【TNABO】《冰雪奇缘Frozen 2》动态\/资讯\/票房 追踪专贴


楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-01 03:53:00 +0800 CST  


Total Lifetime Grosses


楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-01 03:54:00 +0800 CST  

2014.5.19 全球第一部12亿美美金动画

2014.5.25 超越《钢铁侠3》成为2013年度全球票房冠军,影史第五

楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-01 03:54:00 +0800 CST  


2015.4.14 ,《Frozen 》原声碟成为Adele的21之后,本世纪第二个十年里第二张全球销量破千万的专辑

楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-01 03:55:00 +0800 CST  

2014.1.16,第86届奥斯卡提名揭晓,获得最佳动画长片提名,同时歌曲《Let it go 》获得最佳原创歌曲提名

楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-01 03:55:00 +0800 CST  

Another announcement made during Disney’s D23 panel for its animated works is that the “Frozen” sequel will score a new title, but for now it’s just “Frozen 2”. A new 21-minute short titled “Olaf’s Frozen Adventure” will arrive in theaters alongside Pixar’s “Coco” later this year.

Disney Animation’s D23 panel got started with a bang. Or maybe a blizzard. While we didn’t learn much about Frozen 2, a little bit of light was cast on the mysterious sequel to the beloved 2013 hit, with stars Kristen Bell and Josh Gad taking the stage to chat…and to sing.

After joking that it would be titled Frozen Toe in its native language and that it won’t be called Thawed, Bell noted that, for now, the sequel will just be titled Frozen 2. This could always change, of course.
Bell proceeded to talk about the film’s development and how the filmmakers were inspired by some of the most beautiful locations on the planet. They embarked on trips to Norway, Iceland, and Finland for inspiration and the D23 crowd was treated to a video shot by the filmmakers showcasing their many adventures. Beautiful panoramas, glaciers, and waterfalls were among the images shared.
Before Frozen 2 even hits theaters, you’ll be able to see more from the Frozen world. A new 21-minute short titled Olaf’s Frozen Adventure will arrive in theaters alongside Pixar’s Coco later this year. The film will feature four new songs from Elyssa Samsel andKate Anderson and the entire original cast will return. The story follows Olaf as he attempts to bring some holiday cheer to Anna and Elsa after learning they don’t have any holiday traditions.
Our own Peter Sciretta saw a clip from Olaf’s Frozen Adventure at D23, where voice actor Josh Gad took the stage to perform live alongside footage from the film. The song finds Olaf going door-to-door, learning about (and making fun of) some fairly common Christmas traditions, like decorating trees and Santa Claus (“Hang up all your socks above an open fire…That sounds safe”). During the song, the animation changes style, transforming into a cross-stitch resembling a Christmas sweater. While Peter didn’t love the song as much as anything in the Frozen feature film, he did note that the crowd of Disney fanatics was really into it.
You don’t have to have kids or even be a fan of Disney’s animated output to be familiar with Frozen, which opened to critical acclaim and $1.2 billion at the box office back in 2013. A sequel was inevitable and Disney has not made it a secret that they intend to keep Anna, Elsa, and the rest of their family and friends in the spotlight for the foreseeable future. A theme park ride set in the world of the film has opened at the Epcot theme park in Florida. An entire theme park land based on Frozen is coming to Tokyo Disneyland. A short film sequel premiered in 2015 and another will arrive later this year. Yeah, when it comes to Frozen, Disney isn’t prepared to…let it go.
Plot details for Frozen 2 have been mostly kept under wraps, but Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee will return to direct alongside voice actors Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff, and Josh Gad. Disney regular Alan Tudyk, who played a supporting role in the first Frozen, says he will also be return. The film is set to be released on November 27, 2019.

