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『我是迪恩-德布洛斯,《驯龙高手》系列电影的编剧与导演。很高兴能在今早与Reddit社区的朋友们交流,小嗝嗝 雅丝翠 没牙仔 还有所有的龙骑士都是我十年中生活的一部分。我为我们剧组完成《驯龙高手3:隐秘世界》的制作而倍感骄傲,并希望与你们分享一些见解——但没有剧透』

楼主 爱飞的502  发布于 2018-06-08 08:44:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 爱飞的502  发布于 2018-06-08 08:45:00 +0800 CST  

Q 迪恩你好,我刚刚看了预告片才知道有第三部的电影。在预告片里他说“在我还小的时候,这里是有龙的”,给这部电影泪目指数打分应该是多少?(1-10,10最感动)
A 绝对的10分。每当有人说“我看了你的电影,并没有哭”时,我总会有点失望。

Hi Dean, I just watched the trailer and had no idea there would be a 3rd movie. In the trailer he says
there used to be dragons when I was a boy
How much on a scale from 1 to 10, will I be crying from this film? (10 being the most tears!!)
We’re hoping for a solid 10. I’m always a little disappointed when someone says, "I didn't cry when I watched your film."

楼主 爱飞的502  发布于 2018-06-08 09:12:00 +0800 CST  
Q 德布洛斯你好:我几个月前才发现了驯龙高手如此好看,并很快的爱上了这部电影。我记得第一部电影的预告片完全没有引起我的兴趣,但我庆幸自己选择了去尝鲜(尽管是好几年后)。不管怎样,我从别处知道了第一部电影给无牙写的“潜台词”,象征着他在不同情形下所说的话。这个“潜台词”还有副本吗?我想去看看
A 有的。一开始,我们就尝试将“对话”用于没牙和其他龙,使动画师能够明白咕噜声与吼声背后的意图。这也有助于声音设计师兰迪·汤姆制作这些声音。我不确定上述的东西是否存在于某部电影的最后草稿中,但的确帮助了我们制作电影。

Hello Mr Deblois,
I only discovered HTTYD franchise a few months ago and I fell in love with it right away. I can remember the trailer of the first movie which didn't spark my interest at all, but i'm glad i decided to take it a watch anyway. (Though many years later)
Anyway, i read somewhere that for the production of the first movie, there was a "script" for Toothless for what he would say in certain scenes. Does this script still exist somewhere? I would love to read that

Yes. Since the beginning we’ve tried to incorporate “dialogue” for toothless and the other dragons, so that the animators could interpret the intent behind the grunts, gurgles, and roars. It has also been helpful to Randy Thom, our sound designer, in the crafting of those sounds. I’m not sure that those verbal descriptions exist in the final drafts of any of the films, but they were there to help us in the making of.

<169 接问续:
Q 那么,兰迪·汤姆和罗杰·迪金斯仍然参与第三部电影制作吗?
A 我很高兴的告诉你们,兰迪·汤姆和罗杰·迪金斯正在制作电影。作为我们团队的一部分,拥有他们的助力是一种荣誉。与他们共事有如大师指导。

So are Randy Thom and Roger Deakins both still on the crew for this third installment? That is the audio-visual 1-2 punch knockout right there.

I’m happy to report that Randy Thom and Roger Deakins are working away on the film as we speak. It is such an honor to have these powerhouses onboard as part of our team. It’s like a masterclass anytime we get to spend time with them.

楼主 爱飞的502  发布于 2018-06-08 09:34:00 +0800 CST  
Q 迪安,我是一个资深的驯龙影迷,刚刚看完预告片。我和我的朋友们有一个关于驯龙高手TV剧《飞越边界》的问题:飞越边界与龙三有关联,还是仅仅解释了第一二部电影间发生了什么?
A 我同意后者,飞越边界只与第一二部电影有关联。驯龙三部曲倾向于发展角色与剧情,尽管我们也想把整个发展故事交代完整。

Dean, I've been a long time fan of the how to train your dragon series and just finished watching the new trailer. My friends and I have a question regarding race to the edge.
Will there be references to Race to the edge in how to train your dragon 3 or how do you feel race to the edge interpreted what happened between the first and second movie?
I would agree with the latter. I would say Race to the Edge deals with what the first two movies go over. The film trilogy tends to stick to its film characters and script. Although we do tend to maintain to the universe.

