

楼主 开心警卫旗队师  发布于 2017-06-11 12:14:00 +0800 CST  
2.汉斯 斯佩尔(Hans Strippel)生卒年月:1912-1983
The 1st Panzer Division, on the other side of the protruding salient that the III Panzer Corps had driven into the Soviet lines, also spent much of 12 February worrying about supplies. Kampfgruppe Frank at Lisyanka was very low on fuel and ammunition. As we have seen, one Panther company and some infantry, under the command of Lieutenant Wall, had been left at Bushanka. It was decided to move them to Lisyanka, which would provide Frank with some fresh forces that were also better furnished with ammunition and fuel. When the Panther company began to move it met very little resistance.
The distance between Bushanka and Lisyanka was only six kilometers. In good conditions it would take less than a quarter of an hour for Wall’s Panthers, but when he set out in the morning he could not count on perfect conditions and he probably expected the journey to take more time. It seemed likely that there would be little opposition from the Red Army, and Lieutenant Wall’s force proceeded unmolested until Lisyanka was within sight. However within 300 meters of Lisyanka, a shot from a Soviet antitank gun hit his tank, killing or wounding the infantry who rode on top of the Panther. Sergeant Strippel, who commanded the tank following behind Wall, saw what happened and radioed to the other tanks to halt before reaching the field of fire of the Soviet guns.Covered by fire from Lieutenant Wall’s Panther, Strippel ordered his driver to run the tank over the open field at full speed to Lisyanka. It was a daring maneuver, but Strippel was a very experienced tanker, who had clocked up an impressive score of knocked out enemy tanks. Strippel’s Panther made it to Lisyanka without being hit, and he took cover. It was difficult to locate the Soviet antitank guns, so Strippel found it prudent to climb out from the tank while it remained in cover, and proceed on foo

楼主 开心警卫旗队师  发布于 2017-06-11 12:17:00 +0800 CST  
还有就是传说中的黑豹 VS T-34,
文中的“施特里普尔”就是Hans Strippel。7 Panthers VS 30 T-34s,1:27。

楼主 开心警卫旗队师  发布于 2017-06-11 12:18:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 开心警卫旗队师  发布于 2017-06-11 12:18:00 +0800 CST  
4.格哈德 费舍尔(Gerhard Fischer) 1915年12月出生,截至2013年依然健在
《PANZER ACE 3》上有一篇他的传记,有兴趣的可以去看看(或者等闪电战翻译),23装甲师战史上也经常提到他,也算一个传奇人物。可惜战绩不详,但他经历了近200次坦克之间的战斗,估计战绩也差不了。1959年还加入了西德国防军,担任一个坦克营的教官。

楼主 开心警卫旗队师  发布于 2017-06-11 12:19:00 +0800 CST  
Rudolf Larsen
只知道《The History of the Panzerkorps Grossdeutschland》中提到此人在1944年11月初已经有了66个敌方坦克击毁记录,再往后的战果未知。
靠近到100m的距离上击毁一辆之前怎么打都打不穿的”KV突击炮“(也不知道苏联什么自行火炮有这么硬)。原文:Unteroffizier Larsen approached a KV assault gun that had withstood everything thrown at it and put it out of action from 100 metres.
原文:Immediately the order reached us to withdraw and assemble in the Lipniki-Czerwonka area; driving in reverse, we headed for the rear under cover. While doing so, Unteroffizier Larsen spotted a Stalin about 1,000 metres away at the edge of the wood and fired on it until the crew baled out.

楼主 开心警卫旗队师  发布于 2017-06-11 12:21:00 +0800 CST  
5.卡尔 尼可卢西 莱克(Karl Nicolussi-Leck)
《PANZER ACE》和闪电战杂志上都有此人的传记,就不多说了。
题外话:闪电战杂志和《PANZER ACE》上都有写到的德军莱克战斗群的猎豹和美军的那次战斗,经考证德军的战果有不少的水分,所谓击毁的谢尔曼其实都是一些装甲车。

楼主 开心警卫旗队师  发布于 2017-06-11 12:21:00 +0800 CST  
弗里茨 郎安克(Fritz Langanke)生卒年月:15 July 1919 – 10 July 2012

楼主 开心警卫旗队师  发布于 2017-06-11 12:22:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2017-06-11 20:14:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2017-09-01 18:55:00 +0800 CST


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