
以下发的英文部分是源自当初旧正史时代,被星球大战官方取消没出版的设定文小说《Supernatural Encounters: The Trial and Transformation of Arhul Hextrophon》里,第16章里的星战宇宙创世篇。



这一章介绍了星战宇宙创世之初,天神(Celestials)堕落的同类真正的阴影之父(Father of Shadows),反叛创造包括星战宇宙在内的各宇宙的独一神至上造物主(Supreme Maker),播散阴影导致星战宇宙随后亿万年纷争与沉沦的过往。这段内容,整个一星战版的创世大乐章,阴影之父的整个一星战版的蘑菇丝 = =

而这篇被取消设定文里的天神,其实是比给予天神名字的作者定义降格了。在这文天神不是创造宇宙本身,祂们是塑造宇宙引导宇宙生灵,类似天使。创造了星战宇宙的是独一神至上造物主,这位造物主创造的宇宙不止一个……别问我包不包括新正史宇宙 - -

最后还有一段星战宇宙死者灵魂最终归宿的内容,这个我就不贴了 - -

Part III: Firstborn of the Celestials and the Architects of Madness
Chapter 16: Songs of the Eternal

A vision granted me by one who roamed the stars in the barren galaxy…

In the dreamlike, empyreal days before the later universes came to be and the ages of time and decay fell upon them, a great light moved in the phantasmal mists of the endless void, uttering a sound, a primordial song, eldritch and beautiful beyond all things, and never heard again.

Stars winked on across the primary universe, like the glowing lanterns of Venexian ships along the mighty Solleu River at the behest of dusk, a garden of lights in the deep places and fathomless gulfs that were as yet barren and still. These were the cyclic and star polygons, the annulus and the arbelos, triquetra and lemniscates, and others of varying geometry and degree, the shining ones, luminous, and wise, comprised of those living creatures unknown to most, the Kərubîm, Ōphannīm, Śərāfîm, and Mal’ākim, and others besides, regarded by some as the Celestials, who in the glittering firmament of that chatoyant light they danced to the music in abandon.

The circuit of life had begun with an ebullient energy spilling forth into the expectant vastness, a power like none other, to move and shape and grow. And from the source of light and life blossomed the Force, sown and harvested by the will of its Supreme Maker who is its eternal Lord, and the one who uttered the sounds. And the Force permeated all life and echoed back, and time began its desultory flow.

And a second and third sound rang forth, also vanished for all time, even more sublime than the first, intermingling with it, causing the world beneath the jeweled dome to ripen, awakening all manner of strange matter to life with the sounds, sweeter even than before, but also never heard again. And so that all life would always have a connection to its Maker and each other, the emissaries were brought about, microscopic and teeming midichlorians, and into every living thing, they found purchase, there to reside and ever await the voice of their Maker.

The luminous ones were as yet incomplete for the Maker had an endowment to bestow upon them, a gift of inestimable worth. So it came about that gathered there before the light of the Eternal, the Celestials were given the gift and came fully to comprehend love, justice, power and wisdom, the pure origins of the Four Precepts, and were tasked to learn of the universe they were to help germinate and configure, and in so doing, were free to roam and frolic amongst the vast expanse. Many among the Celestials descended to the Plane of Erets and there reshaped themselves into forms that harmonized with those beings, feline, avian, bovine, and human, that yet dwelt in peace there.

Erets was then beautiful and alluring beyond compare, with every element upon it an intoxicant so varied and unique that they could not help but fall in love with the dawn world, for they were to be companions and helpers to its sentient and sapient inhabitants, and associated with its various elements, and so it was that Erets surpassed even the vast splendor they had known in the mysterious cosmos.

There is much that occurred in the earliest days of the tiny movers, who dwelt upon the Plane of Erets in the Primary Universe, but that does not come into this account, save that with the coming of the younger race the final song was nearing its conclusion.

Yet, discordant notes entered at this time with those who coveted the dawn world, for the thought of domination had entered at this time, and a deep shadow began to occlude Erets borne of those who had fallen amongst the luminous stars, led by a shining one, the Näkhäsh, who became the Father of Shadows, and it swept quickly upon Erets, from which the long war between the dark powers and the elder races began, spreading like foaming seas upon barren plains to engulf the tiny movers, amongst whom it still it rages.

The Celestials did all they could to provide succor for the innocent, all the while grieving the ruination that had been brought, and while some were a vast host of powerful warriors, others were not made for such violence and cruelty, and their original purpose was thwarted. Yet some good arose, and a splinter of the shining host were given leave to prepare seed pods that would make up new dimensions for which they might birth anew the phantasies of their minds, and they considered the terrestrial and aquatic shapes they might devise for others. But they were not yet to cast any shape, nor to harvest the four cosmic seed pods until the song was ended, and they were cautioned that evil would seek to find its way into all realms and times.

楼主 仲夏梅蒂尔之幻  发布于 2018-11-03 01:28:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2018-11-03 09:28:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2019-05-16 09:11:10 +0800 CST


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