
克里斯汀·芳塔娜,美国知名占星师、健康生活导师,灵魂进化占星方向,在美国多种媒体开有专栏。 运势风格为心理指引。























☆☆☆天蝎座——译者:st_ts 校订:维尼爱蜂蜜














ARIES [Mar 21 - Apr 19]
With as out of control as things have potentially been lately due to your ruler Mars in Virgo in opposition to Neptune in Pisces, now Mars is positioning himself with authority as he aligns with older brother Pluto in Capricorn with an influential stance in the coming week. To make this extra pronounced, Pluto stations direct after months retrograde on Thursday, Sept. 28, to initiate a new Soul chapter in your personal story. Mars combines with Pluto right at the get-go to help you launch an endeavor or to set something powerful in motion. A high degree of focus is on your career and your public self, but this energy also includes anything needing your commitment, which includes your relationships. As much as this feels like a serious time, it is a productive generation of energy to help you feel like the wheels are finally moving as you want them to. A feeling of being back in control of the direction of your life this weekend grants you with a renewed feeling of confidence, knowing your efforts are leading you well and contributing to your ideal vision of your future.

Keep chipping away at something and it will soon bust loose and take-off roaring!

TAURUS [Apr 20 - May 21]
As your ruler Venus now transiting through fellow earth sign Virgo, opposes Neptune upon entering the weekend, you may feel as if you have lost touch with a certain piece of the dream. You are brought back to reality and to the mundane, your health may also be wavering as your immune system is due to be feeling taxed. However, Mars promises to give you a lift in the days that follow as he forms an angle of massive support to Pluto, the planet of empowerment. Pluto in fellow sign Capricorn also stations direct after months in slumber and it gives you an optimistic vision of your future, with tangible steps in view leading you forward, versus just a thick fog ahead. Venus swiftly follows in Mars’ footsteps and accesses the pure force of Pluto, benefiting boldly from this exchange early next week. For some this could be a deepening of a heart and Soul connection with someone you love as it energizes a magnetism to draw in connections with others you have known and trusted for lifetimes, proving to become an anchor of support.

I know you often prefer to go at it alone, but lean on those key ties and it will elevate you to a far higher landing!

GEMINI [May 22 - Jun 21]
Life’s seas may have been turbulent in places as your ruler Mercury and Mars in Virgo have been opposed by Neptune, but they have pulled out of those elusive cross hairs and you are finding a more secure emotional footing. Venus, our relationship planet, trails behind and opposes Neptune before the weekend, but Mars helps to secure your path as he forms a compelling angle of strength to powerful Pluto this weekend. To improve matters, your ruler Mercury enters fellow air sign Libra on Friday, Sept. 29, to help you with all of your communications so you can work out the wrinkles and bring things back into a better feeling state of harmony and balance. Perhaps the most significant energy however this week is that slow mover Pluto stations direct on Thursday, Sept. 28, after months retrograde, to initiate a deep Soul commitment for your journey ahead. Life is sure to feel as if it has reached a new level of playing field.

Pay attention to the magnetic pull within, for your instinct will be speaking volumes, revealing your best next steps!

CANCER [Jun 22 - Jul 22]
It remains to be a detail driven week with Mars and Venus still transiting through the sign of Virgo. Recently Mercury and Mars in Virgo opposed ‘slipping through the cracks’ Neptune, which may have had you multitasking loose ends and Venus follows suit in the next few days. However, Mars climbs out of some unpredictable tides and reaches dry land with a vengeance as he recruits the help of Pluto with unparalleled determination and drive. This combination will support your relationships across the board this weekend and give you the courage to converse on sensitive subjects and work to grow your loving base. Mercury also enters Libra on Friday, Sept. 29, in your house of home and the emotional body to bring your attention there, either to beautify your space or to bring more harmony within the walls where you and loved ones reside. Pluto, the planet of the Soul, stations direct in your opposite sign after months at bay on Thursday, Sept. 28, reflecting a new chapter of growth and gain on the horizon.

Every day and every moment counts now Cancer, so do the emotional work necessary and everyone benefits, starting with you!

