(2017年)TIM 每周星运 08.13 – 08.19(完)

蒂姆·斯蒂芬斯(Tim Stephens),加拿大著名占星师,超过40年的占星经验,因准确预测过许多时政大事结果闻名。

所有时间和日期使用的都是太平洋夏令时间(PDT)(Pacific Daylight Time Zone) 。PDT是英格兰格林威治时间之前的8小时。例如,如果PDT是中午12点,英国是晚上20点,中国是次日清晨4点。


【周日】01:01 ~ 03:40;【周一】18:15 ~ 【周二】07:06;【周四】06:38 ~ 09:13;【周六】08:17 ~ 10:55。


“毫无疑问,宇宙正在展开着,一如它应该呈现的。”---- 期望之事

☆☆☆ 序文 -- 译者:元中


后序包含了““Tim 掠影”的第三章,它被延迟了两个月,因为我们搞不懂怎样在博文里贴图片。



一个读者写道:“你说过年轻的狮子们在2018年11月前不应该结婚,但是在上周的运势里,你说狮子们可能遇见爱情或一个好的生活伴侣。”好吧,伙计们,有时候我会犯一些错误的。在2018年11月前不要形成一段婚姻关系,对于狮子座来说,这是最重要的、最强大的一个信息。那个 “遇见爱情” 的信息只是维持一天或一周,所以代表了一个不太强的反趋势。(占星学上,无论持续多久,最重要的信息能量更强大。)


嗯,我告诉过你,冥王在摩羯会为美国带来一场“内战”或“分裂”,虽然我说过(我一直都是这样说的)它不会像那场1861年的全面战争。与此相反,我们得到了千禧一代的暴动,贫富差距的日益扩大,“蓝色海岸线”与“红色中部”的分裂(东部民主党,中部共和党),特朗普与民主党的对决,华盛顿持续的不幸,因为它依旧保持僵化。一些庇护城市是这种“分裂”趋势的一部分。现在,加州的一个政治团体正在谈论有关美国的继承 ---- “福克斯(Fox)新闻,8月1日,塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)”。2022年之前,当这个冥王的星象达到顶点时,我们会看到更多更深入的内容(稍后我可能会修改这个时间,因为我找不到那个候补的星图)。

《亚瑟王的圣杯》(The Holy Grail of Arthurian)的传奇据说是来自路西法(Lucifer),它注定要到达神那里(难怪很难找到它)。这激起了我的兴趣。但丁(Dante)的撒旦(Satan)被困在一个冰湖里,冰湖象征着他的骄傲。本质上,但丁在说:路西法实际上是自我监禁,被他的骄傲(冰湖)所困住。但是,在他骄傲的象征之下,这个令人难以置信的圣杯传奇暗示着路西法正试图向神发出一个信息。这个信息必须是一个请求,第一个“达成”的契约,让一些事情正确进行的一个企图。如果,曾经,神和撒旦合为一体,这意味着什么?(实际上,在启示录(Revelation)中,圣经的最后一章,撒旦和基督被显示为 ---- 也许没有区别 ---- 相似的,因为两者均由金星代表。这意味着什么?)


“Tim 掠影”的第三章:占星 ~ 冥王星回归,第二部分


前注:占星学的一些基本原理已经无可辩驳地被一位法国统计学家米歇尔·高格林(Michel Gauquelin)所证明。但是,这些冥王星的回归图可能是一个有效的第二证据,因为历史移除了一点儿我的发现的主观性。看不上占星学的那些“科学家”卡尔·萨根(Carl Sagan)之流将会好好记住“科学的方法”,并且去调查而不是摒弃这些占星学功效的证据。那些科学家将被他们的文艺复兴时期的前辈们所鄙视。是的,物理学家们可以研究量子的模式,但是,当一些文明变革的事件发生时,他们能解释为什么冥王星总是在天空中一个特定的位置吗?也许250年后 ---- 更精确地说,212年后(即2229年)---- 他们将开始研究两者之间的关系,并且发现内在的原因。




有些是次要的:维京人在公元981年发现北美,大约在冥王星公元970年11月27日回归后的十年。(我在使用一个10年的 “轨道” 时间描述回归,或者冥王星轨道的1/25的一个 “时间片段” 。这样可以确保我们在一个冥王星回归标志的一半以内。此外,发现的日子是近似值。)亨利八世,杀了他的妻子们,因为她们不能为他生出一个继承人。他出生在冥王星回归的确切年份里(具体日子???)。他把英格兰教会从罗马分离出来,并创建了基督教的英国新教分会。詹姆斯·瓦特(James Watt),工业革命始祖 ---- 他发明了蒸汽机,革命在此基础上被引发 ---- 出生在一个冥王星回归的确切年份。



冥王星回归:公元13年11月27日 ~ 耶稣

耶稣出生于公元0年(公认的,关于确切日期有大量的争论。)圣经说他离开了父母,13岁进入犹太教堂。这是他的宗教、讲授、精神生涯的开始。正如我们所知,耶稣引发了这个目前超过20亿人信仰的宗教,并以许多其它的方式改变了世界 [基督教最终导致了以“基督意识”为基础的欧洲殖民世界的兴起]。(注:基督意识--无条件的爱)


** 如果你想自己了解这个图表中的所有行星符号,你可以去博客首页的 “客户地图” 栏里,那里每个符号都做了标注。或者,你可以从上面的 “耶稣回归” 图中得知:左边最远的符号,里面有个点的一个圆圈,那是太阳。逆时针方向的下一个是海王星(看起来像个短柄叉子)、金星、火星、月亮、北交点(看起来像个绿色的牛轭),然后是天王星、冥王星、木星、水星、土星 ---- 再次回到太阳。忽略那些 “字母” ---- “MC” 和 “AS” 。

它是一个显著的现象,很可能要由轨道力学来解释:几乎每个冥王星回归都会发生在太阳处于冥王星的标志天蝎座的时候,有几个是太阳在射手或摩羯(有在天秤吗?---- 在二十多个冥王星图的研究中还没见过)。请留意这个太阳,在耶稣的星图里,它位于射手座,表示两件事:


