
Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
It’s all about Solo! We are all big fans of this lion and it’s great to have him back on the reserve, but who knows for how long. He was seen again yesterday afternoon and this morning still recovering from a large meal.
We last saw lion tracks yesterday morning who we assume belonged to the Kruger male.
We are unsure what the blood on Solo's face is but possibly him and the Kruger male had a bit of a fight and have gone their separate ways. Solo also has a cut on his left eye. Nothing can be confirmed at this stage.


Lion Sands Game Reserve
Silhouette of a king.国王的侧影
图为在Lion Sands 营地的四路金发

Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
No Freddy again.
Solo was still on the reserve yesterday afternoon and was found this morning again moving in the direction of the Sand River.

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-01-22 13:59:00 +0800 CST  
信息更新日期:2015年10月20日 星期二
We have some sad news. It looks like Freddy the legend is gone. The body was found last week with his head submerged in water. He & Solo had been in the area just prior to finding the body. Solo has been alone ever since.
It's hard to ID him because of the distortion but many feel it's Freddy.
He's had an amazing life. He goes down a legend.
RIP big guy.
The dead male that was found in the south. It looks like Freddy. His head had been submerged in water that's why it's distorted.
He & Solo had been in the area just prior to the body being found....and Solo has been solo ever since.

信息更新日期:2015年10月20日 星期二
Here is what I know & is confirmed. About 2 wks ago the 2 Charleston boys beat Freddy up pretty bad. Solo got away. (yes, there will be video later for those who want to see it....but not today. It will be up when it's up.) Freddy's body was found on Kirkman's property. His head was submerged in water. His one hind leg looked very swollen like there was an infection. His body was sent away for routine testing. Most lions are sent away.
solo与老k在10月8号在sabi sabi营地最后一次被目击到两个同时在一起,它们当时在咆哮后就睡觉了,而5天后的13号在sabi sabi营地只目击到solo独自在休息,并且当时的solo已经受伤了,当天工作人员还看到一头疑似老k雄狮的踪迹,它向北穿过了营地的边界,这也就意味着当时老k并没有死!
结合以上所有的信息来看,事情发展的大致经过应该是老k和索罗10月8号在sabi sabi营地睡了一觉,第二天的9号就向着K营地方向移动了,之后在9、10、11号这3天里的某一天晚上与查尔兄弟遭遇并且发生了战斗。打斗的视频里显示最先是老k独自被查尔兄弟围殴,solo突然出现,并很快的就逃离了现场,在它逃跑的那一刻被查尔小鼻头察觉到了,于是查尔小鼻头毫不犹豫的转头飞奔去追逐solo。就在查小离开后的短短时间里,留在现场已经倒地的老k突然站起来开始发力反扑攻击查尔大鼻头,大鼻头被老k攻击后一边防御一边后退到身后的树林当中。当它们都站起来的时候,老k压低着身子与脑袋,这是一种处于弱势示弱并且不自信的体现,查大则昂起头颅盯着老k,并且开始一边咆哮一边朝着查小追逐solo的方向从容离去,然后视频结束!
13号在sabi sabi营地拍摄到solo的照相显示,它受伤了,而且是脸上有多处伤口,这说明战斗的当天晚上它显然是被查小追上并遭到了攻击。而13号在sabi sabi营也看到被认为是老k的雄狮向北穿过营地边界,这说明老k并非死于当天晚上,战后的老k与solo都成功找到了对方。虽然solo在现场没有参与到主动营救老k的战斗中来,但它的逃离使得查小和查大先后向它逃离的方向进行了追逐,无论当时solo出于什么目的,但是它的逃离的确成功的使得老k并没有当场死亡!





楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-01-22 14:00:00 +0800 CST  
Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
The Fourways males were sleeping at our private airstrip this morning. Tracks for the Southern Pride were also found, but as of yet we have been unable to locate them.

Update. The one male is mating with a Southern pride lioness (on Kingston) The other male was seen in southern Mala Mala. His tooth is still hanging.


Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve

The two Fourways males were heading in the direction of a big herd of buffalo last night and this morning they were found separated, but with a fresh buffalo kill.


MalaMala Game Reserve
One of the Jakkalsdraai males hanging around the Sand River on a hot day at MalaMala.
Jakkalsdraai males = Fourways Male Lions

2015 年10 月20日

Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
The Fourways males and two Southern Pride females were on a buffalo kill this morning. Wondering where the other two females were, we went down the road and found them on another buffalo kill.
第二天上午四路金发从马拉马拉回到了Sabi Sabi 营地,并且看到四路两兄弟与两只南部雌狮杀掉一头牛,另外两只南部雌狮在另一处也杀了一头牛!


楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-01-22 14:00:00 +0800 CST  
2015 年10 月21日
Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
The two Fourways males have moved away from the females and were resting in a riverbed.
回到Sabi Sabi 营地第二天,四路兄弟离开南部母狮到了河床边休息!

20号四路金发从马拉马拉回到了Sabi Sabi 营地,但是由于当天的照片角度不能看到其身后,所以无法判断四路金发是否当时已经受伤,但是21号就清楚的看到了四路金发脊椎与臀部的伤口,受伤的位置像是与被同类围攻后留下来的伤口,左边的那个伤口有一个的像是牙齿咬后的洞眼,后期的sabisabi营地博文也证实了2只四路雄狮的其中一只脊椎骨有咬痕。而且第二天就在Lion sands营地也看到了同样受伤的查尔大鼻头,查大的脸部和眼角上都有伤,并且眼角上的伤口还是血红的。因此,它们几乎同时被看到的伤口完全有理由是在19号当天于马拉马拉南部发生了战斗所形成的,这不是简简单单的“巧合“,,,


This photo was taken on the 22nd October, 2015
Charleston male. Lion Sands
照片拍摄于2015年10月22日的Lion Sands营地,查尔兄弟哥俩在一起!大鼻头脸上带伤(四路金发脊椎处受伤被发现于1天前的10月21日)
10月22日的Lion Sands营地的查尔大鼻头

10月22日的Lion Sands营地的查尔小鼻头

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-01-22 14:01:00 +0800 CST  
Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
One of the Fourways males was constantly calling for the rest of the pride this morning, while they were laying on some rocks not too far away.
22号当天早上,小暗鬃在Sabi Sabi营地呼唤南部狮群余下的成员,,,


Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
Seen on safari: The Charleston males were found this morning scent marking on the reserve. The two males seem to be in very good condition and were walking around with pride, despite the hanging tooth! Could this spell trouble for the Fourways males? We spent a great deal of time with the Southern Pride females this morning as they moved through the reserve, presumably in an attempt to avoid the Charleston boys.
We saw Warthog Wallow again last night and it is clear that she has severe damage to her left eye, possibly from a fight with another leopard. This will prove very challenging for her in the future.
今天早上看到查尔斯顿兄弟正在sabi sabi在营地留下气味做标记,它们哥俩的状态看起来非常好 ,走在南部狮群的周围,尽管其中一只嘴边挂着牙!这会给四路雄狮造成麻烦吗?我们用了很多时间来观察南部狮群,在她们通过营地的时候,想必她们是在试图躲避着查尔斯顿雄狮。
这是在南部狮群与四路雄狮领地的sabi sabi营地标记领土留气味的查尔兄弟,看大鼻头额头上有伤,把图一放大来看,这是新伤,还带着血红色的痕迹,这个伤在3天的22号于Lion Sands营地已经有了。结合21号四路金发脊椎处发现的两个比较明显的伤口,这应该说明了查尔雄狮在几天前与四路雄狮发生了冲突,,,


楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-01-22 14:03:00 +0800 CST  
Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
The Southern Pride were trying to hunt last night, but with the rainy and windy conditions they decided to call it a night. This morning we found the Fourways males reunited with the girls resting on a rocky outcrop.

October 29, 2015
The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don’t Give Up!
This is one quote that the lions of Sabi Sabi should live with as they might be going through a difficult time for the next few months.
Pressure has been coming from the two Charleston males the last week as we had them all the way in the southern part of our property. This is not good for the Fourways males as these guys are full of confidence and even bigger in size than them. The two Charleston boys have already proven themselves by taking on the Kruger male and Solo and it ended with the Kruger male losing his life after the battle.
sabi sabi一周总结:75期


The reason why I am saying they are going to go through a difficult time is because the Fourways males have mated with all the Southern Pride females and it might even be that one or two of the females might have already started looking for den sites, so if the two Fourways males don’t step up and challenge the Charleston boys, they could take over this area and the pride and kill all the new cubs that could be on their way.为什么我说她们会经历一个困难时期,因为四路雄狮与所有的南部狮群成员都有交配,甚至现在有一两个雌狮可能已经开始寻找繁育巢穴的地点,如果两个四路雄狮不站出来挑战查尔斯顿雄狮,那么查尔斯顿雄狮会接管这个地区和狮群,并且会杀死所有新出生的宝宝!

With all that still in mind it has been great seeing the Fourways males spending a lot of time with the Southern Pride females and enjoying each other’s company. The bond between these guys have been formed now and we just hope that it stays that way.四路雄狮用了大量的时间陪伴南部狮群的雌狮,互相享受着彼此。她们之间的结合关系已经形成,我们只是希望保持现状。

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-01-22 14:05:00 +0800 CST  
November 4, 2015
The five Southern Pride females and the two Fourways males were seen on a near daily basis, and nobody knows the exact whereabouts of the missing Southern Pride female. The lions need to make a kill soon as they haven’t been successful in bringing down anything substantial during the past week.
sabi sabi一周总结:76期

Solo was also seen during the week. Upon finding him, rangers discovered another young male that was very skittish. Solo was seen chasing him around and later that night we also witnessed him roaring.

