【百科】盘点SPN每集细节 笔记 怪物图鉴 配乐 传说 【缓更

楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-06-21 15:16:00 +0800 CST  

Wendigos are humanoid, standing at about twelve feet tall. They appear emaciated with bones visible under their pallid skin, a symbol of their unquenchable hunger. Wendigos have pale white eyes and crooked, sharp, teeth. They are equipped with razor-like claws used to rip prey to shreds.


Powers and Abilities/能力

Wendigos are excellent hunters, either during the day or at night, as Sam and Dean said themselves, "It's a damn-near-perfect hunter. It's smarter than you." and, "This thing is a good hunter in the day, but an unbelievable hunter at night." There are few possibilities to defeat a Wendigo during the day as they usually hunt at night, but it is almost impossible to defeat them at night, since it is their favorite period to hunt. Also despite being animal-like, Wendigos are intelligent, as intelligent as humans, thus making them even more dangerous.

模仿声音Voice Mimicry - Wendigos can imitate the voices of humans to lure unsuspecting victims.
永生Immortality - Wendigos can live forever.
超级速度Super speed - Wendigos possess inhuman speed, enough to move from one place to another in seconds. Wendigos are arguably one of the fastest monsters.
超级力量Superhuman Strength - Wendigos are incredibly strong, even by monster terms, they can tear humans limb from limb, snap necks and carry two people at once and even drag them up a tree with ease. They are considered to be among the strongest of monsters.
超级敏捷Superhuman Agility - Wendigos can jump from tree to tree without being deterred by the foliage.
Invulnerability - Wendigos are invulnerable to (albeit irritated by) normal knives and guns.
爪子Claws - Wendigo have giant claws, which they use to hunt or to attack.
超级感官Super senses - Wendigos possess enhanced senses, making them perfect hunters, they can see perfectly in darkness, and have similarly enhanced hearing.


Wendigo are difficult creatures to kill or even harm. There are few possibilities to defeat them during the day, but it is almost impossible to defeat them at night, since it is their favorite period to hunt. Despite the beasts immeasurable amount of power, there are ways to protect oneself from the Wendigo.

火Fire - One of two only known ways to kill a Wendigo is to burn them to death.
阿纳萨齐印记Anasazi symbols - Special Anasazi symbols, drawn in protective circles, will keep a Wendigo away, much as salt does with demons and ghosts.
柯尔特枪The Colt - Since this gun can kill almost anything, it can presumably kill Wendigo.
第一刃The First Blade - Can kill anything.
死神镰刀Death's Scythe - Can kill anything.

楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-06-21 15:19:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-06-21 15:24:00 +0800 CST  


Title Dead in the Water

Written by Sera Gamble
Raelle Tucker
Directed by Kim Manners

Main Cast
Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester
Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester

Guests Cast
Amy Acker as Andrea Barr
Nico McEown as Lucas Barr
Daniel Hugh Kelly as Jake Devins
Bruce Dawson as Bill Carlton
Amber Borycki as Sophie Carlton
Troy Clare as Will Carlton
Aaron Rota as Peter Sweeney

Ratt - "Round and Round"
Black Toast Music - "What a Way to Go"
Billy Squier - "Too Daze Gone"
Bad Company - "Movin' On"

楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-06-23 17:36:00 +0800 CST  

Dean is shown to be good with children; this is probably because he spent some of his own childhood raising his younger brother.

While talking with Lucas, Dean mentions that he used to be fond of army men figurines. In the fifth season finale, "Swan Song", it is revealed that Sam inserted an army man figurine into the Impala's ashtray as a child, the sight of which triggered his memories of Dean and gave him the strength to regain control of his body from Lucifer.

The early scene of Sophie swimming in the lake is reminiscent of the opening scene of the 1975 film Jaws.

The same lake house and location in this episode was used in Jensen Ackles's movie Devour
相同的湖边的房子,同样用于另一部Jensen Ackles的电影《Devour》(吞噬)

Dean: I'm Agent Ford, this is Agent Hamill. We're with the U.S. Wildlife Service.

Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill are the actors who played Han Solo and Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars trilogy. This is the first of many Star Wars references. On a side note, Kripke said that Dean and Sam are somewhat based upon Han and Luke.

Jake's grandson's name is Lucas, a reference to the creator of Star Wars, George Lucas.

Jake: Here, sit, please. There are no indigenous carnivores in that lake. There's nothing even big enough to pull down a person, unless it was the Loch Ness Monster.