请注意海王星,精神和精神现象的统治者,伴随着太阳在射手(出版和宗教标志)。海王星位于射手的15°,卡雷里称为 “有洞察力的人” 。

还要留意,冥王星 ---- 这个关键的行星,因为这是它的回归 ---- 非常靠近木星,后者主管射手座(又一次,出版或“传播知识”,以及宗教)。木星总是扩大它所触及的任何东西,这表明一个冥王星种子或开创性事件的大规模扩张。两者都在11宫,表示广泛的普及。

火星在第三宫意味着自信的沟通,耶稣在讲话中没有任何自信。火星在水瓶,表示为自己的理想(水瓶)而战斗(火星)的一个意愿。(耶稣在马太福音中说:“不要以为我为和平而来。我是为了战斗而来。”)水瓶的影响也意味着“新理想”,因为水瓶是发明的标志。卡雷里对水瓶19°的描述 ---- “此人爱他的主” , “一个砍掉的头颅还在说话” (耶稣复活) “他个性的关键是一个强大的… 精神力量” ,等等。本质上,所有的理想都是来自心灵的。


支配科学和技术的两颗行星,土星和天王星,在变动宫,暗示了它们在公元13年的“安静”,但是,也互成“角度”,就像高格林发现的那样 ---- 也许暗示它们未来的最高地位。(在旧约中这也有暗示:神说,当我们离开地球,并且超越四季、超越白天和黑夜的时候,我们将不再需要崇拜它。---- (见博客里我的关于圣经的文章)---- 也许牵涉到那些已经完成的里程碑式的太空计划。)

甚至天主教会在这里也是预设的:与土星和水星处于修道院和隐居的12宫。因为主管金星和土星的水星是处女座的爱行星,而且水星也统治双子;土星又是双子“禁止的行为”的行星 ---- 土星代表老人,水星代表年轻人和孩子们 ---- 因此,总而言之,即使在几世纪前,天主教会的娈童行为也在这里被暗示了。甚至耶稣和他的善意,也不能逃避占星学的预言。(更多的关于圣经中的占星学的核心角色,以及神的概念,请阅读我博客里的关于圣经的文章,特别是“以西结书”。)


冥王星回归:公元1490年11月6日 ~ 克里斯托弗·哥伦布 (1492年出航)

注意到没有?我在上面提到的基督教,数千年以后对世界的影响远远超过了宗教这个专有名称。克里斯托弗·哥伦布(Christopher Columbus)可以简称为克里斯特·多弗或者“基督的鸽子”(Christ Dove)。鸽子是基督教的一个重要象征,然而那是一个虚假的象征,因为它不是一个和平的宗教。另一个重要的象征,是条鱼,意指双鱼座,精神的标志。一只鸽子发现了诺亚的方舟,并宣布洪水结束了,不是吗?某种意义上,我们有一只鸽子,它处于诺亚洪水的第二阶段:进入海洋,去发现新大陆。这个象征的意义,在神秘学里,囊括了源于基督教的影响文明的思想,去“告知”或启发一切:从耶稣会士的传播福音到月球行走;从西方文学到维多利亚时代的性压制;从服装时尚到DNA研究。



请注意,月亮直接在太阳的对面,位于搬迁的第七宫。月亮在金牛座,一个女性标志。伊莎贝拉女王(Queen Isabella)准许并资助未知的旅行,她有一个金牛座的名字(“B”和“I”皆为代表金牛的字母)。对于你们中的怀疑论者,她实际上是个金牛座,生于4月22日。第七宫也是合伙关系的宫位:伊莎贝拉和克里斯“合作”航行海洋 ---- 他航行,她资助了这次航行。

木星,全球漫游的行星,也在搬迁的第七宫,一些机会、那里的环境,等等。木星几乎总是和幸运与扩张在一起 ---- 这里,它在建设城镇、建设文明社会的度数(卡雷里再现!)---- 哥伦布的继任者确定实现了这两点。





考古学家们现在相信维京人在公元980年代发现了北美洲。(根据维京传奇或历史,公元981年,红胡子埃里克Erik the Red发现了格陵兰岛,引发了一个到加拿大新斯科舍省Nova Scotia的百年殖民。)这是一个我们无法确定历史数据的情况。但是十年从冥王星回归中并不是个大数字。事实上,公元980年,冥王星还在天蝎座。



太阳(能量、生命力)、海王星(海洋)和木星(远行)皆在射手座,世界旅行的标志。但没有太多的压力。火星在财产区域 ---- 火星总是在“燃烧”,想从它的手中保持和抓住任何东西,别提有多难了。火星在4宫,照它的情况来看,表示一个荒芜的地面,或者植物们将无法生长。

在一些开创性事件的8宫中(冥王星的整个王国),我们发现了月亮(通常很富饶)和土星(过了生育年龄的人、限制、恶劣的条件)。这就是为什么我把这个公元970年的冥王星回归以及发现北美洲称作一个 “误操作” 。维京人尝试建立定居点,试图建立殖民地,一些显然持续了一百年,但没有任何成长。此处的冥王星确实在给予出生,但是是一个 “依旧停留在出生阶段” 的出生。8宫也是秘密之宫,维京定居点上千年以来是未知的,没有被发现。


在冥王星文章的第三部分中,我会解释公元1983年的冥王星图;广义上,它显示了我们这一时代到公元2229年的特征;它不仅显示了2229年后的247年,而且是之后的几千年 ---- 当我们看冥王星的“大时代”(Mega-Eras)的时候,我将在第三部分解释最后的几千年。

