【真渣翻】The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett

其实这篇很早就开始翻了, 但弄了一点之后发现自己翻译水平实在拙计, 于是就坑了
现在把翻了的放上来给大家看看 看得下去的话有可能继续 看不下去的话还请各位轻喷。。。

楼主 MonsieurJavert  发布于 2019-03-31 12:59:00 +0800 CST  
坚持到最后的人: 波巴费特的故事

The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett
by Daniel Keys Moran

楼主 MonsieurJavert  发布于 2019-03-31 12:59:00 +0800 CST  
The last statement of the Journeyman Protector Jas-ter Mereel, known later as the Hunter Boba Fett, before exile from the world of Concord Dawn:


Everyone dies.


It's the final and only lasting Justice. Evil exists; it is intelligence in the service of entropy. When the side of a mountain slides down to kill a village, this is not evil, for evil requires intent. Should a sentient being cause that landslide, there is evil; and requires Justice as a consequence, so that civilization can exist.

There is no greater good than Justice; and only if law serves Justice is it good law. It is said correctly that law exists not for the Just but for the unjust, for the Just carry the law in their hearts, and do not need to call it from afar.

我不向任何人俯首, 且只为正义之业效劳。

I bow to no one and I give service only for cause.

楼主 MonsieurJavert  发布于 2019-03-31 13:00:00 +0800 CST  

"Jaster Mereel."


Journeyman Mereel sat in his cell, in chains, with early morning sunshine streaking in through a tall and narrow barred window, high on the cell's wall.


His ankles were chained together so that he could not walk; another chain encircled his waist, and his wrists were linked to that. He was young, and he did not rise when the Pleader entered his cell; he could see that the discourtesy displeased the older man.

这位辩护人,艾文科里尔,在梅里尔面前的长椅坐下。 他自己也没把时间浪费在礼节上: “我该如何为你辩护?”

The Pleader Iving Creel seated himself on the bench facing Mereel. He wasted no time on courtesies, himself. "How will I plead you?"

梅里尔的佣工守卫者制服已经被人扒下。这位长相丑陋的年轻人身着他的灰囚服时带着尊严,仿佛它本身就是一套制服。他没有急于回答问题, 而是用目光将辩护人打量了一番。一丝恼怒在辩护人的脑海中闪过,仿佛今天要接受审判的人是艾文科里尔,而不是这位年轻傲慢的谋杀犯。“你是艾文克里尔,” 他终于说道。

Mereel had been stripped of the uniform of the Journeyman Protector. He was an ugly young man who wore his prison grays with dignity, as though they were themselves a uniform, and he took his time answering, looking the Pleader over, examining him?as though, the Pleader thought with a flash of annoyance, it was Iving Creel facing a trial today, and not this arrogant young murderer. "You're Iving Creel," he said finally.

楼主 MonsieurJavert  发布于 2019-03-31 13:00:00 +0800 CST  

"I've heard of you. You're rather famous."

“没人想让你看起来被亏待了。” 克里尔生硬地说。

Creel said stiffly, "No one wants it said you were not treated fairly."


An unpleasant grin touched the young man's lips. "You'll plead me unrepentant."


Creel stared at him. "Do you understand the seriousness of this, boy? You killed a man."


"He had it coming.”


"They'll exile you, Jaster Mereel. They'll exile you?’'

“我随时都能加入帝国学院,” 梅里尔说,“假如我被流放的话。我估计自己能成为一个不错的暴风兵。”

"I could always go join the Imperial Academy," Mereel said, "if I got exiled. I expect I'd make a good storm trooper。”


Creel overrode him: "and they may execute you, if you anger them sufficiently. Is it such a hard thing to say you're sorry for having taken a life unjustly?"

楼主 MonsieurJavert  发布于 2019-03-31 13:01:00 +0800 CST  

"I am sorry," said Mereel. "Sorry I didn't kill him a year ago. The galaxy's a better place without him."

辩护人端详着男孩,缓缓地点了点头。“很好,你已选好你的辩证。如果你想的话,随时可以在我作出辩护前更改。我敦促你三思,因为谋杀另一个保护者所要面临的要么是牢房,要么是流放。即使那位保护者有辱于他的制服,你也不应杀害他。 而你的傲慢,贾斯特梅里尔,会让你在明日之前咎由自取。”

Pleader Creel studied the boy, and nodded slowly. "You've chosen your plea; well enough. You can change it any time before I make the plea, if you wish? think on it, I urge you. You'll face prison or exile for the murder of another Protector; for all the man was a disgrace to his uniform, you had no business killing him. But your arrogance is likely to see you executed yourself, Jaster Mereel, before this day is done."

“你不能过于热爱生命,辩护人。” 丑陋的年轻人笑了,一个空洞,毫无意义的唇部动作;这笑容时不时在辩护人艾文克里尔的脑海中出现,伴随了他的余生。“所有人都难免一死。”

"You can't love life too much, Pleader." The ugly young man smiled, an empty, meaningless movement of the lips, and the Pleader Iving Creel found himself remembering that smile, at odd moments, for the rest of his life. "Everyone dies."

楼主 MonsieurJavert  发布于 2019-03-31 13:02:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 MonsieurJavert  发布于 2019-03-31 13:03:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 MonsieurJavert  发布于 2019-04-01 01:10:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2019-03-31 20:59:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2019-12-11 03:53:46 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