楼主 爱飞的502  发布于 2018-06-08 09:48:00 +0800 CST  
Q 迪恩,前两部电影是我最喜欢的电影,非常感谢你的辛勤制作。我不得不问:你从斯皮尔伯格*所读的稿子有多少仍然用在电影里?你从他那里读到的剧本引用是我最喜欢的东西之一。再次感谢。
A 电影大体上与他的剧本一致,但随着角色发展,部分细节有所改动。我们希望尽快给他看这部电影,也希望他仍然喜欢这部电影,就像他当年读原稿一样。

Dean, the first two movies are my favoritefilms of all time, so thank you so much for making all of these films.
I have to ask: without giving too muchaway, how much of the draft that Spielberg read is still in the film? The quotethat you read from him about your script is one of my favorite things.
Thank you so much.
The movie is largely the same. With some ofthe details altered as characters evolved. We hope to show him the film soon,and we hope he still likes it as much as when he read the draft.

楼主 爱飞的502  发布于 2018-06-08 09:59:00 +0800 CST  
Q 迪恩,前两部电影让我们回到了童年,如今龙三是最后一部(同时考虑到斯皮尔伯格所说的),我们可能还没做好情感准备。但对你而言,给这个神奇的驯龙三部曲画上句号是怎样的感觉呢?提前谢谢!
A 谢谢你的夸奖,这个结局对我们每个人都是伤感的。许多剧组成员都是十年里驯龙三部曲的一员。我们已经爱上了这些虚构的角色和世界,自从我被要求制作续集的那一刻起,就信守制作驯龙三部曲的承诺,讲述无牙与小嗝嗝的故事。把故事讲得井井有条,让我们感到非常自豪。这对我们来说肯定也是很伤感的。

Dean, the first two movies definitely made us all feel like children again and knowing that this is the last one (and taking into account what Spielberg said) we may not be emotionally ready for what the movie brings. But for you, how does it feel like to bring this amazing trilogy to an end? Thank you in advance!
Well, thank you for the kind words! It's going to be an emotional conclusion for all of us. Many on the crew have been apart of this trilogy for a decade or more. We’ve come to love these characters and this world that we get to play in. From the moment I was asked to come up with ideas for a sequel, the commitment for a trilogy that tells Hiccup’s and toothless’ story in three acts was embraced and supported. So bringing the story to a close with integrity makes us all feel very proud. It will definitely very emotional for us as well.

楼主 爱飞的502  发布于 2018-06-08 10:12:00 +0800 CST  
Q 你好,德布洛斯先生,感谢你给的机会!我听说龙一是一个男孩找到他最好的朋友,龙二是一个男孩成为一个男人,那么龙三有相似的主题吗?

Hello Mr. DeBlois, thank you for doing this!
I've heard it said that HTTYD1 was about aboy finding his best friend, and HTTYD2 was about a boy becoming a man. So does part 3 have a similar theme?
It was very deliberate that each installment of Hiccup’s growth features a rite of passage. The first movie was about learning to accept yourself, in spite of your weaknesses. The second movie was about the transition of youthful abandon to adulthood. The third movie focuses on — it’s about finding the courage to let go. That in itself isa universal rite of passage. Whether they are faced with letting go of insecurities, or those who follow their destiny.

楼主 爱飞的502  发布于 2018-06-08 10:23:00 +0800 CST  
Q 嗨,迪恩,首先祝你生日快乐,希望你有愉快的一天!自从第一部电影出品以来,我就喜欢上了这部电影。我读了所有有关驯龙的书。我仍保存着梦工厂的《驯龙高手》画册、你和其他一些人的签名!我热衷于驯龙高手系列,我的一些好朋友都是通过这个影迷圈结交的!我的问题:相信很多人都在想——小嗝嗝和雅思翠结婚了,在蜜月的时候找到了隐秘世界吗?

