(2018年)TIM 每周星运 02.04 – 02.10(完)

蒂姆·斯蒂芬斯(Tim Stephens),加拿大著名占星师,超过40年的占星经验,因准确预测过许多时政大事结果闻名。

所有时间和日期使用的都是太平洋标准时间(PST)(Pacific Standard Time Zone) 。PST是英格兰格林威治时间之前的8小时。例如,如果PST是中午12点,英国是晚上20点,中国是次日清晨4点。

不宜非常规的人事物(Start Nothing) -- PST:【周一】10:46 ~ 19:56; 【周三】23:16 ~ 【周四】05:53;【周六】08:38 ~ 18:21。

【女生请同时参考:上升、月亮、太阳】---- 【男生请同时参考:上升、太阳、月亮】


☆☆☆ 序文 -- 译者:元中


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顺便说一句,我很可能会建议每一个星座每年 “要求加薪” 至少5次或10次。这不是说你每次提出加薪都会如愿以偿 ---- 但是每一次的提议将产生累积的影响,它从你提议的那天起,集腋成裘,直到加薪的愿望成真。

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烧心/胃灼热(Heartburn):一个简单的快速止痛法:嚼口香糖。你的唾液会中和胃酸,至少是暂时的。这是从南希那里得来的方子。吃东西短期内有帮助。吃蔬菜、面包,喝牛奶 ---- 这些可以减轻症状。但如果你定期 “烧心/胃灼热”,去看医生。

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拉斐尔·纳达尔(Rafael Nadal):我在2017年写道,这位网球选手将有胜利的一年。刚刚注意到,现在是2018年年初,他排名第一。(他去年也是排名第一,但是懒惰的研究员如我,居然不知道此事…)

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仇恨再次造就政治,但是… 好吧… 看起来我指责的所有人或所有组织似乎都是肮脏的(在美国)。

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在电视上,我看到所有这些医药广告。一个人说,“每三十个人里面就有一个人患有丙型肝炎(Hepatitis C),并且大部分人甚至都不知道此病种。” 所以他们花费数亿元为此病发明创造和宣传一种药物。好吧,我有震颤,并且每二十五人中就有一人患有此症 ---- 几乎比丙型肝炎患者多三分之一。然而,还没有人尝试去寻找一种治疗它的药物。有一次性的、有效的激光 “操作程序” 用来消除震颤。但是加拿大卑诗省(我住的地方)医疗协会以其至高的智慧决定,卑诗省的18万震颤患者不值得最有效的治疗:激光疗法。事实上,当我问他们的时候,他们假装不知道此事 ---- 多伦多(比温哥华大两倍)和哈利法克斯(温哥华的六分之一大)已经推广实施这个激光疗法超过十年。

说句公道话,卑诗省提供的服务是,在你的头上钻两个洞,在你的大脑中植入导线,并连上两个心脏起搏器,一个埋在你的左胸内,一个在右边 ---- 四个手术,其中两个平均每三年必须重复一次,以更换胸部的电池。这种中世纪的做法 ---- 其中有10%的脑损伤、中风、死亡的风险 ---- 有一个选择 ---- 在1990年代中期,一位神经科医生每6个月为我注射60个单位的肉毒杆菌,让我的脸、头和手动弹不得。多么伟大的医疗系统!

☆☆☆ 白羊座 (03.21~04.19)-- 译者:Mew

总体重点仍落在团体、社交欢愉、友好浪漫、消遣、乐观和愿望达成上 。周日带来你与某个特别的人见面的机会。如果你是单身,吸引力可能会大增。但这个人有固定伴侣或有家庭问题吗?周一做决定,那时人际关系上的真实情况会显现。(显现得非常好!)周一夜晚(PST)至周三,你的思绪转入至秘密的、神秘的领域。在这些方面虽有困难,但也有很大的机遇;尤其是周二傍晚和周三白天 ---- 敲响金融、投资、亲密和承诺的大门。

周尾,周四至周六傍晚,平和、明智的心情悄然而至。远途旅行、法律、文化或教育事务、智力和出版方面的努力进展良好 ---- 可能除了周五早上,那时脑筋可能会有点迷糊。直到三月中,上述整个领域会变得更强烈。情况是好,但不要让热情驱使你超出法律或其它的界限。整一周,你可能不得不在友谊和抱负之间做选择。但有一件事是肯定的:你会开心的。

☆☆☆ 金牛座 (04.20~05.20)-- 译者:简娜

周日、周一带来工作 ---- 全身投入,成功在流淌 ---- 直到周日晚餐时间(PST)和周一早上。焦点依旧在你的抱负、职业、声望关系,和世俗地位上。再说一遍,在2018年11月之前,不要对这些方面太重视。如果你发现自己在“密谋” 的话,你就在不良行为的边缘,它带来令人失望的结果。所以规矩点儿!

