

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 16:54:00 +0800 CST  
原文标题:What if China became the world's policeman?
America of course is called the world's policeman. What if, 25 years from now say, that were China?

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 16:56:00 +0800 CST  
I'm asking out of genuine curiosity. I'm sure some of you will think of ramifications that elude me. We begin with the obvious downside that the US will no longer be the world's #1. Well, the neocons will thunder about that, but the rest of us might welcome some aspects of it. It would surely force Europe to spend more on military matters, if the US were no longer the feudal lord and protector, and America could spend less, maybe. It could also force the US and the EU to coordinate more.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 16:56:00 +0800 CST  
What it would mean for the people of the world could depend to some extent on what sort of society China itself is in the future. People who disparage American imperialism tend to forget that the US spends many billions on democracy and civil society and the promotion of women's rights and other things through quasi-governmental endowments and agencies. China has a big Africa investment fund, but I doubt much of it goes toward those sorts of things.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 16:56:00 +0800 CST  
Of course, the world's policeman also tends to get to be the world's banker, and that's the rub, really. What happens if China starts running global monetary policy? (Or is it already?)
This very idea is going to provoke howls from the right, but I think that's alarmist twaddle. England once ran the world. Then it didn't. It's still a strong and wealthy and important country, and I'm sure some of you are prepared to point out ways in which it's better off without those obligations.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 16:57:00 +0800 CST  
Of course, I fear that in the end here, the Obama administration will capitulate to the Saudis and let the Bahrain regime have its way. For good or ill, the US will do whatever it has to do to prevent Saudi and the UAE from "looking east." But it's an interesting thought experiment. Have at it.
thetrashheap (Recommended? 38)
16 March 2011 1:23PM
China as the world policeman would be a bloody disaster.
China's neighbours with the exception of Burma Russia and North Korea are all shit scared of it. There is a reason why Japan, south Koream, Australia all heavily back US. There is a reason why Vietnam is coming close to America again.
It's about time Europe got off it's ass and started funding it's army properly and pulling it's weight so that it can help America at least split the world rather than allow China to dominate. Europe is still stuck in the cold war ideal that it is Americas responsibility to protect the west.
If I have to pick a side I'm picking the West's.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 16:59:00 +0800 CST  
Damntheral (Recommended? 51)
16 March 2011 1:38PM
But China is not interested in the position.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 17:00:00 +0800 CST  
lefthalfback (Recommended? 9)
16 March 2011 1:40PM
damntheral- not yet but they are damn well interested in the Gulf, the Indian Ocean, the South China Sea, the Straits of Malacca and so forth.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 17:03:00 +0800 CST  
bookfan (Recommended? 38)
16 March 2011 1:56PM
Why on earth should China want to be another America? This is such an old fantasy. China is NOT warlike as the USA is. China is too clever for that. China has other fish to fry. China is trying to modernise its country at the speed of lightning. Eventually China wishes to be a leader in innovation and technology. China has no time to be the world's policeman. The whole idea is an outdated concept. The future is cooperation and dialogue amongst the peoples of the world, not shooting & bombing people to smithereens. Use of intellect instead of bombs is preferable.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 17:03:00 +0800 CST  
snoopster (Recommended? 22)
16 March 2011 2:46PM
I don't think China cares for that role - looking at Africa it has a clear policy of non-interference. China couldn't care less who it deals with, just that it gets a deal signed.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 17:04:00 +0800 CST  
GreenLake (Recommended? 28)
16 March 2011 3:31PM
America should finally relinquish this absurd "world policeman" role. We cannot afford it. 1 in 5 of our kids is living in poverty, we have no universal health care and our social security safety net is collapsing, yet we spend billions and billions of dollars maintaining military bases in nations that don't need them and don't appreciate them.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 17:04:00 +0800 CST  
The suffering of the Libyan people is a tragedy, but it is not America's responsilbility to unilaterally attempt to deal with it. We cannot and should not act alone.
The American empire is crumbling because, like all the failed empires of the past, we have overstretched oursleves militarily and we cannot afford to conitune to pay for it.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 17:05:00 +0800 CST  
The Chinese, as has been pointed out above, have absolutely no interest in becoming the world's policeman. They spend more money on internal policing than they do on their military. They're systematically expanding their economic interests all over Africa, snapping up resources and using their econmic clout to exert influence while America sinks billions of dollars into the hopeless mess of Afghanistan and Iraq.
而中国,正如LS诸位所说,压根儿没兴趣当什么世界警察。比起扩充军备来,他们花在国内治安上的钱更多。(= =|||这是讽刺么?)当美国一个劲儿地往阿富汗和伊拉克那无望的烂摊子里砸钱的时候,中国正系统化地扩大其在全非洲的经济利益,攫取资源,同时利用他们的经济势力来施加影响。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 17:05:00 +0800 CST  
Time to close the bases in Europe and Asia and invest that money in America instead. The rest of the world will cope just fine. Might do them good to step up and take care of themselves for a change.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 17:05:00 +0800 CST  
gwillikers (Recommended? 12)
16 March 2011 4:46PM
GREENLAKE - at 3:31 pm u said it all. Kudos. Of course China is a peaceful kumbaya country with no desire to project power or harm any other country. Why just look at North Vietnam. They are so in love with peaceful China that despite our killing of hundreds of thousands of them they prefer us to China.
@GREENLAKE:你把我想说的都说了。那可不,中国是个和平而具kumbaya风格的国家,不想压制或伤害任何一个国家。为嘛不看看北越南?他们爱死了和平的中国,以至于比起中国来,他们更偏向杀了成百上千越南人的我们。(注:Kumbaya是非裔美国嘎勒黑人的一首传统圣歌, 是一首20世纪60年代美国大众最喜爱的民谣。但现在,“Kumbaya”一词已经成为政治和新闻业冷嘲热讽中不可缺少的一部分。—整合自互联网。这词大概是用来讥讽那种看起来一派和平、其乐融融,如同手拉着手高唱Kumbaya的场景、气氛等等吧。中国……= =可能老美们看来还真是非常Kumbaya风格……)

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 17:06:00 +0800 CST  
smartypants54 (Recommended? 3)
16 March 2011 5:12PM
I don't suspect that anyone thinks China is kumbaya country. They simply know that there are other ways to wield power. It doesn't always come at the barrel of a gun.
I'd suggest that a more dangerous opponent is the one who is smarter - not necessarily always the one who is bigger.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 17:06:00 +0800 CST  
mailyop (Recommended? 4)
17 March 2011 5:52AM
China will not be the world's policemen, superpower, nor its banker. It will certainly be a power, but it has its own problems.
Of course it has the male/female imbalance, aging population, and minority unrest. But its biggest concerns by far will be food and energy. Food inflation is the largest concern for most Chinese right now, encroaching desert and urbanization is stretching its food production capabilities. The US on the other hand is the world's biggest food exporter.
Frequently, people on this board say that China will "own" the US one day, but that's unlikely. Any influence derived from Chinese holdings of US debt will be canceled out by the food reality. If you talk to people in China, no one believes it will surpass the US any time soon.
And fyi, on the energy front, the US just became the world's largest natural gas producer.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 17:06:00 +0800 CST  
TheBornLoser (Recommended? 2)
17 March 2011 9:11AM
I think China as the world's policeman will be a lot more benign than America, Britain and Australia..... I doubt they (the Chinese) will send any gunboats around to "open" trade up. They do owe the Brits a lot of opium though, and need to retake their crown jewels back....

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 17:09:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 17:09:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-01-28 17:09:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2016-01-29 00:54:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2021-02-16 08:37:59 +0800 CST


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