

The first Guardians of the Galaxy film was praised for a wide number of reasons, not the least of which being the film’s outstanding visuals. It appears as if Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is looking for an even more enhanced visual design, as the film has just been confirmed as the first movie ever to shoot on RED’s 8K WEAPON Vista Vision/full-frame 35mm camera.

A press release by RED discusses the camera’s chief selling points, in addition to quoting praise from certain members of the Guardians crew.
“We are all hugely excited to be shooting the next Guardians of the Galaxy on the new WEAPON 8K. This is my third collaboration with RED, having previously shot with the RED EPIC® onPrometheus and the EPIC DRAGON on Tarzan,” says Nik Korda, Executive Producer. “The large sensor size and super high resolution offered by the new WEAPON 8K, combined with its lightweight and compact size open up a whole range of new creative possibilities.”WEAPON 8K captures 8K at 75 frames per second (fps), 6K at 100 fps, or 4K at 150 fps with REDCODE® RAW; and its wide dynamic range produces cinema-quality images rich with natural color. Additionally, WEAPON 8K features interchangeable lens mounts, an intelligent OLPF system, and in-camera 3D-LUT outputs. “RED’s 8K WEAPON is the little big camera. Perfectly counterintuitive. And perfect for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2,” says Henry Braham, BSC, Director of Photography.
There is no statement as to whether or not the new camera will be used for the entire shoot, or simply to enhance certain key sequences in the film. No Film School notes that use of the new camera may complicate certain technical aspects of cinematography, such as lens choice. They also note, however, that the payoff may be worth the effort.
The 8K WEAPON is actually a bit more advanced than anything necessary for most Hollywood films (a theater screen can only show 4K), but this will work in the film’s favor. With a high-resolution sensor, the camera provides visuals with interpolated color that will appear much sharper than the average 4K film. In short, it’s never really a bad thing to shoot with more resolution than you technically need. NFS uses the following image to portray an example of the finished product.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is set to premiere this colorful new tech in theaters on May 5, 2017.

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-08 20:02:00 +0800 CST  
2016-01-10 15:08:00 来源:Mtime时光网


时光网讯 对于《银河护卫队》中的角色会否在《复仇者联盟3》中出现的问题,前者的导演詹姆斯·古恩以及后者的导演乔·罗素与安东尼·罗素都从未给出准确答案。但近日罗素兄弟在出席新奥尔良WizardWorld漫展前接受了外媒ComicBook网站的访问,他们在访谈中给出了“强力”暗示称:片中出现的角色数量不会让大家失望。





楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-11 19:17:00 +0800 CST  




楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-11 19:24:00 +0800 CST  
“银护”导演发文悼念大卫鲍伊续集将继续使用鲍伊音乐 曾计划邀其客串
时光网讯 当地时间1月10日,69岁的摇滚传奇人物大卫·鲍伊因癌症去世。他的离世令无数歌迷神伤并纷纷自发进行悼念,其中也包括《银河护卫队》导演詹姆斯·古恩。詹姆斯·古恩在得知大卫·鲍伊离世的消息之后,于脸书发表长文,表达了自己的悲痛。还在INS上分享了悼念鲍伊去世的粉丝手绘图。
詹姆斯·古恩将鲍伊视作自己的精神偶像,而大卫·鲍伊的离世令他十分难过。他透露,“不久前凯文·费奇(漫威主席)与我谈到了《银河护卫队第二辑》的客串角色,他提到了鲍伊的名字。我告诉他,没有什么比这更让我开心的了。”他也说道,自己听说鲍伊的身体不太好,但随后又打听到他的状况还不错,客串的事情也还有戏。这种期待使得大卫·鲍伊的离世更加令詹姆斯·古恩难以接受,“我昨天晚上还在给他的脸书粉丝页面点赞呢。”《银河护卫队》主人公耍酷扮帅都少不了那盘“劲歌金曲”的伴奏  大卫·鲍伊演唱的"Moonage Daydream"曾出现于《银河护卫队》中那盘经典的“劲歌金曲”精选集中。而詹姆斯·古恩也表示,他将会从"The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars"专辑中选取另一首歌放到影片的续集《银河护卫队第二辑》的“劲歌金曲2”中——大卫·鲍伊将会成为唯一一位同时入选两张精选集的歌手。《银河护卫队第二辑》将于2017年5月5日在北美上映。  詹姆斯·古恩分享的粉丝手绘悼念图中,经典童话人物“小王子”装扮成大卫·鲍伊的形象。对于离去,男人的回答是“我曾一度坠入地球,现在我要回去了。”詹姆斯·古恩于Ins分享的粉丝手绘悼念图




楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-13 19:48:00 +0800 CST  
Al Pacino is rumored to play the role of Starlord's father. He recently had a meeting with producer, Kevin Feige, about a role in an upcoming marvel film. James Gunn recently tweeted he wanted to work with Al Pacino which hints on an Pacino appearance in GOTG 2. Al Pacino could possibly be playing the role as Adam Warlock, who has an involvement with Thanos and the Infinity Stones.

