

楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-05-29 12:10:00 +0800 CST  
图片来自:rococo小A的百度相册其实龙哥要一个人自high地谈话,还真心不行,前面气氛就很静谧,也可以看得出他很拘谨、觉得这么自己一个劲说挺累的,比起胜利那期的各种自high,确实是沉闷了点。不过我还是想说,有句话很精辟,看一个人多会恋爱只要看他怎么打电话就知道了,龙哥前面和粉丝的通话真心高手啊,一点尴尬的氛围都没有,真的和他说的跟朋友一样。我记得在油管看过他们早期radio里成员几个和一个粉丝装作恋人的通话,底下一堆外国妹子就在说龙哥真是smooth talker,太会说话调情了,把对话进行的特别顺,让人看着都很心动。其实那个视频里胜利也不差,不过在对话气氛的营造上,还是龙哥更胜一筹。可是龙哥那么高超的措辞对话能力,跑到胜利这里却总是无效,导致每次不是笑得一口大白牙把发言机会都让给了胜利,就是一脸宠溺地顺着他说,或是直接拜托他帮忙说。

楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-05-29 13:05:00 +0800 CST  
当龙哥很二的拿出手机终于想起要问粉丝问胜利什么,而胜利拿出校长给红花的腔调说,“诶,这就对了,快去问问粉丝有什么想说的” 楼主真心是默默捶地傻笑了半天,表示虽然龙哥一直很逆生长……可是忙内你怎么可以这么有气势~果然是经常讲课自带教育性口吻了么……

楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-05-29 14:01:00 +0800 CST  

胜利在这个时候大概也是觉得他这种状态帮龙哥做节目也出不了什么效果,所以话锋一转,问起了其他几个哥哥,其实潜台词就是,哥你要不去找另一个哥哥再撑一会儿。龙哥听了他那意思,真的是瞬间领会,就直接说,“总之,挂了哦“ 不过大概终究有些失落脸也是瞬间冷了下来。
可是胜利君跟他哥都这么多年了,怎么可能听不出那几分不快,立刻表态,”哥,你可以再利用我一会儿“ 我有时候觉得胜利君真是成熟得让人心疼,他其实大可以顺着龙哥的话就挂了的,可是在知道龙哥觉得累又没有可以其它member可以接着陪龙哥聊时,即使累成那样,还是撑着继续帮龙哥MC,帮龙哥打歌。相对的龙哥也知道胜利是强打精神在陪他聊,于是当胜利憋出笑声时,他只能告诉他,笑不出的时候可以不要笑。

楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-05-29 14:51:00 +0800 CST  
每当胜利和美女的照片爆出来的那天,龙哥都恰好在twitter上刷gloomy sunday。。。。

楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-05-29 15:16:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-05-30 08:55:00 +0800 CST  



楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-06-01 10:47:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-06-01 10:55:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-06-01 11:00:00 +0800 CST  
来弄点family con上可能没被po的东西~~看过的mina san就对不起了……楼主真心不是攒料达人~






楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-06-04 09:49:00 +0800 CST  
Hi VIP world. I am Chantal from the Netherlands. This year I graduated from college and my parents generously gave me a 1-week vacation in Seoul. I admit Big Bang, and my bias Seungri, is instrumental in my choice of destination. Sorry for this long fan account, but I promise you this is juicy.

Hi VIP world。我是来自荷兰的Chantal。我今年刚从大学毕业,而父母很慷慨地给了我首尔1周游作为毕业礼物。我要承认BigBang,尤其是我主担的胜利是我选择去首尔的主要原因,请原谅我发了一篇这么长的后记,但我保证会非常有料。

It's my luck that my Polish friend is currently an English major in Seoul NU. We share a common love for BB and we spent a great deal of my trip hanging out with super duper hardcore VIPS. My friend, who's somewhat wild, made friends with official VIPs after she attended the Dream Concert back in 2009. I believe they are the type of fans Jaejoong rants about because they are sort of stalkerish. I planned my Seoul trip very well, and communicated with a small group of Korean BB fans prior to my trip.

我很走运的有一个波兰的朋友现在正在首尔大学念英语专业,并且同样喜欢BB,所以我旅程的大部分都在她的陪伴下跟很痴迷的VIP一起行动。我朋友是个比较狂野大胆的人,所以在2009年dream concert时有意去结识了许多真的很资深的VIP。我相信他们应该就是在中公开骂过的那种喜欢尾随的。我把首尔之行计划的很好,而且和一小组韩国的BB饭事先久沟通过。
其实看了上面那段,可能大家也都明白了,这荷兰妹子去首尔其实压根就是跟着私生去当私生了。当时刚出的时候,很多人都在质疑私生怎么可能让别人那么轻易地混进他们的圈子,这里就要涉及对私生文化更深入的介绍了。youtube上有两个纪录片其实对这个很深入地探索了,在海外或愿意翻墙的妹子可以去看看,直接搜Sasaeng documentary就会出来。
地址:youtube。com / watch?v=8QEDhh89ZLs

So we spent 4 days as undercover/stalker/spy fans because we hung around YGE and spied the members' cars to wherever they went to. Yes. I became a sasaeng along with 4 Korean teens and 2 unnies (they were 25 yrs old and have been fans since 06). They were official VIPs and have patterned their schedule with pretty much all their free time spent on fanning over the boys, staking out in YGE, etc. They even told me I should have went on March and April so that I could have maximized my stalker plans.


To organize this, I divided my account in the following: stalking YGE; bars in Hongdae ang Kangnam: Korean VIP insider info on BB. YES, I WAS ELBOW TO ELBOW WITH THREE MEMBERS, BREATHING THE SAME AIR, DANCING TO THE SAME MUSIC, DRINKING THE SAME ALCOHOL in the same bars.