Disney Animation’s D23 panel got started with a bang. Or maybe a blizzard. While we didn’t learn much about Frozen 2, a little bit of light was cast on the mysterious sequel to the beloved 2013 hit, with stars Kristen Bell and Josh Gad taking the stage to chat…and to sing.
After joking that it would be titled Frozen Toe in its native language and that it won’t be called Thawed, Bell noted that, for now, the sequel will just be titled Frozen 2. This could always change, of course.
Bell proceeded to talk about the film’s development and how the filmmakers were inspired by some of the most beautiful locations on the planet. They embarked on trips to Norway, Iceland, and Finland for inspiration and the D23 crowd was treated to a video shot by the filmmakers showcasing their many adventures. Beautiful panoramas, glaciers, and waterfalls were among the images shared.
Before Frozen 2 even hits theaters, you’ll be able to see more from the Frozen world. A new 21-minute short titled Olaf’s Frozen Adventure will arrive in theaters alongside Pixar’s Coco later this year. The film will feature four new songs fromElyssa Samsel and Kate Anderson and the entire original cast will return. The story follows Olaf as he attempts to bring some holiday cheer to Anna and Elsa after learning they don’t have any holiday traditions.
Our own Peter Sciretta saw a clip from Olaf’s Frozen Adventure at D23, where voice actor Josh Gad took the stage to perform live alongside footage from the film. The song finds Olaf going door-to-door, learning about (and making fun of) some fairly common Christmas traditions, like decorating trees and Santa Claus (“Hang up all your socks above an open fire…That sounds safe”). During the song, the animation changes style, transforming into a cross-stitch resembling a Christmas sweater. While Peter didn’t love the song as much as anything in the Frozen feature film, he did note that the crowd of Disney fanatics was really into it.
You don’t have to have kids or even be a fan of Disney’s animated output to be familiar with Frozen, which opened to critical acclaim and $1.2 billion at the box office back in 2013. A sequel was inevitable and Disney has not made it a secret that they intend to keep Anna, Elsa, and the rest of their family and friends in the spotlight for the foreseeable future. A theme park ride set in the world of the film has opened at the Epcot theme park in Florida. An entire theme park land based on Frozen is coming to Tokyo Disneyland. A short film sequel premiered in 2015 and another will arrive later this year. Yeah, when it comes to Frozen, Disney isn’t prepared to…let it go.
Plot details for Frozen 2 have been mostly kept under wraps, but Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee will return to direct alongside voice actors Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff, and Josh Gad. Disney regular Alan Tudyk, who played a supporting role in the first Frozen, says he will also be return. The film is set to be released on November 27, 2019.

短片新歌《That day of year》 B站12234445

楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-01 03:56:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-01 03:59:00 +0800 CST  
D23 Expo 2017迪士尼传奇奖 B站12284244几秒短片

楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-01 04:04:00 +0800 CST  
冰雪奇缘音乐剧8月17日将在丹佛演艺中心首演,明年春天转纽约圣詹姆斯剧院。主创团队日前发布了最新的排练视频:这将是一部激动人心的音乐剧,展现了迪士尼电影外更大的世界。这是一部更关注Elsa 内心和自我成长的作品

楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-02 00:44:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-05 00:40:00 +0800 CST  
Here’s the New ‘Frozen’ Musical Poster (and Seven That Didn’t Make the Cut)

It’s been almost four years since the animated film “Frozen” made it impossible to unhear “Let It Go.” That’s music to the ears of the Disney Theatrical Group as it readies to open a new high-profile musical adaptation of the movie on Broadway next spring.
It was a tricky assignment for Andrew Flatt, Disney Theatrical’s senior vice president for strategy, marketing and revenue. He knew the poster design couldn’t stray too far from depicting the “Frozen” — a sweetheart story of Princess Elsa and her frosty powers — that fans hold dear.He also knew he wanted a color palette that stuck with ice-cold hues of blue, white and silver.
To make sure the stage version (which begins performances in Denver this month) set itself apart from the film, Mr. Flatt said he wanted a poster to “differentiate” (goodbye, Olaf the snowman) and “elevate” (hello, Broadway ticket prices).
The final show art, from the advertising agency Serino Coyne, is an icy fantasia by Olly Moss, an artist based outside London. The poster features a giant, stylized snowflake with brushy tips that bursts across a sea of azures and indigos. Embedded in the fractal geometrics are silhouettes of a young woman reaching with a dramatically raised arm. For added wow, negative space forms two other likenesses that, as Mr. Flatt noted, people might not see right away.

“A lot of audiences enjoy a secondary reveal,” said Mr. Moss, who is known for creating alternative posters for old movies and is making his debut as a Broadway poster designer here. “It’s almost like a magic trick.” (Do you see the other silhouettes yet?)

Mr. Flatt said that Mr. Moss’s poster got the nod because it was “elegant and confident and special, and also truly unique to ‘Frozen.’ ”
Mr. Flatt recently talked about seven other concepts he considered, drawn from a blizzard of over 100 submitted by Serino Coyne.
His comments have been edited and condensed.

楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-05 00:47:00 +0800 CST  
and Seven That Didn’t Make the Cut

楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-05 00:49:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-06 00:37:00 +0800 CST  


This Sisters’ Day, August 6, we’re channeling the ice-cool chill of Anna and Elsa with a range of original Frozen illustrations by Melbourne-based designer Ellen Porteus. Be sure to save your favorite illustrations and share this Sisters’ Day! Now is the time to break out the snuggie, pop on Frozen and belt out “Let It Go” with your sis or bestie!

How did you get your start as an illustrator and graphic artist?
I was a newly graduated graphic designer with a 9-to-5 job, but my heart was in illustration. I began experimenting, creating and sharing personal work, which led to a bit of attention online. Once I had some experience under my belt, I hastily quit my job, moved to Melbourne, set up a work-space at home and called myself a freelance illustrator. I was so determined to make it work, so I just kept at it until it did. That was two and a half years ago and I haven’t looked back.
Your artistic style is very unique. Where do you find your inspiration?
My inspiration comes from a clash of a lot of different pop culture aesthetic influences, namely from the 1990’s: music videos, comics and artists like Roy Lichtenstein and Yayoi Kusama. I’m inspired by cleverness and cheekiness and work that doesn’t take itself too seriously.

