【科里古德问答:Essassani / Sassani (艾莎莎尼族类)】

Essassani / Sassani 即巴夏族类。


关于Essassani / Sassani (艾莎莎尼族类。巴夏通灵族)
There are many names used for Alien Races here on Earth that are not used in the SSP's. We began to assign different designations to them. We began to find out early on that most of them were not being at all honest about where they were from or anything else. I have heard these names used to reference a couple different beings. Some who resemble one another and some that are completely unrelated. I would have to have more information about what beings you are speaking about. There are some that are (Were) coming in and out of the Sol System and doing their own thing (Agenda) and not cooperating with other species/groups on any deep level.

楼主 静悦合  发布于 2016-09-22 13:57:00 +0800 CST  

球联盟已经用“外部屏障”封锁了太阳系,防止这些邪恶的生命离开,使他们能够面对现实。他们给我们信息,,,我们真正的力量是意识的力量!SSP联盟、光明会/阴谋集团(及Off World Beings)知道他们在这里,但人类直到最近才知道。

楼主 静悦合  发布于 2016-09-22 14:07:00 +0800 CST  
“球联盟”的蓝鸟族类以及其他存有是第6 - 9密度存有,DNA之间没亲缘关系。在那里也有其他来自3/4密度的存有,但这类存有们与其他族类玩得不好。


4.26 #1480

楼主 静悦合  发布于 2016-09-22 14:09:00 +0800 CST  
因此,2017年可能是一个突破(breakthrough) 年,2015年、2016年也是。我不会花费精力在日期上,我聚焦于实现目标的过程。恕我直言。

楼主 静悦合  发布于 2016-09-22 14:12:00 +0800 CST  
This date comes up in the Interview with DW.
He has heard it from some of his other insiders (I have heard it mentioned recently as well).
I warn of putting out dates as consciousness affects time and events.
I do discuss however that there were multiple program documents that had a time "Window" of 2018-2023 that was very prominent and consistent throughout them.
Things have changed and the time table has sped up dramatically. I am not comfortable saying this makes 2017 an important year. Every year is an important year that has possibilities all based on our "Awake and Aware" status and how much we learn to consciously and positively work together with our "Mass Consciousness" to bring things into "Being".
So, 2017 could be a breakthrough year, 2015 or 2016 could as well. I wouldn't invest myself in dates but in the process of reaching the goal. IMHO.

楼主 静悦合  发布于 2016-09-22 14:19:00 +0800 CST  
(COREY: That is the goal of the SSP Alliance. The release of these technologies will completely change every facet of our society and civilization. The Economic Debt/Slave System would go away almost overnight as well as the entire control structure that we call the 1% so affectionately. When people aren't in a "Dog Eat Dog Society" it may free them up more to "THINK" and change. They will have quite a lot of new information to digest anyway. This will include all of the true history of the planet that includes the massive crimes against humanity that have been taking place for quite some time under our noses. It is going to be an "Interesting time" indeed.)
(COREY: The Blue Avians and the Sphere Alliance will not take "Unilateral Action". This is a time for us to make a choice and a change. Them being so much involved is not usual and is only being done so because of the importance of this cycle and the affect of it on the balance of the "Verse".)

楼主 静悦合  发布于 2016-09-22 14:22:00 +0800 CST  
Corey 4.22日回复:
我遇见过这些“黑太阳团”的人(实际上花的时间比我想涉入的更多次)......他们非常符合“光”和“黑暗”面中那种属于“强制”型的负面意识类。 ..他们比大多数人认为的神话“Jedi”和“Dark Sith”之类还要走的更远,更深......他们是很让人毛骨悚然的东西!

I met these "Order of the Black Sun" people (Actually spent way more time than I care to go into)... they very much align with this "Light" and "Dark" side of the "Force" way of thinking... And it goes much further and deeper in the "Jedi" and "Dark Sith" mythology than most would think... Very creepy stuff!