Stalking YGE

YGE is not so big. Contrary to the pics, I was pretty surprised to see that it wasn't as big as I expected. However the security is really strict because there are 2 men on the look out almost all the time. We staked out about 5-7 meters away from the entrance. At least 10 other fans were doing the same thing we did in all those days, and we were a big group. You see cars come and go all the time, but rarely will you get a glimpse of YGE stars. However we were really lucky because in the four days that we hung around, we saw at least 1 BB member.

On the first day we saw the girl from SG in a black van. She's not so pretty, but really sexy. At around 9 Youngbae came with his manager! He's really short! I think I was as tall as his chin, and I am only 63 inches tall. But he was so fashionable that morning, like he had a gig or something. He wasn't very friendly to the fans but he smiled. He looked tired. I was content just looking at him, but damn the Korean fans are so aggressive I tell you. They all surrounded him and shouted like crazy it wasn’t even funny. My friend and I stayed behind cuz we didn’t know how to react. After about ten mins or so, a couple of them got signatures and they shouted like crazy for YB that the security reprimanded the crowd.


楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-06-26 14:34:00 +0800 CST  
On the fourth day, we stalked out again in the morning and I didn’t sleep properly. I wish I did because that was the day when I finally got face-to-face with SEUNGRI! In the two past nights we stalked the boys in night clubs, I only saw Seungri from a distance of about 10 meters or so. BUT THIS TIME I GOT SO CLOSE! It was around 10 or so, I wasn’t sure, when a black car arrived (all boys have black cars according to the Korean fans. YB’s Mercedes, GD’s Chrysler, Dae’s Audi were black, and even TOP’s Hyundai was also black). GD also had another white luxury car which was either Bentley or Chrysler, didn’t get to confirm. Ri was in a black sedan type Jaguar. I thought it would be Teddy or maybe YG himself because it was so flashy. BUT IT WAS PANDA! He’s driving a black Jaguar! WE MOBBED HIM AND I DIDN’T EVEN THINK TWICE! He got out of the car and it was like a Valet or something. HE STAYED! Unlike GD, Seungri was soooooooooooo warm and so close and so happy and so charming and so… maybe it’s my bias talking. SORRY! In the past three days I stopped myself from attacking them, but this time I didn’t! I RAN TOWARDS HIM LIKE THE OTHERS! Maybe because of my camera, or my caucasian features, but Panda said “No pictures please, no no no no. Okay?” HE WAS SOOOO CUTE! I said “Sure, sure, but please sign this, I’m from the Netherlands!” “Ooh Netherlands. Waaaaaah. So beautiful.” I DIDN’T KNOW IF HE WAS SAYING THAT TO ME OR MY COUNTRY O MY FUCKING GLORY! He signed my hanky and my notebook. He’s soooooo nice! He signed as much as he could. And at that moment I just stared at him and smiled and I thought to myself maybe I am a really good person for being able to have met them like this. Oh also we saw Psy again and this time he was driving.

第四天,我们再次大清早的去报到。我前一晚没有睡好,让我很懊恼,因为那是我终於和胜利面对面的一天阿!前两个晚上,我们都跟著男孩们到夜店去,我只能从大概10米远的距离看著胜利。但是这次我靠他真的很近!大概是十点左右,我也不是很确定,有一辆黑色的车子出现。(韩饭说成员们都有黑色的车子,永裴的是宾士,GD的是克莱斯勒,大声是奥迪,TOP的Hyundai也是黑的。) GD还有另外一辆白色豪车,好像不是宾利就是克莱斯勒,没有被证实。胜利坐在一辆Jaguar轿车上,我本来以为是Teddy还是YG本人,因为那辆车太华丽显摆了。但是竟然是Panda!他开著黑色的Jaguar!我甚至没有多想就跟着人群冲上前包围他!他下车了可能是有代替停车的,然后留下来了!不像GD,胜利是那~~~~~~麼温暖,那麼亲切,
那麼开心,那麼诱人,那么…… 我想是因为他是我的本命吧!SORRY!过去三天我都只是站在后面克制着没有攻击他们,但是这次我没有!我就像其他人一样向他冲过去!不知道是因为我的相机还是或许是我的白人面孔,Panda说 『No pictures please,no no no no。Okay?』他真的好可爱!我说『Sure,sure,but please sign this,I‘m from the Netherlands!』『Ooh Netherlands,Waaaaaah。So beautiful。』我不知道他是在说我还是在说我的国家,我的老天阿!!他在我的笔记本和手巾上签了名,他人真的很~~~~好!他尽量帮大家签名,此时的我,只能看著他傻笑,我在心里对自己说,我一定是个很善良的人才能这样遇到他们。我们这天也有看到Psy。
I met Seungri 2x, G-Dragon 4 fucking times, TOP 3x, and YB 2x. I’m so sad I didn’t get to see Daesung. But like Korean fans said, Dae was “hiding.” Yup, my friend said that their exact words translated were “hiding” and “making peace.” I interpreted that Dae was making amends and was embarrassed to look at the fans. Poor Daesung. I admit it made me a little sad that the boys (esp. GD) were having a little too much fun in bars, while Dae was “making peace.” But they have a life. More on that later.


楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-06-26 14:35:00 +0800 CST  
Oh wait, my mind is a scramble right now, so allow me to give their physical impressions on me now before I blab more later.
TOP: Tall, fashionable, FAIR SKINNED AND SMOOTH! and sooooooooooooooo GOOD LOOKING EVEN FROM 5 meters away!
TOP: 很高,很时尚,皮肤不错很光滑!非~~~常帅,就算站在五米外看他也是如此。
YB: Short and really muscular. However, he’s not scary muscular. He was pretty small-framed and really little.
YB: 矮但是很壮。但是不是那种很可怕的壮,骨架很小,整个人很小只。
GD: Extremely good-lookin, and he’s not even my bias. His skin is also smooth and quite silky (or oily?) I don’t know, it shined from smoothness, if that’s possible. AND HE IS RIDICULOUSLY EXTREMELY FASHIONABLE from head to toe. Of the five, he’s the one who screams “celebrity.” OH DID I MENTION HE SMELLS SOOOOOOOOOOOO FREAKING GOOD. It's a mixture of perfume, smoke and alcohol. Sorry, GD drinks. BIG TIME.
GD: 即使不是我的本命,我也要说他真的极度的好看。他的皮肤像丝绸般光滑(或是油腻?)我不知道,或许是因为太光滑而发光?还有他从头到脚不可思议的时尚感。五个人中,他是那个一看就知道是名人的。哦,我有说他的闻起来有多好吗?是一种香水和菸还有酒的混合。抱歉,GD喝酒。而且很凶。
Seungri: SO FUCKING HANDSOME! I can’t even. The cameras don’t do him any justice at all! He’s not too small like YB, but not too tall. I think I was on his neck? HIS SMILE AND EYES ARE KILLER I CAN DIE FROM HAPPINESS NOW
Seungri: 太他。妈的帅!我甚至无法形容。镜头对他实在不公平!他并不像永裴那麼小只,但是也不是太高。我想我应该是到他的脖子吧?他的微笑和眼神都是杀人武器,我现在可以因为过於兴奋而死亡吧!

楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-06-26 14:36:00 +0800 CST  
The next morning we staked outthe same time, and we arrived the same time as Youngbae and Jiyong. They werein a white car, sedan style and Jiyong was driving. The fans went crazy and myfriend and I also joined them. However both of them were not in the mood andthey didn’t even look at us. IfI was a new person I would have been offended because the looks on their faceswere kind of.... disgusted? But just like the Korean fans, I understood. Iexpected some of them to talk badly or something, but damn their devotion and loyaltywas no joke. It's like they knew of the moods of the boys. Anyway, we waitedfor another three hours and lo and behold, Ji and TOP and YB went out to ride ablack van. It was all so fast all we could do was call their name. YB waved atus, and I'd like to believe he wanted to be nicer from his attitude earlier. GDwas still smug and frowning. Sadly the Koreans said that GD was naturally snob.If he was friendlier, they would have been more surprised. I asked if theyfound it unappealing or ugly, but they said that was Jiyong's charm. They saidGD was the cold guy who everyone likes, but those who don’t will think why they like him for beingrude. I didn’t get it at thattime, but my interpretation was GD was the kind of college heartthrob who didn’t give a fuck if people like him etc. Andthe Koreans are crazy about him for this attitude. Anyway, the k-fans mobbedthe van like crazy to get their attention! Since my friend and I were the oddones out, we chickened out again. Luckily, TOP waved his hand, and magicallythey stopped surrounding the van. It’s like they were waiting for even the slightest attention. CRAZY!
第二天早上,我们大约同一个时间抵达,正好遇到永裴和志龙。他们坐在一辆由志龙驾驶的白色车子上。歌迷瞬间疯狂,我和我朋友也加入了。可是他们好像都心情不是很好,甚至没有看我们一眼。如果我不了解,可能会生气,因为他们脸上的表情有点像是..觉得我们很恶心? 但是就像韩饭一样,我可以理解。我本来以为有些人会因此不高兴,说他们坏话之类,但是那些饭的忠诚和奉献真的不是开玩笑的,就好像他们了解每个成员的心情一样。三个小时后,志龙,永裴和TOP走出来,坐上一辆黑色房车。事情发生的太快,我们只能呼喊他们的名字。YB对我们挥手了,我想相信他是想比早上的态度表现得更好点。GD的脸色还是皱著眉非常冷傲。韩饭说GD天生就比较清高。如果GD今天对他们太友善,她们还会被吓到吧。我问他们会不会觉得他这样很不吸引人或是难看,他们说这就是他的魅力。他们形容GD是那种大家都爱的冷酷的人,但是不了解的人就会不懂他们为什麼会喜欢他的无礼。我当时并不是很懂,但是我的解读是,GD或许是那种不在乎别人喜不喜欢他的万人迷吧。而韩饭就是喜欢他这种调调。无论如何,韩饭这时候疯狂的巴在车子边,希望可以引起他们注意!因为我和我朋友反而看着比较奇怪,所以我们又一次躲在了后面。很幸运的是,TOP挥了挥手,韩饭就神奇地不再围住车子了,就好像他们只是在等待一点关注。CRAZY!

On the third day, we were freshfrom our night out in Hongdae (where we saw Ji, TOP and Panda), so we stalkedout later. We chose to go to YG at 4-7 pm so we can go straight to Kangnam.Again, we saw GD and he was riding a small black car, if I’m not mistaken it was a Chrysler because ofthe winged logo. It was different from the white car he was driving yesterday.Anyway, like usual he snobbed the fans but some of them surrounded his caranyway. He was stuck so he waved for security, pulled the window, and he signedsome shirts and other stuffs but he didn't even smile. But mind you, the girlsstill cried (one teenager was really crying so much). I was starting to getpissed at Jiyong because he was so unfriendly, and the Korean unnies told us GDchanged over the years. They said that back then, GD was very sweet andendearing, but they observed that after his solo album, GD became distant andcold. From there I understood. I don’t regard myself as an expert, but I just graduated with a degree inPsychology and I can see through what the fans told us. Of course I’m not saying it’s true, but from their stories, it seemed GD became really aloof andquiet to the fans after all his controversies in 2009. He mentioned in oneinterview that after all the issues from his solo album, he learned to keep hishead down right? Poor Jiyong. That day we also saw Psy and Kang Hyejung intheir respective vans. However, I don’t really know them so I can’t say anything. Some fans were rudely calling Psy’s name though, he waved at us, and you cantell he has a kind nature because of his very kind face.

楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-06-26 14:39:00 +0800 CST  

Night Out in Seoul

Okay, here’s were it gets dirty. The following postscontain lots of following around, stalking etc. The K-fans got an insider infothat Seungri was going to NB, a YG-family bar. One of the K-fans had aconnection (she was 32 years old and still likes BB) so it was easier to enter.It was so expensive to survive the night. SO PRICY IT TOOK MY DAILY SAVINGS FORTHAT TRIP! And it was the weekend! Okay, so the Koreans knew that NB was packedon a Friday night so they told us that the best way to make sure we got closeto the boys was to stalk them from YGE or the apartment or in some places. Wedivided into groups. We stalked the YGE building which we just left about 5hours prior. Man in that 5 hours all I did was visit Lotte. So we were notlucky because we waited outside YGE until 7 but they weren’t there. They weren’t in the dorm either. But some K-fans tipped that Ri left theuniversity at 7:30 with friends. So that group in Chungang was the one whostalked Ri’s cars. We got toHongdae at 8 and entered at 9. The Chungang group wasn’t there yet, so maybe Ri wasn’t there too!
Okay, 接下来的内容就比较…掉节操了。接下来的内容包含很多跟踪他们的细节了。韩饭得到内幕消息说胜利要去NB (YG家族的夜店),其中一个已经32岁但还是很喜欢BB的韩饭有管道让我们比较容易就进去了。(中略)那天晚上是周末,韩饭知道NB里面会挤满了人,所以他们说能确保接近他们的方法是从YG大楼或是宿舍或是其他地方就开始跟踪。我们分成了好几个小组,再次回到我五个小时前才离开的YG大楼。(略)不幸的,我们在YG大楼外面等到7点才发现他们没有在那里,他们也不在宿舍。但是有韩饭告诉我们说胜利在7点半左右和朋友从大学离开,所以那群守在中央大学的韩饭跟到胜利的车。我们大概8点左右到弘大,9点进去NB。发现那群韩饭还没到,所以胜利应该也还不在那里。

In NB, it was so difficult toenter. They had ID system, security check etc. Wow. NB cost 15000 won forentrance alone! And drinks inside were expensive. But it was a good bar withgood music and party people. Didn’t expect Koreans to be this party ready! There were hundreds ofpeople inside, and it got so difficult to look for celebs. Koreans said thecelebs would usually wear clothes that hid their faces, but they said that JYPand some rappers and idols also frequented the place. I was on the look out forany 2PM or Beast members, but I couldn’t find any because it was so packed with people! Anyway, there was atunnel at the back where VIP (as in important people) enter, and the Koreanswere tipped that a huge number of celebs were entering. It was heavily guardedbut you could definitely see who was entering.

The next minutes would be themost shocking moments of my life. First I saw was a very familiar tall man whowas wearing shades and scarf on the neck. MOTHERFUCKING LORD IT WAS CHANSUNG OF2PM! Oh my lord. Instead of partying I kept my eye on Chansung but he entered aVIP room somewhere on the second floor. I don’t know. I lost him! FUCK! Anyway, if Chansung was seen I waspositive I could see Seungri too! Damn what was taking him so long. So thehours went and I didn’t seeanyone, but the Koreans said that some famous rappers also entered the place.What surprised me was how no one went crazy like a wild fan upon seeing somestars. It’s like a normal placewhere those celebs were comfortable. I guess bars are really like that there inSeoul. Anyway I had the dance of my life when the fans went crazy becausesomeone came again. It was a very pretty girl in some shiny jeggings and awesomehat, the kind of Lady Gaga hat that covers half your face. I didn't recognizeher, but the boys were going crazy. She was accompanied by three otherfashionable girls, and I thought maybe it was 2NE1? Or maybe miss A becausethere were four of them. Damn even I knew that was too good to be true. Wewalked closer and the Korean fans were murmuring like crazy, and I onlyunderstood that when my friend went crazy. My friend would only shout for afemale idol if it was SNSD. AND BAM! She said it was Yuri! FUCK MY LIFE. I wasalready going crazy from knowing that 2 Korean idols were in the same bar. Iasked if it was Yuri with other SNSD members, but no, they said it was justYuri with some friends. I lost her again, fuck. She went to the second floor. Iwas always on the look out on the second floor because celebs were there.