The Loch Ness Monster (aka Nessie) is a cryptid lake monster reported to live in the waters of Loch Ness. It is believed to be a dinosaur that survived one of the Mass Extinction events.

Sam: This whole lake monster theory, it - it just bugs me.
Dean: Why?
Sam: Loch Ness, uh, Lake Champlain, there are literally hundreds of eyewitness accounts, but here, almost nothing.

Loch Ness and Lake Champlain are both homes to reported lake monsters. Nessie and Champ.


Andrea: Tell your friend this whole Jerry Maguire thing's not gonna work on me.

Reference to the movie Jerry Maguire, in which Tom Cruise plays a man who spends a fair amount of time trying to charm a single mother's child in order to get close to the mother.
参考电影《甜心先生/征服情海 》,汤姆·克鲁斯饰演一个人花费大量的时间接近一个单身母亲的孩子,从而试图接近这个单身母亲。

Sam: Door number 2 sounds good.

In the television show Let's Make a Deal, deals are offered to members of the audience by the host. The contestants usually have to weigh the possibility of an offer "behind door number 2" being a more valuable prize than the one that they've already earned.
电视节目《一锤定音/让我们做个交易 》,交易都是由主持人提供给观众。参赛者通常必须权衡可能性,“2号门”背后提供的是一个比他们已经赢得的更有价值的奖品。

楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-06-23 18:45:00 +0800 CST  

While there is no "Lake Manitoc" in Wisconsin there is a Lake Manitowoc, the city of Manitowoc, and Manitowoc county. This may have been the inspiration for the lake's name in this episode. "Manitowoc" comes from the Native American word "Mundeowk" meaning "home of the good spirit."
虽然没有“Manitoc湖”在威斯康辛州,但有一个Lake Manitowoc,Manitowoc的一个城市。这可能是这集湖名字的灵感。"Manitowoc"来自美国本土词,意义是“善良灵魂的家。”

Jensen Ackles has cited this episode many times as one of his favorites. He especially points out the scene in which he had to erupt from the waters of Lake Manitoc while holding a child actor in his arms as one of the most "surreal" experiences he's had on the show. This was due to the stunt scuba divers that held both actors beneath the water's surface until the director yelled "Action!"

Jensen Ackles again cited this episode in the premiere issue of the Official Supernatural Magazine:
"...but Dead in the Water holds a special place in my heart, too. I liked what my character had to go through in that episode. It was kind of the first time where I really got a sense of who Dean was, and I was able to peel back some layers. I thought it was a good story that was directed well, so that was definitely one of my favorites. When I had to hold my breath with that kid, holding him in my arms...I hope you've never had to experience something like that. When you're treading water, just getting your mind around having two people below you in the water, pulling you down...that was a really weird sensation that I wasn't prepared for, not to mention I was responsible for the life of this 10-year-old kid that was in my arms. He's supposed to be dead, so he's limp. I'm actually treading water, keeping us both afloat with my left arm. And when they say action and I have to hold my breath, he holds his breath, and I have two divers pulling me down. So after the first time, I kicked the divers loose and I sprung right back out of the water and I'm like, 'Okay, wait a second - I'm going to need a minute for this one.' But we ended up getting the shot, and it was nice."

Jensen 多次说过这集是他最喜欢的一集,因为他觉得在水中救孩子这个情节让他觉得是“身临其境”的经历【下面是截取一段采访就不翻译了

楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-06-23 18:50:00 +0800 CST  

Dean: "You know, Sam, we are allowed to have fun once in a while." (Points to the waitress
in short shorts) "That's fun."

Sam: "'Kids are the best'? You don't even like kids."
Dean: "I love kids."
Sam: "Name three children you even know."
(Dean thinks and Sam begins to walk away. Dean scratches his head.)
Dean: "I'm thinking!"

Sam: People don't just disappear, Dean. Other people just stop looking for them.

楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-06-23 19:05:00 +0800 CST  
第一季第四集 幽灵旅人
TitlePhantom Traveler

【ps网上找的 鬼怪应是恶魔

Written byRichard Hatem
Directed byRobert Singer

Characters /角色

Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Amanda Walker
Brian Markinson-Jerry Panowski
Max Jaffey
Daryl Shuttleworth-Chuck Lambert
George Phelps
Disaster Demon

Featured Music/特色音乐

Black Sabbath - "Paranoid"
Rush - "Working Man"
Nichion Sounds Library - "Load Rage"
Metallica - "Some Kind of Monster"

楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-06-27 15:54:00 +0800 CST  

The episode number, 1.04. is a possible allusion to the famed Eastern Air Lines Flight 401, which crashed in the seventies. The ghosts of flight 401 were said to occupy planes that featured parts of the original plane and to help to save those planes on occasion.

