
















Aries (March 20-April 19) — Most people would rather lose themselves than find themselves, though you don’t have that seeming luxury. Yet with Chiron entering your sign this year (which last happened in 1968), you’ll find that self-discovery makes you bold, and that self-awareness is the first remedy in your quest to heal all that may ail you. Society is going through a mass-scale identity crisis, and you will run counter to that trend. Your best discoveries will come through the work that you do, and the success that you aspire to. There are times when your professional activities are the most spiritually meaningful aspect of life, and this is one of them. Let your work be driven by passion; never complain, only strive to do what you do in the most beautiful way you can. As in your relationships, you don’t need some abstract notion of connecting or oneness; reach for the heat and light of deep emotional and erotic sharing, knowing it’s your most direct path to enlightenment.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Of all the signs, yours may be the one that most prefers things stay the way they are for as long as possible. Yet with revolutionary Uranus entering your sign this year, you will experience the desire to change in ways you might have never expected. You will feel this first as a surge of energy, followed by the sense that there’s much more to life than you imagined. The first place this starts to take up residence is in your intimate relationships. Next is a more tangible sense that, no matter how old you are, you have a future that’s worth building, reaching for and aspiring to. Yet once Uranus is in your sign (which starts right around your birthday) you will want to exceed all limits, and become a master of self-reinvention. Contrast that with your previous mastery of self-preservation and a gift for stability that comes in handy on our planet. With the world in a state of constant upheaval, your ability to transform yourself will be a rare and precious gift.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your relationships have been something of a whirlwind the past few years; and you’ll be happy to hear that in the coming seasons, you’ll be encountering others not in the air but on solid ground. Most of the difference will come from your newfound desire to commit yourself, whether in business or personal contexts. The key will be engaging with the right people, for the right reasons. Consider following a simple life policy: never make a promise that you’re not fully prepared to keep, which means both willing and able. With that as your guide, you may invest yourself in situations, confident in your identity. When you lose your sense of center, that’s when to take a step back, and spend some time alone. Your planets are describing the potential of having a stable person somewhere in your life, someone perhaps just a little older than you, whom you will recognize by their wisdom. For now, the purpose of your relationships is getting to know yourself.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Yours is the sign associated with cozy homes, good food and families. On a closer look, though, your knack for navigating the complex and competitive world of business is one of your strongest suits. So, too, is your ability to find yourself through the work that you do. These factors are being called forth from your character now, and will be for some time to come. Saturn now moving through your opposite sign Capricorn is an invitation to take your goals and aspirations seriously, and to clear out of the way anything that does not support your chosen purpose. That means engaging in relationships only with people who help create a supportive environment, and those who appreciate the positive influence you have on their life. (This mutuality must infuse every relationship you have, whether personal or professional.) It’s time to focus your efforts on what enhances who you are rather than in any way diminishes you. What for others might merely be “making a living” is for you more about creating yourself.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Your astrology is calling on you to create a sense of order and organization in your life. Your creative energy has been all over the place, which has led to some interesting experiments; though now it’s time to be more focused. This includes your personal projects and what you consider your professional work. A little discipline will go a long way. You will find it easier to adopt a more structured schedule and physical work environment, if you make just a little effort. And any movement toward health, fitness or wellbeing needs structure as well. Beginning with food would be a wise point of orientation; walk around all day reminding yourself “you are what you eat,” and that fast-food taco might not seem so appealing. The process of elimination is your best friend: notice what does not serve your best interests, and then subtract it. Once you have cleared away what does not work, it’ll be a lot easier to see what does. Not only that; you’ll feel better, and have more time and more space to maneuver.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — There’s a little child in you who wants to come out and play. Yet that means serious play, the kind that’s meaningful, and which you lose yourself in. It might involve your profession or vocation, but is more likely something personal that exceeds the relevance of a hobby. Your astrology describes you making something, such that there’s a tangible, useful result when you’re done. This is about passion for what you love. In a similar way, your romantic relationships need a job. It’s nice to think that people can get along without a core purpose that unites them, though that’s not usually the case. An example might be anything from raising children to building a business to creating a life that suits your mutual pleasures or interests. Whatever it might be, your connection to a conscious, well-expressed mission will both ground you and help open doors. In practical terms, if you’re dating, look for people who would prefer to attend a talk or go to a museum rather than some form of idle entertainment. We all need diversions, though those are easily enough found.