
在1917年英国外交部为参加一战后的和会特地成立了一个部门用以收集参加会议需要的资料,就许多国家和地区的历史和地理资料进行了详细的收集。这些资料在巴黎和会后出版。现在LZ准备尝试翻译一下其中的第43号报告《波兰:历史概述,1569-1815 年》(实际上是一本小册子),希望大神们予以指点

楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-29 12:06:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-29 12:10:00 +0800 CST  
Polish boundaries in the 16thcentury
ThePoland of the 16th century was a very different country from thatwhich we are accustomed to have in mind when question of modern interest arisein connection with it. In those days it comprised at least four or five timesas much territory as it does at present; and ,when Lithuania was added to it bythe Union of Lublin in 1569,the state found itself about doubled. The boundariesof those days were of course vague in the extreme, and Lithuania was largely a “geographicalexpression”, which covered very much more ground than it was, strictly speaking,entitled to; but we may take it that in about 1560 the western boundary ofPoland proper ran south-west from a point some 50 miles west of Danzig forabout 200 miles towards the Oder; thence the frontier ran south-east and upagain in a northerly direction, so as to include the whole of Galicia, Moldaviaand Podolia, the Ukraine nearly up to Dnieper, Volhynia, West Polesia,
ModernPoland, Grodno, Kovno and Courland, leaving only about half of EastPrussia(including Konigsberg) to the Teutonic Knights. The Lithuania that wasadded included White Russia and nearly all the basins of the Dnieper and Dvina,whilst Livonia belonged equally to Poland and to Lithuania.

楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-29 12:12:00 +0800 CST  
Period one 1569-1632 The Catholic reactionBy the middle of the 16th century the Polish constitution had practically assumed the form which lasted till the First Partition(1772). The chief power in the State had formerly been in the hands of the magnates and princes, but, though wealth still gave them great influence, it was now extended to the large body of petty nobles and land-owners called the szlachta. These nobles formed the army and Diets and controlled most of the administrative offices, which were tenable for life. The King was elective, and was Commander-in –chief of the army, but he could not touch the life, liberty or property of the nobles. Occasionally a strong King was able to introduce for a time a form of centralized government. But at any manifestation of kingly power it was easy for the szlachta to conjure up the spectre of absolutum dominium; or else the king’s policy was reversed by his successor, or by a sudden change in the endless dynastic wars brought about by the Polish system of elective monarchy. The King was helped to govern by a Senate and by a Diet of elected deputies. The Diet met irregularly and decisions had to be unanimous. Sometimes, when their object could not be obtained by means of the Diet, unions or “confederacies” were formed between nobles and magnates or the Diet and the King. Confederacies which failed were called rebellions(rokosz).
第一时期1569-1632 保守天主教时期

楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-29 13:04:00 +0800 CST  
Catholic Influence
Duringmost of the period under discussion the Roman Catholic Church wieldedconsiderable power, and supported the King against the disruptive tendencies ofthe szlachta. Non-Roman Catholics were called Dissidents; they consistedchiefly of Protestants in the north and Russian Orthodox in the south-east.Polish intolerance towards the Dissidents, which increased towards the end ofthe period, played into the hands of Prussians and Russians across the bordersand was a cause contributory to the Partitions.
The townswere crippled by economic restrictions which, in the interest of the bigland-owners, cut them off from connection with the country districts. Theydwindled in population and importance, lost their right of representation, andfell under the control of Jews and other aliens. The peasants-comprising the massof the population-were entirely under the jurisdiction of the lords of themanors; but, unlike Russian peasants, they could hold property and could not besold; and the fact that during the 16th and 17thcenturies peasants migrated to Poland from all parts of Europe tends to showthat at that time they enjoyed a relatively superior position.

楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-29 14:14:00 +0800 CST  
Internal Affairs
From 1386 to 1569 there had been a personalunion between Poland and Lithuania under the Jagiellon dynasty, for the purposeof defence against the Teutonic Knights. The defeat of the Teutonic Knightsraised up a new enemy on the eastern frontier of Poland, viz.Russia; and inorder to secure Poland and Lithuania against the latter, it was determined totransform the existing personal into a political union. Many things alreadypointed to this change. The religious tolerance shown by the Jagiellon Kingswas highly appreciated by the Lithuanians, and by the middle of the 16thcentury the administration and organization of Lithuania were similar to thoseof Poland. The King and the szlachta supported, whilst the big land-owneropposed, a political union; but the most influential of the latter were finallywon over, and at the Diet of Lublin in 1569 the union become law. It isessential to note that at the time it was really a voluntary union, and the oppositionto it was largely subsequent and due to other causes, such as the later Polishtreatment of the Russian Orthodox religion. Poland and Lithuania in this waybecome two halves of one state.

楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-29 16:06:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-29 16:07:00 +0800 CST  
Whilethey had in common an elective king, a Senate of temporal and spiritual dignitaries,a Diet(which met at Warsaw), currency and the system of land tenure, eachretained its separate administration, army and laws. The whole state wasapparently an elective monarchy, but in reality a republic. Poland was known asthe Crown(Korona), Lithuania as the Principality(Kziestwo). The approximateboundaries have been given above.

楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-29 20:37:00 +0800 CST  
The reignof Henry of Anjou(1573-75)was too short to be of much importance. But two circumstancesdeserve notice. The choice of Henry was the first instance of the danger to thecountry involved by a system of election which was not confined to Poles. Thisdanger was apparently realized by the Poles, but in countering it by theintroduction of the Pacta Conventa, which the king had to sign at his election,they were involved in a second danger. The passing of the Pacta Conventa,instead of being a mere check on a foreign King, was in the end the death-blow toall central authority, as it practically relieved the nation of its dutytowards the King if he attacked the nobles.
安茹的亨利统治时间太短以至于不重要。但是这时两种情况需要注意。亨利的当选是这个国家这种不仅限于波兰人的选君制度涉及危险的第一个例子。这种危险很显然地被波兰人认识到了,但是通过引入国王在选举时需要签署的“同意协议”(拉丁语Pacta Conventa),来对抗这种危险,这让他们卷入了另一个危险。“同意协议”的通过取代了单纯的对外国国王的检查,在最后给了中央权威以致命一击,因为它实际上在国王攻击贵族时就解除了国家对国王的义务。

楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-29 22:00:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-30 11:24:00 +0800 CST  
StephenBatory’s regin(1575-86)was a fairly successful attempt to form a strongmonarchy. In this he was supported by the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuitsand by the able chancellor Zamoyski; and their united forces were able to checkthe growth of internal anarchy, e.g. the rebellion(rokosz) of the two magnates,the brothers Zborowski . At the same time, however, the King’s prerogative wasstill further weakened by his surrender of the right of appeal to the King’scourt and transference of the election of judges to the nobles.
· 斯蒂芬·巴托里的统治(1575-86)是一次相当成功的建立一个强大君主制的尝试。在这里他有罗马天主教会和耶稣会以及一个有能力的大臣扎莫伊斯基的支持,并且他们联合起来的力量可以制止国内混乱和无政府状态的滋长,例如两个贵族,兹波罗夫斯基兄弟的叛乱。然而在同时,国王的特权仍然由于他放弃了国王法院的审理上诉权并且将选举法官的权力转让给贵族而被进一步削弱。

楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-30 11:40:00 +0800 CST  
Like his predecessor, Zygmunt the third(1587-1632) supported the Roman Catholic Reaction, not so much from bigotry as from the realization of the fact that the church was the one power left which was capable of checking the disruptive tendencies of the Reformation and the disorderliness of the nobles. The same influence was probably responsible for the Congress of Brest(1596), which created the Uniat Church in Galicia and the Ukraine. A portion of the Orthodox clergy, followed by the nobles and most of the bishops, agreed to a union with the Church of Rome, submitting to the Pope and accepting the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church, while retaining the use of the vernacular(Little Russian) in their services, and other local privileges. But the towns, many Orthodox priests and the mass of the peasants still remained Orthodox. In the long run this religious difference, added to those which were economic of political, was fatal to Polish influence.

楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-30 13:13:00 +0800 CST  
Zygmunt at various times tried to reformthe unworkable Polish constitution by substituting the decision of all mattersby a plurality of votes instead of by a unanimity impossible to obtain. But theopposition of the magnates, backed by the szlachta, was too strong.

楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-30 16:25:00 +0800 CST  
Stephen Batory’s foreign policy hadbeen directed towards the strengthening of the Polish power in the regionsnorth of the Black Sea and on the Baltic; and for this purpose he depended uponthe development of an efficient army with which to fight Turkey and the Tartarsin the south, and Russia and Sweden in the north. Batory was the first toorganize the irregular border troops in the Ukraine(called the Cossacks) intoregiments of cavalry, thus creating a precedent which was later on to beadopted on a successful scale by Russia. He further increased his army by ennoblingmany of his soldiers and even peasants. His Baltic policy, however, was interruptedby a Russian invasion of Livonia. The Russians were defeated in 1582, and Polandrecovered Livonia and gained the Duchy of Polotsk. Batory’s reign was too shortto be permanently beneficial.

楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-30 16:59:00 +0800 CST  
At the accessionof Zygmunt the third the general political situation was favorable to Poland.Germany was submerged in the Thirty Year’s War; Russia was torn with internaldissensions. Here was a chance for Poland to develop her control of the regionsadjoining the Black Sea, restore her influence on the Baltic and make herselfthe chief power in Central Europe. The chance was lost, not from lack of aconsistent policy on the part of Zygmunt, nor of brilliant generals(Zolkiewski,Chlodkiewicz and Koniecpolski), but from continual disorders among the szlachtaand the destructive powers of the magnates, who by their private raids ofteninvolved Poland in unnecessary wars. At the same time the dynastic struggleswith Sweden, beginning with the election of Zygmunt’s uncle as Charles theninth, caused a waste of resources which would have been invaluable elsewhere.

楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-30 20:21:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-31 13:35:00 +0800 CST  
A war withTurkey followed; in which, though the Poles were not victorious, they did greatservice to Austria by blocking a Turkish invasion at a critical period in theThirty Years’ War. Peace was restored in 1621.
Meanwhile thesecond Swedish war had broken out. Charles the ninth’s successor, GustavusAdolphus, occupied Livonia in order to obtain the control of the Baltic Sea,and advanced into Poland as far as Thorn. By the intervention of France andEngland a six years’ truce was arranged at Altmark in 1629, the terms of whichallowed Sweden to keep her Livonian conquests and parts of the Baltic Shore,controlling the principal trade-routes.
It should benoted that Zygmunt the third in 1618 confirmed the right of the BrandenburgElectors to the succession in East Prussia.

楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-31 14:30:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-31 14:41:00 +0800 CST  
Period Two1632-1668 The Cossack Wars
Internal Affairs
Internally this periods is the characterizedby a political tendency towards decentralization-the country being divided intoa series of independent administrative units-by the growth of the power of themagnates and their systematic exploitation of the Ukraine, which involvedPoland in the Cossack Wars. The ambition of the magnates and the lawlessness ofthe szlachta paralysed the executive. Complete collapse was only prevented bythe conservative influence of the Roman Catholics and especially of theJesuits.
第二阶段 1632-1668 哥萨克战争时期

楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-31 20:07:00 +0800 CST  
Wladyslaw the fourth(1632-48)saw that the only hope ofPolish regeneration lay in increasing the power of the throne. This he hoped todo by means of a policy of concession at home and victory abroad. A victoriousforeign policy might enable him to strengthen the Polish Constitution uponSwedish or English lines. Unfortunately his foreign successes merely roused thejealousy of the szlachta, and from 1635 onwards they devoted their efforts to thwartingevery scheme of the King.

楼主 大笑的猴子  发布于 2016-07-31 20:41:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2016-07-29 20:06:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2016-08-09 19:23:22 +0800 CST


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