☆☆☆ 白羊座 (03.21~04.19)-- 译者:元中

又一个星期的浪漫、美好事物、创意、成功的“赌博”,以及迷人的孩子们,白羊。一心投入快乐中,因为这是一年中你做这些的最好月份,去补充你的生活快乐(通过接下来的工作来看待)。如果你是单身,浪漫现在是非常重要的,因为你处在一个强有力的交配年份,并且可能找到你真正的生活伴侣(Ta开朗又考虑周到)。如果你现在(10月中旬之前)结婚或同居,2018年将是很棒的性和财富的一年;如果你不这样做,下一年(2017年10月起)将使你处于“婚姻不忠诚”的危险中,或者保持单身但有一个“私通”的危险中。不要在9月5日前开始任何新的关系和项目,但是把你 “爱的关心” 给予进行中的浪漫或爱情。一个旧情人可能出现,但Ta可能是个烦人的类型。

周日到周二黎明(PDT),追逐金钱 ---- 购买出售,寻求加薪,回收欠债和支付旧账单,等等。不要购买任何重要的物件,因为次品遍布。你的家是甜蜜的,但你面对一个家庭与职业选择的两难困境。



☆☆☆ 金牛座 (04.20~05.20)-- 译者:简娜

大致的重点在于你的家宅、家人、营养、胃肠、精神、休息或放松、安保,和大自然。这是一个周期性的‘冬眠’时间,金牛座,所以,大量的打盹儿吧!这是一个极好的时间:走出去,到大自然中,划艇、露营,等等。把文明社会抛诸脑后。但是,要温和,避免冲动,并且,确保安全 ---- 在居家领域有点儿摩擦或者冲突。在9月5日之前,不要开始任何重大的项目(包括那些主要的房屋修理或者翻新);也不要开始任何新的人际关系,因为,它们会变得纠结,甚至令人窒息,因为犹豫不决、虚假的开始、出错和延误而陷入一团糟。一个旧情人可能出现(在8月22日之前,更多的是以一种友好的方式;在8月22日之后,更多的是以一种浪漫、激情的方式)。




☆☆☆ 双子座 (05.21~06.20)-- 译者:lin

主要的强调还是在差事、交流、非正式拜访、文书工作和短途出差。你会迅速的决定扎入这些事 ---- 但记住要有礼貌、优雅,因为你可能倾向于变得不耐烦、粗鲁,或者脾气大爆发。你可能会焦躁不安。最好的度过这个阶段的方式是:(1)谈个恋爱;或者(2)写点有创意的文字;(3)来个短暂的休假。你的金钱前景继续静悄悄地改善着。在9月5日之前,不要开启任何新的项目或者关系。相反,牢牢抓住目前正在发生的状况,或者回顾过去发生的种种。这种方式尤其要应用在不动产、家庭、安全、处所等这些领域。(译者:第四宫的管辖范围)。一项不动产的议价又重启了,可能会变得可行。一个浪子也许回头。怀旧情愫蓬勃。



周四到周六上午,追逐金钱,付掉旧账单,收回欠债。再说一遍,次品盛行,所以不要买任何贵重物件。周五下午开始,爱情可能不那么合时宜 ---- 如果你想要和谐的话,不如采用感性的、肉欲的方式和态度来相处。周六上午开车小心哦。

☆☆☆ 巨蟹座 (06.21~07.22)-- 译者:临安细雨

本周的总体氛围落在金钱、收入、财产、机械式的学习(可增长精神财富的那种)以及感性的吸引力(例如,想要 “拥有” 其他人的身体 ---- 或者一件绸缎华服,或是一辆轰鸣作响的兰博基尼)。比平时更多的金钱向你涌来,直到8月25日;但你也会有一个强烈的消费欲望,或将接触到一笔大账单,所以要保守消费。不要买任何重要物品。(水逆盛产次品,或者之后你再也不想要它。)在9月5日之前,不要开启任何重要的项目或是人际关系。相反,继续坚持正在进行中的投机冒险和联络,或者重拾过去的这些事。这一点尤其适用于需要邮件沟通的项目、旅行与交通工具,以及文书工作。再次检查事实、地址、会议时间,等等。一些答案可能需要一点时间才能出现。

周日、周一,快乐轻拍你的肩膀 ---- 人气、社交愉悦、乐观以及调情闪亮生辉在这两天。你可能会遇见你的真爱(但这并不是某个新人);或者说,你可能会从爱情中抽离。某个摩羯座的人有可能会牵涉其中。


周四至周六上午十点左右,你的能量与魅力飙升 ---- 成为一名领导者,请求支持,给他人留下深刻印象。记住,此时你毫无疑问拥有某种性感的魅力(直到8月25日)---- 并且周五白天(虽然他们可能表现得相反!)和夜晚(太平洋时间夜晚9点)有人对你感兴趣。但不要开启任何新的恋爱关系!(旧的或正在进行中的恋爱关系可以。)

☆☆☆ 狮子座 (07.23~08.22)-- 译者:神仙静静

啊哈,大猫们,你依然在顶端,依然是表演的明星!成为一个领导者,保持明智、坚决、慈悲(尤其是最后一项,因为所有这些能量会无意中给你一个霸气,甚至残酷的性格特征 ---- 并且强行夺去了性吸引力)。在9月5日之前,大猫不应该开始大型新项目,也不应该开始新关系 ---- 但是你可以重新联系有价值和/或有吸引力的人,给予现行或过去的项目一个良好的推动。大猫的私人和内在的生活继续是甜美的、支持性的 ---- 你们与公务员之流的关系也一样。货币计划现在停滞不前,但金钱(或一个金钱来源)可能会由过去重新归来 ---- 花开堪折直须折。发送逾期发票,支付逾期账单。

周日至周二上午(PDT),要有进取心,但不要实际地开始任何新项目。展示你的技能,打动高层们,给现行的项目一个(小心)的推力。留意工作、同事们 ---- 要圆融、沉着。员工和管理者可能有争执。如果你不能为他们解决问题,请保持谨慎地置身于事外。

周二黎明(PDT)到周四早上,一个愿望可能会实现。大猫会是受欢迎的,充满乐观,打情骂俏。爱情可能会出现,但如果在周三黎明前发生,性不会包含在其中; 如果在周三黎明后发生,爱是轻松但真实的,带着一个深深的锚(注:给人以安全感)。

