

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2015-11-26 19:08:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2015-11-28 10:50:00 +0800 CST  
Chris Hemsworth is currently out doing the promotion rounds for next month's In The Heart of The Sea, which of course means he's going to get some questions about Thor: Ragnarok. While speaking with Cinema Blend, the actor revealed that he's hoping for a little more "off beat" humor when he teams up with Mark Ruffalo's Hulk in the upcoming threequel.
“I think [Thor 3] needs to be injected with that sort of smart wit and unexpected kind of humor, kind of what James Gunn came in and did with Guardians [Of The Galaxy]. It was like off center and unpredictable, and I think we can definitely use a dose of that, you know?”
It's been rumored that one of the reasons that Marvel brought in director Taika Waititi was to lighten up the tone of Chris Yost's dark post-apocalyptic script for the film. Hemsworth seems fairly confident that the director is capable of the task at hand.
“I feel we had less of the sort of the naivety or fun or humor that the first [Thor] might have had. I wish we had more of that in the second [movie] … We’ve done regal. We’ve done Shakespeare, and we’ve shown that. I think now it’s time to go, ‘Ok, cool. Let’s try something different,’ and Taika just had such a brilliant sort of take and funny kind of ideas about where we could [go], how we could do that.”
So, while some might not agree with Hemsworth's statements, I think he's dead right. While the film doesn't need to dive too deep into the comedy region, I think "off beat" in the humor department would work great here. More weird and out there, less Selvig running around naked. Let us know what you think about the topic and Hemsworth's comments in the section below.

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2015-11-28 10:51:00 +0800 CST  
A rumor reports that Mar-Vell/Captain Marvel will be Sta-Lord's father, but James Gunndenied the rumored.

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2015-12-05 10:21:00 +0800 CST  
时光网讯 漫威超级英雄电影《银河护卫队第二辑》将于明年2月在亚特兰大开拍,近日卡魔拉的饰演者佐伊·索尔达娜曝光了影片准备阶段的幕后照。

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2015-12-05 10:57:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2015-12-07 17:55:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2015-12-12 11:14:00 +0800 CST  

From the sounds of things, Chris Hemsworth really wants Thor to join up with the Guardians Of The Galaxy at some point. Just tecently the actor commented that he had hopes that the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok would feature some humor similar to what was found in the fellow Marvel Studios film.
Now, while doing the press rounds for In The Heart Of The Sea, the actor has once again namedropped the group of a-holes. When MTV asked the actor was asked what franchise he would like to see Thor pop up in, Hemsworth replied with the following.
“I’d love him to hang out with the Guardians crew. I love that film and there’s a great amount of fun to be had.”
Is there a possibility that we might see Thor pop up in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2? I wouldn't count on it but when it comes to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you never truly know who is going to pop up where. Would you be interested in Thor teaming up with the team in one of their later sequels? Let us know in the comments section below.

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2015-12-12 11:14:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2015-12-12 12:15:00 +0800 CST  
柯特·拉塞尔(Kurt Russell)最近正商谈加盟《银河护卫队2》(Guardians of the GalaxyVol. 2),据悉漫威希望让他来扮演“星爵”(Star-Lord)的父亲。

在去年的《银河护卫队》( Guardians of the Galaxy )中,观众了解到“星爵”彼得·奎尔(Peter Quill)从小就被Yondu从地球带走养大,而他的生父则是个混蛋。

因此星爵的父亲到底是谁?他是个怎样的人?就成为《银河护卫队2》的主要内容。导演詹姆斯·冈(James Gunn)透露,星爵生父不会是漫画里的J’son,而是另有其人。至于是谁,现在还不能说。



楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2015-12-18 19:44:00 +0800 CST  

时光网讯 自从上次马修·麦康纳正式宣布不参演《银河护卫队第二辑》之后,影片的反派就一直没有着落。如今,库尔特·拉塞尔有望在《银河护卫队2》中出演一位重要角色。  据悉,漫威仍未发布任何关于该角色的官方信息,虽然据外媒猜测,漫威很快将会召开简短会议,但目前我们仍不好下定论。库尔特·拉塞尔是老戏骨了,他刚刚出演了昆汀·塔伦蒂诺的新片《八恶人》,大导合作经验颇多,曾出演《战斧骨》《速度与激情7》等。显然,他本人对《银河护卫队2》中的角色也是很感兴趣的,我们极有可能在影片中看到他的身影。