Hi Dean - first of all Happy Birthday!!! Ihope you have a great day!!! Also I have loved this movies since the first one came out. Read all the books. I still have the art of DreamWorks How To TrainYour Dragon book you and some others signed and sent me!!! I am so dedicated to this series. Some of my best friends have been made through this fandom!!
My question - which I'm sure plenty of people are wondering - does Hiccup and Astrid get married and find The HiddenWorld while on their honeymoon?
The movie promises future developments forHiccup and Astrid but to say anymore would be a spoiler. The HiccStrid fans will be happy.

楼主 爱飞的502  发布于 2018-06-08 10:31:00 +0800 CST  
Q 迪恩,告诉我们约翰·鲍威尔的配乐和Jonsi的嗓音为何如此重要,以及这些声音与这个系列为何如此般配。
A我一直是Sigur Ros (Jonsi所在乐队) 的粉丝,然乌有机会见到乐队,并与他们合作十年前的几个电影项目。结果,Jonsi和我成了好朋友。因此,我邀请他为这两部电影创作一些音乐。他将再次与约翰·鲍威尔合作,为龙三制作原创音乐。他也许是我所认识的最有才华的人,也是一个巨大的灵感源泉。

Dean, tell us the importance of JohnPowell's music and Jonsi's voice and the perfect match these sounds bring to the series.
I’ve been a long Sigur Ros fan, and that led to me meeting the band and doing a couple film projects with them about a decade ago. As a result, Jonsi and I became good friends. As a result, I invited him to contribute some music to both films. He will be again working with John Powell on original music for this third installment of the trilogy. He is perhaps the most talented person I know and a huge inspiration.

楼主 爱飞的502  发布于 2018-06-08 10:43:00 +0800 CST  
Q 1. 有没有比格里梅尔(预告片中反派角色)更可怕的?从预告片来看,他似乎很瘦,只为邪恶而邪恶。
2. “光煞”的官方名称是什么?她是得白化病的夜煞吗?她是因为长时间藏身地下而失去黑色的吗?这会在电影里解释吗?
A 1. 是的,我们的目的就是使格里梅尔更瘦而有趣。他不仅狡猾,而且很有魅力和智慧。他对自己的能力也很有信心。这部电影里,我们需要一个聪明的对手——小嗝嗝。而且,默里·亚伯拉汉(配音)非常适合这个角色。
2. 光煞是嗝翠给她的新物种名称。我们故意不给她一个自己的名字(如夜煞-无牙),因为我们想让她保持野生状态。她不是一个夜煞,她是一个变种,有她自己的特点和能力。不像没牙仔,她不是光煞中的最后一个。

1. Is there more to Grimmel than meets the eye? From the trailer he seems very one-dimensional and only evil for the sake of being evil.
2. What is the official name of the"Light Fury"? Is she an albino Night Fury? Did she lose her pigmintation because she's been underground for so long? Will this be explained in the movie?
To your first question, yes the intention was to make Grimmel dimensional and interesting. He’s not only cunning, he can be charming and witty. He’s also very accomplished and confident in his ability. For this film, we wanted an intelligent nemesis for Hiccup. And, F.Murray Abraham is incredible in the role.
To your second question. The Light Fury is a species name given to her by Hiccup and Astrid. We deliberately didn’t give her a personal name, because we wanted to keep her wild. She isn’t a night Fury, she’s a variation of the species with her own traits and abilities. Unliketoothless, she is not the last of her kind.

楼主 爱飞的502  发布于 2018-06-08 11:08:00 +0800 CST  
Q 你能告诉我们隐秘世界的灵感来源于何处吗?对这个设定你有什么特别的想法吗?谢谢
A 隐秘世界是现实世界与幻想元素的组合。它以真菌、发光生物和珊瑚为特征,给人一种超凡脱俗的感觉。然而,我们希望的是创造一个可以存在于现实的世界。在驯龙高手的世界里,我们依靠现实的地球物理学和元素,而不使用“魔法”。出现在预告片里的海中的洞实际上是一个巨大的火山口,作为通往无尽的迷宫般的隧道,连接世界各地。

Can you tell us what was the inspiration of the hidden world? is there any place in particular you got the design idea from? Thank you
The hidden world is a combination of fantasy elements grounded in real world physics. It features fungi and bioluminescence and coral, to give it an otherworldly feel. And yet, the idea was to create a believable world that could exist beneath our own. As with everything in the How To Train Your Dragon universe, we rely on credible earthly physics and elements, without ever going to something magical.
The hole in the sea that is featured in the trailer, is in fact... A massive volcanic caldera that serves as a gateway to an endless maze of chambers and tunnels that work their way around the world.

