
作者:John Nugent

楼主 诅咒假面的微笑  发布于 2017-03-13 18:08:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 诅咒假面的微笑  发布于 2017-03-13 18:10:00 +0800 CST  

“挺怪的,我完成《金刚狼2》后,本要拍克里斯蒂安·贝尔做主角的侦探片《深蓝告别》(The Deep Blue Good-By ),我耗了两年时间拍摄漫威电影《金刚狼2》,很想完成后去拍其他电影。可就在《深蓝告别》开机前14天,贝尔的膝伤复发,无法拍片,电影拍摄计划取消了,那是一部深入黑暗旅程的电影,我为此伤透了心,因此将《深蓝告别》的创作野心转移到了《罗根》。”

“For my sake, it was an odd journey. After I finished The Wolverine, I was going to make a detective film called The Deep Blue Good-By with Christian Bale. I had spent the previous two years in Marvel mode and I was really looking forward to escape. Fourteen days before we started shooting, Christian tore the ACL in his knee and could not perform, so the movie got cancelled. That was a dark film and a journey into the abyss. I was broken-hearted over that film not happening, and I think I brought a lot of that inward ambition from that movie to this.”

楼主 诅咒假面的微笑  发布于 2017-03-13 18:11:00 +0800 CST  


“I have not discussed this with anyone at Fox yet. But I do get asked a lot. It could be interesting - who knows? There is one level where I am always thunderstruck why people need a version in black-and-white when they do have a colour button on their television...”

楼主 诅咒假面的微笑  发布于 2017-03-13 18:13:00 +0800 CST  



“They were all in the original outline. I felt there was no end if you didn’t end [like that]. In the case of Wolverine, the guy has been alive for a long time, and I felt that exhaustion is one of the character’s attributes. In some way I felt I had a chance, if I got the alchemy right, for his death to actually be a rest: a release of some kind from this most soiled of worlds, and that it might not play as just a hammer to the head, for the audience but as something slightly more transformational.”

楼主 诅咒假面的微笑  发布于 2017-03-13 18:14:00 +0800 CST  



“There’s a fabulous piece of artwork on the cover of an old X-Men comic with Wolverine pinned almost like Christ to an X aboard a mound of green skulls. So I can’t take credit for conflating the crucifix and the cross. I’m a filmmaker, so I want it to not be words. You’re looking for this gesture to exit, and we’ve done enough words at this point, and that’s as much as I can tell you where it came from.”

楼主 诅咒假面的微笑  发布于 2017-03-13 18:14:00 +0800 CST  



“When I first sat down with a blank page, the first question that struck me was that, what is Logan frightened of? Because it clearly isn’t a villain, and it clearly isn’t the end of the world, and it isn’t death, so what could it be? It struck me that what he’s most frightened of is love. So it makes sense to me that he will be pushing away love in its purest form: in a family sense.”

楼主 诅咒假面的微笑  发布于 2017-03-13 18:16:00 +0800 CST  


“晚餐那场戏有几个不同的版本,其中一版走向有些黑暗。 Munson夫人问罗根是否结婚了,查尔斯接话说罗根结婚了,但罗根杀了她。当然了,结婚这事是假的,这只不过是查尔斯对罗根杀死琴·格雷这件事的润色,这是个很酷的时刻,休和帕德里克都觉得这场戏太神了。但这是中场唯一能喘口气的戏,之后会发生令人震惊的巨浪,事情会变得相当的糟。即使对我来说,这个黑暗时刻口味也有点太重了,所以没用这个版本。删除场景应该会放在蓝光花絮里。”

“I sketched out different conversations for that dinner scene and one of them went to a much darker place. Mrs Munson asks Logan if he’s married, and Charles says he was – but he killed her. Of course, he wasn’t really married, but what that then spawns is Charles waxing poetic about Jean Grey, and it’s a really cool moment. Both Hugh and Patrick were amazing. The problem was, it created an incredibly powerful lead brick in the middle of the only moment in the movie where there was a breather. Even I, with my taste for the dark, felt that it was one too many. Things go pretty shitty within seconds after that. I think [the deleted scene] will make it to the Blu-ray.”

楼主 诅咒假面的微笑  发布于 2017-03-13 18:17:00 +0800 CST  



“I had no priority in contradicting the canon. I had no priority in being slavish to it. There is an impulse from fans to have the comic books writ large in movie form with an unerring devotion to what was in the comic books. I say this with tremendous respect for those who feel this way, but there’s just a slight lack of practicality within that dream. First of all, the comic books contradict themselves. The comic book authors rebuilt the universes in each of these Marvel and DC universes several times: mirror earths, second comings, new generations, they reset this shit over and over again. Second of all, even when they didn’t, new artists came in and just shaded characters and forgot about others.I think fans want great films, they want ambitious films, they want films that don’t feel like product placement or that they’re here to sell merchandise or to sell the next movie. If you’re upset by the quality of the comic book quote-unquote movies you see, then you should give the filmmakers a little more latitude. If the filmmaker can’t assert themselves in the same way the comic book authors do, then you’re basically just saying we’re a conductor of a piece in repertoire, we’re just doing a kind of rep company version, putting it on for historical purposes. Film is too rich and artistic a medium to do something generic with it.”

楼主 诅咒假面的微笑  发布于 2017-03-13 18:18:00 +0800 CST  


“I think it’s something Neil Gaiman played with so beautifully in the original Sandman: these are literally gods but they’re having fraternal squabbles. It’s like Hannah And Her Sisters, but with gods. I think that's humanising. Richard Donner’s Superman was extremely human to me – a different tone to Logan by far, but still. Those beautifully-written scenes by Robert Benton between him and Lois Lane on the terrace, the beautiful humanity and simplicity of those scenes, and the lyrical joy of being swept in the air by a god who also happens to have a crush on [her], the contradictions in all of that are beautiful to me.”

楼主 诅咒假面的微笑  发布于 2017-03-13 18:19:00 +0800 CST  
10、约翰尼·卡什(Johnny Cash)与罗根有相似之处



“I think you could find tremendous similarity between Logan and Johnny Cash in terms of the nihilism. A couple of weeks before he died, I asked Johnny Cash what his favourite film was and he told me Frankenstein, the James Whale Frankenstein. He saw it as a 9-year-old boy. Everyone in the theatre was terrified of this monster, but he had the odd sensation of identifying with him. I remember when John told this to me, it was very moving: that feeling as a boy that like Frankenstein, he was made up of bad parts. I think Logan lives with a similar feeling of being some kind of monster... a tender man living in a cursed body.”

楼主 诅咒假面的微笑  发布于 2017-03-13 18:21:00 +0800 CST  



“I gave them many escape valves. We take place in 2029, and X-Men Apocalypse ends in 2024. There’s five blank years there that are wide open to seeing how things got from here to there. Or else you could do what I would advocate, which is imagine a different world and create a new movie, and you don’t need the permission of the other movies.”

楼主 诅咒假面的微笑  发布于 2017-03-13 18:22:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 诅咒假面的微笑  发布于 2017-03-13 18:23:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2017-03-14 02:08:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2017-11-30 17:33:50 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