LEO [Jul 23 - Aug 22]
You are working hard for it no doubt Leo. You have been handed an opportunity but it won’t come free. Mars, Venus and Mercury in Virgo continue to energize your house of earnings and what you value. while you may have felt as if your energy was wasted in places with Neptune opposing this line-up, you will soon experience some of the fruits of your labor, proof that your efforts were not made in vain. Venus will oppose Neptune before we enter the weekend, which may have you feeling royally burned out but Mars continues to put more fuel in your tank as he finds Pluto with staunch support and increases your drive to do more, especially over the weekend. Pluto, the planet of the Soul, stations direct on Thursday, Sept.28, making a strong statement about the power of what your ‘right work’ can bring to this world, energizing your desire to make this world better than the way you found it. Your innovative capacity is also quite high in the next few months so take advantage of this exceptional surge while you can. Relationships are also in need of a change in scenery so mix things up and they will flourish and prosper.

This week the grind is going to be a good thing, a week you will be proud to call your own!

VIRGO [Aug 23 - Sep 22]
It may have been a challenge to keep your Soul motor going and to keep your spirits up this month with Mars, Venus, Mercury, and the Sun in your sign and all opposing Neptune. It can create even a feeling a futility at times, like “what’s the point?”. But things are sure to change by this coming weekend with Mars in your sign kicking your life strongly into gear as he receives unmatched support from his older brother Pluto in fellow earth sign Capricorn, in your house of creativity and love affairs. Your heart is bound to open and deepen and your passion will escalate as they do. When your heart is all the way in it, there is no limit to what the Soul can accomplish, your desire will keep that fire burning and will back any long term plan you set out for yourself. Pluto is stationing direct as well on Thursday, Sept. 28, after being retrograde since April, helping to strengthen your commitments moving forward after mulling over something for months. The time for review and consideration was important. It has also been a period where your emotional body was put to the test but you are growing by leaps and bounds because of an ultimate challenge. Now is a time to push forward and through with a clear passion and purpose.

Trust yourself!

LIBRA [Sep 23 - Oct 23]
With so much uncertainty in the ethers recently, it has been hard to know where to direct your energy. It lingers a bit more for the next few days with your ruler Venus in Virgo in your house of the unknown opposing Neptune in Pisces. It can feel like being in the dark or experiencing an unsettling fear of the unknown. Mercury and Mars have also been in this sector but both of their positions change for the positive this week. Mercury enters yours sign on Friday, Sept.29, helping you experience movement in your outreach, serving to open significant doors. Also, Mars aligns with older brother Pluto this weekend in emotionally grounding ways, carrying an undercurrent that your Soul is true to course. This combination is exceptionally well timed as Pluto, the planet of empowerment, stations direct in Capricorn after months on hiatus.

So find a way to dive more deeply into your emotional center and because of this strengthened inner vibration, you will be turning heads!

SCORPIO [Oct 24 - Nov 21]
Your ruler Pluto is stationing direct in Capricorn in your house of communication on Thursday, Sept. 28, after months in deep reflection. There is great strength currently in becoming a powerful messenger, whether it is through your writing or expressing yourself in some other way. You do have incredible influence with the position you find yourself in and you can use this to either wake people up or promote some positive change in the environment you find yourself in. Just like clockwork, younger brother Mars in Virgo steps in to energize a productive way forward, as he forms a penetrating angle of support to Pluto for the next week solid, especially pronounced this weekend. Venus and Neptune will oppose one another just prior to the weekend, so your faith in the future may not be as sound as you would like, but the Gods do have your back, and Mars will pull you up and out of any hard place you may initially find yourself in. The benefit of this week’s energetic influences brings a harmonizing effect between your ego and your Soul, allowing you to feel that you are in alignment with the intentions you set out for yourself, combined with a fiercely strong will to see it all the way through.

On the level of pure productivity, it doesn’t get better than that!