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2015-12-18 20:18:00 +0800 CST  
With only a few weeks to go before Marvel Studios begins production on the highly anticipatedGuardians of the Galaxy follow-up, the studio is looking to fill out the film's cast in order to begin filming this February in Atlanta.
We recently learned that relative newcomer Pom Klementieff would be joining the sequel as Mantis and now The Wrap reports that Kurt Russell is being eyed to play Star-Lord's father! While the report states that Russell hasn't met with the studio just yet, it appears that both parties are interested, so hopefully we'll hear something official in the next few weeks.
Russell has had a strong year so far with Quentin Tarantino's The Hateful Eight and S. Craig Zahler'sBone Tomahawk, as well as James Wan's Furious 7. Though he had a minor role in the latter, he worked with Vin Diesel who provides the voice for Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy, so there's definitely a chance that Diesel put in a good word for him with director James Gunn.
As a fan of Russell, I think that he's an amazing choice for this role and let's be real, who wouldn't want to see him playing Chris Pratt's father? What do you guys think? Let us know in the comment section.

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2015-12-18 20:50:00 +0800 CST  
提姆 米勒在对死侍的采访中提到了银护的音乐
TM:瑞安听遍80年代和九十年代的音乐,所以我们从这边入手。 RR:精品就不用太麻烦了。(笑)电影中相当重要了。因为是其中重要一环,利用常见的节拍来配合一场动作戏,可不是容易的事。我们可能得用其他办法。但你肯定不知道—我们得尽可能明智地在这方面预算。
TM:我只想提录音师说,要是这就像我们跟风《银河护卫队》的成功来选歌,那就看看几年前就泄漏的剧本吧,上面就有这些音乐编排。略特和保罗先想到的! RR:确实。当我看到他们在《银护》中用的音乐,我还下了一跳。

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2015-12-19 12:59:00 +0800 CST  




楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2015-12-25 20:37:00 +0800 CST  




楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2015-12-26 12:12:00 +0800 CST  
Director James Gunn had a live Q&A today via Facebook and while discussing a few topics revealed that he's already seen next year's Captain America: Civil War. The director commented on the film and stated that it's
"incredible, it's one of the best Marvel movies ever" before adding that he "can't believe how...uh, what a wonderful job the Russo brothers did."

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-01 13:29:00 +0800 CST  
《银河护卫队》的导演James Gunn表示他已经看完了《美国队长3:内战》完整版电影。他称之为“漫威有史以来最棒的电影之一”,表示罗素导演做了部很牛的电影。他还称赞汤姆·霍兰德扮演的蜘蛛侠非常棒~ 我们就只能再等半年了

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-01 13:29:00 +0800 CST  
发晚了电影大火后,如今的银河护卫队堪称美漫世界里最当红的团队,这样一棵摇钱树漫威自然不会放过。漫威官方已经宣布在《银河护卫队》的连载之外,该团队又将开辟一套新的连载,叫做《Guardians of Infinity》(无限护卫队)。该系列的第一期将在今年年尾,12月发售。作为漫威很重视的新连载,这套《无限护卫队》的制作阵容颇为优质,漫威选用参与过“无限危机”、《新星》、《特警判官》等漫画创作的Dan Abnett和Jason Latour进行编剧,并由Carlo Barberi和Jim Cheung进行作画。
剧情方面,目前官方给出的描述是:“守卫银河系是个好工作,但是德拉克斯对作战时间太短感到不爽,火箭浣熊则不满稀薄的报酬,于是这两人合作,踏上补足这两点的冒险,格鲁特则乐于一路相随。只不过比起他们追寻的好处,他们遇到的麻烦只怕更多。一条好消息是Guardians 3000将赶来相助,同时还会有GUARDIANS 1000?”
火箭浣熊将和新加入银河护卫队的石头人(神奇四侠的The Thing)在宇宙中冒险,他们来到了一个星球,这颗星球的文化基本模仿地球的摔角文化而来,不同的是这里的摔角真的是以生死相拼!

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-03 21:07:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-03 21:07:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 狮子钟盛  发布于 2016-01-08 19:27:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2015-10-18 04:20:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2017-10-27 22:57:54 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



