





Movellans和Daleks为了争夺星系控制权爆发了一场持续几百年的战斗,为了赢得战争,Daleks找到了Davros,Movellans则抓住了意外来到Skaro的Doctor(四爷爷)。一番混乱后Doctor不出意料地让两方的计划都没成功……(S17的故事Destiny of the Daleks)

90年后,Movellans研发出了一种可以立即引发Daleks生理机能突变的生物制剂。这种病毒一度成为Dalek-Movellan战争的转折点,巨大的Dalek帝国土崩瓦解,危机面前Dalek们又一次想起了被关在冰柜里的Davros, Doctor(五叔)也再一次掺和进来……(S21的故事Resurrection of the Daleks)



楼主 IONOI  发布于 2017-02-10 13:21:00 +0800 CST  
本次带来的是珍珠妹Pearl Mackie被cast为新同伴Bill的幕后故事


Mackie很乐意和我们分享她加入DW的经历。“试镜的过程真的,真的很疯狂,”Mackie说,“首先,我的经纪人问我有没有时间去参加‘Mean Town’的试镜,这个‘Mean Town’其实就是‘Woman Ten’字母的重新排列,代表第10位同伴。所以他们第一次提到这份工作的时候,我并不知道这是在给胡博士找同伴。然后经纪人对我说,‘哦,好吧,事实上我们想让你去参加的是Doctor Who的试镜。’我的第一反应是‘这个角色我肯定没戏,但看起来真的好酷啊,我一定得去试试’。”

不久后,Mackie收到了魔法特的剧本,她感觉自己瞬间就和“Bill”建立起了联系。整个过程就是在一台摄像机和一名选角导演面前读一段剧本。试镜结束后,一个半星期的杳无音讯让Mackie一度以为自己与这个角色擦肩而过。“在电视界,要是整整一个半星期你都没有接到电话,那你肯定失败了。”Mackie说。但接着她接到了一个从一家豪华酒店打来的电话,电话那头的人告诉她,她会见到BrianMinchin(制片人),Steven Moffat……并且将和Peter Capaldi一起读剧本。



皮卡叔绽开一个大大的笑容,他也谈起了DW给他带来的喜悦,“能得到这份工作真是莫大的荣幸,让我有机会畅游时空。现在我又能和这么多优秀的演员共事,”他指向Pearl Mackie和Matt Lucas(Nardole),“Pearl给同伴这个角色带来了一种令人耳目一新的特质,和她一起工作的每一天都是激动人心的,看着她不断发掘Bill新的一面。Matt同样伟大,他为这部剧增添了一丝古怪微妙的外星气息……毫无疑问他是一位我们都尊敬的喜剧天才,但现在他加入了DW和我们一起表演!我看过一张我们仨的合照,当时我就在想,‘哦,我真的好想看这部剧啊’”。



楼主 IONOI  发布于 2017-02-12 13:41:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 IONOI  发布于 2017-02-12 13:45:00 +0800 CST  
DWM第509期 – 魔法特答读者问
DAVID HEADMAN问:现在Clara和Me一起旅行了,Danny Pink死的透透的,我们又将和Bill与Nardole一起迎来DW新纪元,那我们还有机会知道为啥Orson Pink会长的像Danny Pink并且有一个热爱时间旅行的曾祖母?
魔法特:Orson Pink来自Pink家族的旁支,我们设计情节时很小心的,剧里可从来没说过他就是Danny Pink的后代哦。

LUKE WILLIAMS问:如果DW一百周年他们愿意让你回来的话,你会做什么?那时你该102岁了。

【NATHAN STONEROCK asks: By the end of TheReturn of Doctor Mysterio, it seems the Doctor has made peace with the factthat River Song has died, having spent 24 years saying goodbye on Darillium. Doyou feel that River Song's story is done? And if so, would you have anobjection to someone else, say Chris Chibnall, bringing her back after you haveleft as showrunner?】
Well, yes, that does seem like the end tome. Except, of course, it isn't, and can't be. There's always the chance thatRiver will show up again, at some other point in her timeline, with a stolencamel, seven more husbands, and a nuclear submarine. Big Finish isn't done withher, I believe, and any reason to get Alex Kingston back in action is a goodone. But for me, I think, I'm done. Back when I thought I might be leaving atthe end of 2015, I specifically planned the Darillium scene as my goodbye - bringingeverything full circle to the moment (in Forest of the Dead) just before I tookover. Which, frankly, was a moment of self-regard that was properly renderedsilly by me staying on the show for another series. As to Chris Chibnall -well, entirely up to him. Doctor Who is his from 2018 onwards, and I wouldn'tdream of getting in the way. If Mrs Who makes another appearance, I'll find outthe same way you will - from behind the sofa.