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-13 20:08:00 +0800 CST  
m1905电影网授权刊载1月14日报道 备受瞩目的漫威大片《银河护卫队2》目前已经进入了拍摄前的最后筹备阶段。近日,影片的导演、编剧詹姆斯·古恩在自己的社交网站上透露,他已经完成了影片的 剧本写作,并已经将剧本发给了影片的主要演员了。从这个消息来看,影片已经进入了开拍前的最后准备阶段。而且,詹姆斯·古恩还表示称,这一次的剧本,是影片的最终版剧本。

之前,有消息曾经指出,《银河护卫队2》的故事主线将会被放到星爵一家的关系之上,这次,将讲述的是星爵的父亲。星爵的父亲叫做J’Son,或者可以写成Jason of Spartax。他是Spartoi帝国的帝王。一次意外坠落到地球被一名地球女子所救,结果互生情愫生下了儿子,取名彼得·奎尔,也就是星爵。电影里,海盗头子勇度曾跟星爵说,他的爸爸是一个混蛋。电影结尾的时候,星爵才知道自己的身份是半个Spartoi人。这也是星爵手握无限宝石却没死掉的原因。不过,詹姆斯·古恩的措辞是“父亲们”,所以影片中会出现的还不止是星爵的父亲一个,这样很令人期待还有谁的父亲会出现在影片之中。有外媒猜测称,另一个父亲很可能会是星云涅布拉的养父灭霸。

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-17 13:01:00 +0800 CST  
Benicio Del Toro在漫威宇宙中饰演收集者,他完全把这个角色的怪里怪气和精分气质给完美演绎了出来。在《雷神2:黑暗世界》这部电影之后,观众们都知道了在阿斯加德人的拜托下,收集者那里至少保存了一颗无限宝石,所以很多粉丝都觉得他们能够在《银河护卫队2》当中看到这个角色更多的戏份。
但是看来这个猜测无法实现了。虽然这不会是我们最后一次看到这个角色,但是基本上已经不太可能再看到这个角色和Peter Quil还有他的银河护卫小分队有更多的纠缠了。
在帮导演Fernando Leon de Aranoa推进电影《美好的一天》的制作的同时,Del Toro也向观众们透露了漫威目前并没有联系他去出演《银河护卫队2》。当被问到他是否会出演近期即将陆续推出的漫威系列电影的时候,他回答说:
鉴于收集者仍然拥有其中的一颗无限宝石,而灭霸则会集齐无限宝石来制作无限手套,所以估计他应该会在《复仇者联盟:无限战争》当中再次出场。虽然也有可能灭霸收集无限宝石的情节不会在电影里展现出来,但是看起来收集者不可能毫不反抗就乖乖交出自己最珍贵的收藏品。不过他仍然还是有可能在《银河护卫队2》当中露几次面的,毕竟那部电影的制作还在进行当中,并且如果是个小小的客串的话也可以很轻松地随时加到Del Toro的日程当中去。
Benicio Del Toro’s take on The Collector in the Marvel Cinematic Universe really brought out the odd and obsessive nature of the character. With The Collector holding at least one of the Infinity Stones for the Asgardians after Thor: The Dark World, many fans assumed that they would see more of the character in the upcomingGuardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.
Now it seems that this may not happen, however. While it’s unlikely that we’ve seen the last of the character, it’s looking less likely that we’ll see him going dealing with Peter Quill and crew in the Guardian’s sequel.
Speaking to SuperHeroHype, while doing promotion for director Fernando Léon de Aranoa’s A Perfect Day, Del Toro revealed that Marvel hasn’t contacted him about appearing in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. When asked if he was involved with the upcoming Marvel sequel, Del Toro replied:
“I don’t think so… they would have told me, I hope. I do hope to play that character again at some point.”
In the comics, The Collector is one of the most powerful beings in the universe. Being almost as old as the universe itself, he collected the greatest achievements from the planets he visited in hopes of being able to repopulate the universe after a great catastrophe. It’s clear that the MCU version of The Collector takes his mission very seriously, obsessively collecting objects of power and rarity, while seeming to care little for the world outside of his collection. It’s unclear if Del Toro’s version of the character shares his comic counterpart’s immortality and overall power, however.
It seems all but a given that The Collector will appear again before The Avengers: Infinity War since he still possesses one of the Infinity Stones that Thanos will have to collect for the Infinity Gauntlet. While it’s possible that Thanos could acquire the stone off-screen, it seems unlikely that The Collector wouldn’t at least put up a fight to keep an object in his collection. He could even still get a cameo in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, since the cast of that film is still coming together and a short cameo would be more a matter of working it around Del Toro’s schedule than anything else.
Still, a number of fans may likely be disappointed that he apparently won’t play a big part in the sequel, if he appears at all. Of course, it’s possible that fans will barely notice when the film is finally released as the appearance of Star Lord’s father may overshadow missed opportunities for The Collector anyway. We’ll just have to wait until 2017 to see.