楼主 爱飞的502  发布于 2018-06-08 11:31:00 +0800 CST  
Q 前两部电影都有鼓舞人心的、和谐的家庭价值观,那么你表现这样积极主题的用意是什么?
A 我想我的人生哲学与故事应该都能在感情上触动你——不管多么古怪或荒谬。我处理一个故事的首要任务是找到真正情感和化解矛盾的时刻,这会使其深层价值比表层价值更深刻。从自己的生活中汲取经验是完成这一任务的最好方法之一。正如人们常说的,“真情实感”。

Both movies have such inspirational and resonant family values, so what’s your strategy in creating such uplifting messages?
I guess my philosophy is that all storytelling should touch you emotionally — no matter how whimsical or absurd the premise. My priority when working on a story is to find some genuine emotional and often disarming moment that will make the whole thing have a greater value, than it may seem to have at face value. Channelingexperiences from your own life is one of the best ways to accomplish that. So as it has often been said, “Write from the heart.”

楼主 爱飞的502  发布于 2018-06-08 11:39:00 +0800 CST  
* * *
Q: 你觉得在动画界工作最棒的一点是什么?看到你一路从星际宝贝来到了驯龙系列,也算是壮举了。貌似很多不同种类的作品都可以用动画进行演绎——我觉得这就是动画最吸引我的地方。
A: 最棒的一点就是它无时无刻在发展。我在学习的时候,还是做着经典的手绘动画,而现在每一部电影里,这都具有教育意义。我们的技术每年都在发展。我们测试这些新技术,探索、向外扩展着边界。现在,我们已经发展到了“只有你想不到的,没有我做不到的”的程度了,这很激动人心。至于你的第二个问题——没错,我们可以用动画与任何种类的作品打交道。这真正地让动画成为了一种媒介,而不是常常被提及的一个种类。
Q: What would you say is the best part about working in the animation industry? Seeing you go from Lilo and Stitch to the beautifully ambitious Dragons franchise is quite something. It seems like so many different genres can be interpreted throughout this art form--that's the appeal of it from my point of view.
A: The best part about working in animation is that it’s ever-evolving. I was trained in classical hand drawn animation, and it continues to be an education with every film. Our technology improves every year. We get to test it and explore and push the boundaries. It’s gotten to the point where if you can dream it, you can make it. That’s pretty exciting. To your second question — You’re right. We can tackle about any genre in animation. Which truly makes it a medium, than a genre that is so often referred to.

Q: 迪恩您好!感谢您能腾出时间来进行这次问答环节!我已经迫不及待想要看到电影了!您是怎么完成这个剧本的,对想要写剧本的人有什么样的建议呢?
A: 我花了很久的时间去写大纲,又死抠细节把结构梳理了一遍。等我觉得结构已经完成的差不多的时候,我再去写剧本。想写剧本的朋友,我推荐你们去看布莱克·斯奈德的《救猫咪——电影编剧宝典》,这个系列风趣地提供了很多非常好、容易消化、容易上手的建议。
Q: Hi Dean! Thank you for doing this AMA! So pumped for the film! What is your screenwriting process and what advice would you have for anyone wanting to write a script?
A: I spend a lot of time in the outline, going over the structure with a fine toothed comb. Once I feel good about the structure, I go to the script. I recommend Blake Schneider’s Save the Cat Books to anyone who is interested in screenwriting, because they offer a lot of sage advice in a fun and easy to digest and apply way.

Q: 第二部预告片什么时候释出?
A: 会在电影上映前不久再出一部的,不过时间还没定好。
Q: When will come out the second trailer?
A: There will be a second trailer closer to the release of the movie. We're not sure when yet!