【DAVID HEADMAN asks: Now that Clara hasgone travelling with Me, Danny Pink is dead and we are moving on to a brave newworld with Bill and Nardole, is it still possible that we can get anexplanation for how Orson Pink looks like Danny Pink and has a grandparent whowas a time traveller?】
Orson Pink is descended from another branchof the family. We were careful never to say he was directly descended fromDanny.

【LILY RINGLER asks: Does Nardole have alast name?】
Everyone has a last name. Everyone has afirst name. Question is, are they one and the same? (Nardole is a creature ofmystery - it says so on this t-shirt - and I am not allowed further clarity).

【ANDREW WEBSTER asks: I rewatched TheHusbands of River Song in preparation for Nardole's return and noticed that theDoctor makes a big fuss about the TARDIS not being able to take off with KingHydroflax's head in the TARDIS while his body is outside. But when his bodycomes into the TARDIS it has Ramone's head on and (we later discover) Nardole'shead inside - and yet the TARDIS takes off with their bodies outside! How isthis possible?】
Once Hydroflax steals your head (don't letthat happen, it's very upsetting) it becomes part of his biomechanical DNA -you belong to the robot, not your original body. So just as the TARDISinterprets Hydroflax's head as linked with his machine component, Nardole andRamone register as part of the exo-skeleton, rather than their former physicalselves. It says here. No, shut up, it does.

【TIMOTHY REENE asks: It's just occurred tome how little sense it makes that the TARDIS' lamp flashes as it lands. For atime/space vessel intended for unobtrusively exploring the universe, why doesit want to draw attention to itself as it lands? Saying 'it looks cool' wouldbe cheating. Any in-universe ideas?】
But 'it looks cool' is the in-universeexplanation. Look, haven't you noticed - the Doctor is completely off histrolley. Seriously, the man is barking mad. He basically runs away for aliving, but still chose to wear that scarf. One morning, he decided it wouldenhance his air of personal enigma to stick a question mark handle on hisumbrella. He wore converse trainers with a suit, he made a screwdriver sonic,he thinks fezzes and bow ties are cool, he hid himself away in a Medievalcastle with a tank and an electric guitar, he thinks he's in a television showand sometimes talks to the camera... oh you finish the list. Do you think, forone second, that man would look at the light on top of his disguised timemachine and not think, "Ooh, it would be cool if it flashed." He'sinsane, I'm telling you. You should try writing for that lunatic, it'sexhausting.

【LUKE WILLIAMS asks: What would you do forthe 100th anniversary of Doctor Who if they brought you back to direct it?Bearing in mind that you'd be 102.】

【FRANK OFFERINO asks: If you split CaptainJack perfectly in half and kept the pieces separate, would they grow into twoJacks?】
This has already happened. They didn't comeout of the room for 400 years. By which time there were 28 of them.

【CHRIS FENN asks: Now that former movie DrWho Peter Cushing has made a somewhat unexpected return to the big screen inthe new Star Wars movie, when can we expect The 13 Doctors and the return ofHartnell, Troughton and Pertwee?】
Well, like every other Doctor Who fan, thatwas my first thought. (My second was that they could put Sean Connery into OnHer Majesty's Secret Service.) But, you know, word on Media Street is that StarWars just might have a tiny edge on us, budget-wise. I know Kathy Kennedy, I'llcheck with her, but I'm fairly sure those are quite expensive movies andpossibly that sort of thing might be a bit beyond us for now. More importantly:will the software ever exist that can recreate the comic timing of PatrickTroughton?
But what am I saying? To hell with reason,let's start a letter-writing campaign. Who's with me? Team, let's get angry!!
Dear Chris Chibnall,
I am extremely furious at your continuedfailure to digitally recreate dead actors for me. I hope you die, and changeyour mind.
Best wishes,
A TRUE fan.
PS Please make more episodes of Open Air.
You were good then.

楼主 IONOI  发布于 2017-02-13 20:59:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 IONOI  发布于 2017-02-13 21:28:00 +0800 CST  






楼主 IONOI  发布于 2017-02-24 09:00:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2017-02-09 01:42:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2017-04-02 13:56:43 +0800 CST


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