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-17 14:26:00 +0800 CST  
According to director James Gunn, the script for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is now done. What does that mean for fans? Not much, really, aside from the fact that everything is moving along according to schedule, and that the film should have no problem hitting its May 5th, 2017 release date.
What’s interesting to note, however, is Gunn’s comments that he made during a Twitter Q&A that was held after he announced the finalized script. While he obviously couldn’t reveal much, the director did say that writing sequels are easier than writing the first entry in the series, but in this particular case, he worked harder and took longer.
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Gunn also said that the story stayed pretty much the same from initial concept to final draft and that he’s keeping the overall cast smaller. His reasoning behind that last part is because he wants audiences to get to know the characters they already know a bit better. And speaking of the characters and cast, he mentioned that the casting process was just about done, meaning we should get confirmation on Kurt Russell’s involvement one way or another quite soon.
That was the only notable info that Gunn would reveal, and like we said before, it’s not much. But then again, it’s not like we really need much reassurance heading in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. I don’t think anyone has any doubt in their mind that the director is going to knock it out of the park again, and even if this was all we were to hear about the film before its release, moviegoers would still flock in droves to the theatre to see it.
Wouldn’t you agree?

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-20 18:13:00 +0800 CST  
Guardians of the Galaxy was so huge that my mother watched it. My mother, who wouldn’t be able to tell you anything about the Marvel Cinematic Universe under the threat of death, watched and enjoyed James Gunn‘s eccentric and colorful superhero space opera. That’s purely anecdotal, but it has to mean something, right?
I bring this up because this film struck a chord with audiences in a way that so many comic book movies do not. This wasn’t just a movie for the already initiated – this was a movie that offered clean entry for all kinds of people, including the Star Trek-loving mother who knows nothing about Infinity Stones and can’t tell you what a Thanos is.
In other news, Gunn has finished the screenplay for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. In related news, it sounds like my mom is going to see another Marvel movie.

Gunn, who frequently shares news, teases details, and provides updates on his work across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, shared this image a few days ago:

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-20 18:15:00 +0800 CST  
Major Villain Rumored To Appear In James Gunn’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2By Michael Briers @briersytweets 9 hours ago0

Warner Bros. and DC may be occupying the vast, vast majority of headlines and mindshare in the fallout of last night’s DC Films Special that aired on The CW, though we have still have the daily flurry of rumors pertaining to the Marvel Cinematic Universe to contend with.
The latest is perhaps one of the strangest yet, and it’s in relation to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2; specifically, the major villain that is allegedly set to appear in James Gunn’s space-faring sequel. Be warned, though, the unconfirmed report in question ventures into spoiler territory – and then some.
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Still with us? Good. Today’s nugget of speculation comes by way of Geek.com, citing sources close to production that the major villain set to appear in Guardians 2 will be none other than Ego, The Living Planet.
That’s quite the departure from Josh Brolin’s Thanos, who we know won’t make an appearance in the 2017 sequel. In the comics, Ego is a sentient being that has become one with the planet it inhabits, replete with a colossal brain and organ-like masses lurking beneath the rocky surface. Ardent fans will know that it appeared in story strands that also involved the likes of Thor, the Silver Surfer and even Fantastic Four, but could James Gunn be reworking the ancient Ego to appear in Guardians 2? Let’s not forget that Knowhere, the head of a dead celestial, featured in the original film.
One thing’s for certain: don’t expect James Gunn to weigh in on this one, regardless of whether it’s accurate or not. Quite recently, the filmmaker took to his Facebook page to simultaneously write off rumors swirling around the identity of Peter Quill/Star Lord’s father and announce that he will no longer comment on the veracity of online speculation. That’s probably for the best, too, given that we’re still more than a year away from the sequel’s release – heck, it hasn’t even started shooting yet.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 will reunite Marvel’s ragtag crew of space heroes in time for May 5, 2017.