当群众因为某人来了而陷入疯狂时,我正沉浸在音乐中。那是个很漂亮的女生,穿着闪亮的紧腿裤,戴著那种像是Lady Gaga一样可以遮住半张脸的帽子。我没有认出他是谁,但是现场的男生都疯了,她身边有另外三个也很时尚的女生,我开始想该不会是2NE1或是miss A?因为有四个人,但是我知道那也美好的太不可能了。我们挤进一点,听到韩饭在窃窃私语,我在我朋友也疯了的时候才知道是谁,因为我朋友只会为一个女偶像团体尖叫,就是少女时代。他说是Yuri! FUCK MY LIFE!我已经因为和两个偶像同时在夜店而疯狂了~我问说其他人是不是少时的成员,结果不是,只有Yuri和她朋友。她也上了二楼,我一直注意著二楼,因为明星都在那。

楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-06-27 09:17:00 +0800 CST  
Okay so the Chungang group called us and said they lost Seungri's car and that they couldn't enter because the club was packed. Poor them. If I was with them I wouldn't have entered. Okay I don't know how to write it anymore. My mind is scrambling. Anyway, lots of other celebs came according to the K-fans, and I didn't even know most of them. I didn't see them, but the Koreans said it was Heechul and some other idols. I didn't know who, but I just knew it was Heechul. DIDN'T SEE THEM OKAY, just writing what the fans said.


The night went on, and I think it was already past midnight when GOD HAVE MERCY BIG BANG CAME. It was just GDTOPSEUNGRI. They entered the front door like ordinary people, not at the back like Yuri and Chansung. The Koreans said BB members are everyday sight in NB and Hongdae, so there was really no point in entering the backdoor. GDTOP loved to party! And you can see GD moving to the music. The Koreans stopped us from mobbing them (which was ironic since they were very pushy in our YGE stakeouts). They said NB was a YG-club, and mobbing BB may get us thrown out. Anyway, I was surprised to hear foreign music, mostly heavy-based hip hop, which GD rapped into. He was so into it. Unlike the moody and reserved Gdragon from the YGE bldg during mornings, club Jiyong was energetic and fun. TOP, like always, was calm and swagger. Like the other celebs they went to the second floor, and that's when we decided to shell out some more money just so we can enter the second floor.
时间过去了,在过了午夜的时候,上帝保佑,Big Bang出现了!就是GD,TOP还有胜利!他们像其他客人一样从大门进来,不像Yuri和灿成从后面的通道。其他韩饭说BB的成员几乎每天都会出现在弘大或NB,所以对他们来说,根本没必要从后门进来。GDTOP很享受PARTY!你可以看到GD随著音乐摆动身体。韩饭不让我们靠近他们,他们说NB是YG的夜店,靠近他们很可能会被踢出去。(略)GD跟著现场播放的外国嘻哈音乐念著RAP,他真的很享受在其中。不像在YG大楼前看到的他,夜店的志龙很活泼很有趣。TOP像平常一样,冷静但是很有腔调。他们和其他明星一样上了二楼,我们决定要多花一点钱,也上去二楼。

The second floor was mostly social people with drinks and near the bar. YOU COULD TELL THERE WERE RICH PEOPLE IN THERE! And GOD HAVE MERCY THERE WAS A BAR! I guess we got it easier because we were foreigners, because they were usually strict in letting ordinary-looking Koreans. Okay, like the ground floor NB2's second floor was also packed, but with younger, less energetic crowd. THEN I SAW THEM! They weren't in a room yet, SR was ordering drinks in the bar. I wanted to run to him but the bar was packed! I couldn't. GD and TOP entered the VIP room, and yes, TOP WAS SMOKING.
(略) 可以感受到二楼都是一些有钱人!我想或许是我们是外国人,所以很简单的就上去,因为他们通常不让看起来很普通的韩国人接近那里。二楼就像楼下一样挤满人,不过更多没那么活泼的年轻人。然后我看到他们了!他们还没进去包厢,胜利正在吧台点喝的,我想要冲向他,但是那边人太多了!GD和TOP进了贵宾室,而且TOP在抽菸。

楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-06-27 09:17:00 +0800 CST  
Okay, I don't know how to put it in words so I'll just summarize.

- Seungri dancing with girls (MINDFUCKED)

- Gdragon drinking and drinking and drinking and smoking and drinking

- Seungri and Chansung talking in the bar like close friends. YES, close friends

- TOP dancing animatedly with boys, he never went close to girls, but there were extremely pretty girls entering and leaving their VIP room


- GD coming out of the VIP room with his hands on a girl's shoulder, and SMOKING.

- GD dancing and singing to 2012

- GD passing by me to go to the wash area, and I SMELLED HIM! HE REEKED OF NICOTINE, but damn there was that mix of perfume.

- GD and Yuri greet each other

- Big group cheers with those idols, Yuri and TOP seemed familiar with each other IDK

- Heechul's group leaving at around 2, I saw that Beast guy and some idol girl (the fans said it was a miss A member, they were speaking in Korean I didn't understand) and his group did this manly arm and hand and back thing with TOP and Ri and Chansung inside the bar. TOP and Heechul seemed friendly. Heechul and Yuri laughed. I don't know.

- All night Chansung and Seungri were together with some guys. The others weren't cute.

- GD became hyper at around 3 and danced with all girls, even Yuri. Seungri was laughing maniacally

- I don't know where TOP disappeared to, but the last time I saw him he was holding a beer.
我不知道怎麼形容我接下来看到的,所以我就用条列的方式写下来 :

- 胜利和一些女孩子共舞

- GD一直喝一直喝一直喝,抽一下菸,在继续喝。

- 胜利和灿成在吧台那边像很亲近的朋友一样在聊天。

- TOP和其他男孩玩耍般的跳舞,他完全没有接近任何女生,但是期间有超正的女生们进出他们的贵宾室包厢。

- 胜利,Yuri和灿成互相敬酒,看起来很亲!

