

楼主 AdolfFagat  发布于 2017-01-04 11:01:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 AdolfFagat  发布于 2017-01-04 11:52:00 +0800 CST  
Nationalist armies, due to corruption, crumbled before communist advances, surrendering by the hundreds of thousands, and the Eighth Route Army fought closer to Tientsin. The communists grew bolder, attacking Marines on convoy and in trains, kidnapping soldiers when possible, once even, while several Marines went duck hunting east of Tientsin.
“They soon were plagued by incidents involving blown tracks, train derailments, and ambushes, which were to be the lot of Marines on duty in the midst of the Chinese civil war,” Shaw wrote.
On April 7, 1947, communist “Reds” killed five Marines twenty-two miles southeast of Tientsin at the old French Armory, according to The Argus and the Examiner. The Reds managed to steal artillery shells and detonated part of the ammunition supplies before disappearing shortly before sunrise.
Two months later a Marine convoy traveling from Tientsin was ambushed outside of Peking, according to The Daily News. Three Marines were killed and seventeen were wounded.
“As the convoy slowed down at a communist road block, armed Chinese suddenly appeared from cornfields on both sides of the road and threw several hand grenades,” The Daily News reported. “The Marines instantly took cover and a pitched battle began.”
“The fight continued throughout the afternoon, many Chinese being killed or wounded.”
Communists, according to IIIAC WarDs (War Diaries), always dragged away their dead and wounded, making a tally of the dead difficult to count.
“There is a great bitterness against the communists among the wounded Marines,” The Daily News reported, “but so far it is uncertain whether the attack was by communists or by bandits.”
Major armed clashes between Marines and “Reds” from October 1945 to May 1947 left ten Americans dead and thirty-three wounded, according to IIIAC WarDs (War Diaries). Two sentries were killed and nine wounded, and more than twenty-two airplanes were destroyed. At least thirty Balu Bandits were killed and thirty-three more wounded. Marines and the Balu Bandits rarely had pitched battles; the communists worked as guerillas, raiding supply dumps for ammunition, ambushing trains and patrols, bridges and reconnaissance parties and motor convoys.
Another attack was reported in the Scuttlebutt magazine by David W. Mervine, of Headquarters, 3rd Battalion, Seventh Marines, First Marine Division. He was sent to protect the coveted Kailian coalmines in Tanggu, just outside of Tientsin.
“On one particular run between Tangshan and Chinwangtao [Qinghuangdao], the Chinese communists blew our train out from under us. We experienced heavy enemy fire, which ripped through the wooden sides of the train in which we were hiding. We hit the deck and crawled down the aisle to the door. Once outside, we returned their fire and within 15 to 20 minutes the situation was well in hand.”

楼主 AdolfFagat  发布于 2017-01-05 19:39:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2017-01-04 19:01:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2017-03-21 02:11:35 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