在周中(周二、周三) ,如果你想专注于能丰富和改变自己生活的事情,那么把目光转向同伴关系,转向爱情、婚姻、商业合作、协议和合同,等等。你将会遇到一些小障碍,但是,总体来说,你面对一波潜在的联系和机遇的大浪。要渴求合作 ---- 这是你2018年最幸运的方面。

或者,这周晚些时候(周四到周六),潜入金融、投资、减债,或者性渴求中 ---- 亲密关系和承诺。往上看,你可能跌倒;水平看,你保持自己的方位,并且有收获。直到三月中旬,你的性欲和金融、研究的愿望是强烈、坚定和冲动的 ---- 小心处理它们,要诚实和道德。

☆☆☆ 双子座 (05.21~06.20)-- 译者:元中

请记住,人际关系紧张的状态将一直持续到三月中旬,双子。一般来说,你喜欢这样的局面,因为你在其中会感到某种快乐或友善,即便是与你的对手交锋。(尽管如此,如果你在一个“危险的”环境中工作,突然的愤怒/暴力可能会迸发,例如,伊拉克,一些内陆城市。)这种紧张状态也拉着你去更接近恋人或配偶 ---- 或者引发争执。月度的主要重点落在智力、远大的视野、国际事务、教育、媒体、广告、文化、法律上。11月以前,只是浏览上述事物的表面现象就好,因为只有小小的回报,尽管它们是愉快和有爱的。(令人恼火地,它们握有承诺的奖励 ---- 你是那头斗牛,而它们是那红色的斗篷。)

周日、周一:爱、浪漫、创意、冒险的冲动 ---- 抓住机会,你可能发现爱情,或者创作一个 “杰出的作品”。

周中(周二、周三),处理杂务和健康问题 ---- 虽有一些小障碍,你还是会达成所愿的 ---- 并且周二可能赚取 “职业积分”。

周四到周六,那些紧张的人际关系出现 ---- 再次阅读运势开头的第三或第四句话。你可能在周四结交一位新朋友或恋人。留意周五早上 ---- 有些错觉。整个星期,你可能需要在智力的梦乡里或完成工作之间做决定,选择后者。

☆☆☆ 巨蟹座 (06.21~07.22)-- 译者:临安细雨



浪漫在周中(周二/周三)以你的方式飞行。周二傍晚适宜来一场思想与心灵的会面。周三似乎有一些奖励 ---- 一份空缺或是创造力、冒险活动、运动、快乐,或类似的奖励。

本周晚些时候带来琐事 ---- 你可能还是投入其中为好。周四,你可能工作起来会像房子起火一样 ---- 这样很好,但要避免烧伤、化学用品。



☆☆☆ 狮子座 (07.23~08.22)-- 译者:K

狮子,这周的重点仍然停留在人际关系上,(以及人际关系的附属物 ---- 谈判、协议、诉讼、搬迁、机遇与挑战、友谊与敌意。)你将经历几次激动人心的会面,可能会感觉到被某人,或者被一个遥远的地方,或者被一个“有名气的”场景所吸引。但是你对以上这些人事物最好的的回答是:“不,抱歉,或许再找个时间吧。”(请在11月之前重复这句话。)凸显个人,做你自己,强调你自己的需求、欲望、目标和计划 ---- 以及建议。当然,请圆滑一点。




☆☆☆ 处女座 (08.23~09.22)-- 译者:Mew

月度重点仍落在杂务、就业、机器、家眷和保健问题上。在这些方面做你需要做的即可,不用额外做更多,处女座。不要让任何人去 “奴役”你,尤其是孩子们。如对任何杂务有疑虑,则分派出去。寻求管理 ---- 要聪明地工作,而不是出蛮力。这项建议适用直到11月初。

周日、周一,追求金钱、买卖物品、支持客户。周日在晚饭前(PST)会非常成功 ---- 周一成功会小一点。

周中,文书工作扎堆,一定得做访问和回复,差事也必须完成。周二白天晚些时候和夜晚会有成效 ---- 你可能会遇见合得来的人。周三,电话、旅程等事项“爆发”。

周四至周六,归家或至少慢下来。休息、拥抱家人、规划孩子们的未来、更新保安系统、谋划一次 “行动” 去攻克更多销售领域。抛掉那些陈腐、无用的联系和项目,为那些更新的、更有发展空间的人事物扫清道路。直到三月,这个内部活动场所将变得热烈(在周四深夜(PST)你将看到这个情况)。你可能会下定决心在这里作出一些深刻改变 ---- 例如,重大翻新,或搬家。这些都应该可以做到的,但要考虑清楚,不要冲动行事。对孩子们和宠物要温柔。

☆☆☆ 天秤座 (09.23~10.22)-- 译者:毛毛


你的能量和魅力在周日和周一飙升 ---- 周日你可能吸引一个崇拜者,周一有一个简短但可能更加“直击你心”的调情/见面。

周中促使你支付账单和追逐金钱。培养客户,要求加薪。你的工作在周二下午/晚上获得成功 ---- 购买机器、汽车等的好时机 ---- 特别是与视频相关的 ---- 或者修理水管。周三可能会出现一大笔钱。

这周晚些时候,投入沟通、拜访、短途旅行和简单的文书工作 ---- 周四黎明至周六晚餐时分。周四,你促成或遇见的一个偶然的联系可能点燃交配的冲动/可能性。直到三月中旬,这种情况将比平常出现的更多。是的,这个 “周四出现的人” 是正确的、轻松型的。 (回顾我以前写的关于轻松-沉重浪漫的内容。)

☆☆☆ 天蝎座 (10.23~11.21)-- 译者:cynthia_13b

本周早些时候(周日、周一),休息、低调。沉思、计划,应对公务员和其他的“帮助者”。一切都棒!周中你的能量和魅力飙升(周二、周三)。开始一些事情,完成其它的事情,与人会面,寻求帮助,成为一位领导者、创新者。周二晚上 (PST),爱情隐约可见。并且,周三白天时间,一袋金币也会开口涌出!