- GD搭着一个女生的肩膀从贵宾室走出来依旧在抽菸。

- GD 随著2012歌曲哼唱和跳舞。

- GD 经过我身边去洗手间,我闻到他身上的味道!充满尼古丁,但是该死的还是有那香水味(我想这里她是想强调真的很好闻吧)。

- GD和Yuri彼此打招呼。

- 一大帮偶像一起干杯来着,Yuri和TOP看起来还算熟。我也不确定。

- 希澈那一群大概两点左右离开,我看到Beast的成员还有某个女偶像,其他人说是miss A的成员(估计是JIA)。他们这一群人和 TOP,胜利还有灿成打招呼(是hip hop式的那个),TOP和希澈对彼此挺友好的。(后略)

- 整个晚上胜利和灿成都和一些男生在一起,那些人并没有很好看。

- GD在大概三点的时候变的很HIGH,和所有女生共舞,甚至是Yuri。胜利在疯狂大笑。

- 我不知道TOP跑去哪里了,但是我最后一次看到他的时候,他握著一瓶啤酒。

We left the scene at 4 am and they were still there, but we were so tired and so tipsy already. I think I spent about $100 the whole night, it was crazy. I COULDN'T BELIEVE THAT I SAW THREE BB MEMBERS PARTYING IT UP LIKE THERE WAS TOMORROW IN THAT NOISY BASEMENT BAR! GOD DID I SAVE THE WORLD IN MY YESTERLIFE?!?!?!

Next stop was M2 techno club in Kangnam. We had insider stalker information that some members would drop by the district on Saturday night. There was debate among Koreans on which club in Kangnam, since there was another NB club there, then there's the famous Qvo club. It was around 7pm when some unnies confirmed that it would be M2. Okay so I'm getting tired so I'll just summarize the 2nd night life

- Only GDTOP came with a huge group of fashionable boys, with some oldies (K-fans said it was Teddy and Kush, but I didn't see, so I'm just writing what they told me). Around 3 – 5 other friends were tall and good looking with celebrity aura, didn't know them
- 只有GD和TOP和一群很时尚的男生一起来(应该是指nuthang那一群),跟着的还有几个老人家(韩饭说是Teddy和Kush,但是我没有看到,所以她们说了啥我就写上来)。有三五个他们的朋友,很高很帅,散发明星的气息,但我不认识他们。

- That night, there were lots of underground rappers in M2. Koreans said the Cho guy was there, as well as the 2 supreme team guys, and I THINK I saw Simone? Was it Simone or Simon? I think I saw him. He's good looking in person. No interaction with YG fam though.
- 当晚有很多地下饶舌歌手在M2。韩饭说还有Supreme Team的2个成员,我好像有看到Simon D?他本人很帅,但是和YG的人完全没有交集。
- GDTOP was in a public space group table, not a VIP room. It must be a VIP table because they were being served, they didn't order in the bar
- GDTOP 在公共区的一张大桌子,不是贵宾室。那应该是一个贵宾席,因为他们不用起身到吧台点酒,会有人去服务他们。

- Lots of smoking and drinking
- 他们喝了很多酒,抽了很多菸。

- 挺多GDTOP一起的瞬间,他们很亲,很亲,很亲。

- HOLY MOLY GDRAGON WAS GETTING HOT AND SEXY WITH THIS KOREAN GIRL WITH A FOREIGN MIX. NAUGHTY! No kissing, just dancing and lots of whispering and flirting.
- GD和一个超火辣的混血正妹非常火辣和性感地一起。太顽皮了。没有接吻,就是共舞还有很多耳语和调情。

- TOP loved beer. He drank beer most of the time
- TOP很爱啤酒,他大部分的时候都喝啤酒。

- One of their fashionable friend was making out with a girl.
- 他们的帅朋友中的一人和一个女生直接在舌吻。

- Their table requested some English songs, and the DJ dedicated it to them and they all went WOOOOOH and toasted and drank like they were in a contest. I'm telling you TOP was wasted!
- 他们那一桌点了一些英文歌,DJ说是献给他们的,他们就很HIGH的WOOH然后敬酒,像是在比赛一样地喝。不夸张,TOP真的喝废来着!

- GDTOP dancing in the middle with girls and boys, they were really in with the party crowd.

- GDTOP 再舞池中央和男男女女一起跳舞,完全融入派对人群。

We left early this time because M2 was so jampacked and reeked of alcohol and cigarette that I somehow got sick towards the end. The music was not base-heavy, but percussion heavy so I was so deaf by 2am. So yeah. When we left, GD was still with girls, TOP in the dancefloor, and their group still enjoying the night scene.

It was like a dream. I didn't expect to actually be able to see all the boys, and more so Gdragon, in the flesh. Anyway. I'm tired and there are still lots of things to be said.

楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-06-27 09:19:00 +0800 CST  
Insider Information from Korean VIPS
(more on GD because those Korean fans, like mostKoreans, are G-dragon biased)

* G-dragon is very close to his family. He boughta car for his sister, and bought an apartment-for-rent business for his parents(who are both really old) . GD also renovated their house in Seoul and boughtproperties in Apkujeong and Itaewon.
- G-dragon和他的家人很亲,他买了一辆车给他姊,还有一栋公寓出租生意给他父母(他父母年纪都非常大了)〔我觉得这里指的应该就是Dolce Vita吧〕。他还重新装潢了他们首尔的家,在狭鸥亭还有黎泰院都有置产。

* GD is religious. He always went to church withhis family, but lately he went alone or with friends.
- GD对宗教很虔诚,他过去总是和家人一起上教堂,但是最近大多是和朋友一起或自己一个人去。

* GD is a ladies' man. In night scenes, GD isoften scene with a large group of girls, and he is very friendly towards them.
- GD是个很招女孩子的男人,在夜店时常可以看到他和很大群的女生一起,并且对她们都很友善。