楼主 静悦合  发布于 2016-09-22 14:26:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 静悦合  发布于 2016-09-22 14:29:00 +0800 CST  
精英们一直在用很多的方式维持着人类的无知状态,使人们不知道我们的“联合/大众意识及其共同创造的能力” (“Joint/Mass Consciousness and its Co-creative Abilities”)的真正力量......这正是他们的黑魔法工作的基础,也是它们如何用我们自己的“联合意识”奴役我们的一个工具!

楼主 静悦合  发布于 2016-09-22 14:30:00 +0800 CST  
42. Please share information regarding the Resistance Movement and The Event!!! (2012portal.blogspot.com)请分享抵抗运动及事件信息!!!
Before coming forward I did not follow COBRA or TOLEC (Or any other individuals or groups similar to them). I did watch some of the Project Camelot Interviews but that is as far as I looked into what was going on in the Alternative "Truther Movement". I do not know much at all about the information (From 2012portal.blogspot.com) on the "Resistance" or if what they consider "The Event" is the same as what is explained as a Full Disclosure Event by the SSP Alliance that I have contact with. The “Resistance” I am told are made up of “Light Forces” and “Non-Human Beings”. I do not know if this group includes any “Earth Humans” or not. The group I am in contact with is the "Alliance" which is made up of various Secret Space Program Defectors as well as some of their allies that are both ET (& Higher Density Positives/”Sphere Alliance”, 5 beings from 6th-9th Density) and Positive/Ancient Break Away Earth Civilizations who are in a conflict with the Secret Earth Governments, Their Syndicates (Cabal/Illuminati & Other Secret Societies), Multiple Negative ET Federations (& Higher Density Negatives) and Negative/Deceptive Ancient Break Away Earth Civilizations (Often pretending to be ET’s) over the freedom or control of Humanity and the resources of this Sol System (Both “Physical” & “Energetic”). There will be a time of critical mass to where the things that are hidden from the main stream Human societies will no longer be possible to hide. This is not just about the existence of ET Life or Advanced Technologies but also includes a massive hidden history that main stream Earth societies will finally receive the full details of. This will include all of the information of the genetic tampering by off world groups as well as the crimes against humanity by the secretive "Elites" that have ruled over us for thousands of years. This full and complete disclosure and bringing the negative groups to justice will be the Event that many are speaking of. Others are expecting the energetic changes that are occurring in our Sol System to culminate into one sudden Ascension Event. Others expect the Ascension to be a more gradual process.

我不知道很多有关的“抵抗运动”的信息。我被告知抵抗运动由光军及非人类种族构成,我不知道这个群组是否包括“地球人”。我所接触的“联盟”是由不同的秘密太空计划叛逃者,以及他们的一些盟友如ET(高密度的正面/“球联盟”,从第5 6到9)密度存有们,以及正面/古代启示文明类。这些团队正与秘密地球政府及其辛迪加(阴谋集团/光明会及其他秘密社团),多维负面ET联盟(更高密度的负面存有),负面/欺骗性古带启示文明(通常假装ET的骗子、假神类)对抗。


楼主 静悦合  发布于 2016-09-22 14:34:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 静悦合  发布于 2016-09-22 14:44:00 +0800 CST  
2015年4月24日回复 #1392

普京对“Off World Affairs”知道的最多了.......

楼主 静悦合  发布于 2016-09-22 14:45:00 +0800 CST  

科里古德说斯诺登已经给了普京大量“Off World Affairs”资料,后来科里又具体说过这些资料包括了SSP、负面势力的勾当等内容。
科波拉说俄罗斯需要先清理完国内负面势力才会揭露。这几天新闻: 先是在反贪局副局长家里搜出1亿多黄金,后来又报道俄罗斯或许撤销联邦保卫局、对外情报局和紧急情况部

楼主 静悦合  发布于 2016-09-22 14:52:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2016-09-22 21:57:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2016-12-23 23:00:10 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