本周(直到2月18日)重点是住宅和家庭领域。不过,直到11月,这是你幸运最少的领域,所以做你必须做的事情就好,不要延伸到额外的责任和项目。(或者整日躺在床上也好。)现在变得“偏向家庭”的巨大危险之一,实际上是一件中立的事情:你可以在这块儿花时间,但这会让你错过很好的机会:那个外面的、职业的、竞争激烈的世界。特别是这个月和三月的上半月,那时候金钱向你涌去,并可能伴随着一个升职、聪明的点子或是能赚大钱的商务活动。 小心 ---- 不要用你的方式推进!---- 这个建议在本周晚些时候(周四到周六)非常适用,特别是周四那天。你现在确实需要休息了(本周和下周),所以就休息一下吧,但不要过度休息。

☆☆☆ 射手座 (11.22~12.21)-- 译者:阿蒋

本周的重点持续在轻松的杂事、文书工作、申请、日常事务、差事、旅行及沟通。做这些事情里面必须要做的,而不是扩大你的活动范围。这将轻易地浪费掉你的时间在没有结果的任务上。(这个建议持续到11月,但是它尤其适用于本周和下周。) 你可能正在开始认真对待一段浪漫关系。


周二晚上带来住所/家庭成功的启发。你的能量和磁力在周四黎明到周六晚饭时间强力回归。浪漫的影响可能会在周四非常强烈 ---- 一个约会的好日子 ---- 但是要避免危险的人。

开展有创意的项目,寻求支持,愉快地沐浴在你获得的关注里(不要高高在上,但是仍然要注意)。周五或者周六可能带来一个意外的机会、回报 ---- 或者争论!(如果是最后一项,检查你自己的本性)。

☆☆☆ 摩羯座 (12.22~01.19)-- 译者:马小川

本周和下周追逐金钱、收益、客户和交易,亲爱的摩羯。和/或记住某些事情,记录你的财产并为其投保,或追求一个性感的欲望对象。但是做这些事情中的任何一个都不要过于激烈或彻底 ---- 因为它们会是伪装的陷阱、死路或无尽的延迟。做必须做的事情,然后 “迅速转身” 到更深的领域:投资、研究、生活方式的承诺 ---- 这些是被上天祝福的,而那些与金钱/记忆/感官有关的人事物大部分会令人失望,直到11月初。


希望、乐观、人气、社交快乐、调情 ---- 这些充满周一夜晚至周三的时光。幸福会轻拍你的肩膀。发出并接受邀请,告诉你爱的人你是如何看待未来的。现在到2024年,你的长远的、生活的目标将会改变。本周中是这个过程的一部分,所以要打开心扉,接受新的想法、新的视野!


☆☆☆ 水瓶座 (01.20~02.18)-- 译者:Elsa


周日、周一,带来一个温和的心情、宽阔的视野、慈悲心、哲学观点,以及智力、文化、法律或者旅行追求 ---- 所有这些都会成功直到周日晚餐时间(PST)。周一,有一个令人兴奋的会面?



☆☆☆ 双鱼座 (02.19~03.20)-- 译者:青莲泥巴

双鱼们,还有两周多的相对隐居生活。为了冥想,顺从对睡眠与休息的额外需求;为了实施计划,顺从与公务员或者政府机构打交道的需求。不过,不要过于积极地去寻找上述事项。(比如,不要寻求政府的帮助,或者把公务员当成你的听众,Ta可能不会对你表现出同情。)相反,至少把一部分注意力转移到 ---- 一个主要的部分 ---- 把 “这件工作做完”。要动手实践,不要从你的政策委员会的严峻高度去发号施令,也不要试着管理其他人。只要卷起自己的袖子干活!这个建议适用到11月8日,但尤其适用于现在和下一周。

周日和周一,神秘的事物和秘密悄悄贴近 ---- 金融机会与触手可及的亲密关系也是如此。周日的好运在晚餐时间(PST)。



2014.10.19 – 10.25


曾经我简单地概括了未来250年的新时代,它开始于1984年,确切地说,始于1983年11月。这个概括如下: “相对的和平,政府机能的停滞,性角色的模糊,大规模的科技进步,半贫困的扩大,大量的死亡(但不是因战争引起的:例如切尔诺贝利,卢旺达大屠杀,艾滋, 埃博拉)和警察规则。”



天蝎象征肥沃的土壤,所以农业将到达生产能力的新高度。种子科学和应用将极大地推进 -- 可能的话,会出现变异和新品种。我们将会开发出以前在地球上从未出现的水果和食物。我们从一个压抑的时代(部分是由于世界战争引起)走向一个可以深刻表达感情的相对自由的时代。



关于蒂姆•斯蒂芬斯 -- 自述



不是吹牛,我是个相当不错的占星师,或者 -- 更准确地说我怀疑 -- 只不过是个普通的占星师,但有通灵的能力。我发现这一点是在大学里,当时我告诉一位女同学(其它方面没有联系)关于她和她父亲的关系的一些事情,后者我从来没见过。我被她的震惊吓到了 -- “你怎么知道的?” 对于我来说,事情看起来是那么明显,那么合理。我从来没有开发我的通灵能力,但我知道它的存在。比如,某人在叙述一件小事时,忘了事件发生时她所在的街名,我准确地说 “Alder 街”。某天我有幸遇到一位前同事,我说,“你去伦敦了?”她说,“我刚从那里回来。你怎么知道的?” 事实是,我不懂怎样知道的,信息自动进入我的脑子里。


我预言挑战者号航天飞机灾难(大约两周前它爆炸了),第一次海湾战争和它的持续时间,日本的经济垮台(80年代早期,美国的象征 -- 全部的高尔夫球场被它收购)。男/女性别的模糊,现在叫都市性主义者,妇女性犯罪的上升。但是,我写到,北美会出现犯罪率全面下降。噢,许多事情。艾滋, 切尔诺贝利,中东动荡。全部写出来了,公布在我的专栏里。最近,我预测2012年晚期和2013年美国经济上升和中国的放缓 -- 谁会转换?

