
Mluwati营地博客:这是一个很好的月份,看到这些顶级掠食者,有时甚至让导游感到困惑,因为我们看到了一些我们以前从未见过的狮子。 Imbali狮群或其中的一部分被看到了几次,狮群的年轻男性正处于他们自己被迫离开的年龄。 所有的导游都对Imbali狮群情有独钟,我们从小崽就看着它们。 每当我们看到它们时,看到它们如何发展和成长是很有趣的,我们希望它们有朝一日会形成一个强大的联盟。 我们还有一个非常大的不知名男性,在整个特许区不停地咆哮着 让所有人听到,可能正在寻找女性或者赶年轻男性出特许区,并为自己带走雌狮,所以我们等着看动态是如何发展的。——谷歌翻译

楼主 方天小布  发布于 2019-07-17 16:30:00 +0800 CST  
但经我确认 这是流浪已久的N'waswitsonto/s86双狮之一,来自东边克鲁格。他和他兄长原先是Kumana大坝南边S86/N狮群的地主,2018年7-8月份被入侵的Mluwati雄狮打败。后就一直流浪,直到上个月老二被目击流浪到了Mluwati地区。

楼主 方天小布  发布于 2019-07-17 16:34:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 方天小布  发布于 2019-07-17 16:38:00 +0800 CST  
补上原文:It was a good month of sightings of these apex predators, sometimes it is even confusing to the guides as we had various sighting of some Lions we have not seen before. The Imbali pride or part thereof was seen a couple of times, the young males in the pride are at the age where they are being forced out on their own. All the guides have a soft spot for this pride, we have watched them from tiny cubs growing up. Every time we see them it is interesting to see how they are developing and growing up, we hope they will one day form a formidable coalition. We also had a very large unknown male moving all over the concession roaring constantly for all to hear, possibly looking for a female or to chase the young males off the concession and take the Lionesses for himself so we wait to see how the dynamics will work out. Hamilton’s pride pulled down an antelope in front of Imbali and after fighting off the Hyenas to keep their hard-earned meal another big male came and chased them off and stole the remains for himself, we think this male might come from the Talamati pride. So, there is a lot happening Lion wise on the concession and we will have to wait and see how it plays out.

楼主 方天小布  发布于 2019-07-24 22:35:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2019-07-18 00:30:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2019-08-19 19:44:02 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