Dean: Did you get any sleep last night?
Sam: Yeah, I grabbed a couple of hours.
Dean: Liar. 'Cause I was up at three, and you were watching the George Foreman infomercial.

George Foreman: Famous heavyweight boxer who is now best known for late night ads where he flogs his electric grill.

Sam: Yeah, he told me. it was a poltergeist?
Man: Poltergeist? Man, I loved that movie.

Poltergeist is a 1982 horror film directed by Tobe Hooper, about a family that moves into a house built on an Indian burial ground. It is said that the movie was cursed due to very strange events happening to actors on and off of the set.

Dean: Man, I look like one of the Blues Brothers.
Sam: No, you don't. You look more like a... Seventh-grader at his first dance.

The Blues Brothers were a comedic R&B duo comprised of John Belushi and Dan Akroyd that originated on the late night sketch show Saturday Night Live and later made two movies (one of which, was not well received). The pair's usual attire were black and white suits, ties, hats and sunglasses.
《蓝调兄弟》是一个喜剧蓝调音乐电影由John Belushi 和 Dan Akroyd组合,后来拍成电影,两人的一贯的风格是黑白色西装,领带,帽子和太阳镜。

Dean: This goes way beyond floating over a bed or barfing pea soup. I mean, it's one thing to possess a person, but to use them to take down an entire airplane?

Reference to the flims The Exorcist, in which a little girl is possessed by a demon. Among her afflictions are levitating objects and projectile vomiting. Like the Poltergeist, there are several legends that follow the Exorcist. Unlike the Poltergeist, the Exorcist has a very interesting set of trivia. Could also be a reference to Ghostbusters in which a woman is possessed and levitates over her bed.

Dean: Miss Walker. Hi, this is Dr. James Hetfield from St. Francis Memorial Hospital.

James Hetfield is the lead singer/rhythm guitarist of Metallica.
James Hetfield 金属乐队的主唱/节奏吉他手。

Sam: I think we can go more subtle. If she's possessed, she'll flinch at the name of God.
Dean: Oh, nice.
Sam: Hey.
Dean: What?
Sam: Say it in Latin.
Dean: I know.
Sam: Okay. Hey!
Dean: What?!
Sam: Uh, in Latin, it's 'Christo'.
Dean: Dude, I know! I'm not an idiot!

Christo is not Latin for "God" but Greek for "The Anointed One" (as in the title "Christ"). Moreover, it should be "Christus" or "Christe" - "Christo" is in either the dative or ablative case, and therefore manes something like "to Christ" or "by Christ".

楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-06-27 17:06:00 +0800 CST  

Filming Locations: Vancouver, Vancouver International Airport, South Terminal, where Jensen and Jared regularly catch their flights to Los Angeles.

Brian Markinson, who plays Jerry Panowski, also played Stan Thompson, father of Sam's partner Amelia Richardson in 8.08 Hunteri Heroici.
Daryl Shuttleworth, who played Chuck Lambert, also played Sheriff Rick Carnegie in 5.05 Fallen Idols.

This episode features the first time that we see the black smoke, black-eyes, and sulfur residue that indicate demonic possession.

The first flight we see crash was United Britannia Airlines flight 2485, although the official episode description lists the flight as being a TransNational one.
The twin-engine plane had the registration number C-GBBP when it was on the ground. In flight, it was shown as C-GUTV.

One of the driving shots during this episode seems to be the same footage used in 2.14 Born Under a Bad Sign.
Screencaps from 1.04 (left) & 2.14 (right)

We learn in this episode that Dean has a serious fear of flying.

For a brief period after the episode aired, when you called Dean's 866-907-3235 number you'd get the following message: "This is Dean Winchester. If this is an emergency, please leave a message. If you are calling about 11-2-83, page me with your coordinates." 11-2-83 is the date of Mary Winchester's death.

