
译自 All World Wars 网站。

Turret # 2 after the storm, July 1942. Photo by Horst Grund.被攻占的2号炮塔,1942年7月。霍斯特·格伦德摄。
Design and construction设计与建造
After disastrous war with Japan in 1904-1905 Russian Imperial government decided to upgrade coastal defenses of the Sevastopol Navy Base in Crimea with two huge armored naval gun batteries. Existing batteries of 11-inch naval guns were constructed in 1867-1877 and by 1905 they were completely outdated and outclassed by the guns of the modern battleships. Old coastal defense guns were standing in the open and all loading operations were conducted manually, slowing down the rate of fire to one shell in 2 minutes, against 2 shells per minute of contemporary English battleships. Another major drawback was concentration of all batteries on the relatively narrow shore strip from Cape Tolsty to Quarantine Bay, where they protected entrance to the Sevastopol Bay. This position was considered as suitable to protect Sevastopol from European Navies of 1870-s, but in 1900s, era of new, much more powerful battleships, able to shell Sevastopol from offshore areas near Balaklava and Cape Violent at 30 km distance above Mackenzie and Cape Chersonese mountain ranges, old coastal artillery defense system had to be completely updated and re-positioned.
在 1904-1905 年的对日战争中一败涂地后,帝俄政府决定加强克里米亚的塞瓦斯托波尔海军基地的岸防设施,增添两个巨大的装甲海军炮台。原有的 11 英寸海军炮建于 1867-1877 年,到 1905 年已经彻底过时,完全不是新式战列舰主炮的对手。老式的岸防炮无遮无掩,所有装填操作都是人工进行的,致使射速低至 2 分钟一发,而当时的英国战列舰主炮射速是每分钟 2 发。另一个重大缺陷是所有炮台都集中在从托尔斯泰角到检疫湾的比较狭小的海滨地带保卫塞瓦斯托波尔湾的入口。在面对 1870 年代的欧洲海军时,从这个阵地保卫塞瓦斯托波尔是合适的,但 1900 年代的列强有了强大得多的战列舰,能够从巴拉克拉瓦和暴烈角的近海地区隔着美谦集耶和赫尔松涅斯角的山脉轰击 30 千米外的塞瓦斯托波尔,因此旧的岸炮防御体系必须全面更新并重新布置。

Creators of the battery - Generals Cesar Cui and Nestor Buinicky炮台的缔造者——策扎尔·居伊将军和奈斯多·博伊尼茨基将军
In order to solve this problem, Russian fortification expert, General of Artillery César Cui, also famously doubling as Russian "silver age" composer and musical critic, suggested to construct first battery approximately 3 miles to the north from Sevastopol on the steep western slopes of the narrow Alkadar Heights near shore Lubimovka village.
为了解决上述问题,俄国筑垒专家——炮兵上将策扎尔·居伊(他同时也是俄国“白银时代”著名的作曲家和音乐批评家)建议把第一个炮台建在塞瓦斯托波尔城北约 3 英里外狭小的阿尔卡达尔高地陡峭的西坡上,临近海滨小村柳比莫夫卡。
Battery was designed by professor of the Nikolayev Engineering Academy General N. Buinicky, who used Cui's preliminary project, and after intensive polemics with, ironically, German expert von Sauer, who dismissed the very idea of naval shore batteries as outdated, project was approved and in 1912 construction started.
炮台由尼古拉耶夫工程学院的教授 N·博伊尼茨基在居伊的初步方案基础上设计。具有讽刺意味的是,在此过程中他与德国专家冯·绍尔进行了激烈辩论,后者认为岸防炮台这种东西本身就已过时。最后方案终于获得批准,于 1912 年开工。
Cui-Buinicky project was well advanced for the era. Both steel turrets were armed with two 305-mm guns each, with barrels 52 calibers long. They were able to rotate 360 degrees and fire as far away as 42 km distance. All operations, including target acquisition, aiming and loading were powered by 17 electric motors, but could be conducted manually as well. Only huge turrets 1360 tons weight each, protected by the 406-mm thick armor, were visible on the surface. All other battery compartments: ammunition cellars, inner power station, living quarters and service rooms were encased in 2-levels ferro-concrete shell 4 meters thick with overall dimensions 130 by 50 meters.
居伊-博伊尼茨基方案在当时是非常先进的。炮台的两个铁甲炮塔各配备两门 305 毫米炮,其身管为 52 倍口径。炮塔能旋转 360 度,射程远达 42 千米。包括目标捕获、瞄准和装填在内的所有操作都由 17 部电动机驱动,但也可转为人工操作。巨大的炮塔每个重 1360 吨,有 406 毫米厚的装甲保护,是整个炮台唯一露出地面的部分。炮台的其余部分:弹药库、内部发电站、寝室和机房都被两层 4 米厚的钢筋混凝土外壳包裹在内,整个炮台的大小是 130 × 50 米。