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — For many moons, one of your most important personal growth projects has been emotional independence. This applies to your family and to any other aspect of life where your household or living situation is involved. Pursuing this objective has at times been messy. Perhaps you sent some mixed signals about needing to be free and also needing human contact — though in fact both are true, and they don’t contradict. This year begins a process of tidying up your boundaries. Start with something simple, like making sure all your doorknobs work; and if a lot of housemates have passed through, change your lock. Then clean some closets. Next, evaluate whether you have a space where you can actually enjoy some privacy any time you need it. For as hard as you work, you should have at least that much. Then set some guidelines for how you handle your family. They are not your masters, nor your judge, jury or guidance counselor. Step by step, day by day, build the emotional life that works for you.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Jupiter in your sign is magnifying certain aspects of your life, like living in a house with gigantic furniture, or where your innermost thoughts appear projected onto your living room wall. You’re seeing everything that you’re made of, and you’re also seeing certain missing elements. Cutting to the chase, the central question of your life is: what do you want? Don’t be content with stock answers (happiness, a relationship, winning Lotto). What do you actually want, as relates to your stated purpose for living? Have you even worked that one out? It matters. Events of this year will draw the distinction between thinking you know, and actually knowing. You must go beyond appearances, and get to the heart of the matter. That will involve rinsing off or washing out the programming of the last 100,000 advertisements you were exposed to (all designed to tell you what you supposedly need or desire). You must also get yourself beyond any care you have about what people may think about you — and that will take courage.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You have just experienced three years of Saturn in your sign — an event that happens just two or three times in a lifetime. This may have felt like an endurance test, or a time of enforced growth and maturity. First, evaluate what you’ve accomplished during this time, going back to late 2014. Consider the ways you’ve evolved your relationship to yourself. Consider how you relate to your work and life purpose. Going forward, you must use what you’ve learned during Saturn’s visit to your sign. You have unusual manifesting power, and your reliance on self-knowledge will serve to filter out goals, desires and options you don’t really want. Money becomes an important focal point under this astrology, though there’s an added twist: you’re now on notice that you must fully endorse, and feel good about, what you do for the sake of cash. This is the time to live up to your own values, not to violate them. Based on your experiences the past three years, you actually have the knowledge and power to do this.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Saturn has returned home to your sign, which will feel good for at least three reasons. You’ll get some relief from your anxieties, which reached a peak in late 2017. Next, a missing part of you is now present and accounted for. Last is that you’re on track for completing many unfinished tasks — and letting go of the ones you don’t need to do. Get that bit out of the way. Unresolved matters, even small ones, are an energy drain and they place stumbling blocks on your path to the future. Yet your most meaningful task for the coming four seasons is defining yourself in a way that’s not dependent upon tribal identity. This is challenging because so much of your self-concept has been intertwined with a concept of family that’s likely to be outmoded. While you’ll still be associating with some of these people, the key to your happiness is being different without having to hide that fact. You don’t need to revolt. Yet you can be yourself at all times, and love yourself for it.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Many factors of your astrology describe de-cluttering: letting go of old patterns, coming to terms with the past, and finding new approaches to relationships. Aquarius is the sign of patterns and how they crystallize. So it will be helpful if you choose a habit to change, then in the same gesture establish a new way of moving in the world. Here’s an example: when you’re coming home from someplace, take a different route from the way you got there. Change something, so that you slip out of habitual behavior. Try this with food, with your social life and with the organization of your living space. Strive to meet new people, and to be accepting of them. Let your life be a dance, and allow yourself to be guided by seemingly random experiences. You know that you have important work to do. You are allowing yourself to have new goals. You also know that you need to love in a deep way. All of this implies change: letting go of what you don’t want, and embracing what offers you love and creativity.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The beauty of your astrology is that you can now see what is possible, whereas before, this was not so clear. You have the confidence to know you can turn possibility into potential into manifestation. This is more like learning how to ride a bicycle than it is fabricating something out of thin air. There are methods involved, and you already know many of them; all you need to do is give yourself a little push and attempt something that you think is just a little outside your known capability. Over the past few years, you’ve established a reputation for yourself, and now you get to use that as a tool, resource or commodity. Focus on the practical aspect of whatever you’re doing, whether it’s building your career, establishing or widening your community, or creating something entirely new in the world. Think of your work as carpentry rather than the expression of some mysterious talent. Imagine that changing the world means building a solid, beautiful cabinet, rather than some abstract idea. Appreciate the cosmic beauty of sandpaper and wood glue.

楼主 幻觉  发布于 2016-12-11 15:50:13 +0800 CST  

楼主 幻觉  发布于 2018-01-04 10:13:15 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2017-12-31 08:11:07 +0800 CST

更新时间:2018-01-06 12:37:04 +0800 CST


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