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-21 14:36:00 +0800 CST  
‘Guardians of the Galaxy 2’ Villain Revealed?A new rumor claims that one of Marvel's most unique characters will serve as the villain in James Gunn's ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2
Marvel will start production on their next Phase Three adventure Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, with filming slated to begin in Atlanta next month. There is still very little we know about this sequel so far, including who the main villain may be, since director James Gunn recently revealed he won't comment on any more rumors that have surfaced. Today, we have yet another unconfirmed report which claims that the villain is an obscure Marvel character. There will be potential SPOILERS below, so be sure to read on at your own risk.
The site's unknown sources claim that Ego, the Living Planet will make an appearance in this highly-anticipated adventure. In the comics, Ego was a normal planet who was made sentient by a "space wizard" known as The Stranger. This caused Ego to go out in search of other planets to conquer, where he was eventually stopped by Thor. After Galactus went after Ego, Thor actually came to his defense, and after they defeated Galactus, Thor and Ego made peace, with Ego joining a group known as The Wanderers, who had been displaced after their worlds were destroyed by Galactus. The truce didn't last for long, as Ego consumed The Wanderers, causing Thor to team up with Galactus to take Ego down.
The site mentions that such a bizarre character like Ego wouldn't exactly fit into the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of Thor, and the upcoming sequel Thor: Ragnarok, which is mostly set in Asgard. However, a talking planet that can change its shape does fit nicely within the Guardians of the Galaxy realm, and this character even has a connection with the Guardians in the comics. At one point in the more recent comics, Ego hired Rocket Raccoon to get rid of a space lice infestation he had contracted.
It's also worth noting that the Mad Titan himself, Thanos, had once tried to take over Ego, but we already know that Thanos won't be present in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. The report claims this character would be perfect as a "cameo, side character, or even a villain," but their sources don't reveal how involved his character is in the story, so he may not actually be the villain. However, with the level of secrecy around this movie, it wouldn't be surprising to learn that he is in fact the Guardians' main nemesis.
We reported last week that Guardians of the Galaxy star Benicio Del Toro won't be reprising his role as The Collector in the sequel, but in the comics, Ego's brother Alter-Ego is held in The Collector's museum. Do you think a talking planet like Ego is too bizarre for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2? Or do you think he will fit in nicely?
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 comes to theaters May 5th, 2017.

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-21 14:37:00 +0800 CST  

时光网讯 《银河护卫队》续集《银河护卫队第二辑》将于2017年5月5日在北美上映。广大引颈期盼的影迷们对于《银护2》的任何风吹草动都不放过。近日就有外媒曝出消息称,续集中的大反派疑似曝光。

据Geek.com消息,在漫威漫画中出现的角色“自我”(Ego,The Living Planet)将现身电影《银护2》中。“自我”可谓“人如其名”,他生于黑暗银河系,外表颇似器官组织,大小接近行星,所以又被叫做“活行星”。在其怪异外表下则隐藏着超强大脑。他能够靠着意识的能力,独自在空间中穿梭,也能够运用“抗体”进行战斗。自我对于自身在宇宙中的地位进行了思考,并开始参与占领银河系的行动。在其中的一条故事线中,自我与雷神交过手。他还出现在神奇四侠、银影侠以及行星吞噬者的交叉漫画故事中,也是灭霸身边的重要人物——这点对于银河护卫队成员来说非常重要。




楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-21 17:26:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-22 18:07:00 +0800 CST  




楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-23 11:41:00 +0800 CST  




楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-23 12:44:00 +0800 CST  
‘Guardians of the Galaxy 2’: Are These 3 Characters New Team Members?


楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-23 20:26:00 +0800 CST  
Guardians Of The Galaxy 2: 8 Characters Who Could Join The Team

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-23 20:27:00 +0800 CST  
8. Phyla-Vell




楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-23 20:28:00 +0800 CST  
7. Vance Astro

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-23 20:31:00 +0800 CST  
6. Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)




楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-23 20:33:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2015-10-18 04:20:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2017-10-27 22:57:54 +0800 CST


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