过去,我的一些预测用谜语或符号表达。比如,1986年我写到:“一个黑色的太阳开花。” 那年的晚期,切尔诺贝利的高温弄黑了天空。谜语存在是因为我没有线索知道这个黑太阳会是什么。


有一件我害怕预测的事是大选的胜者。我的记录是50%或碰运气,所以我不预测它。我不预测选举是因为我在乎谁赢。残酷的现实就是,当一名占星师关心客户或Ta的处境,占星师就失去了预测的能力。当我的预言 “挑战者号着火并掉入大洋里” 成真时,不止一个读者写信批评我没有通知NASA。首先,NASA会忽略我;然而更重要的是,如果我关心这场灾难,我可能永远预测不了它。任何通灵师在乎的,就不能通灵。我可以感觉到许多读者反对这个观点,但这就是事实,我试着解决的事实。


我的教育:MFA 我的希望:爱



GAMBLING is where you go to get cleansed.

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BTW, I probably advise each sign to “ask for a pay raise” at least 5 or 10 times a year. I don’t mean you’ll get a raise every time you ask — but that asking on such days will create an accumulating influence, building toward the day you ask and it’s (hopefully) granted.

*** ***

HEARTBURN: A simple quick fix: chew gum. Your saliva will neutralize the stomach acid, at least temporarily. Got this from Nancy. Eating helps, short term. Eating veggies, bread, drinking milk — these can reduce heartburn over the long haul. But if you have regular “burn,” see a doctor.

*** ***

NADAL: I wrote in 2017 that tennis player Rafael Nadal would have a winning year. Just noticed that now, at the start of 2018, he’s ranked #1. (He was also ranked #1 last year, but being the lazy researcher I am, I didn’t know that…)

*** ***

HATE to bring up politics again, but… well… it seems everyone/organization I accused of being dirty (in the U.S.) seems to be.

*** ***

I SEE all these medicine commercials on TV. One says, “One in thirty people have Hep. C, and most don’t even know it.” So they’ve spent hundreds of millions creating and advertising a drug for it. Well, I have tremors, as do 1 in 25 people — almost a third more than have Hep. C. Yet no one has even attempted to find a pharma cure. There is a one-time, effective laser procedure to “operate” on and eradicate tremors. But where I live, in British Columbia, Canada, the medical associations in their supreme wisdom have decided that the 180,000 tremor sufferers in my province are not worth the most efficient cure: laser treatment. (*) In fact, when I asked, they pretend not to know about it – both Toronto (2Xs the size of Vancouver) and Halifax (one-sixth the size of Vancouver) have practiced this laser procedure for over ten years.*

In fairness, BC does offer to drill two holes in your head, plant wires in your brain, and attach these to 2 pacemakers, one buried inside your left chest, one in the right — four operations, two of which have to be repeated every 3 years on average, to replace the batteries in your chest. This medieval practice — which carries a 10% risk of brain damage, stroke or death — had one alternative — in the mid-1990’s a neurologist offered to give me 60 injections of botox every 6 months to make my face, head and hands immobile. Great. Great system!


ARIES: March 21-April 19

The general accent remains on groups, social delights, friendly romance, entertainment, optimism and wish fulfillment. Sunday brings you face-to-face with someone special. If you’re single, attraction might blossom. But does this person have a domestic anchor/problem? Decide Mon., when relationships meet the light of reality. (A good light!) Your thoughts veer into secretive, mysterious area Mon. night (PST) though Wed. There are obstacles in this zone, but also great openings; esp. Tues. eve and Wed. daytime — knock on the door of finances, investments, intimacy, commitment. Late week, Thurs. to Sat. eve, a mellow, wise mood steals over you. Far travel, legal, cultural or educational affairs, intellectual and publishing endeavours advance nicely — except perhaps Friday morn, when fuzzy thinking could enter. This whole area grows more intense through mid-March. Good, but don’t let enthusiasm propel you past legal, or other boundaries. All week, you might have to choose between friendship and ambition. But one thing’s certain: you’re happy.

TAURUS: April 20-May 20

Sunday/Mon. bring work — plunge in, success flows — until suppertime (PST) Sun., and Mon. morn. The focus remains on your ambitions, career, prestige relations, and worldly standing. Again, don’t take this zone too seriously before November, 2018. If you find yourself “plotting,” you’re on the verge of bad action with disappointing results. So be good! If you want to concentrate on something that can enrich and transform your life, turn your eye to peer relationships, to love, marriage, business partnerships, agreements and contracts, etc. midweek (Tues./Wed.). You’ll encounter some minor glitches, but overall a bountiful wave of potential links and opportunities face you. Be eager, co-operative — this is your area of great luck in 2018. Or dive into finances, investments, debt reduction, or lust — intimacy and commitment — late week (Thurs.-Sat.). By looking up, you could fall down; by looking horizontally, you keep your bearings, and gain. Until mid-March, your sexual drives and financial, research urges are strong, determined and impulsive — handle this carefully, be honest, moral.

