

楼主 大爱SHELBY  发布于 2016-11-15 15:46:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 大爱SHELBY  发布于 2016-11-15 15:53:00 +0800 CST  
Where there's acar, there's a rust, kinda beautiful 当车有一些锈的时候是最美丽的
And cut it out weld a new, so magical 切掉它,焊块新的,多神奇。
And if there's taste in this life, there's no obstacle 如果生命中有品味,那就无碍
That can't be defeated 品味是坚不可摧的
For lots of car to tear it up have some
rust hole 好多车,拆开来,都是有锈洞的
For some of them , they re all gone, unfixable. 它们其中的一些已经全锈掉了,修不好了
For every taster, a taste we're unstoppable 对一个品味党而言,没有什么能阻止我们
With a leader we following以及我们的党魁
Monday carb is broken 星期一化油器坏掉了
Tuesday I fucked up with my timing 星期二我把正时又搞坏了
Wednesday my head gasket are blewin’ 星期三我的缸垫也炸掉了
Thursday waiting for parts, waiting for parts 星期四就在等待著零件,等待著零件
Think it starts at Friday 估计周五就能发动了
It burning engine oil all gone on Saturday 周六机油就被烧完了
Guess I won't be coming to shop on Sunday 我想我星期天应该不会去修车了
I'll be waiting for taste, waiting for taste 我正等待著品味,等著品味
To come around 来到我身边

楼主 大爱SHELBY  发布于 2016-11-15 15:55:00 +0800 CST  
We are one of a kind irreplaceable 我们是独一无二的
How did I get so taste and so cynical 为何我变得如此品味,如此愤世嫉俗
If there's Zibart in city and affordable 如果生命中有品味 ,将无法阻止我们
No we can't be rusted 不,我们不会锈穿
Monday finish fixin’ 星期一把车修好
Tuesday I was in parking lot and spinin’星期二我在停车场里spin
Wednesday my car was wide open 星期三我疯狂地板油
Thursday doing donuts , doing dounts 星期四就画甜甜圈,画甜甜圈
Fires right up in Friday 周五一下就打着车了
I'm doing massive burnout on Saturday 我用个超屌的烧胎度过周六
Guess I will attend cruise nite on Sunday 我想我星期天应该会去车展
I'll be waiting for taste, waiting for taste 我正等待著品味,等著品味
To come around 来到我身边

楼主 大爱SHELBY  发布于 2016-11-15 15:56:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2016-11-15 23:46:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2017-03-12 20:43:06 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