周四到周六上午,从拥挤的人群中撤退。保持安静、灵性、慈悲; 处理公务员事宜。调查一个旧的难题、秘密。一些投资和其它金融活动将成功,特别是周四。周六上午小心驾驶。

☆☆☆ 处女座 (08.23~09.22)-- 译者:Fuzi






☆☆☆ 天秤座 (09.23~10.22)-- 译者:戈弌弋





☆☆☆ 天蝎座 (10.23~11.21)-- 译者:cynthia_13b

天蝎,在未来几周里,一个旧日梦想会回归,并且它可能会导致一个重要愿望的实现。未来9天强调工作、职业、志向、声望关系、你的社会地位和名誉。这是好的,但也可能变糟,如果你不辛勤工作,或者你试图 “偷工减料” 。一个上级不会赏识这样做的结果。你的法律、智力和文化领域保持着幸运和深情。在9月5日前,不要开始任何新事物、项目或者关系。(9月7日开始最利成功。)


性、一些秘密、神秘事物、金融、生活方式、医疗急救或治疗、研究 ---- 任何或所有的这些事物在周二、周三降临。不要寻求浪漫,但要回复,或者寻找一个金钱、亲密关系或信息“背后隐秘的宝藏”。周三,一个金钱的选择隐约可见。

周四黎明后到周六上午10点左右(PDT),智慧、一个柔和的心情、广泛的理解、长途旅行、国际事务、文化、法律、媒体和智力,这些方面的兴趣仁慈地浮现于你。爱情成功,特别是周四、周五(周五晚上)。两个朋友可能会有纠纷 ---- 不要插手,除非你有一个容易的解决方案。周六早上,小心驾驶,小心地使用机器、工具。

☆☆☆ 射手座 (11.22~12.21)-- 译者:invisible 元中

你的柔和,以及追求智力的兴致继续着,射手。旅行、国际事务、文化场所、法律和继续进修的题材填满了你的日子:学习、研究一些新的人事物。你的亲密生活、金融和“生活的改变”的领域依然受到青睐 ---- 如果上述事务在进行中,请向前推进。但是,不要在9月5日前开始任何新的项目和关系(9月7日开始较好),特别是在职业、身份地位(社区、婚姻,等等)和商业领域。取而代之的是,要处理进行中的关系及事物,或者重拾你过去的一些机会。例如,一个前度的职业角色或者一个旧的志向可能回归,也可能是一个老的问题。一般来说,你的社交生活是蓬勃向上的,而且法律或智力方面的事情既有创意,也是紧张的(直到9月初)。

周日、周一,处理杂务 ---- 你可以完成很多,但要加倍仔细检查它们的要求。沉浸于一些大的抽象想法可能会干扰周一的工作表现。这两天需要认真对待一个重要的金钱或金融决定。

周二、周三,人际关系问题隐约扩大 ---- 家里的一个困难的气氛让你清醒,乃至沮丧。你可能不得不在快乐与财产安全之间做出决定。要委婉周到,保持对你未来的希望 ---- 它是光明的!

一些生活的奥妙进入周四早上到周六上午的时光。研究、调查 ---- 除非必须,否则不要做出任何金融选择,或者在金融、性、生活方式或医疗方面做出承诺。你可能发现你比自己想象的更富有!留意一些焦虑、工具影响周六。

☆☆☆ 摩羯座 (12.22~01.19)-- 译者:马小川

9月5日前,不要开始任何新项目和新关系。(想要得到好的结果,就等到9月7日, 5日和6日星象不好。)与此相反,亲爱的摩羯,重做旧的、有前途的工作,或保护正在进行的项目,等等。因为会有一段时间的延迟、供应短缺、爽约、走错方向和犹豫不决等等(例如,下订单要比平常早些,以弥补交货延误)。大多数 “逆向运动” 和延迟发生在你的智力、旅游、国际、法律和爱情领域。这可能会带来一个旧情人的回归,或者你梦想着重做一次最喜欢的旅行。

周日、周一,充满浪漫、创意和投机冲动。你可能会遇到令人非常愉快的人 ---- Ta对你很有吸引力,并且你可能会表现出来。但是,周一,浪漫和亲密关系之间可能会发生一道裂痕。要心甘情愿,不要硬推。

周二、周三,处理杂务。重复检查说明,保障安全。饮食合理,穿衣有度;因为你的健康有点不稳定。周三,你的职业运飙升 ---- 有人羡慕你的位置。但是现在,爱情和理想是相互排斥的。一个旧有的恐惧可能会阻止你:找到它,然后耸耸肩。

周四早上到周六上午,面对人际关系。交谈,给你钦佩的人写信 ---- 这样做会受到欢迎的。周五晚(PDT),爱的火花迸发。但是周六上午,小心金钱。

☆☆☆ 水瓶座 (01.20~02.18)-- 译者:Elsa

瓶子们,9月5日之前不要开始任何新事物(9月7日开始可以确保成功向前发展)。现在启动的一些项目可能会使其陷入延迟和错误;在这段时间内开始的各种关系将导致对“在一起”这种状态的不断“调整”或犹豫不决;相反地,保护当下局面,免其遭受延迟、短缺、误解和犹豫不决,以及/或者重现过去一些有希望的状况。一个之前的金融关系人或性伴侣也许会再次出现:这可能是好的 ---- 通过以前发生的事情来判断。各种关系是本周重点,并且会继续深化 ---- 一些争论可能会爆发,但也可能是爱的激情话语。你或许不得不去旅行以拥抱某人或他们的世界。请圆滑一些!不要向某些机会扑过去(尤其是搬迁、商业或合作机会),除非它们来自过去的时间段。

周日、周一,在家呆着 ---- 放松、拥抱家人、园艺、校订营养计划、在大自然中徒步。不!要!开始一些大型修缮或者翻新项目。你可能不得不选择两种职责中的一种。是的,你的社交生活是有点迟缓或无趣(直到12月下旬),但是现在在这里的人是持久且忠诚的类型。

周二、周三,浪漫、美好事物、即时欢乐、创意潮和冒险的冲动引诱着你 ---- 纵身投入,你会对结果感到满意的 ---- 或者,至少你将经历一点心醉神迷。一个问题:你会去寻求一份理智的、欢乐之爱?还是一份清醒的、安静的社会情感?