It was good to see the two Charleston males as well. They were found far east from their usual territory and the next day they were found on a buffalo cow carcass.

Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
Four of the Southern Pride females had a long grooming session before laying down to rest again. In a separate sighting, the Fourways males were looking intently into the direction that we found lion tracks of two other males, possibly the Charleston males.
今天在sabi sabi营地,4头南部母狮躺着互相梳理着毛发,四路金发与小暗鬃专心的盯着同一个方向,我们发现了另两个雄狮的足迹,可能是查尔兄弟!

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-01-22 14:05:00 +0800 CST  
Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
The Southern Pride females were seen last night and after spending time with them, they arose and moved on, presumably to hunt.
The Fourways males were seen this morning and it seems like they may have had a meal last night.


Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
Seen on safari:The two Charleston males were seen yesterday evening very close to Earth Lodge in the presence of a Southern Pride female. They were located again this morning looking very comfortable. The Fourways males are not too far away from the Charleston males. They also seem quite contented at the moment, however, they did get chased around by a large herd of buffalo yesterday afternoon.



楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-01-22 14:07:00 +0800 CST  
2015年11月9 日
An adrenaline pumping sighting this morning of the 2 Matshapiri lions and 3 Eyrefield lionesses running in on a herd of buffalo and bring down 3 youngsters in the Sand River. The 3 Styx lionesses were also seen in the north. Down south there were 2 lion sightings- one of the Charleston males and one of the cubs of the Charleston lioness.
照片信息上传于11月08日,当天查尔阿姨带着2个未满8个月的幼崽也出现在了sabi sabi营地,第二天9号查尔小鼻头就离开了哥哥独自回到了马拉马拉南部,也许它是通过阿姨和幼崽留下来的气味发现了她们,才使得小鼻头离开兄弟去寻觅阿姨的踪迹。
查尔阿姨与两个幼崽行走在sabi sabi营地平坦的路面上

2015年11月9 日

Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
The large Charleston male, Fourways male and five Southern Pride lionesses were tracked down this morning to the same area. The females were sitting with the Charleston male, but showed some serious aggression towards him while the Fourways male was clearly intimidated. What this means for the future of the Southern Pride, time can only reveal.
今早在sabi saibi营地,身材壮硕的查尔大鼻头和四路金发以及5只南部雌狮在同一地区被发现。南部雌狮坐在查尔大鼻头身边,但对大鼻头非常凶狠,而四路金发显然是被恐吓了。这对南部狮群的未来意味着什么呢?只有时间可以告诉我们答案。四路小暗鬃在四路金发和查尔大鼻头所在处的1500千米外被目击,,,


楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-01-22 14:08:00 +0800 CST  
2015年11月13 日
Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
In my time spent in the bush I have learnt many things, but what has been most noted is an addiction to the suspense and unpredictability of the bush. Indeed, this week has shown that there is no soap opera more volatile than bush television…
We started off the week with the Southern Pride missing yet another member. Rangers speculated her whereabouts with rumours of birthing cubs, death or what we all most dread, abandonment in the midst of another territorial take over.
The significant presence of the Charleston males over the last two weeks revealed, the female’s disappearance was more associated with the latter as, much to our horror, the Charlestons were found harbouring the missing female. This was later in the week overshadowed by the discovery of the one Charleston male in the presence of all five females! Although no mating has been witnessed, and the females have been far from welcoming, the Charleston showed no indications of cowardice when resting for the day less than 2km from the Fourways males. When both male coalitions finally met, it was indeed the Fourways who spared no second thought to running. Only time will tell if the Charlestons are on the brink of a new take-over, but with at least one of the Southern Pride females showing signs of being pregnant with the offspring of the Fourways males, it will certainly have disastrous repercussions for the future of the cubs. We wait with baited breathes!
Sabi Sabi 的一周报告
1. 南部狮群本来有6母狮,除了有一只已经失踪了很久,另外一只前段时间也失踪了,但是在前几天她在大鼻头的陪伴下又出现了.所以现在和大鼻头在一起的是5只母狮.

2. 南部母狮并未被目击到和大鼻头交配,但是大鼻头并未表现出任何胆怯的迹象,即使他只身处于和2只四路只有不到2公里的距离内(the Charleston showed no indications of cowardice when resting for the day less than 2km from the Fourways males).

3. 两组雄狮后来遭遇过,但是出人意料的是四路立马逃跑了(When both male coalitions finally met, it was indeed the Fourways who spared no second thought to running).