If you watched the version of this episode that aired on December 13, 2005, you heard the number they showed in closed captioning for Dean's cell number. They changed it from the original airing. They also changed the message you will hear if you call the original number that John said. If you call 866-907-3235 now, you will hear "Dad? We really need to hear from you. Leave me a message, text me, check your email. Anything. We have new info."
如果你看 了12月13日,2005年播出的这集,你会看到字幕显示迪恩的手机号。他们改变了它原来的语音。他们也改变了信息你会听到原来约翰说的话。如果你现在打电话给866-907-3235,你会听到"Dad? We really need to hear from you. Leave me a message, text me, check your email. Anything. We have new info."
【必须得去试试啊 哈哈哈

In the closed captioning the number given was: 785-555-0179. Presumably the original script, from which the caption text was derived, had the 555- number but then they changed it for the actual on-screen dialogue. 785 is the Kansas area code.
字幕的电话号是:785-555-0179。大概是原来的脚本, 标题的文本是推导出来的,数字555 -但是他们改变了它实际的屏幕上的对话。785是堪萨斯地区代码。

When Sam and Dean got to the airport Sam said they had half an hour to get on the plane because the plane left at 8pm. But earlier when they were in the car he said that it was a five-hour drive and they would never make it in time. That would make it 2:30 in the afternoon but when he said that it was dark outside.

The Demon smoke in this episode is different than the variety introduced in later seasons. It resembles a swarm of insects, unlike the later more fluid cloud-like appearance.
The Demons eyes change later in the series as well, in this episode only the iris of the eye is black. Later the whole eye will be filled in.
The Holy Water causes tissue damage to the host, when it is used on the demon. In later seasons, this wouldn't be the case.
二是这集中只是虹膜变黑 以后整个眼睛都变黑
三是圣水在这集中对肉身也造成伤害 之后就没有

楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-06-27 17:45:00 +0800 CST  
还有点小细节网上没有 估计对他们来说没什么吧

楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-06-27 17:47:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-06-27 17:49:00 +0800 CST  
第一季 第五集:血腥玛丽
TitleBloody Mary

兄弟俩找到了一家古董店,计划用古董店里的镜子引出血腥玛丽。山姆自告奋勇要做诱饵。“扯淡,你又没杀过人。”迪安不以为然。“我心里有一个秘密,一直没有告诉你。”山姆神秘地说。最终迪安拗不过弟弟,只好把他独自留在店里,自己在外面埋伏。  血腥玛丽出来了。原来,早在女友出事之前,山姆就一直做梦梦见女友的惨死。然而,他太渴望做一个正常人了,没有警告女友,也没有采取任何措施防范。山姆一直把女友的死归咎于自己。血腥玛丽和他在这一点上意见完全一致。这时,迪安冲了进来,捣毁了血腥玛丽爬出来的镜子,然而这恰好释放了血腥玛丽。她狞笑着,向他们欺身过来。迪安急中生智,拿起另一面镜子对准血腥玛丽。镜子里,血腥玛丽的影子谴责她杀死了这么多人,把它化成了一滩污血。

Written byEric Kripke
Ron Milbauer
Terri Hughes Burton
Directed byPeter Ellis

"Sugar, We're Goin Down" by Fall Out Boy
"Rock of Ages" by Def Leppard
"Laugh, I Nearly Died" by The Rolling Stones
"This House is a Hotel" by The Wind and the Wave

Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Jessica Moore
Donna Shoemaker
Lily Shoemaker
Steven Shoemaker

楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-06-29 16:48:00 +0800 CST  

A great deal of the aesthetic of the villain (Bloody Mary) in this episode is taken from the Japanese horror film and American remake, The Ring.

Sam: Hey, night vision. Thanks. Perfect.
Dean: Do I look like Paris Hilton?

Reference to Paris Hilton's infamous sex video, which made the rounds of the internet. It possibly also a bit of meta, as Hilton and Jared Padalecki worked together in the film House of Wax. Ironically, four years later, Paris Hilton appeared in Season 5's "Fallen Idols".

帕丽斯·希尔顿的臭名昭著的x视频,在网上轰动。可能也暗示,Hilton和Jared一起出演的电影House of Wax。具有讽刺意味的是,四年后,帕丽斯·希尔顿出现在第五季的“堕落的偶像”。

The episode is set in Eric Kripke's hometown -- some names of characters in the dialogue are shout-outs to his friends.

楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-06-29 16:51:00 +0800 CST  
Filming Locations: George's Taverna in Steveston, Richmond, Canada (Jess, final scene). The flight of stairs used when Sam and Dean return from talking to the coroner were used a couple more times in Supernatural, namely in 1.11 Scarecrow and 2.01 In My Time of Dying.

Michael Teigen, who played the Teacher, also played Teddy the Suicidal Teddy Bear in 4.08 Wishful Thinking and Max Hilby / Shadow King in 8.11 LARP and the Real Girl.

