

China is tightening controls on exports of some drones and powerful computers and will require firms to register to ensure they do not "compromise national security", state media reported Sunday.

From August 15, manufacturers of certain powerful drones and computers will have to give technical details to the authorities to obtain a licence prior to export, Xinhua news agency said.


楼主 还我快播  发布于 2015-09-09 16:13:00 +0800 CST  
Dan 12 hours ago 13 35
The growth of Chinese R&D, and inventions is overwhelming. Who has any doubt as to their inevitable being masters of this world ? They are becoming the best in an increasingly more and more technology ! For e.g., Drones, Solar cells, Wind turbines, Ultra-sonic missiles, Hig-speed rails, Ship-building etc etc,technologies are already Chinese led. This is from a country that had been third world country forty years ago !

Dan 12小时前 13:35

GastonY 12 hours ago 15 21
Dan; China is one o f the world oldest civilisations behind Persia/Iran, and Egypt, it is home of Gong Fu, kiwi fruit, it first domesticated the gold fish & invented the first computer(abacus), gunpowder, fireworks, built first man made architecture seen from space(great wall) , introduced aquaculture, rice etc.. while westerners/europeans live in caves, worship fires.
GastonY 12小时前 15:21

Joe 10 hours ago 9 21
I see the China haters are still butt hurt about Beijing being picked for the 2022 Winter Olympics making it the FIRST city ever in history to host BOTH the summer and winter games.、
Joe 10小时前 9:21


Charlie 12 hours ago 16 21
All of their technology was ripped off from us anyway.

Charlie 12小时前 16 21

Toan 11 hours ago 14 10
Who wanna Chinese made FAKES ?

Toan 11 小时前 14 10

David Kuhn 10 hours ago 8 3
China and Putin are a threat to the free world. Peace thru strength. Old Marine

David Kuhn 10 小时 ago 8 3

lisn 12 hours ago 6 11
In the US free market you can buy, beg, or steal any technology you want for $$$. At some point China will surpass us in many ways besides population numbers. I hope all the Chinese students in US colleges feel some love for the US when they dominate the world. This has been going on for decades.

lisn 12 小时 6 11

楼主 还我快播  发布于 2015-09-09 16:13:00 +0800 CST  
Yesterday, a News in USA, a father of 2 young daughter shot 3 times to ruin a Drone which one fly over his house and take picture from his daughter's half naked body when they were enjoy sun. then soon 4 men angrily found him & seek trouble. Guess what the American policeman have done? they threw that Father in jail! U fly Drones over their house and film naked girl is ok? they shot it down is not ok? US law is a joke and serve rich people only.

Huli 9 小时前7 17

Old Soldier 12 hours ago 14 9
We don't need any of their cheap crap anyway.

Old Soldier 12 小时以前 14 9

很好! 我们才不需要他们的便宜垃圾。

JRTENN 12 hours ago 12 19
China is nowhere as stupid as is the U.S. and other "advanced" nations. After stealing, copying, pilfering, and "borrowing" all the technology they can, and of course thinking up new or improved on their own as well, do we really think they would be so stupid as to sell it all to others without careful and intelligent protection schemes ?

JRTENN 12 小时以前 12 19


楼主 还我快播  发布于 2015-09-09 16:14:00 +0800 CST  
Bykken 12 hours ago 15 13
Does China actually have drones and computer technology of their own or just the stuff they stole and duplicated from the US and other countries.
Bykken 12 小时以前15 13

Ken 12 hours ago 7 2
China dominates super computers! ? First time I've ever heard that. Why are they back-engineerong so much of what is imported? Other than Lenovo PCS, who si buying that stuff?
Ken 12 小时以前 7 2
中国统治了超级计算机界?我第一次听说这个。他们为啥能对进口技术的逆向工程带这个地步? 还有就是联想电脑,谁会买那玩意?

Roofless 9 hours ago 9 8
Wait, wait. I want an over priced computer built by Chinese child slave labor with a built in back door only the Chinese government knows about.
Roofless 9 小时以前 9 8


Ken 9 hours ago 7 7
China haters here are going to suffer with sour grapes syndrome and uninvited persistent genital arousal disorder again...

Ken 9 小时以前 7 7

Dragon Dawn 10 hours ago 7 11
I bet USA is trying hard to hack into Chinese tech as per Snowden disclosures. Does the US has anything original besides stealing Germans war criminal scientists to build its rocket under the direction of JPL founded by a Chinese scientist?

Dragon Dawn 10 小时以前 7 11

楼主 还我快播  发布于 2015-09-09 16:14:00 +0800 CST  
It's time to Let China go and we start making these things completely in the US.
gentleben07 7小时以前 3 6

CoreOverflow 12 hours ago 16 8
Like I want to buy some garbage from china anyway
CoreOverflow 12 小时以前 16 8


mike 10 hours ago 11 17
The greatest transfer of wealth and technology occurred when the US agreed to open markets with the chinese. It will also go down as the greatest financial mistake a country ever made! There are more Chinese nationals in fortune 500 companies than any other foreign national group. Why? To steal technology to send back to china! Nearly every single company with protected technology has been compromised, it's insane that were letting the Chinese get away with this! Our knowledge is our wealth, it took us trillions of dollars to become the most technologically advanced civilization and we just let the Chinese steal it all away. It's crazy, our leaders should be arested for not taking action to stop this
mike 10小时之前 11 17

当美国同意向中国开放市场之后,大量的财富和技术便转移过去了。这是一个国家能犯下的最大的金融错误!现在在500强的公司里有越来越多的中国人,远超其他族裔。为什么?他们就为了偷技术回中国! 没有那个技术公司愿意在这方面妥协的。让中国人一直这么搞室早太疯狂了。知识就是财富,我们花了万亿的美元来成为技术最为发达的文明,同时我们就这么让中国人偷下去。这太疯狂了,我们的领袖必须要做点什么来阻止他们。

楼主 还我快播  发布于 2015-09-09 16:14:00 +0800 CST  
raymond 8 hours ago 5 7
this is how I know the 'terrorist threat' or 'war on terror' is a joke. IF, there were any REAL terrorists in the US or elsewhere, they'd have purchased a typical drone you can buy online or at a hobbyist shop and flew it over a city and dumped chemical or biological weapons over a major city etc. The 'war on terror' is a myth of the elite agenda, it's obvious. in over a decade no 'terrorists' ever thought of actually being TERRORISTS? give a break.
raymond 8 小时之前 5 7


Dragon Dawn 10 hours ago 5 5
Divine Eagle - the world's largest n most sophisticated drone. It has 7 radar systems, including one that detect stealths like the F22 and J35, both dead ducks as far as Chinese missile handlers r concerned. Divine Eagle flies higher, last longer than USA's best. google it.
Dragon Dawn 10 小时前 5 5
神鹰 - 世界上最大的也是最精密的无人机。拥有7个雷达系统,有一个甚至能够反隐F22和J35,并引导中国导弹防卫系统摧毁他们。神鹰比美国的最好的无人机飞的更高,航程更长。 google一下吧。

CaptainKKK 11 hours ago 8 6
US tell American idiots China and Russia is the enemy.
CaptainKKK 11 小时前 8 6

楼主 还我快播  发布于 2015-09-09 16:15:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 还我快播  发布于 2015-09-09 16:15:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2015-09-10 00:13:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2017-09-11 18:20:26 +0800 CST


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