* GD smokes and drinks very openly, nodiscretion.
- GD对於抽菸喝酒都很公开,不带掩饰的。
* GD has a prince personality.HE IS COLD and RESERVED, but NOT rude or proud. Korean fans said they grew tolove the seemingly arrogant persona of GD, but they said when he is in theright mood, he is a touchy idol (don't get what “touchy” means).
- GD是王子性格,他很冷淡很内敛,但是不是无礼或是自大。韩饭说他们渐渐爱上他这种带点傲气的个性,但是他们也说,只要他心情对了,他会是个很touchy的人。

* GD has a large group of friends who are allextremely good looking and rich
- GD有一大群非常有钱也非常帅的朋友。

* GD has 3 cars, 2 often seen, 1 only in display
- GD一共有三辆车,两辆很常出现,另外一辆是收藏。

* GD is very close with Bom and CL of 2NE1, hewas once sighted shopping with Park Bom, and having ice cream with CL.
- GD和CL还有BOM很亲近,有一次被看到他和BOM一起逛街,和CL一起吃冰淇淋。

* GD is also very close with Yang Hyunsuk. Theyshare an older brother-younger brother relationship. G-dragon once gifted YGE avery expensive watch.

- GD和杨贤硕社长也很亲近,像是亲兄弟一样。他送给社长一个很贵的手表过。
* GD is known to be close to Yoobin of WG andNicole of Kara. BoA and GD are also friends. GD was often sighted with Tiffany,Sooyoung, Hyoyeon and some other men in NB Apkujeong.
- GD和Wonder Girls的俞斌还有Kara的妮可很熟。BoA和他也是朋友。GD常常被看到和Tiffany,秀英,孝渊还有其他一些男人一起在狭鸥亭的NB。
* GD and Yuri are casual friends.
- GD和Yuri算是普通朋友。
* GD was once sighted with Beast's Junhyung andHyunseung in Myeongdong district.
* GD didn't finish college, but was once enrolledin Kyunghee majoring in classical music. He dropped out even before schoolstarted. This was after he dropped out with Dae in their first university.
* GD has no formal music education, but he andTeddy enrolled in online American universities
- GD没有接受过正统的音乐教育,但是他和Teddy有透过网路在一所美国大学上远端课程。

* TOP is a mama's boy. He bought 2 villas forhimself and his family. His dad is a military officer who earns a lot. Choifamily is very rich. TOP's sister owns a series of clothing businesses.
* TOP has had 2 cars but never renewed hislicense.
* TOP and GD almost have the same set of friends,but he has his own Dongguk friends, who are mostly guys.
* Unlike GD, TOP is not too close with girls, butwhen he gets serious, he is. There were sightings of TOP with just one girl inmultiple night scenes. He's had 5 girls so far according to stalker information
* TOP loves shopping around in public places
* TOP is close with Heechul and Siwon of SuJu,Nich of 2PM, Jaejoong, Hyungjoon, Yunho and Hyunseung.
* TOP is very very close to Park Bom, Gummy, ParkHanbyul, the girl from SG, and the partner of Junpyo. He also shares a relativecloseness to the dancers of YGE.
* Taeyang is religious. He is always in church.
* Taeyang always dances. He has a undergrounddance team in Kangnam, and is a part of a regular dance crowd in all NoisyBasement clubs.
* Taeyang is friends with all Brown-eyed girlmembers, Lee Hyori, Siwon of Super Junior, Sooyoung, Tiffany, andHyoyeon.
* Sighted with Yuri and Seungri in Chungangdistrict
* Seungri is rich. He owns a house and businessesin Gwangju. Aside from the school, he also owns a restaurant in the province.He is a businessman.
- 胜利很有钱。他在光州有一栋别墅还有一些生意。除了学院生意以外,他还在当地有间餐厅,他是个生意人。

* Seungri is really really really close with GooHara and IU. He has been sighted with these two girls multiple times. He isespecially often shopping with Hara.
- 胜利和具荷拉还有IU感情非常好。他被看到和他们一起很多次了,尤其是常常被看到和具荷拉一起逛街。

* Seungri is always in a group date withuniversity friends, including Yuri. He and Yuri are really close inside andoutside classroom. However, during the last semester there have been nosightings of Seungri and Yuri together, unlike before.
- 胜利总是和大学里的一夥人在一起活动,包括Yuri,不管事课堂上或是教室外他们都很常在一起。但是上个学期,他们完全没有被看到在一起玩,不像以前一样。

* IU, Seungri, and Thunder are trios who alwayseat and dine out together.
- IU,胜利和天动是常一起外出和吃饭的三人行。

* Seungri has had 2 idol girl friends.
- 胜利有过两个idol女友。

* Daesung is very religious and quiet. He has theleast public sightings from all members. He is very close to his churchfriends.
* Daesung has had 2 cars, both audis. He hasn'tfinished university but went more often than GD
* Dae has a house and 1 apartment villa inApkujeong.
* Dae is almost NEVER seen in bars and clubs. Hedoesn't usually go on a night out.
* Dae is a volunteer in Church, and has beenmostly sighted in outreach and charity programs in schools, communities, andother churches.
* Dae is also very close with producers anddirectors for SBS and MBC.
* In Big Bang, GDTOP is seemingly the closestbecause they are often seen together in night scenes and events, and also inshopping.

