

楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 22:22:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 22:23:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 22:29:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 22:39:00 +0800 CST  
斯图卡是挂载能力很强的飞机,从SC/SD 1000到PC 1800RS都能挂载,虽说挂载这种重量级别的炸弹作战半径会受到限制,但是对于战列舰这种级别的目标再适合不过了,而且挂载1800kg的斯图卡应该是可以俯冲的


楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 22:43:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 22:54:00 +0800 CST  
H.M.S. ILLUSTRIOUS sustained bomb damage in the Mediterranean and after temporary repairs at Malta and Alexandria, proceeded to Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth Va. U.S.A.
The following account is an extract from the very full damage report prepared at the request of D.N.C. by the Manager of the Norfolk Navy Yard:-
At 1007 on January 10th 1941, ILLUSTRIOUS was in company with WARSPITE (Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean) and VALIANT, in position 30° 14' N - 12° 37' J, course 220, speed 18 knots.(注意:卓越号航母是和厌战号和刚勇号结伴而行的)
At 1120 an enemy aircraft was picked up by R.D.F. at 28 miles and the Fulmars were directed towards it. Red section made contact and found the enemy to be a single 379 at 12000' and shot it down at 1125.

楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 22:54:00 +0800 CST  
First Attack – Torpedo Aircraft(第一波攻击-鱼雷(机载)攻击)
At about 1220 unidentified aircraft were detected by R.D.F., distance six miles, coming in low and the fighters were directed towards them. The aircraft were sighted at 1222 and identified as two S79s making a torpedo attack. Long range and “pon-pon” fire was opened but the aircraft completed their attack and dropped their torpedoes about 2500 yards on the starboard beam of the ship. Avoiding action was taken by altering course to port and both torpedoes passed astern. Red Section of Fulmars (now only 2) attacked the enemy during their getaway and estimated that both aircraft were damaged; these two Fulmars expended all their ammunition and reported to this effect by R/T. White Section were unable to catch the S79s before they reached Linosa Island.
At 1228 course was altered to 060° and station regained on WARSPITE. Course was altered to 110° and speed increased to 18 knots.

楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 22:55:00 +0800 CST  
Second Attack - Dive Bombing.(第二波-俯冲轰炸)
At about 1225 a large group was detected by D/F at 28 miles approaching from the north. The situation at this time was that there were four Fulmars in the air but low down and some distance from the fleet; two had expended their ammunition and the other two had expended about half. In accordance with the signalled flying programme, relief fighters and A/S patrols were due to be flown off at 1230, those in the air landed at 1245 to give an overlap. Immediately the large group was reported, the Fighter Directing Officer ordered the Fulmars in the air to return over the fleet and climb; he also asked that the reliefs should be flown off as quickly as possible.
The sequence of events in the next few minutes was as follows:
1234 _ Commander-in-Chief ordered alteration of course to 210° to fly off aircraft (3 Swordfish and 4 Fulmars).
1235 - Large formation sighted on the starboard quarter.
1236 - Opened fire. 1237 - Last aircraft off deck.
1238 - Course altered to 1100 and loose formation ordered.
1239 - The dive boMbing attack developed and hits scored on the ship
Tactics of Attacking Aircraft.
The attacking aircraft consisted of two formations of Junkers 87 with German markings. It was difficult to count the numbers exactly but the first formation consisted of fifteen and the second of twenty to thirty aircraft. They were in a very loose and flexible formation, constantly changing their relative positions and split when engaged by long range fire It is estimated that the dive was started at about 12,000 feet and checked at 6000 to 800C feet before going into the aiming dive. Bomb release varied from about 1,500 feet in the first wave to 800 feet in the later ones. Most aircraft continued to dive after releasing their bombs and flattened out low over the water, having crossed the flight deck. At least one air-craft machine gunned the ship, The majority of the aircraft attack-ed the ship.
Most of the bombs dropped were large S.A.P. bombs of about 500 Kg. (1100 lb.) but some smaller bombs (either direct action or with very short delay) may have been used as the damage from certain hits was appreciably less than others.
See annotation attached to Page 2
There was a delay of a minute in opening fire as aircraft were actually being flown off when the target was sighted. Long range controlled fire and barrage fire was used by the 4,5" guns and porn-porn fire. Continuous alteration of course was made as avoiding action. One or two enemy aircraft were shot down by gun fire.

楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 22:55:00 +0800 CST  
There were six hits and several near-misses in this attack. The probable sequence of hits with estimatedsize of bombs is as follows :-
Hit No. 1: - Probably 500 Kg. (1100 lb.). Went through leading platform of P-1 Pom-pom and struck the top of the side armour.
Hit No, 2: Probably 500 Kg. (1100 lb.). Went through the flight deck forward on the port side.
Hit No. 3: - Probably a smaller G.P. Lomb. Burst on S-2 Pom-pom.
Hit Nr. 4: - About 250 Kg. (550 lb.) Hit the after deck.
Hit No. 5: - 250 Kg, (550 lb.) or 500 Kg. (1100 ib.) Hit the star-board forward corner of the after lift well.
Hit No. 6: -001Kg. (gi00 lb.) Pierced the fight deck and burst on hangar deck.
Original type-written 500kg (1100lb) over-written in handwriting with 1000kg (2200lbs)
In addition to these six hits there were at least three very near misses.
When this very severe and brilliantly executed D/B attack was over, the ship was on fire fore and aft and the flight deck was wrecked. It was decided to head for Malt,.. The JAGUAR and HASTY were sent as screen. As the steam steering gear had been affected by this second attack, there was difficulty in checking the ship swinging, but the electric steering gear was not entirely out of。 After examination of all available data it is considered that the size of the bomb which caused the hole in the flight deck was 1,000Kg, not 1,000 lb. (英国人意识到,原来的一发“1000磅”中的炸弹其实是1吨重的航空炸弹(PC1000)。

楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 22:55:00 +0800 CST  
Bomb Damage
10th – 19th Jan. 1941.
(Ref. D.N.C. 4B/R.92)
After examination of all available data it is considered that the size of the bomb which caused the hole in the flight deck was 1,000Kg., not 1,000 lb.
Paragraph 5, page 2 of the above report should therefore be amended to read as follows: -
Hit No. 6 : - 1,000 Kg. (2200 lb.) Pierced the flight deck and burst on hangar deck.

At about 1255 the electric steering gear failed completely as did the rudder indicator from the rudder head. The 'Not Under Control' signal was hoisted and the ship's swing checked with the engines. By 1303 the ship was again under control from the steam steering gear in the centre engine room and a course of 1000 was set, speed being worked up to 26 knots by 1313.

楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 22:55:00 +0800 CST  
Third Attack - High Level Bombing.(第三波 高空轰炸)
At 1329 seven aircraft approached at 14,000 feet and were reported by VALIANT (ILLUSTRIOUS' R.D.F. was put out of action in the previous attack). This formation was sighted and engaged well before bomb release; aim was inaccurate and the bombs fell scattered. There were no hits but the steam steering gear failed at this time and the ship was out of control and turning in circles. 'A' and 'B' gun groups only fired, 'X' and 'Y' groups being out of action.
Speed was reduced to twenty-one knots by 1.338 and fifteen knots by 1345 and at 1548 the ship was again under control from the steam steering engine. Course was set for Malta (now seventy-four miles distant) and speed increased to twenty knots, but at 1350 she was again out of control and began to swing rapidly to port. Speed was reduced accordingly. Further efforts were made to continue using the rudder but they were unsuccessful; then the rudder was put amidship. By 1434 the ship was under control steering by the engines and was 'leaded for Malta, speed being gradually increased. The ship was steered by the engines from this time on.

楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 22:55:00 +0800 CST  
Fourth Attack - Dive Bombing.(第四波 俯冲轰炸)
At 1604 another group of aircraft was reported by VALIANT to be closing. It was sighted.at long range at 1609 and consisted of about fifteen JU87s escorted by five fighters. They were engaged by the forward 4.5" guns with controlled and barrage fire and later by five pom-poms. This attack was neither so well synchronized nor so determined as that at 1240. The first wave of about six aircraft attacked from astern and both quarters and were well engaged, fire being continuous in spite of difficulty of seeing targets to port owing to the smoke and haze from the fire in hangar. Only two bombs fell near the ship. Three aircraft carried out an attack from the starboard beam at least a minute after the first wave. The last aircraft pressed his attack well home and scored a near miss abreast the funnel. The remaining six aircraft were seen retiring to the northeast at a considerable height, and two attempted an attack through clouds on the port beam, but on being engaged made off without dropping their bombs.
Nine bombs were dropped, one (size not known) hit the after lift causing casualties among those tending wounded and putting out fires. There were two very near misses, one starboard side abreast the island and one close to the quarter deck which caused damage aft and killed a number of wounded and those tending them on the quarter .deck.
Avoiding action was taken by altering course. There were no Fulmars present during this attack but there may have been some Hurricanes. The early sighting of this and subsequent formations was due to the prompt receipt (on auxiliary wave) of VALIANT's R.D.F. reports.
At 1643 the ship was in position 224°, Gozo Lt. 12 miles; steering 125° for the end of the Swept Channel and making good seventeen to eighteen knots. A list of about 5° to starboard had developed, Chiefly due to the amount of water in the hangar and in the wardroom flat. This water came from the hangar sprays and hoses and could not run away as the scuppers were blocked with debris.

楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 22:56:00 +0800 CST  
Fifth Attack - High Level and Dive Bombing. (第五波-高空轰炸+俯冲攻击)
At 1656 VALIANT reported enemy aircraft at fifty-two miles, closing. Seventeen aircraft were sighted at 1710 outside gun range. They circled astern of ship and worked up into the sun from her but then attacked the Battle Fleet with high level and dive bombing.
At 1803 the ship reached the entrance to the Swept Channel. Tugs had been requested to meet the ship there but as there were only two A/S vessels to be seen, the ship was continued up the channel still steering by main engines and gradually reducing speed. Sunset was at 1808.
Sixth Attack - Torpedo Aircraft.(第六波-鱼雷袭击)
Malta reported by A/T that enemy aircraft were on the star-board bow. A blind barrage from 4.5" guns and pom-poms was fired. No torpedo tracks were seen and nothing more was seen or heard of the aircraft.
At 1930 HASTY on the starboard beam, reported that she was investigating a contact and shortly afterwards fired depth charges.
At 1935 the ship was turned to port for the harbour entrance which was closed at slow speed waiting for the tugs. At 2025 a tug was secured aft and then two tugs were secured forward, the ship being about three-quarters of a mile from the Grand Harbour entrance.
The ship passed St. Elmo Breakwater Light at 2104 and berthed starboard side to Pariatorio Wharf at 2215.
The fires aft were finally extinguished by,0300/11

楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 22:56:00 +0800 CST  
Report on Fires in the Hangar.(停机甲板着火)
At the time of the first dive bombing attack there were nine Swordfish and four Fulmars in the hangar. All Swordfish were armed with either S.A.P. or A/S bombs and there were six torpedoes fully charged and fitted with Duplex pistols in readiness for a striking force.
Flying off had just been completed before attack developed. The forward and after fire screens were down, centre fire screen up and armoured doors open. (Upon subsequent investigations the probable position of curtains were as follows: - Curtains at frames 36, 109.-If and 152 were down. Curtain at frame 78 was up). A considerable number of Fleet Air Arm officers and men were in the hangar which was their action station. In the space of a few minutes two bombs burst in the after lift well, and one on the hangar deck in the middle of 'C' hangar. The fire screens which were down were blown along the hangar, a number of men were killed at once, including the hands stationed in the access lobbies to operate the sprayers; the hangar was full of smoke and fires started.
There was a big fire in 'C' hangar; the access door to S-2 hangar was shut. 'B' hangar sprayers were already on.
At S-3 access lobby, the outer door was closed and the inner one open with a fire inside the hangar. 'C' hangar sprayers were not on, the rating stationed in this lobby having been killed. It was then found that the sprayer valve was jammed. The condition at P-3 access lobby was similar but managed to open sprayer valve about half-way before the heat from the fire made it impossible to open it all the way.

楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 22:56:00 +0800 CST  
In "A!' hangar there was a great deal of smoke but no visible fires and the sprayers were working. A party was trying to close the armour doors (No.1 fire curtain having been blown away), but was unable to get them more than half closed awing to the distortion qf the deck.
From this time onwards, frequent sorties were made by small parties into the hangar to find out what was going on and put out fires. On each occasion something was accomplished before the party was forced to go out for fresh air. All four Fulmars were burning fiercely, as were the overhead stores, which were difficult to put out, but "A" and "B" hangars were not burnt, presumably because there was a good space between them and the two foremost Fulmars. It was later discovered that the sprayer ring main in "C" hangar was pierced and the sprayers were therefore not working properly, if at all.
In the second dive bombing attack at 1615, there was another hit in the after lift well causing further casualties among those dealing with the damage and fires from the previous hit.
A great deal of water collected in the hangar from the sprayers and hoses, the scuppers being blocked by wreckage. This water and that in the flat below (much of which ran down from the hangar) gave the ship a considerable list to starboard and could not be got rid of except by making a hole in the starboard after exhaust fan trunking in the side of the hangar to allow the water to run out.
The fires in the overhead stores were finally extinguished at 0200/11.
Damage to aircraft was as follows:- (1) Four Fulmars burnt out; (2) Five Swordfish written off and (3) Four Swordfish repairable.
Of the six torpedoes, one warhead was hit by a splinter causing a gash eight inches long and about two inches deep. Another warhead was dented, one balance chamber was hit by a splinter and all the air escaped. All other torpedoes retained full air charge and were un-damaged apart from minor things. Some of the .303 ammunition went off, but no bombs exploded.

楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 22:56:00 +0800 CST  

At about 1700 the doors at 121 station leading to the ward-room flat were opened and the after flats and spaces were then gradually rigged with illuminating circuits fed from a fuse board in each flat.第二发近失造成的损伤

楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 22:57:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 22:58:00 +0800 CST  
第六发500kg航弹击穿了飞行甲板进入满载弹药的机库上方爆炸,这一击十分凶险(Although the conveyor trays were full of ammunition only one round exploded.),如果发生大规模的弹药殉爆,后果将不堪设想。

楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 22:59:00 +0800 CST  
“492. H.M.S. ILLUSTRIOUS was attacked at 1240 by about 25 dive bombers, by high level bombers at 1330 and again by 15 dive bombers at 1610 and by torpedo aircraft at 1920 and received six bomb hits and several near misses from heavy bombs estimated about one thousand pounds. Five bombers were JU. 87 with German markings. Armoured flight deck was pierced and several fires in forward section of hangar deck and officers quarters burnt out. Fire not finally extinguished until 0200. All fire control circuits in after group cut and conveyor hit. One pom pom destroyed. Both forward groups and five pom poms still in action. After lift wrecked and machinery out of action. Forward lift seriously damaged. Ship flooded abaft 136 bulkhead, probably some underwater damage. Ship is useless as a carrier until major refit has been carried out. Main machinery undamaged. Steering gear was put out of action and ship brought into Malta steering by engines. Casualties 83 killed 60 seriously wounded 40 light wounds approximately including several officers.”- HMS ILLUSTRIOUS damage overview

楼主 6thSS_PzD  发布于 2019-12-07 23:00:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2019-12-08 05:35:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2020-01-31 11:53:34 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