Steven Shoemaker's funeral was on Wednesday 21st November, according to the newspaper Sam was reading.
Sam读的报纸上提到了Steven Shoemaker的葬礼日期 11月21日周三

This is the first episode to feature the starburst clock. Dean takes it off the wall when he is in the process of covering up all the reflective surfaces in the motel room. It shows up in quite a few episodes each season.

Sam reveals that he dreamed of Jess' death before it happened. At the time it was unclear if this was a premonition or simply an unconscious manifestation of his fears about his mother's death. It is later revealed to be related to his powers.

In Sam's vision of Jess standing in the street, she is wearing a long white nightgown.

楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-06-29 16:54:00 +0800 CST  

Sam: Why'd you let me fall asleep?
Dean: 'Cause I'm an awesome brother. So what did you dream about?
Sam: Lollipops and candy canes.

[Dean smashes the mirror]
Dean: Hey Sam?
Sam: Yeah?
Dean: This has got to be like... what? 600 years of bad luck?

楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-06-29 16:59:00 +0800 CST  
更新下我的笔记~#Turquoise #EVP&EMF #Alchemical Symbols #Salt

楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-06-30 13:54:00 +0800 CST  
关于绿松石这个貌似在剧中没出现过 楼楼现在才刚看到第九季。。。
就是在随便看看Jojn's Journal的时候觉得这个挺有意思的就抄下来了


楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-07-01 09:12:00 +0800 CST  
EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena)/超自然电子噪声现象

The recording of voices on audiotapes that have no known physical source. EVP researchers capture the voices of spirit beings, made possible when the beings interrupt the Electro Magnetic Field (EMF). EVP is the first high-technology method that allows communication with the dead and other discarnate beings. A simple audio cassette recorder is all that is necessary to reveal these previously unheard voices to the human ear.

A term used to refer to the voices or voice-like sounds, said by paranormal investigators to be of paranormal origin, hear or captured on recorded media through other electronic devices. Examples o purported EVP are typically short, usually the length of a word or short phrase, although longer segments have also been reported.

EMF Meter/电磁场测量仪

Electromagnetic field meters (also called EMF detectors). Meters that measure the derivative (rate of change) of the surrounding magnetic field; thus, these meters are sensitive to changing magnetic fields (fields with a frequency above 0 hertz). Most EMF meters are most sensitive to frequencies of about 30-10,000 hertz, while some have a wider response. Paranormal investigators and ghost hunters use EMF meters while conducting investigations. Unusual activity in the form of high readings on these meters signifies that there is some type of paranormal activity, such as the presence of a ghost or other supernatural creature.
电磁场测量仪(也称为EMF探测器)。测量周围的磁场(变化率)的仪器,因此,这些仪器能测量敏感变化的磁场(场频率高于0赫兹)。大多数EMF最敏感的频率约为30 - 10000赫兹,而一些有更广的范围。超自然现象调查人员和猎人使用EMF进行调查。不寻常形式的高读数意味着有一些的超自然现象发生,如鬼的存在或其他超自然的生物。

The EMF meter is used to detect whether there has been a supernatural presence in an area. It was a gauge to indicate the intensity of the reading and makes a distinctive sound.

Any device that uses electricity emits some EMF. Most of them are shield and are too low to cause problems. But power lines and transformers are sources of extremely low frequency (ELF) that can jam the readings of the EMF meter from other, say more supernatural, sources.

楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-07-01 09:37:00 +0800 CST  

Shotgun shells, to disperse ghosts as well as slow down demons.
Salt may be loaded into a shotgun cartridge and fired at a spirit, forcing it to dissipate harmlessly for a short time. However, this does not destroy the spirit.

Salt may also be used to purify human
As it causes intense pain in demons, it may also be used to torture them. It can also be used to force a spirit out of a human's body after possession.

As protection of space
Salt can also stop ghosts and demons from entering a room if a hunter simply spills a line of it in front of all entry points, like windows or doors. It can also be poured or spilled into a circle around a victim to create an area of protection that keeps spirits from attacking. A ghost can also be encircled by salt to prevent it from escaping, much like a devil's trap. If a line of salt is broken by any means, a spirit can pass through it. Salt lines can only be broken by creatures that it does not affect.

Salt and Burn
To purify a corpse before burning its bones .

楼主 无极s水  发布于 2016-07-01 09:59:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2016-06-19 21:53:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2020-10-11 10:40:36 +0800 CST


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