☆☆☆ 双鱼座 (02.19~03.20)-- 译者:青莲泥巴

双鱼们,这是关于你的工作、健康问题与日常差使的最后一周(准确说来,是9天)。跟以往一样,你的“奴役”状态将被一个强烈的爱、游戏或浪漫缓解。尽管如此,那项工作是紧张的 ---- 但也是有利可图的 ---- 所以你最好不要忽视它。从现在到9月5日,不要开始一些新的项目和关系 ---- 它们会因为拖延、错误、犹豫不决与 “不适宜的环境” 而失败落幕。相反,重拾过去的境况,或者保持警觉,主动把控正在进行的局面。预见问题,把要做的事情列出来,仔细检查数据、地址、时间。上述方法适用于一切,尤其是人际关系、谈判、契约,以及所有 “提供援助” 的活动中。一个前任配偶或者恋人也许会再次出现 ---- 一个以前的机会或者搬迁的主题也可能出现。如果以前这些是良好的,它们可能会再次表现良好 ---- 去试试吧。


周二和周三,回归家庭,拥抱家人,打理花园,仔细核实安全与你的退休金项目 ---- 以及上面提到的所有事项。放松,一切都会很好。

周四清晨到周六上午,浪漫来敲门。愉悦、美好的事物、投机活动、可爱的孩子们、创造力与冒险的冲动遍布这三天 ---- 享受它们吧!(尤其是周五晚上)。不过,周六要小心使用电、电脑,以及一些秘密。



(The AFTERAMBLE — after PISCES’ message — contains Chapter Three of TIM’S COMPENDIUM, which was delayed by two months because we couldn’t figure out how to display astrology charts on the blog.

ALL SIGNS: Mercury is retrograde now. Don’t start new projects nor relationships until Sept. 5.
(And because Sept. 5 and 6 hold bad aspects, I’d wait until the 7th to launch anything, even though the retrograde ends slightly earlier.)

A reader wrote: “You said Leos should not marry before November 2018, but in last week’s column you told Leos they might meet love or a good life mate.” Well, guys, sometimes I make mistakes. The overriding message for Leo, to not form a marital relationship before Nov./18, is the stronger one. The “meet love” message was just for the day or week, so represents a less powerful counter-trend. (In astrology, whatever lasts longer, is more powerful.)

Affection creates minor good luck; cheerfulness creates major good luck.

Well, I told you Pluto in Capricorn would bring a “civil war” or “split” in the U.S.A., though I said (I always mean “wrote”) it wouldn’t be like the 1861 all-out war. Instead, we get the Millennials rioting, the widening gap between the rich and poor, the split into “blue” coasts and the “red” interior, the Trump-versus-Dems and the ongoing malaise of Washington, which remains gridlocked. Sanctuary cities are part of this “splitting” trend. Now a political group in California is talking about succession from the U.S. (Fox News, Aug. 1, Tucker Carlson.) We’ll see more, and deeper, by 2022, when this Pluto aspect climaxes. (I might revise this date later, as I can’t find the darn chart right away.)

The Holy Grail of Arthurian legend supposedly comes from Lucifer and is destined to reach God. (No wonder it’s hard to find.) This intrigues me. Dante’s Satan is trapped in a frozen lake, symbolizing his pride. In essence, Dante is saying: Lucifer is actually self-imprisoned, trapped by his pride (the frozen lake). But the grail legend hints that Lucifer is trying to send a message to God, underneath or despite his pride. It has to be a plea, a first “reach out” toward a pact, an attempt to make things right. If, ever, God and Satan combine, what could this mean? (Actually, in Revelation, the last chapter of the Bible, Satan and Christ are shown as — perhaps not identical, but similar, as both are represented by Venus. What does that mean?)


ARIES: March 21 – April 19

One more week of romance, beauty, pleasure, creativity, successful “gambles,” and charming children, Aries. Do dive into pleasure, as this is your month of the year to do so, to replenish your life joy (to see you through the work ahead). If you’re single, romance is very important now, as you’re in a powerful mating year, and could find your true life partner. (He/she’s cheerful yet judicious.) If you marry/co-habitate now (before mid-October) you’ll have a year of great sex and monetary fortune in 2018. If you don’t, next year (Oct./17 onward) will put you in danger of “marriage without fidelity” or of remaining single but having an “illicit” affair. DON’T start new relationships nor projects before Sept. 5, but do give ongoing relationships/loves your “loving attention”. An old flame might appear, but he/she might be a burdensome type. Chase money Sun./Mon. (to dawn Tues., PDT) — buy/sell, seek a pay raise, collect and pay old bills, etc. Do not buy anything important, as lemons abound. Your home is sweet, but you face a home-versus-career dilemma. Errands, communications, casual contacts, paperwork and short trips fill Tues./Wed. Be alert: some confusion, illusion or woolly thinking can harm your gov’t interests and/or ethical/legal/travel concerns. But this is a fine time (Wed.) to communicate with someone you love, want, or see as an opportunity-provider in practical zones. Head for home Thurs. through Sat. morning. Hug the kids, do minor emergency repairs (otherwise, don’t start ‘em) and relax and contemplate. You might feel torn between home and outside (ambitious) activities. Drive carefully.

