has been explained before, he shall have sent to that election. But if any personsshall presume to run counter to this our decree they shall, by the act itself,incur the following penalties: all princes and counts, barons, noble knights and followers, and all nobles acting counter to it, shall be consideredguiltyof perjury and deprived of all the fiefs which they hold of the holy Roman empire and of any lords whatever, and also of all their possessions no matterfrom whom they hold them. All cities and guilds, moreover, presuming to actcounter to the foregoing, shall similarly be considered guilty of perjury, and likewise shall be altogether deprived of all their rights, liberties,privileges and favours obtained from the holy empire, and both in their personsand in all their possessions shall incur the imperial bann and proscription.And any man on his own authority and without trial or the calling in of anymagistrate, may henceforth with impunity attack those whom we, by the act itself, deprive, from now or from a past time on, of all their rights. And, inattacking them, he need fear no punishment on this account from the empire or any one else; inasmuch as they, rashly negligent in so great a matter, areconvicted of acting faithlessly and perversely, as disobedient and perfidious
persons and rebels against the state, and against the majesty and dignity ofthe holy empire, and even against their own honour and safety.


楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-14 11:19:00 +0800 CST  
(3)We decree, moreover, and command, that the citizens and guilds of all citiesshall be compelled to sell or cause to be sold to the aforesaid princeelectors, or to any one of them who demands it, and to their envoys, when they are going to said city for the sake of holding said election, and even when they are returning from it: victuals at the common and current price for theneeds of themselves or the said envoys and their followers. And in no way shall they act fraudulently with regard to the foregoing. We will that those who dootherwise shall, by the act itself, incur those penalties which we, in theforegoing, have seen fit to decree against citizens and guilds. Whoever,moreover, of the princes, counts, barons, knights, noble or common followers, citizens or guilds of cities shall presume to erect hostile barriers or to prepare ambushes for a prince elector going to hold the election of a king of theRomans or returning from it,-or to attack or disturbthem or any one of them intheir persons or in their property, or in the persons of said envoys sent bythem or any one of them, whether they have sought escort or have not consideredit worth while to demand it: we decree that he, together with all the accomplices of his iniquity, shall, by the act itself, have incurred the abovepenalties; in such wise, namely, that each person shall incur the penalty or penalties which, according to what precedes, we have thought best, relativelyto the rank of those persons, to inflict..


楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-14 14:36:00 +0800 CST  
(4)But if any prince elector should be at enmity with any one of his co-electors,and any contention, controversy, or dissension should be going on betweenthem;-notwithstanding this, one shall be bound, under penalty of perjury andloss,for this one time, of his vote in the election, as has been stated above, to escortin said manner the other, Or the envoys of the other who shall be sent in saidmanner to such election.


楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-14 14:37:00 +0800 CST  
(5)But if any princes, counts, barons, knights, noble or common followers,citizens, or guilds of cities, should bear ill-will to one or more of the princeelectors, or any mutual discord, or war, or dissension should be going on between them: nevertheless, all opposition and fraud being laid aside, they ought to furnish such escort to this or to these prince electors, or to his ortheir envoys dispatched to or returning from such election, according as they each and all desire to avoid the said punishments declared by us against them;punishments which those who act counter shall, we decree, by the act itselfincur. Moreover, for the ampler security and certitude of all the above, we command and we will that all the prince electors and other princes, also the counts, barons, nobles, cities or guilds of the same, shall confirm all the aforesaid through their writings and through their oaths, and shall efficaciouslybind themselves to fulfil them with good faith and without guile. But whoevershallrefuse to give writings of this kind, shall, by the act itself, incursuch punishment as we, by the above, have seen fit to inflict on each personaccording to his rank.


楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-14 14:47:00 +0800 CST  
(6)But if any prince elector or other prince of whatever condition or standing, orany count, baron, or noble, or the successors or heirs of such, holding a fief or fiefs from the holy empire, be not willing to fulfill our imperialconstitutions and laws above and below laid down, or shall presume to act counter to them: if such a one, indeed, be an elector prince, his co-electors shall, from that time on, exclude him from association with themselves, and he shall lose both his vote in the election and the position, dignity and privileges possessed by the other electors; nor shall he be invested with the fiefs which he shall have obtained from the holy empire. But any other princeor nobleman infringing, as we have said, these our laws, shall likewise not beinvested with fiefs which he shall obtain from the holy empire or from any one otherwise, and shall, in addition, incur by the act itself all the aforesaid
penalties concerning his person.


楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-14 14:47:00 +0800 CST  
(7) Although, indeed, we have willed and decreed in general terms that all princes, counts, barons, nobles, knights, followers, and also cities and guilds of the same are bound, as has been said, to furnish the aforesaid escort to any prince elector or his envoys: nevertheless we have thought best to designate for each one of them special escorts and conductors who will be best suited for them according to the nearness of their lands and districts as will directly be made clearer from what follows.


楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-14 15:00:00 +0800 CST  
(8) For first the king of Bohemia, the arch-cupbearer of the holy empire, shall be escorted by the archbishop of Mainz, the bishops of Bamberg and Wurzburg, the burgraves of Nuremberg; likewise by those of Hohenlohe, of Wertheim, of Bruneck and of Hohenau; likewise by the cities of Nuremberg, Rothenburg, and Windesheim.


楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-14 15:06:00 +0800 CST  
(9) Then the archbishop of Cologne, the arch-chancellor of the holy empire for Italy, shall be escorted-they being bound to furnish such escort-by the archbishops of Mainz and Treves, the count palatine of the Rhine, the landgrave of Hesse; likewise by the counts of Katzenellenbogen, of Nassau, of Dietz; likewise of Ysenburg, of Vesterburg, of Runkel, of Limburg and Falkenstein; likewise by the cities of Wetzlar, Gelnhausen and Friedberg.

(10) In like manner the archbishop of Treves, archchancellor of the holy empire for the Glallic provinces and for the kingdom of Arles, shall be escorted by the archbishop of Mainz, the count palatine of the Rhine; likewise the counts of Sponheim, of Veldenz. likewise the Raugraves and Wildgraves of Nassau, of Ysenburg, of Westerburg, of Runkel, of Dietz, of Katzenellenbogen, of Eppenstein, of Falkenstein; likewise the city of Mainz.

(11) Then the count palatine of the Rhine, arch-steward of the holy empire, ought to be escorted by the archbishop of Mainz.

(12) But the duke of Saxony, the arch-marshal of the holy empire, shall, by right, be escorted by the king of Bohemia, the archbishops of Mainz and Madgeburg; likewise by the bishops of Bamberg and Wurzburg, the margrave of Meissen, the landgrave of Hesse; likewise the abbots of Fulda and Hersfeld, the burgraves of Nuremberg; likewise those of Hohenlohe, of Wertheim, of Bruneck, of Hohenau, of Falkenstein; likewise the cities of Erfurt, Mulhausen, Nuremberg, Rothenburg and Windesheim. And all of these last named shall likewise be bound to escort the margrave of Brandenburg, arch-chamberlain of the holy empire.

楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-14 22:35:00 +0800 CST  
(13)We will, moreover, and do expresslydecree that each prince elector whoshallwish to have such escort shall make known this fact and the wayby which he is to pass, and shall demand this escort in such good time that those who havebeen deputed to furnish such escort, and from whom it shall thus have been demanded, may be able to prepare themselves for this in good time andconveniently.


楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-18 20:49:00 +0800 CST  
(14)We declare, moreover, that the foregoing decrees promulgated concerning the matter of escort shall, indeed, be so understood that each person named above-or perhaps not expressed-from whom, in the aforesaid case, escort mayhappen to be demanded, shall be bound to furnish it at least through his lands and territories, and as far beyond as he can, without fraud, under the penalties contained above.


楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-18 20:50:00 +0800 CST  
(15) Moreover we decree, and also ordain, that he who shall be archbishop of Mainz at the time shall intimate this same election to the different princes, ecclesiastical and secular, his co-electors, by letters patent, through his envoys. In which letters, indeed, the day and the term shall be expressed within which those letters may probably reach each of those princes. And letters of this sort shall state that, within three successive months from the day expressed in the letters themselves, each and all of the prince electors ought to be settled at Frankfort on the Main, or to send their lawful envoys, at that time and to that place, with full and diverse power, and with their letters patent, signed with the great seal of each of them, to elect a king of the Romans and prospective emperor. How, moreover, and under what form such letters ought to be drawn up and what formality ought to be immutably observed with regard to them, and in what form and manner the prince electors should arrange what envoys are to be sent to such election, and the power, mandate, or right of procuration that they are to have: all this will be found clearly and expressly written at the end of the present document. And we command and decree, through the plentitude of the imperial power, that the form there established be preserved unto all time.


楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-19 11:27:00 +0800 CST  
(16) Moreover we ordain and decree that when the death of the emperor or king of the Romans shall come to be known for certain in the diocese of Mainz,-within one month of that time, counting continuously from the day of the notice of such death, the death itself and the summons of which we have spoken shall be announced by the archbishop of Mainz through his letters patent. But if this same archbishop should chance to be negligent or remiss in carrying out this and in sending the summons,-thereupon those same princes of their own accord shall, even without summons, by virtue of the fealty which they owe to the holy empire, come together in the oft-mentioned city of Frankfort within three months after this, as is contained in the decree immediately preceding, being about to elect a king of the Romans and future emperor.


楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-19 16:34:00 +0800 CST  
(17) Moreover any one prince elector of his envoys should, at the time of the aforesaid election, enter the said city of Frankfort with not more than two hundred mounted followers, among which number he may be allowed to bring in with himself only fifty armed men or fewer, but not more.


楼主 平田元帅  发布于 2012-12-21 20:38:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2012-12-14 19:14:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2017-03-15 23:35:07 +0800 CST


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