Guide:Terraria Wiki官方指南! 第一弹 从零开始

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楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-19 21:13:00 +0800 CST  



楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-19 21:22:00 +0800 CST  
English text


楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-19 21:25:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-19 21:27:00 +0800 CST  
Character Creation
After choosing which mode to play, click on New at the character selection screen to create a new character. Once at the character creation screen, you will see all the character properties that can be customized.
Note: None of the settings are mandatory and you can skip any number of them. You can even skip all of them and head directly to the next section, Finishing Up, below.
在确定想要游玩的模式后,通过点击选择玩家界面上的 新建 来创建一个新角色。一旦你处于角色创建界面,你将可以看到所有可以定制的角色属性。
注: 这些选择不是强制性的,你可以跳过任意数量的设定,你甚至可以直接跳过以下这些设定直接进入到下一节 完成 。

楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-19 21:38:00 +0800 CST  
The first four character properties change your character's looks: Hair, Eyes, Skin, and Clothes. Note: These settings are purely cosmetic and do not affect gameplay.
The Clothes menu has four more options to choose from. The color of your clothes can be changed in-game using a Dresser.
In order to pick colors, use the sliders provided.
Hair color and style can be changed later with the help of the Stylist NPC.
前四个角色属性改变角色的外貌:头发,眼睛,皮肤和衣服。 注: 这些设定纯粹是对角色美容,不会影响游戏体验。

楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-19 21:41:00 +0800 CST  
A Character Difficulty mode must be chosen in the PC and Console versions, but there is no character difficulty option in the mobile version where you will see that Softcore is displayed by default. Note: For your first Terraria experience, it is recommended that you leave your character in Softcore mode. It is the easiest mode, and will make learning how to play a more pleasant experience.
The character difficulty setting determines what happens when the character dies - it does not affect any other aspects of gameplay, including how hard the enemies will be.
Softcore mode is the easiest difficulty. It is also the default mode presented to the player. When the character dies, it will drop half of the currently carried coins onto the ground. The inventory otherwise remains intact, and any coins dropped this way can be retrieved from where they were dropped.
Mediumcore mode is the second mode presented to the player. When the character dies, all items, coins, and ammo will drop. Just as with coins, the dropped items can be retrieved from where they were dropped. However, under certain circumstances items dropped this way can wind up permanently destroyed (for example, if they fall into lava).
Hardcore mode is the harshest mode presented to the player - it is essentially permanent death. All items will be dropped, the character will turn into a ghost, and will be deleted upon logging out. Other players in a multiplayer game may help retrieve the dropped items, but in single player they are gone forever. This mode is not recommended for the purposes of this guide. (Note: Hardcore mode is not the same thing as Hardmode, which occurs in the later stages of the game at any difficulty setting.)
难易度在 PC 和主机版中是必选的,但该选项在移动版中没有。你会看到软核是被默认显示的。 注: 对于你的第一次 Terraria 体验而言,推荐将你的角色置身于软核下游玩。这是最简单的模式,并会让你学习到如何玩出令人感到愉快的游戏体验。 角色难易度设定决定当角色死亡时会发生什么——它不会影响其它方面的游戏体验,包括敌怪会变得多艰难。
硬核模式是呈现给玩家的最难的模式——它本质上就是真-死亡。当角色死亡时,所有的物品将会掉落,角色会变成鬼魂,并且在注销之后被删除。在多人模式中的其它玩家可帮助取回掉落的物品。但是在单人模式中,它们就永久性的消失了。该模式不在本指南中的推荐目标之中。(注: 硬核模式和困难模式并不是一样的,后者会出现在任何难易度的后期阶段里)。

楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-19 21:54:00 +0800 CST  
—Finishing Up
Click Create to confirm character creation with the settings chosen (or defaults, if none were changed).The next screen asks you to enter a name for the character, so type a name and click Accept.This marks the end of character creation - the newly created character will be added to the list of characters in the menu.
At the character selection list, pick your character. The World selection screen will display.

楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-19 21:55:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-19 22:02:00 +0800 CST  
—Movement and Tool Use
Movement uses the keyboard, while most interactions like mining, building, and fighting use the mouse. These can be customized in the settings menu before entering a world, but for now we'll assume you haven't changed the default controls. For a quick recap of the available keys or the controls for other devices, see the game controls page.
The letter A makes the character go left.
The letter D makes the character go right.
The Space button makes the character jump.
The letter S makes the character fall through platforms and climb down ropes.
The letter W makes the character climb up ropes.
Left clicking is used to exert items and weapons, depending on what you are holding.
Tapping and holding will break blocks (with appropriate tool)
Tapping with a block in hand will place it.
Tapping a consumable item in the hotbar or tapping with it in your hand will consume it if it is in your hand.
Right clicking is used to interact with NPCs and Chests.
键 A 令角色向左走。
键 D 令角色向右走。
键 Space 令角色跳。
键 S 令角色从平台上下来或顺着绳向下爬。
键 W 令角色顺着绳子向上爬。
右键是用来和 NPC 互动和开启宝箱的。

楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-19 22:05:00 +0800 CST  
——Rearranging the hotbar
Items on the hotbar can only be changed when the inventory is open. However, items within the hotbar can be rearranged by simply dragging them. This is accomplished by dragging the items to switch them.
Try it now with the Copper Axe: open the inventory, and bring the mouse pointer over the axe and click on it. If you move the mouse pointer now you will see the axe attached to it. Point to one of the empty slots in the lower portion of the inventory, and click once more to place the axe down in the slot. What you've done is moved an item from the hotbar into a storage slot. Items in storage slots cannot be used directly when the inventory is closed, unlike items in the hotbar - they are simply being carried by your character.
Move the axe back to a hotbar slot. While the inventory is open you may pick up and rearrange the items in the hotbar to your liking. Later in the game when you acquire more items you'll have to decide which items to have accessible in the hotbar, while everything else is put into storage. Generally you'll want your best Tools and Weapons in the hotbar, along with at least one Light source, and one type of Blocks.

楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-19 22:15:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-19 22:18:00 +0800 CST  

附图:A sample Terraria world

楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-20 17:15:00 +0800 CST  
--Building a house--
All you need to do is follow the steps shown in the image gallery.

楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-21 13:34:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-21 13:41:00 +0800 CST  

2) That box is nowhere near as enticing as it seems (even if it actually keeps enemies from reaching you), so you'll have to do some crafting to turn it into a habitable structure.
Expand the inventory and look down at the bottom left corner of the interface. This is the crafting corner, which will display what items you may currently craft. Its contents will change based on what you are carrying, and which Crafting stations you are standing close to.
2) 那个盒子看上去远不及那么诱人(即使它确实能阻止敌怪靠近你),所以你必须制作一些物品来把它变成一个适宜居住的结构。
展开物品栏并查看界面的左下方,这是制作角,它会显示你目前可以制作的物品。它的内容会根据你携带的物品和你接近于哪个制作站而改变。 即使你现在还没有任何制作站,这里仍有一些基础的制作配方可用。假如你有一些额外的木材与凝胶(可以通过杀死史莱姆获得),你会看到可以制作一些火把、木平台,和工作台。工作台是一个重要的物品,因为这将是你第一个可用的制作站。

楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-21 13:44:00 +0800 CST  
Even though you do not have any crafting stations yet, there are a few basic crafting recipes available. Assuming you have extra wood and some gel (from killing slimes), you should see crafting available for making Torches, Wood Platforms, and a Work Bench. The work bench is an important item because it is the first crafting station available to you.

楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-21 13:46:00 +0800 CST  

3) Click on it to make it the current craft recipe selection, or scroll to it using the mouse wheel, then click once more on it to create one. A work bench will automatically be crafted from your store of wood and placed in your inventory.
3) 点击它,使其成为当前的制作配方选项,或者用鼠标滚轮滚动到它,然后再点击它一次来制作一个。你背包中的木头会被自动用来制作一个工作台并放入你的物品栏。

楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-21 13:48:00 +0800 CST  

5) Wooden Door – requires: 6 wood. Dig out one side of the house and place the door there.
Doors can be opened and closed by right clicking on them, and the direction the door will open is based on the direction the character is facing. All NPCs can open doors, while monsters cannot except during events like Blood Moons or invasions. Some monsters can bash down doors though - in general, doors are not foolproof against monsters.
Still looks like a rather breezy box, doesn't it? The next step in building is to craft and place some background walls. This also prevents monsters from spawning inside.
5) 木门——需要:6个 木材。挖开房屋的一边,然后把门放在那儿。
门可以通过右键点击它们来开启或关闭,且门打开的方向基于角色面对其的方向。所有的 NPC 可以开启门,敌怪则不行,除非是在事件期间如血月或入侵。有时敌怪会破门而入——一般情况下,门并不总是能抵挡住它们。

楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-21 13:53:00 +0800 CST  

7) Let's check if this house is now ready to be occupied. Open the inventory interface, then over to the right in the equipment slots click on the Housing icon. Click on the big white question mark sign, then move the pointer to anywhere in the interior of the house and click. If the house is acceptable, you will get a message in yellow font saying so in the lower left of the screen.
7) 让我们检查一下这间房屋是否已经被占用了。打开物品栏界面,然后在右边的装备栏里点击“房屋”图标。点击大号的白色问号标记,然后将指针移动到房屋的任意位置并单击。如果房屋是可被接受的,你会在屏幕左下角得到一条黄色字体的可接受的信息。

楼主 hy927ddd  发布于 2018-10-21 13:55:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2018-10-20 05:13:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2021-03-06 01:05:10 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