- 在Big Bang中,GD和TOP看起来是最亲近的,因为他们常常被看到一起在夜店或是活动(这里一般是指一些私人派对等,不是普通意味的纯活动),还有一起逛街。

* GD and Seungri are usually seen eating out
- GD和胜利常被看到一起外出用餐。

* GD and Bae are only seen in YGE and bars.
- GD和永裴只在YG大楼和酒吧看到在一起

* YB and Dae are close because of church, andthey also shop and eat together.
* Teddy and Kush are often seen with Tae and TOP.
- Teddy和Kush常和太阳还有TOP在一起。
* During concerts, Taeyang and Seungri wouldalways greet some fans in the backstage.
- 在演唱会上,太阳和胜利总是会和后台的歌迷打招呼。
* In live broadcasts, Seungri would usually giveout freebies for VIPS.
- 在现场表演,胜利种是会丢给VIP一些免费的东西。
* Korean fans said that inKorea, YGE is hardcore. I said that some international fans think of YGE astrying hard and poser, but they said that in the underground scene, NB and YGis notorious. They even said that “NB defines Seoul's night life. YG Entertainment, its artists and itsmusic is hardcore.” Apparently,almost all “underground idolrappers” have once startedtheir gigs in NB1, NB2, and NB Gangnam.
- 韩饭说YGE在韩国真的很屌。我跟他们说有一些海外饭觉得YGE,只是在模仿和装样,但是他们说在韩国地下音乐界,NB和YG很著名。他们甚至说,NB代表了首尔夜生活,YG旗下的歌手和音乐才是硬道理。韩国几乎所有的地下偶像饶舌歌手都曾经在NB1,NB2还有江南的NB表演过。
* VIP, as a fandom, isn't united. They said thatthey act mostly on their own, or in small groups, unlike SM fans who supportsin bulk.
* Big Bang has lost current popularity, but theyare a household name in South Korea. Seoul's rich and elite, THEIR WORDS NOTMINE, only know Big Bang when you ask them about Korean singers.
* In 2008, even the poor and the middle classliked Big Bang. But BB's difference from other popular idols is that you canalso make rich socialites buy their albums without shame. Korean VIPS pridethemselves that Big Bang transcends the income inequality of fans andsupporters.
* Korean VIPS said that their fandom isrelatively smaller and less active than other fandoms, so most of BB sales aredivided from fandom and casual fans. South Korea supports Big Bang. And mostespecially, G-Dragon.
* Korean VIPS said that Big Bang are unlike otheridols. They are not showy with fans, they don't do fan meets, YGE has longforgotten about organizing the official fandom, but multitudes of VIPS stillstick to Big Bang in the quiet.
Okay, I wrote out pretty much all I took note ofand remember. These are all first hand experiences and insider information fromKorean VIPs/stalker fans. This took me all night to make so I hope you guysappreciate it. Now I know I may come of as too know-it-all, but I just gotlucky in meeting hardcore Korean Big Bang fans. Thank you. BIG BANG IS LOVE!

楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-06-27 09:46:00 +0800 CST  
所以对于他在夜店妹子扎堆,其实也不觉得很奇怪,毕竟他也没做什么过火的,逢场作戏的调情其实也是种乐子,好多时候去夜店追求的就是这wild and young的气氛。至于胜利,其实永裴哥最近说的他很喜欢夜店我是相信的,这货节目里自曝的家里装的那灯光就带着浓烈的club感,有话要说的hard remix还是自己做的(完全是euro club beats的风格,那种编曲其实很不容易),而且goshow后记有说大声过去不喜欢夜店但有一次胜利带他去还放了自己做的remix碟,直接让他发现新世界了。但从这篇后记也看的出来,这货主要是去玩的,他是真的喜欢club风格的音乐,12还是13年mama有一个饭拍里,只要是类似house beat的歌曲出来这家伙就开始自high跟着节奏晃。龙哥的小伙伴ben baller有一次还发推谢谢过他的招待,貌似这货自己也有插手些夜店生意,或者是认识几个老板。不过这里扯远了,我们拉回来说龙tory的不同圈子。
其实对于龙哥和胜利不完全混同一个夜店圈而且朋友圈也不太一样这件事,我觉得挺正常的,这里好多内线消息都看的出来,龙哥那圈说白了是富二代。不管top哥那条家里很富是不是真的,其实八nuthang那堆就很容易看出来了,像是羊羹上的central st martin就是设计学院里的贵族学校,其实韩国国情和我们挺像的,一般是家里富贵的才会让孩子去留洋念设计系还在这种美术学院。这也是为什么gd和top两个人平时喜好最相近,因为两个人都是b格满点的二代,混的也是那个圈子,自然追求的也是些非常高大上的艺术。无论是top喜欢的玩偶收集、家具收集,还是龙哥天天刷的设计师、艺术家、展览,那都是出身富贵塑造的倾向。胜利君则和他们完全不一样,他是个生意人,关注的东西很实际,是经济是投资是资产管理,喜欢穿的也是一本正经的西装,说白了,他是典型的富一代,还没有那个闲暇去追求更虚的东西。
而且虽然两个人圈子完全不一样,其实能搭上线的地方却很多,甚至龙哥圈子里的人胜利也都很熟,胜利圈子里的人龙哥也都看起来不错,大概是他们两个总归是亲的。不然胜利应该很难和nuthang还有龙哥这几年走的近的harry kim/ben baller等等那么熟。

而harry kim和胜利的聊天还有benballer爆料也直接说明了,好多party其实胜利都在,只是他没有po私生活照片的习惯而已。

还有最近那个龙哥刷inst的party,看起来胜利也是在的。harry kim发和胜利合照的tweet里说了是某个周日照的,而龙哥这个pool party就是6/15那个周日,而且两张图里都有的几个人衣服都一样。



楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-06-27 11:14:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 rococo小A  发布于 2014-06-28 05:08:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2014-05-24 23:15:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2018-05-06 13:38:07 +0800 CST


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