2017 2 14之前受伤的avoca少年已经死亡。。。



The end of a story. (故事结束)The only survivor from 9 Giraffe pride cubs that was born just over 2 years ago. (两年前九头长颈鹿狮群幼狮唯一的幸存者)All other cubs were killed in 2 day's by the Trilogy Males. (除了他以外的幼狮全部死于三部曲联盟)Phillipe as we called him this last week or so, managed to stay alive for these past 2 years. (在他过去求生的两年中还有上周我们一只称呼他为菲利普)He was attacked and bitten by 2 other male lions and was paralyse in his back. (他被两头雄狮攻击导致了他后背的瘫痪。)He was also very weak due to lack of food. (由于缺少食物他非常的虚弱)He was a fighter of note and it was sad to see him deteriorate this last week. (他曾是值得注意的战士但上周看到他恶化很伤心。)Nature at its cruelest but the way it has to play out. He finally was killed during the night by a leopard. (自然残酷但这是自然的做法,自然必须执行。他在晚上被一头花豹杀死。)As I watched this morning, 2 Tawny eagle were on the carcass and got chased of by a juvenile Bateleur. (今天早上我看到两只曾在尸体上,之后被少年bateleur驱赶)the Bateleur were chased of by the leopard and hyena arrived and chased the leopard. (bateleur被花豹驱赶,随后鬣狗抵达驱赶了花豹)The hyena dragged the carcass around but did not eat it and left.(鬣狗托拽尸体但是没有吃只是留在一旁。) A hour later 4 White headed vultures and 4 Lapped faced vultures also visited the carcass at the same time but did not ate much. (一小时后四只白头秃鹫还有四只秃鹫参加了进食但没有吃太多At least the suffering was at end and he had battles fought over his carcass. What a fitting end for such a little fighter.(至少苦难已经结束,他有为自己而战斗。

楼主 STNIDHOGG  发布于 2017-02-14 06:21:00 +0800 CST  
楼主 STNIDHOGG  发布于 2017-02-14 06:22:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2017-02-14 14:21:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2017-03-07 18:20:47 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