TAURUS: April 20 – May 20

The general focus lies on your home, family, nutrition, stomach, spirit, rest/relaxation, security, and Mother Nature. This is a regular “hibernation” time, Taurus, so take plenty of naps. A great time to get out in nature, kayak, camp, etc. Shake civilization out of your hair. But do be gentle, avoid impulse, and be safe — there’s a bit of friction or conflict in the home zone. Don’t start any significant projects (including major house repairs/renos) nor relationships before September 5, as they would become entangled, even suffocated, in a mess of indecision, false starts, mistakes and delays. An old flame might appear (more in a friendly way if before August 22; more in a romantic, passionate way if the 22nd onward). Your energy and charisma rise briefly Sun./Monday. Impress others, display your stability and social affection. Chase money, pay old bills and collect what’s owed you, and find proper storage for your possessions, Tues./Wednesday. (E.g., put those bonds in a safety deposit box, or oil that saw.) All this first half of the week, you could face a dilemma in love, or see two friends pulling apart. The best solution: love beyond the frustrations or barriers, be understanding. You could be restless Wed., but don’t let a short trip or telephone gab session interfere with your work. Errands, communications, short trips, casual friends and paperwork fill Thurs. morning (9 am PDT) to Sat. mid-morn. Friends are sweet, affectionate, but Friday afternoon might bring a misunderstanding or small alienation. Drive carefully Saturday.

GEMINI: May 21 – June 20

The main emphasis lies on errands, communications, casual contacts, paperwork and short trips. You’ll dive into these with swift determination — but remember to be polite, gracious, as you might tend toward impatience and rude or angry outbursts. You might be restless. The best way to channel this is by a) chasing romance, love, or 2) writing something creative, 3) a short vacation trip. Your money picture continues to quietly improve. DON’T start any new projects nor relationships before September 5. Instead, stick with ongoing situations, or reprise those from the past. This particularly applies to real estate, family, security and foundational matters. A real estate “bargain” might return, become available. A “prodigal child” might return. Nostalgia blossoms. Be quiet, secluded, restful and contemplative Sun./Monday. Your charisma and energy are low. Relationships are stable, but you could face a dilemma or choice between two loves, or between two “types” of money. (E.g., do you spend, or invest?) My advice: be gracious, kind, and patient — that’s all. (Buy nothing big, and strictly avoid rents or home repairs/ construction before Sept. 5.) Your energy, clout and profile rise strongly Tues./Wed. — again, start nothing new, but do show off, impress others, and be a leader. Chase money, pay old bills and collect what’s due you, Thurs. to mid-morn Saturday. Again, lemons abound, so buy nothing big, significant. Love might not prosper Fri. pm — take a sensual, sexy attitude if you want harmony. Careful driving Saturday am.

CANCER: June 21 – July 22

The overall atmosphere lies on money, earnings, possessions, rote learning (which increases the mind’s possessions) and sensual attractions (i.e., wanting to “possess” another’s body — or a damask drapery, or a purring Lamborghini). More money than usual flows to you until August 25, but you also have a strong urge to spend, or will be approached with a large bill, so be conservative. DON’T buy any significant item (lemons abound, or you’ll not want it later) and don’t start any significant projects or relationships before September 5. Instead, stick with ongoing ventures and links, or reprise these from the past. This applies especially to mail programs, travel and vehicles, and paperwork. Double check facts, addresses, meeting times etc. Answers might take a long time to come. Happiness taps your shoulder Sun./Mon. — popularity, social delights, optimism and flirtation brighten both days. You might meet your true love (but this isn’t a brand-new person); or, you might pull away from love. A Capricorn could be involved. Retreat to think, rest and fulfill neglected chores Tues./Wednesday. Unlucky: work, daily health, travel, legalities; lucky: real estate, family, security, parenting. Nothing major. Your energy and charisma surge upward Thurs. to mid-morn Saturday – be a leader, ask favours, impress others. Remember, you have a certain sexy charm now (until Aug. 25) — and someone’s interested, Friday daytime (though they might display the opposite!) and night (9 pm PDT). But start nothing new! (Old or ongoing flames okay.)

LEO: July 23 – August 22

Ah, Leo, you’re still on top, still star of the show! Be a leader, be wise, determined, compassionate. (Especially the last, as all that energy can unintentionally give you a domineering, even cruel streak — and heisted sexual magnetism.) You SHOULD NOT start big new projects, nor new relationships, before September 5 — but you can re-connect with valuable and/or attractive people, and give ongoing or past ventures a good push forward. Your private and inner lives continue to be sweet, supportive — ditto your relations with civil servants and their ilk. Money initiatives stall now, but money (or a money source) might return from the past — grab what you can. Send overdue invoices, pay overdue bills. Be ambitious Sunday to mid-morn Tuesday (PDT) without actually starting any new project. Show off your skills, impress higher-ups, give ongoing ventures a (careful) thrust. Take care with work, co-workers — be diplomatic, unruffled. Labour and management might be at odds. If you can’t solve it for them, remain discreetly out of it. A wish might come true Tues. dawn (PDT) to Thurs. morning. You’ll be popular, optimistic, and flirtatious. Love might arise, but if it does so before Wed. dawn, sex won’t be part of the package; if after, it’s light but true, with a deep anchor. Retreat from the crowd Thurs. to mid-morn Saturday. Be quiet, spiritual, charitable; deal with civil servants. Investigate an old puzzle, secret. Investments and other financial actions will be successful, especially Thurs. Drive carefully Saturday am.

VIRGO: August 23 – September 22

One last week of quietude and solitude, Virgo. (Despite this, the few who do “enter your solitude” show affection and friendship.) Continue to rest, contemplate, and deal with civil servants, large corporations, charities and spiritual contacts. A money wish might come true. Don’t start any new projects nor relationships unless they’re “investigative” — i.e., you want to satisfy your curiosity. Now to Sept. 5, you will be more indecisive, and experience stronger delays, more frequent missteps, false starts, and incorrect information than usual. Don’t buy anything major (except a computer or software Aug. 20). A former job, career role, or mentor (or parent or judge) might return — chance is 50-50. Far travel, international affairs, legal, intellectual and media concerns fill Sun. /Mon. A nice buoyant luck accompanies you Sunday. Both days, you might have to choose between a light and a deep love or emotional commitment, or between immediate and delayed (or more social) pleasure. Show your ambition, or skills, or at least live up to your duties and position, Tues./Wed. Wednesday holds great luck in money zones, but little in domestic areas. You might have to decide between money and friends. Your spouse, other partner, doesn’t want to co-operate. Happiness visits Thurs. morning to mid-morn Saturday. A minor wish could come true Fri., involving money, travel, or “friendly love.” Now your spouse will co-operate. Drive carefully, do NOT invest, Saturday morn.