GEMINI: May 21-June 20

Remember, relationships are intense until mid-March. In general, you will like this, for you feel a certain happiness or friendliness, even with your enemies. (Still, sudden anger/violence can flare if you operate in a “dangerous” environment, e.g., Iraq, inner cities.) This intensity can also draw you closer to a lover or spouse — or spark arguments. The main, monthly accent lies on intellect, far horizons, international affairs, education, media, advertising, culture and law. Skim the surface here, as this zone, despite being pleasant and loving, yields little reward until Nov. (Maddeningly, it keeps promising rewards — you’re the bull, and it’s the red cloak.) Sunday/ Monday are for love, romance, creative and risk-taking urges — take a chance, you might find love, or produce a “masterpiece.” Tackle chores and health concerns midweek (Tues./Wed.) — despite a couple of minor glitches, you’ll succeed — and could earn “career points” Tues. Those intense relationships arise Thurs. to Sat. — re-read the first 3 or 4 lines above. You could make a new friend or lover Thursday. Careful Fri. morn — some illusion. All week, you might have to decide between intellectual dreaming or getting the job done. Choose the latter.

CANCER: June 21-July 22

The accent still lies on finances, investments and debt, lust and sexual intimacy, lifestyle changes, medical procedures, research and investigation. Handle these lightly, be slow to commit (especially this Feb., but to some degree be cautious in this zone until Nov.). Spend Sun./Mon. near home. Sunday’s great for gardening, cooking, hugging the kids, adventure trips, groceries, repairs, etc. Monday’s okay, but “holds less.” Romance flies your way midweek (Tues./Wed.). Tuesday eve’s great for a meeting of minds and hearts. Wednesday seems to hold some reward — a job opening or creative, risk-taking, sports, pleasure or similar reward. Late week brings chores —might as well dive in. You might work like a house on fire Thurs. — good, but avoid burns, chemicals. Avoid water (especially near electricity) Fri. morning (PST). Great progress Friday pm. Saturday night begins a weekend of relationships and new opportunities. Until mid-March, work will be intense, but can bolster your career plans. Watch over-heating, sudden temperature changes, rashes.

LEO: July 23-Aug. 22

The accent remains on relationships, Leo. (And their adjuncts — negotiation, agreements, litigation, relocation, opportunities and challenges, friendships and enmities.) You’ll encounter a couple of exciting meetings, could feel drawn to someone, or to a far-away place or a “fame” scenario. But you best answer to all these is: “No, sorry, perhaps another time.” (Repeat this until Nov.) Be individual, be yourself, accent your own needs, desires, goals and plans — and advice. Diplomatically, of course. Casual friends, communications, paperwork, short trips and easy chores — these fill Sun./Monday. Successfully, Sun. to suppertime (PST) and Mon. around dawn. Midweek brings a “settling in,” a down-home feeling. If possible, spend this time at home, with family. Have an extended family dinner, or tackle the yard, house repairs, etc. Despite one or two wee glitches, you’ll succeed. Especially Tues. eve and Wed. midday. Romance roars in late week (Thurs. pre-dawn to Sat. suppertime). As told previously, you’re in a powerful, intense romantic phase until mid-March. If you’re married, turn this energy toward your spouse, and/or channel it into creative, speculative, sports, games, or child-rearing interests. (Be gentle with kids!)

VIRGO: Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The monthly accent remains on chores, employment, machinery, dependents and health concerns. Do what’s required of you in these areas, Virgo, but no more. Don’t let anyone, especially kids, “enslave” you. If in doubt about any chore, delegate it. Seek to manage — work smart, not hard. This advice applies to early November. Chase money, buy/sell, support clients, Sun./Mon. Sunday’s quite successful to suppertime (PST) — Mon.’s a bit less. Paperwork piles up, visits and replies must be made, errands done, midweek. Tuesday’s successful late day and night — you could meet someone very compatible. Wednesday “explodes” with calls, trips, etc. Head for home, or at least slow down, Thurs. to Sat. Rest, embrace family, plan your kids’ futures, upgrade security, plan a “campaign” to conquer more sales territory. Let go of stale, useless links and projects, to make way for newer, more fertile ones. Until March, this domestic arena will be intense (you’ll see this late Thurs. night, PST). You might be determined to make some deep changes here — e.g., major renovations, or changing homes. These should be successful, but think projects through, don’t act on impulse. Be gentle with children, pets.


The general accent (until Feb. 18) lies on sweet romance, charming children, beauty and pleasure, creative and gambling urges. Usually, you’d ride a winning streak through this phase, Libra, and you’ll probably do so on the surface, with little things. But don’t insist on moving this luck, these urges, to deep waters. For example, deep, infatuation-style romance, pounding heart and blushing cheek, will only leave you disappointed; but light, friendly romance will succeed, probably beyond your expectations. (This overall advice lasts until Nov. 8.) There are many kinds of love, Libra. Your energy and charisma soar Sun./Mon. — you could attract an admirer Sunday, and a brief but possibly more “on target” flirtation/meeting Mon. Midweek nudges you to pay bills and chase money. Cultivate clients, ask for a pay raise. Your work succeeds Tues. late afternoon/evening — good time to buy machinery, car, etc. — especially video-related — or get plumbing fixed. A big source of money might appear Wednesday. Dive into communications, visits, short trips and easy paperwork late week — Thurs. dawn to suppertime Sat. A casual contact you make or meet Thurs. could simmer with mating urges/possibilities. This will occur more than usually until mid-March. Yes, this “Thursday person” is the right, light type. (Regarding what I wrote above about light-heavy romance.)

SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Take a rest, lie low early week (Sun./Mon.). Contemplate, plan, deal with civil servants and other “helpers.” All’s good! Your energy and charisma surge upward midweek (Tues./Wed.). Start things, get things done, meet people, seek favours, be a leader, innovator. Love looms Tues. night (PST) and a pod of bounty could burst open Wed. daytime! The main accent this week (until Feb. 18) lies on home and your domestic sphere. However, this is your least lucky zone until Nov., so do what you must here, without expanding into additional responsibilities or projects. (Or lying in bed all day.) One of the great dangers of being “home-oriented” now is really a neutral thing: you could spend time here that makes you miss a grand opportunity in the outside, career, rat-race world. Especially this month and the first half of March, when money gushes toward you, and could accompany a promotion, clever idea or lucrative business involvement. (Careful, though — don’t spend your way forward!) — This advice applies strongly late week, Thurs. to Sat., especially Thursday. You do need a rest now (this week and next) so take one, but don’t overdo it.

SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The accent continues on easy chores, paperwork, applications, daily business, errands, trips and communications. Do what’s necessary here, without expanding your activities. It would be too easy to waste your time in fruitless tasks. (This advice lasts until November, but is especially applicable this week and next.) You might be starting to get serious about a romance. Sunday/Mon. bring optimism and bright skies, friends, a boost in popularity, flirtation and entertainment. Enjoy! But retreat Mon. night (PST) through Wednesday. Replenish emotional, mental and physical batteries by resting. Mull over where you are, and where you’ve been. Make plans for the future. Home/family success, inspiration, Tues. night. Your energy and magnetism roar back Thurs. dawn to Sat. suppertime. That romantic influence could be very strong Thurs. — great time for a date — but avoid dangerous people. Start creative projects, ask favours, bask in the attention you receive (not sky-high, but still attention). Friday or Sat. could spring a surprise opening, reward — or argument! (If the last, examine your own nature.)

CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Chase money, earnings, clients and bargains this week and next, Cap. And/or memorize something, catalogue and insure possessions, or pursue a sensual lust-object. But don’t do any of these things aggressively or fully — for they can disguise traps, dead-ends or endless delays. Do what’s needed, then “flip” to deeper waters: investments, research, lifestyle commitments — these are blessed, while those money/memory/sensual things will yield mostly disappointment, all until early Nov. Be ambitious, show skills to higher-ups, present proposals, mix with VIPs, boost your neighbourhood status, Sun./Mon. Sunday’s better (until suppertime PST). Wishes, optimism, popularity, social delights, flirtations — these fill Mon. night through Wednesday. Happiness will tap you on the shoulder. Issue and accept invitations, tell your loved one how you see the future. Now to 2024, your long-range, life goals will change. This mid-week is part of that process, so be open to new ideas, new horizons! But retreat, lie low, rest and think/plan Thurs. dawn to suppertime Saturday (PST). Beware belligerent people Thurs. You might dream of a hide-away, a new home. Wait on both these. Friends and money don’t mix late week.

AQUARIUS: Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Your energy, charisma, clout and timing hit a yearly high this month, Aquarius. But as previously advised, use this extra energy to attract and pursue other people, opportunities, relocation openings, agreements and associations, rather than basking in your own glow. Co-operate, jump on another’s bandwagon. This advice applies until Nov., but is strongest now and next week. I might not repeat it. You can make many — and good — contacts now into mid-March, as your social life heats up. Be assertive in chasinganother’sdream! Sunday/Mon. bring a mellow mood, wide vision, compassion, philosophical outlook, intellectual, cultural, legal, or travel pursuits — all successfully until suppertime Sun. (PST). An exciting meeting Monday? Show ambition and be dutiful midweek (Mon. night to pre-dawn Thurs.). Your ambition/career efforts dovetail nicely with money/earnings luck Tues. A stroke of luck could expand your responsibilities and career prospects Wed. Happiness wafts in Thurs. dawn to Saturday suppertime. You could meet someone very vibrant and assertive Thurs. He/she might want a friendship, or more. You could hear good news about a lawsuit, a cultural event, or your standing, your career, especially Saturday.

PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20

Two more weeks of relative seclusion, Pisces. Yield to the need for extra sleep and rest, for meditation and planning, to the need to deal with civil servants or institutions. But don’t actively seek these things. (E.g., don’t seek gov’t help, or demand an audience with a civil servant. He/she will be unsympathetic.) Instead, give at least part of your attention — a major part — to “getting the job done.” Be hands-on, don’t dictate from the austere heights of your policy committee, nor even try to manage everyone else. Just roll up your sleeves! This advice applies until Nov. 8, but is unusually applicable now and next week. Mysteries, secrets sidle in Sun./Mon. — so do financial opportunities and doorways to intimacy. Sunday’s lucky to suppertime (PST). A sweet, mellow, understanding mood steals over you midweek (Mon. night to pre-dawn Thursday). Chase cultural, educational, intellectual, travel, legal and love goals, especially Tues. eve and Wed. midday. Your standing is in focus late week, Thurs. dawn to Sat. suppertime. Bosses, VIPs, judges and parents remain temperamental, impatient, until mid-March, so step lightly. (Thursday shows this.) Generally, these few days sail along, but be active, dutiful, and keep your sense of humour. Avoidance, withdrawal, laziness will NOT work!