4. 至少一只南部母狮已经出现了怀孕的迹象,是四路的孩子.如果四路不打回来,那么将来幼崽的命运将是灾难性的.


2015年12月1 日

sabi sabi 博文
The two Fourways males have been doing so well in taking over the Southern Pride, they even showed how good they can be for the pride in killing buffalo almost every week. It really was great to see the females enjoying the presence of the two males.
Their confidence grew day by day and it was almost a definite that they were going to father the new cubs, they eventually got to mate with all the females which meant the females were supposed to have cubs in about 110 days, but after a month or two most of the females were not showing any signs of being pregnant and some did. Were some of the females nervous and went into a false oestrus making the males believe that they were ready to mate with?! Looks like some of the females were waiting to make sure that the two males were there to stay and capable of protecting the territory and cubs, luckily so because it wasn’t long before we heard the distinct call of two males coming from the far east – this could only be the two Charleston males.
Days went by where we didn’t see the two Fourways males and then we found them one morning both with bad scars on their back legs and one male with a bad bite mark on his spine. Could it be that they had a run in with the Charleston males for the first time and were lucky to escape? “Only time will tell”.
Again weeks went by and no sign of the Charleston males, they probably were not ready yet to come in for a takeover and felt responsible to look after their aunt and their two cousins who only turned a few months old the other day.
As the days progressed we were shocked one morning when we came across a sighting which blew everyone’s minds, it was the Kruger male, Solo, orange-eyed Fourways male and a few of the Southern Pride females all on a buffalo carcass.
Could it have been that Solo and the Kruger male didn’t see the Fourways male as a threat and let him be? The other Fourways male was still mating with one of the Southern Pride females and maybe had no clue what his partner was up to. The next day everything was back to normal again – the two Fourways males were back together and Solo and the Kruger male went far north to boundaries they have never been in together before. It wasn’t long before Solo came back alone and we received the worst possible news that Solo and the Kruger male had a run in with the Charleston males and the Kruger male came off second best. With the passing of the Kruger male, Solo made his way back south into the Kruger National Park calling every now and then hoping that the Kruger male was still around. The only thing Solo found was the one young Sparta male who had no interest in getting close to Solo – maybe Solo’s sheer body size scared him and maybe Solo is already looking for a new mate.
With the Charleston males full of confidence after they killed the Kruger male, the time seemed right for them to push west and south into the heart of the Fourways males’ territory. They came in with a bang, scent marking from the word go. The Charleston’s were first seen with the one older female in the pride which caused tension between the two brothers already. The dark maned male decided to let his brother be and went back east as there was no sign of the Fourways males anywhere. Eventually one morning we were tracking the Charleston male and Southern Pride female, and when we eventually found them, we came across all five females and one Charleston male with the two Fourways males not too far away. The bigger of the Fourways males looked like he was stalking the Charleston male and got to about 40 meters from him when all of a sudden the females and the Charleston had a bit of a rumble which sent the Fourways male running for the hills. That was the one opportunity the Fourways males had to take on the Charleston male as his brother was a long way away from them, instead they took the easy road out and ran! This was a clear sign that they are not fit for these females and that the Charleston males are the right males for them and that they would stand their ground against anyone.
Since that encounter we have not seen the Fourways males for at least 11 days now. Was this the final take over from the Charleston males? Let’s see what happens in the coming weeks…



楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-01-22 14:10:00 +0800 CST  










是9月中旬四路联盟去到lion sands营地试图抢夺查尔兄弟的长颈鹿,战后四路兄弟两个臀部与后腿上都有伤,小暗鬃受伤比较严重,金发伤得较轻,而查尔兄弟保住了它们的猎物,并继续停留在事发地lion sands营地两天,这显然是四路兄弟战败了!

虽然没有任何目击证据证明他们之间发生了战斗,但源于2015 年10 月21日在sabisabi的四路金发后背的脊椎处有两个比较明显的伤口,后期的sabisabi营地博文也证实了2只四路的其中一只脊椎骨有咬痕。第二天的2015年10月22日,大鼻头的脸上就被看到带着新鲜的伤口,而四路金发19号独自去到马拉马拉停留。因此,它们几乎同时被看到的伤口完全有理由是在19号当天于马拉马拉南部发生了战斗所形成的,这在之前的信息里有更详细的解读,,,

This male lion was getting a little aggressive as a female tried to get a piece of the buffalo the pride was feeding on.四路小暗鬃在K营地对待母狮显得非常的具有侵略性,它试图和这个狮群一起进食被杀死的水牛。(不确定四路金发当时是否也在场)摄影师上传于10月30日,因此现场目击拍摄的日期无法确定!








楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-01-22 15:04:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 飞影绝电  发布于 2016-01-22 15:07:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2016-01-22 20:05:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2019-04-01 19:41:38 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