LIBRA: September 23 – October 22

This Sunday starts your last nine days of happy socializing, boosted popularity, blue-sky optimism, flirtations, and wish fulfillment, Libra. Soak it up, enjoy, issue and accept invitations, respond to “glances across the room.” Don’t start any new relationships or ventures before Sept. 5. Instead, reprise past situations/opportunities/projects, or protect ongoing ones from disarray — especially in gov’t-related, administrative, healing, counselling, spa, or similar zones; and, to a smaller degree, intellectual, travel or cultural areas. You are still favoured by higher-ups, parents and judges. If you’re single, you might have met someone socially who could be a great mate — continue to cultivate this person. Sexual desire, financial actions, research and investigation, lifestyle choices, medical exigencies, secrets and heightened intuition fill Sun./Mon. You might have to choose between home and career, security vs. ambition. Two good days, though. International, legal, intellectual, cultural, publishing affairs, and far travel, occupy your thoughts Tues./Wed. Neither day is really good for work, and communications might be sluggish, but good luck rides with you in the areas listed (International, legal, etc.). Be ambitious (without starting projects) Thurs. morning to mid-morn Saturday. Now work does go well, easily. Health improves. You might receive a last-minute promotion, or connect with a well-disposed mentor/superior, esp. Friday night. Careful Saturday morning.

SCORPIO: October 23 – November 21

An old dream will return in the next few weeks, Scorpio, and it might lead to the fulfillment of a major wish. The nine days ahead emphasize work, career, ambition, prestige relations, your worldly standing and reputation. This is good, but it can turn bad if you don’t work hard, or if you try to “cut corners.” A higher-up wouldn’t appreciate the results. Your legal, intellectual and cultural zones remain lucky and affectionate. Don’t start anything new, projects nor relationships, before Sept. 5 (Sept. 7 for best success). Relationships fill Sun./Mon. — so do opportunities, challenges, friendships and enmities, relocation themes, negotiations and public dealings. An old flame might return (any time now to Sept. 5.) — this is likely a light, happy, friendly “love.” If you face an argument Mon., demur, let it go. Sex, secrets, mysteries, finances, lifestyles, medical emergencies/cures, research — any or all arrive Tues./Wed. Don’t seek romance, but do respond to, or seek, a “hidden treasure” of money, intimacy or information. A money choice looms Wednesday. Wisdom, a mellow mood, broad understanding, far travel, international affairs, cultural, legal, media and intellectual interests float benevolently through you Thurs. post-dawn (PDT) to mid-morn Saturday. Love succeeds, esp. Thurs./Fri. (Fri. night). Two friends might fight — stay out unless you see an easy solution. Careful driving, and with machinery/tools Saturday am.

SAGITTARIUS: November 22 – December 21

Your mellow, intellectual mood continues. Themes of travel, international affairs, cultural venues, legalities and higher learning fill your days: learn, study something new. Your intimate life, finances and “life changes” are still favoured — if anything is ongoing here, press it forward. But DON’T start any new projects nor relationships before Sept. 5 (Sept. 7 for good luck) especially in career, status (neighbourhood, marital, etc.) and business zones. Instead, deal with ongoing situations, or reprise opportunities you passed up in the past. E.g., a former career role or an old ambition might return, or an old problem, too. Generally, your social life is buoyant, and legal or intellectual matters are both creative and intense (until early Sept.). Tackle chores Sun./Mon. — you can accomplish a lot, but double-check instructions. Dreaming of big abstract ideas can interfere with job performance Monday. Both days require a serious money or financial decision. Relationships loom large Tues./Wed. — a difficult atmosphere at home makes you sober, even depressed. You might have to decide between happiness and financial security. Be diplomatic, maintain hope for your future — it’s bright! Life’s mysteries enter Thurs. morning to mid-morn Saturday. Research, investigate — don’t make any final choices or commitments in financial, sexual, lifestyle or medical regions, unless you must. You could discover you’re worth more than you thought! Careful with nerves, tools, affections Saturday.

CAPRICORN: December 22 – January 19

Don’t start any new projects nor relationships before Sept. 5. (For good results, wait until Sept. 7 — 5 and 6 have bad aspects.) Instead, Cap, reprise old, promising situations, or protect ongoing projects, etc., from a period of delay, supply shortages, missed appointments, wrong directions, indecision, etc. (For example, order supplies earlier than usual, to compensate for delivery delays.) Most of the “backward motion” and delays occur in your intellectual, travel, international, legal and love zones. This could spark the return of an old flame, or have you dreaming of re-doing a favourite trip. Romance, creative notions and speculative urges fill Sun./Monday. You could meet someone powerfully sweet — he/she is just as drawn to you, and might show it. But a chasm between romance and intimacy might occur, Monday. Be willing, without pushing. Tackle chores Tues./Wed. — double-check instructions, practice safety. Eat, dress sensibly, as your health is a little uncertain. Your career luck soars Wed. — someone admires your position. But love and ambition don’t agree with each other, for now. An old fear might be holding you back: locate it, then shrug it off. Relationships fill Thurs. morning to Sat. mid-morn. Talk, write to one you admire — it will be well received. Love blossoms Fri. night (PDT). But take care with money Saturday am.