The End.


金星的感情心理系列 -- 蓝斯诺http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_1347374793_4_2.html

月亮的真實需要系列 -- 蓝斯诺http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_1347374793_2_1.html

行星落点系列 -- 蓝斯诺http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_1347374793_5_3.html

对宫理论系列 -- 蓝斯诺https://www.douban.com/group/topic/4876527/


楼主 元中  发布于 2016-12-11 15:50:13 +0800 CST  


Operation Mjolnir is a special operation of the Light Forces to enforce implementation of the Galactic Codex within quarantine Earth.



Mjolnir, also called Hammer of Thor (compare Norse: Thor, Roman: Iuppiter, Greek: Zeus, Egyptian: Wsir, late Atlantean: Astar) , is a special undisclosed technology of the Galactic Confederation that will make sure Galactic Codex is respected again in quarantine Earth sector:

妙爾尼爾(Mjolnir)又叫做雷神之槌 (雷神在北歐叫索爾,在羅馬叫朱比特,在希臘叫宙斯,在埃及叫Wsir,在亞特蘭提斯叫Astar。) 雷神之槌是銀河聯盟的特殊機密科技。銀河聯盟將會利用這項科技讓銀河法典在隔離地球區內重新得到重視:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mj%C3%B6lnir

One aspect of Mjolnir technology is detection of any dark being simply by measuring the amount of quantum anomaly that being emanates with negative thoughts, emotions and actions. Another aspect of Mjolnir technology is a foolproof containment and processing technology that can remove any dark being from its domain and process it according to the Galactic Codex. That processing usually takes place in Ganymede sort facility.

雷神之槌科技的其中一種功能是它可以測量所有黑暗存有透過負面思想、情緒和行動散發的量子異常,從而使所有的黑暗存有無所遁形。雷神之槌科技還有另一種功能: 它是一種超級堅固的拘禁空間。它可以收容各種黑暗存有然後依照銀河法典進行後續處理。這個後續處理過程通常會在木衛四的分類機構進行。

Operation Mjolnir is in full effect since November 2017.


In sublunar space, the Light Forces that belong to Galactic Confederation are approaching all members of various dark factions in a no-nonsense manner, giving them an option to accept the Light or else be taken to the Galactic Center for restructuring:



The main faction making problems recently is the so-called Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC). IBC is a Chimera-controlled negative faction that broke away from the surface Illuminati network and went underground during the Archon invasion in 1996. They have created their own network of underground cities, connected with high speed trains. Their underground network is independent from US military underground network (constructed since 1950s and cleared by the Resistance after 2000), independent from the Chimera underground network (constructed 26,000 years ago and now almost completely cleared by the Resistance) and independent from Agartha underground network (created 26,000 years ago and expanded in the last few decades when the Resistance joined that network):


Below the surface, Illuminati Breakaway Complex has teamed with native Earth Dracos and Reptilians and also with Dracos and Reptilians that have entered this Solar System in the 1996-1999 timeframe during the last Archon invasion. In 2014, top levels of Illuminati Breakaway Complex were taken over by the Chimera. Since 1996, IBC was developing their own secret space program that was cooperating both with Draco fleet and the so-called Dark fleet. Now this secret space program with a significant fleet of cloaked ships is the most powerful negative faction present in sublunar space and is the main focus of Operation Mjolnir.


Currently, Illuminati Breakaway Complex consists of about 200,000 Illuminati and Dracos, controlled by the Chimera. IBC is responsible for majority of missing children since 2015 and they used them as slaves in their underground bases:https://www.icmec.org/press/activities-in-more-than-29-countries-around-the-globe-will-remember-missing-children-on-may-25/



Information about IBC could not be released until now, because they would retaliate by creating untold amount of suffering for those captives. One part of Operation Mjolnir was the Resistance freeing the vast majority of those captives since the beginning of January 2018 and then Pleiadians taking them to a certain planet near the Pleiades star cluster for recovery and healing.


Illuminati Breakaway Complex is also responsible for a great deal of scalar and directed weapons attacks on Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, especially for the current wave of attacks that started in November 2017.


Illuminati Breakaway Complex is also connected to about 1 million native Reptilians that live on the surface especially in Africa and Latin America but also on other continents and are known as vampires:


Other secret space programs tend to gravitate closer to Earth in Low Earth Orbit and clearing of these is responsible for more visible effects of the current space war:



The Hawaii missile was a secret space program weapon directed to Hawaii that was removed by the Galactic Confederation before it entered the atmosphere.


Mysterious Zuma satellite (USA 280) was successfully launched in orbit and is involved in the current space war. Until recently, it was possible to track the position of this satellite here:

神秘的祖馬衛星(USA 280)成功進入地球軌道並且參與現在的太空戰爭。大家可以在這個網站查詢祖馬衛星的軌道運行記錄:

Another satellite, NROL-47, is also involved in the current space war in Low Earth Orbit:


This satellite was or was not developed by a positive faction within the Chimera-controlled NRO:


NRO is one of the main organizations with its primary purpose of maintaining quarantine Earth status and constantly monitoring any possible involvement of Galactic Confederation with quarantine Earth domain.