楼主 爱飞的502  发布于 2018-06-08 13:06:00 +0800 CST  
A: 作为一个系列的最终一部,最大的挑战就是尽量在不让观众太失望的情况下,解释为什么龙族会离开我们。像《E.T.外星人》这样的电影已经完美的解决过这样的问题,这让它们成为了我们文化中无法被忘记的一部分。我们希望驯3也能带来这样的挑战,触动观众并让他们满意。Cressida Cowell(原著作者) 来参观我们第一部电影的制作的时候,给了我一些灵感。她告诉我那时候她在写这个系列的大结局,这一本书会解释龙族出了什么事,为什么会消失。尽管我们的故事会有所区别,但是共同点是我们有着让这个宏大的史诗世界彻底完结的雄心,并且希望能够解决这个最终问题,在三部曲的创作中,这一直是我们的动力。
Q: 1) Without spoilers was there any big worries you had or challengers you had to overcome while making the final instalment to the dragon franchise.
2) How closely will this tie in with the ending of the books
A: The greatest challenge of the third film was to explain why dragons have left us in a way that won’t completely bum out the audience. There are films like E.T. that have successfully handled this delicate story challenge and they’ve gone on to become indelible parts of our culture. We hope that this third film will rise to that challenge and leave the audience feeling moved and satisfied.
I took inspiration from Cressida Cowell when she visited our production team on the first film. She told me at the time that she was working on the last book of her series. One that would explain what happened to dragons and why they are no more. And though our narratives differ, the ambition to close this chapter and resolve that question remain a driving force in developing the trilogy.

楼主 爱飞的502  发布于 2018-06-08 13:08:00 +0800 CST  
Q: 沃尔卡会出现在电影里面吗?我怎么没在预告片里看到她呢:/

A: 会的,瓦尔卡现在也是博克岛的一部分了。她要教导小嗝嗝、阿斯翠还有剩下的龙骑士,如何成为合格的龙族拯救者。Cate Blanchett【瓦尔卡的配音】已经回归,并再次让这个形象鲜活起来。
Q: Will Valka be in the movie? I didn't see her in the trailer :/
A: Yes, Valka has now become a part of the Berk community. Training Hiccup, Astrid, and the rest of gang to become capable dragon rescuers. Cate Blanchett has reprised her role, and as always, has done a wonderful job bringing the character to life.

Q: 你早饭吃了什么?
A: 甜甜圈!
Q: What did you have for breakfast?
A: donuts!

Q: 我的问题是您接下来会执导什么电影呢?动作片?动画?再多问一个,《驯龙高手》这个系列在这部电影后会怎么样?
A: 我还不是很确定接下来会做什么,但是我可能会先把一些小计划给做完,如果可能的话。里面有些动作片,有Hybird Film(结合纪录片与电影的一种新兴影视类型),还有一些动画。重点就是要找到好故事。至于对于《驯龙高手》,我为我所做的感到自豪。和这些世界顶尖的艺术家的合作带给我的是奇妙而富有教育意义的十年。
Q: My question is what is next for you as a director? More live-action stuff? or Animation? And one more for good luck, what will become of HTTYD after this last installment?
A: I’m not entirely sure what I’ll be doing next, but I have my own hopper of projects that I work on when things cool down. A few of them that I would love to get going, if possible. Some are live action, a few are hybrid films, and a couple of animated ones as well. It’s all about finding a great story. As far as the Dragon films go, I’m super proud to have imparted them. It’s been an amazing and educational decade of working with some of the best artists in the world.

Q: 迪恩,您能否给动画师和电影制作者们一些鼓励或者建议?
A: 动画这个领域比较神奇,你的作品会与你有所沟通。你对你的作品的奉献,所花的用来修饰的时间都会有所回报,但是这需要你耐心等待。不要花太多时间去找人脉了,桃李无言下自成蹊。在这个领域工作是很棒的——能够加入为观众讲述故事的团队,并且激励下一代继续加入,是有很多回报的……也会很有趣的。
Q: Dean, can you give us (animators/filmmakers) any words of encouragement and/or advice?
A: Animation is a field in which your work speaks for you. The dedication and time spent honing your craft pays dividends down the line, but it requires some patience. Don’t waste your time with networking. Your work and reputation will speak for itself. It’s a great field to be in — it’s rewarding to be a part of a team that transports its audience and inspires future generations to tell stories... that’s also a lot of fun.


楼主 爱飞的502  发布于 2018-06-08 13:13:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2018-06-08 16:44:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2021-03-02 08:38:15 +0800 CST


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