AQUARIUS: January 20 – February 18

Start nothing new before Sept. 5, Aquarius (Sept. 7 to ensure success going forward). Projects started now would tangle themselves in delays and mistakes; relationships begun in this period will lead to constant “readjusting” or indecision about being together. Instead, protect ongoing situations from delays, shortages, misunderstandings and indecision. And/or reprise promising situations from the past. A former financial connection or sexual partner might re-appear: this could be good; judge it by what occurred in the past. Relationships fill this week, and continue to be intense — arguments could flare, but so could passionate words of love. You might have to travel to embrace someone or their world. Be diplomatic! Don’t jump on opportunities (especially relocation, business or partnership opportunities) unless they’re from the past. Be domestic Sun./Mon. — relax, embrace the family, garden, revise nutrition, hike through nature. DON’T start big repair or reno projects. You might have to choose between two types of duties. Yes, your social life is a bit slow/dull (until late December) but those who are here, are long-lasting, faithful types. Romance, beauty, immediate pleasures, creative surges and risk-taking urges lure you Tues./Wed. — dive in, you’ll be pleased with the results — or, at least, you’ll experience a bit of ecstasy. One question: do you go for an intellectual, happy love; or a sober, quiet, social affection? Tackle chores Thurs. morning to mid-morn Saturday. Dress and eat sensibly, drive carefully, be safe with electricity (all minor). You could open the door to more money. Co-workers are affectionate, especially late Friday night.

PISCES: February 19 – March 20

This is your last week (well, 9 days) of work, health concerns and general drudgery, Pisces. As before, your “slavery” will be relieved with a strong streak of affection, play and/or romance. Still, that work is intense— and lucrative — so you’d better not neglect it. Now to September 5, don’t start new projects nor relationships — they would wither with delays, mistakes, indecision and “incompatible environments.” Instead, reprise situations from the past, or remain alert, proactive with ongoing situations. Anticipate problems, make “to do” lists, double-check data, addresses, times. All this applies especially to relationships, negotiations, agreements, and all “reaching out” activities. A former spouse or lover might re-appear — so might a former opportunity or relocation theme. If these were good in the past, they could be good again — give it a try. Errands, short trips, paperwork, communications and casual friends fill Sun./Mon. Answers will come slowly. Don’t let a restless urge turn you away from your duties. A love decision looms. Be domestic Tues./Wed., hug the family, garden, re-check security and your retirement programs — and above all, relax. All’s well. Romance calls Thurs. morning to mid-morn Sat. Pleasure, beauty, adventure, charming children, creative and risk-taking urges tickle these three days — enjoy! (Especially Fri. night.) However, take care with electricity, computers and secrets Saturday.

The End



Pluto and History: Part Two

(The Compendium was started in the June 4 column/blog [Autobiography portion]. Part One of the Pluto Return article was in the June 11 column, in case you wish to refresh yourself about it. I was delayed two months in bringing it to the Ateramble, as we could not get an astrology chart onto this blog. [Don’t laugh; I hire cheap help, as the blog makes no money, and I myself am a computer dummy.] Now it’s done, and the charts are below. Funny how this re-start of the Compendium occurs during a Mercury retrograde. Actually, the Pluto article is even more deeply a “blast from the past,” as I first discovered and lectured about this idea/discovery in the 1980’s. And we’re examining history, which always is, of course, past.)

(One pre-note: the basic tenets of astrology have already been irrefutably proven by a French statistician, Michael Gauquelin. But these Pluto return charts might be a valid secondary proof, as history removes the subjectivity — somewhat — of my findings. Those “scientists” (Carl Sagan and his ilk) who look down on astrology would do well to remember the “scientific method,” and investigate rather than dismiss these evidences of astrology’s efficacy. These scientists would be looked on with disdain by their Renaissance forebears. Yes, physicists can study quantum quirks, but can they explain why Pluto is always in one specific piece of the sky when these civilization-changing events occur? Perhaps in 250 years — more accurately, 212 years (i.e., 2229) — they will begin to study this relationship, and discover the underlying causes. One clue: how can a mystic, meta-philosophical construct born of human brains, “pre-know” or pre-figure, what science will only discover 700 years later? In this conundrum might lie a major secret to the universe.)

Last Pluto article, I promised to show how the chart drawn at the “moment” Pluto re-enters the sign Scorpio can presage or pre-figure the quarter-century to follow, and also how it gives us a hint of the seminal event(s) which start near or at the return year. These seminal events are almost always small, but transform history in their aftermath. (Seminal is an important word, as Pluto rules semen, conception, sex leading to birth, growth from a tiny seed to a larger creature. See Henry the 8th in Part Three: here, human semen and birth were definitely involved, and so was Pluto’s other realm: death, for Henry killed his wives. Many of Pluto’s seminal events were probably technological, and many are “hidden from history,” as historical records are either lost, vague, or approximate. For example, when were postal stamps born? We know it was sometime in (DATE?????) in China, but I can’t find an exact date, nor even pin it down to a 20 -30 year period. Thus, many Pluto returns seem “mute,” although they might have provided important seminal events. (As stated in Part One, I don’t include wars in these “Pluto events,” as 1) wars do not tend to be seminal, and 2) they litter every decade of history.)

Some of these events are major: Christ “emerged” on a Pluto return, and led to 2 billion Christians, the largest religion on earth; and the major influence on arts, literature, government and thinking, for 2,000 years. Or Columbus’ discovery of the Americas, less than two years from the Pluto return of 1490, which led to the creation of the greatest nation on earth, among other things.

Some are minor: the Vikings discovered North America in 981 AD, about a decade from the Pluto Return of November 27, 970 AD. (I am using a time “orb” of 10 years either side of the return, or a “time slice” of 1-25th of Pluto’s orbit. This ensures we are within half a sign of Pluto’s return. Also, the date of discovery is approximate.) Henry the 8th, who killed his wives because they couldn’t provide him with an heir, was born on the exact year of a Pluto return (DATE?????). He divorced England from Rome

楼主 元中  发布于 2016-12-11 15:50:13 +0800 CST  




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豆瓣好无语 删帖审核帖子起码给个理由啊 让人能知道到底为啥 莫名其妙就删。。豆瓣好无语 删帖审核帖子起码给个理由啊 让人能知道到底为啥 莫名其妙就删。。梅雨飞飞


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更新时间:2017-08-15 20:44:50 +0800 CST


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