Mission patch for NROL-47 reads Mali Nunquam Praevalebunt, which translated from Latin means “evil never wins” or “dark ones never prevail”.

NROL-47是的任務標語是拉丁文的Mali Nunquam Praevalebunt。中文的意思是 “邪不勝正” 。

The image on the patch depicts St. George slaying the dragon that demanded human sacrifices:


Putting this in the modern language it means victory of the positive humanoid species over predatory Draco species in this last phase of the Galactic wars.


We will finish this update with a video of Operation Mjolnir that might be interesting to many:


Victory of the Light!

翻譯:Patrick Shih

“柯博拉(Cobra)” 是昴宿星轉世為地球的某個人類,Cobra為其代稱 (由Compression breakthrough “壓縮突破” 而來) 。其與昴宿星人一直有面對面的直接接觸,他/她是抵抗運動官方的公開聯絡人。



楼主 元中  发布于 2018-01-31 06:01:15 +0800 CST  
处女座: 月度重点仍落在杂务、就业、机器、家眷和保健问题上。在这些方面按所需要求做即可,不处女座: 月度重点仍落在杂务、就业、机器、家眷和保健问题上。在这些方面按所需要求做即可,不用额外做更多,处女座。不要让任何人去“奴役”你,尤其是孩子们。如对任何杂务有疑虑,则分派出去。寻求管理——要聪明地工作,而不是出蛮力。这项建议适用于11月初。 周日、周一,追求金钱、买卖物品、支持客户。周日在晚饭前(PST)会非常成功——周一则机会小一点。 周中,文书工作扎堆,一定得做访问和回复,差事也必须完成。周二白天晚些时候和夜晚会有成效——你可能会遇见某个合得来的人。周三,电话、旅程等事项“爆发”。 周四至周六,归家或至少慢下来。休息、拥抱家人、规划孩子们的未来、更新保安系统、谋划一次“行动”去攻克更多销售领域。抛掉那些陈腐、无用的联系和项目,为那些更新的、更有发展空间的东西扫清道路。直到三月,这个内部活动场将变得热烈(在周四深夜(PST)你将看到这个情况)。你可能会下定决心在这里作出一些深刻改变——例如,重大翻新,或搬家。这些都应该可以做到的,但要考虑清楚,不要冲动行事。对孩子和宠物要温柔。 白羊座: 总体重点仍落在团体、社交欢愉、友好浪漫、娱乐、乐观和愿望达成上 。周日带来你与某个特别的人见面的机会。如果你是单身,吸引力可能会大增。但这个人有固定伴侣或有家庭问题吗?周一做决定,那时人际上的真实情况会显现。(显现得非常好!)周一夜晚(PST)至周三,你的思绪转入至秘密的、神秘的领域。在这些方面虽有困难,但也有很大的机遇;尤其是周二傍晚和周三白天——敲响金融、投资、亲密和承诺的大门。 周尾,周四至周六傍晚,平和、明智的心情悄然而至。远途旅行、法律、文化或教育事务、智力和出版方面的努力进展良好——可能除了周五早上,那时脑筋可能会有点迷糊。直到三月中,这整个领域会变得更强烈。情况是好,但不要让热情驱使你超出法律或其他的界限。整一周,你可能不得不在友谊和抱负之间做选择。但有一件事是肯定的:你会开心的。...Mew

谢谢亲,早起的鸟儿有虫吃,嘻嘻。。(❤ ω ❤)

楼主 元中  发布于 2018-01-31 06:38:20 +0800 CST  

双子座 (05.21~06.20)-- 译者:元中

请记住,人际关系的紧张状态将一直持续到三月中旬,双子。一般来说,你喜欢这样的局面,因为你在其中会感到某种快乐或友善,即使是与你的对手。(尽管如此,如果你在一个 “危险的” 环境中工作,突然的愤怒/暴力可能会迸发,例如,伊拉克,一些内陆城市。)这种紧张状态也拉着你去更接近恋人或配偶 ---- 或者引发争执。月度的主要重点落在智力、远大的视野、国际事务、教育、媒体、广告、文化、法律上。11月以前,浏览上述事物的表面现象,因为只有小小的回报,尽管它们是愉快和有爱的。(令人恼火地,它们握有承诺的奖励 ---- 你是那头斗牛,而它们是那红色的斗篷。)

周日、周一:爱、浪漫、创意、冒险的冲动 ---- 抓住机会,你可能发现爱情,或者创作一个 “杰出的作品”。

周中(周二、周三),处理杂务和健康问题 ---- 虽有一些小故障,你还是会达成所愿的 ---- 并且周二可能赚取 “职业积分”。

周四到周六,那些紧张的人际关系出现 ---- 再次阅读运势开头的第三或第四句话。你可能在周四结交一位新朋友或恋人。留意周五早上 ---- 有些错觉。整个星期,你可能需要在智力的梦乡里或完成工作之间做决定,选择后者。

楼主 元中  发布于 2018-01-31 06:43:36 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2018-01-31 13:55:56 +0800 CST

更新时间:2018-02-07 12:05:20 +0800 CST


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