

楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 05:57:57 +0800 CST  
楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 05:59:05 +0800 CST  
楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 06:01:04 +0800 CST  

楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 06:10:35 +0800 CST  
楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 06:12:10 +0800 CST  
楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 06:13:58 +0800 CST  
楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 06:13:58 +0800 CST  
楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 06:15:34 +0800 CST  
楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 06:18:05 +0800 CST  
楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 06:21:10 +0800 CST  
楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 06:23:23 +0800 CST  
楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 06:26:38 +0800 CST  
楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 06:27:36 +0800 CST  
楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 06:28:31 +0800 CST  
楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 06:29:38 +0800 CST  
楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 06:30:45 +0800 CST  
楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 06:32:27 +0800 CST  


Seeking sponsorship for orphans in Kibera Slum, Kenya

Seeking sponsorship for orphans in Kibera Slum, Kenya
Looking for sponsorship for orphans to enjoy the education opportunity to go High School. We have more than 10 kids here in Kibera Slum, Kenya who had passed their entry exams but couldn’t afford to continue the study. Now they could only stay at home praying for help. The fee for sponsoring a kid to go boarding schools is around USD 550 per year and USD 350 per year for public schools. The sponsorship could be break down from USD 30 to USD 50 per month. Many kids ended up becoming thieves after dropping out from schools in the slum. It might be their only opportunity to change their destinies. Please let me know if you’d like to help and change a life! SOS!!!

Background information of the school

Name: Damside Preparatory school, Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya.

Damiside is a Preparatory school in Kibera with a size of only 60 feet by 40 feet, while it offers classes from baby class, nursery, pre-unit, to grade 1 through 8. There are 184 students in total, 90% of which are orphans who lost parents due to HIV/AIDS. The school is built from iron sheets in terribly poor condition, kids have to squeeze tightly to fit in the mini-classrooms.
Currently there are only 9 teachers; the school has a severe lack of teaching resources and funding to help the orphans out. Upon graduation from Grade 8, many students drop out form school as they couldn’t afford high school.

Every kid is entitled to the opportunity to enjoy education. However, there are kids in need everywhere but the help is so limited. The lucky ones who will be sponsored to attend high school should feel grateful to the opportunity and pay back to the society to achieve continuity of the program.

Hence, we’d like to set up the conditions for the students to receive the sponsorship:

1: The students to receive sponsorship should volunteer in Damside school to teach or help out the small kids during their school holidays.

2: The students receiving sponsorship should ensure to achieve a school mark of 800 out of 1200 (12 subjects) in the 1st and 2nd year of high school and 550 out of 700 marks in the 3rd and 4th year of their study and make sure they can enter one of the best universities in Kenya after high school graduation.

3: The students that received sponsorship shall either teach in Damside school for 2 years after having graduated from university or choose to sponsor another child to study.

Some pictures of the school:

楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 06:38:20 +0800 CST  
Students waiting for sponsorship:

We’ve listed 4 of the top students who’s in the most difficult situation as following:

1 – Mercyline, 14 yrs

Orphan, parents died of HIV/AIDS. She stays with Uncle and Auntie in Kibera Slum. Mercyline has 1 younger brother and 1 younger sister, her guardians have 3 kids of their owns as well. Uncle is suffering from diseases without operation due to lack of money. Auntie sells vegetables in the market to support the whole family but she could only earn KSH 2500 per month (USD 30).

Mercyline is one of the top students in the school and her dream is to become a doctor. She will be sent to rural area to stay with poor grandmother if she couldn’t find a sponsor to support her education in High school as the auntie has been struggling to feed such a big family.

Mecyline with sister in front of her Auntie’s house:

Mercyline’s auntie sells vegetable in the market:

2 – Patrick, 14 yrs

Orphan, has 3 brothers and 1 sister, parents died of HIV/AIDS, living with his uncle in Kibera Slum. His Uncle has 2 daughters as well, his wife passed away. Uncle is doing casual work and earns KSH 2500-KSH 3000 per month and is struggling to support 5 kids and unable to afford the high school fee for Patrick. (USD 30-35).

Patrick is one of the top students in the school and his dream is to become a pilot.

Patrick with brothers in front of their uncle’s house:

3 – Steve, 15 yrs

Orphan, has 1 younger brother, staying with Auntie. Auntie has a small humble shop selling Mandazi (fried bread) and chips in Kibera slum. She has 2 daughters of her own but husband had passed away due to HIV/AIDs. Auntie makes around KSH 3000 per month (USD 35) while the rental itself costs KSH 1500.

Steve is one of the top students in the school and his dream is to become a Mechanical Engineer.

Steve in his room:

4 – Dennis, 15 yrs

Mother died of HIV/AIDs, living with father, has 1 sister. Steve’s father does casual work such as driving, however, sometimes he would be run out of work for 3 months. The daughter has just finished high school and is waiting to enter college. Hence, their father is struggling to support two kids to schools. Sometimes, even the rental is a problem.

Dennis is one of the top students in the school and his dream is to become an Aerospace Engineer.
楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 06:39:41 +0800 CST  



楼主 就露一小脸的沙子  发布于 2012-02-01 06:42:35 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2011-09-29 07:26:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2017-12-09 13:54:09 +0800 CST


帖子来源:天涯  访问原帖