When did your love of Disney begin?
Disney films are synonymous with my childhood. As a kid, I loved Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs so much I could sing the whole orchestral score. My favorite toy was a light up sword I got at Disney on Ice’s Beauty and the Beast. It was super cool.
What is it about the relationship between Anna and Elsa that inspired you?
I was inspired by the strength of their relationship, and the idea of solidarity between sisters whether it’s between your family, your friends, or all of women!

What visual elements from the Frozen film informed your design?
I enjoyed picking apart recognizable elements from the film and re-purposing them in my compositions, such as Olaf’s carrot nose, Anna and Elsa’s shoes, trees from the landscape scenery, and so on. I love choosing color palettes, so going through the film and picking out colors was an important early part of the process.
Do you have a sister? Or a super-close girlfriend? What makes the relationship between ‘sisters’ special?
I have a sister who is two years older than me and in our case, it’s the uncanny ability that only sisters possess to communicate complex thoughts and ideas through nothing but a quick glance across the dinner table.

How do you plan to celebrate Sisters’ Day?
My sister and I live in different cities, so I think it’s a very good excuse for a long phone call!
What advice would you give to other artists looking to get their work out there?
Throw yourself into it, work on it until you have something that feels like it’s truly yours, share it relentlessly and be proud of it!

楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-07 11:49:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-08 04:45:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-09 10:01:00 +0800 CST  
Frozen Heads to Broadway in February—Here Are Some Changes From the Movie to Expect

New songs for Elsa and a group of “hidden folk” are among the additions created for the stage adaptation.

The team behind Disney’s stage adaptation of Frozen have repeatedly offered surprises, ensuring that the Broadway musical will deliver deeper explorations of characters and plot points while still celebrating the beloved songs and moments of the 2013 animated blockbuster.
The musical will premiere August 17 at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts, and a representative forDisney Theatrical Productions has confirmed that performances are slated to begin on Broadway at the St. James Theatre February 22, 2018, prior to a March opening.
While audiences wait to see Arendelle on stage, The New York Times has revealed a series of changes theatregoers can expect to see and hear once the lights go down.
While discussing the balance between the familiar and the unexpected, director Michael Grandage told the Times, “You want to do everything they know the piece to be, and go much deeper. It is incumbent upon us to come up with surprises.”
The show is set to open with a group of creatures referred to as “hidden folk,” similar to the Scandinavian folklore of “huldufólk” but with more animalistic qualities. The tailed figures replace the trolls seen in the animated feature. Gone with the trolls are the monstrous snowman Marshmallow and the wolves that chase Anna, Kristoff, and Sven.
Also new to the title are roughly a dozen new songs penned from the film’s Oscar-winning husband-and-wife pair, Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. Joining favorites such as “Let It Go” and “Love Is an Open Door” are numbers including “Dangerous to Dream” and a “flashy” Act II anthem—both for Elsa (played on stage by Caissie Levy).

Patti Murin, Michael Grandage, and Caissie Levy Jenny Anderson

楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-10 17:17:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-10 17:19:00 +0800 CST  
报道称Elsa的第一首歌“Dangerous to Dream,”(表现自己无法控制危险的力量)为highlights;
在丹佛的日子里,距离1月份百老汇排练开始前,会根据评价进一步修改,2月22号在St. James Theater预览,3月在百老汇上映

楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-10 23:03:00 +0800 CST  
Disney’s “Frozen” musical announces ticket on sale date for Broadway run, previews Anna’s costumes

Disney’s “Frozen” hits the stage in Denver next week, and tickets are officially going on sale for the Broadway run on Monday, August 14. A pre-sale period is happening now.
Beginning at 10:00AM on August 14, tickets become available online and over the phone at 866-870-2717. Tickets can be purchased in person at the St. James Theatre box office starting on November 13. Performances begin on February 22, 2018.
In addition to the ticketing news, costume designer Christopher Oram has given theNew York Post a first look at two of Anna’s costumes for the show. The green robe is a gift from the Hidden Folk, mystical creatures who are taking the place of the movie’s trolls.

Her second look is a little more active, with boots perfect for lots of snow.

The stage show includes all of the original songs from the movie as well as 12 new tunes. The “Frozen” musical currently runs a little over 2 hours, which is about 20 minutes longer than the movie.

安娜的造型公布了,明天门票开售,上午10点后开始电话订购, 也可以11月13日以后在St. James Theatre 的售票处购买

楼主 冰心鎖  发布于 2017-08-13 21:51:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2017-08-01 11:46:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2020-09-02 21:00:32 +0800 CST


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