SAGITTARIUS [Nov 22 - Dec 21]
There may have been record levels of recent output on your part Sag. Mercury, Venus and Mars have all been transiting through work-horse Virgo up at the peak of your chart, keeping you busier than a bee. You may have been working to improve the health of others in various ways or simply stepped in to bring your natural teachings and knowledge to the forefront of a project or a cause. In some cases you may not be quite sure if those efforts are paying off with Neptune in opposition to these personal planets. However, action Mars assures that you will soon make some seriously sound strides as he combines forces with powerful Pluto in your house of what you value, including how you earn, and you begin to see the long term benefit to some recent mountains you have moved. Pluto, the planet of the Soul, stations direct in Capricorn on Thursday, Sept.28, symbolizing a benchmark for this next chapter, one that is accompanied by the desire nature of Mars where you are bound to feel the truth of what you are made of. Your ruler Jupiter in Libra is also in direct opposition to Uranus on Friday, Sept.29, energizing an unforeseen radical breakthrough and with Saturn in your sign within striking distance, it promises to be change that will stick.

Allow yourself to evolve!

CAPRICORN [Dec 22 - Jan 19]
Change is inevitable and it’s a good thing. Being that you are a cardinal sign, you are well wired for the new and tend to respond favorably. What you also may find however, is that you are having to get used to a new scene or setting as changing responsibilities will alter your daily norm. You may have been feeling as if you could not quite get a foothold on the path with Mercury and Mars in fellow earth sign Virgo’s recent opposition to Neptune and Venus following their lead in the next few days. But in Capricorn style, Mars means business as he recruits Pluto in your sign with precision this week to execute a plan on your Soul docket. Pluto also stations direct on Thursday, Sept. 28, after months in revamp mode which will prove to be an exclamation point on your path, with a deep inner commitment taking place dedicated to your destiny. Mercury also enters Libra in your house of career on Friday, Sept. .29, to help you reach the right people with the right message.

Speak often and freely and more of what you want will come your way. Sometimes you just need to ask!

AQUARIUS [Jan 20 - Feb 19]
You have approximately two more months to get your final blueprint ready for implementation. With your ruler Uranus’ tour through the entire zodiac taking eighty-four years, you have never had this kind of support to secure an innovative game plan for your future in this lifetime. It could also be that you are feeling drawn to either ‘see the world’ or to work and travel abroad and this is the timeline when your commitment to take these travels exist. Of course the internet can take you just about anywhere on the planet so travel could occur in this manner with your desire to reach others in far away places with you work. Progress may not have felt to be swift in the past few weeks, in fact you may have felt like your plan was going to flop with Mercury, Venus and Mars opposing Neptune, but Mars saves the day in the coming week as he hires heavy hitter Pluto to help iron out some details in your Soul pursuits. You very well could soon be pulling the infamous rabbit out of the hat.

You are remarkably resourceful this weekend and into early next week, so trust that inner call and it will work a miracle or two for you!

PISCES [Feb 19 - Mar 20]
Your ruler Neptune has been messing with your plans with his opposition to Mercury and Mars in Virgo and with Venus opposing Neptune up until Friday, Sept. 29, it may be a waiting game for you until you have a clear idea of how things are going to go. You may also have to drop everything for a more pressing priority and so other things remain unattended to. Fortunately, Mars helps you take charge of a situation with his undeniable alignment to older brother Pluto this weekend, helping to bring a power of connection to key others where the bond becomes unbreakable. Your relationships are sure to take on a new octave, as well as a new depth, of meaning. Pluto, the planet of the Soul, stations direct on Thursday, Sept.28, in your house of transformation, suggesting certain key changes you have been trying to set in motion are being deeply seated and are ready for your manifestation.

If you are not doing this already, it’s your turn and your time to come out of hiding and ‘be the change’!

楼主 幻觉  发布于 2016-12-11 15:50:13 +0800 CST  

楼主 幻觉  发布于 2017-09-28 18:20:26 +0800 CST  


楼主 幻觉  发布于 2017-09-28 18:41:47 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2017-09-27 16:55:24 +0800 CST

更新时间:2017-09-28 21:08:43 +0800 CST


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