30th battery第 30 号炮台
According to the project's specifications, ammunition had to be delivered to the battery storage rooms by underground railway, equipped with special ammo trolleys. 650-meters long underground passage (sally port) would connect battery with command and communication center. Construction continued until the start of the First World War, but construction had not been completed. Command of the Black Sea Fleet had to regret that battery was not battle-ready just 4 months later, when German battle cruiser Geben, which after her legendary rush across Mediterranean Sea joined Turkish Fleet, shelled Sevastopol and returned undamaged. In 1915 construction was put on hold, since steel turrets, just completed at the St. Petersburg Metal Works Plant were transferred for the defense of the Baltic Sea.
按照方案说明书,弹药必须通过配备特制弹药车的地下铁路送至炮台储备室。650 米长的地下通道(出击通道)将把炮台与指挥和通信中心连接起来。第一次世界大战爆发时施工仍在继续,但并未完工。仅过了 4 个月,经过跨地中海的传奇之旅后加入土耳其海军的德国战列巡洋舰戈本号就炮轰塞瓦斯托波尔并全身而退,黑海舰队司令部面对尚未完成备战的炮台只能徒叹奈何。1915 年工程被叫停,因为刚刚在圣彼得堡金属加工厂完工的钢甲炮塔已被转用于防守波罗的海。

30th battery layout30 号炮台布局1.Main facilities (guns and ammo storages). 2. Command center. 3. Sally port. 4. Reserve ammo storages. 5. Gas shelter. 6. Radio center. 7. Reserve command center. 8. Guard house.1. 主要设施(火炮和弹药库) 2.指挥中心 3. 出击通道 4. 备用弹药库 5. 避毒所 6. 无线电中心 7. 备用指挥中心 8. 警卫室

By 1917 battery's walls, roof and turrets foundations were completed, 40% of the steel doors were put in place. 6.5 km long service railroad connected battery with Mackenzie Mountains railway station on the main Crimean railroad. Water was provided by 2 artesian wells and three water storages were constructed under the floor of the gun level. Metal Works Plant developed 100-tons crane and continued development of two new steel turrets. However no equipment was installed inside and battery's command center was not even on the drawing board.
截至 1917 年,炮台的侧壁、顶盖和炮塔基座已经完工,40% 的钢门也已安装到位。6.5 千米长的专用铁路将炮台与克里米亚铁路干线上的美谦集耶山车站相连。炮台用水由两口自流井提供,在火炮平台底下还建了三个蓄水池。金属加工厂为炮台研制了 100 吨吊车,还在继续研发两个新的钢甲炮塔。但是炮台内部尚未安装任何设备,而炮台的指挥中心甚至还停留在绘图板上。

Gun Turret Cross-Section 1炮塔剖面 1

Gun Turret Cross-Section 2炮塔剖面 2

Gun Turret on the Metal Works Plant, Petrograd, 1917彼得格勒金属加工厂内的炮塔,1917 年

After turbulent years of revolution and civil war, battery construction was resumed only in 1928 and mostly completed by 1934. Massive pre-fabricated construction elements were unloaded from railway platforms and put into place by battery's organic 75 tons crane, which had its own protected shelter. Battery was equipped with 305-mm naval guns SA of 1913 vintage, made in St. Petersburg for Great War era battleships, upgraded with modern optical range finders and automatic fire control station "Barricade". Gun turrets Mb-2-12 were identical to the Red Gorka and Ino batteries, which were protecting sea approaches to Leningrad. Located at 37 meters below the surface, underground command center has been completed by 1936, as well as supporting network of 6 observation posts (on Cape Lucullus, in the mouth of Alma and Kacha Rivers, on Capes Chersoneses and Violent, and above the western shore of Balaklava Bay). That vast network of observation posts was necessary because of the long range of the battery's gunfire. Battery was able to blast as far away as Nikolayevka, Pochtovy (with full powder charges), or Bakhchisarai (with half-charges). Altogether 30th battery controlled area approximately 5000 square kilometers. 3 batteries of anti-aircraft artillery and 4 machine guns defended battery from air attacks, while 5 heavy machine guns in concrete emplacements supported defense against enemy's infantry. However, turrets, as well as the entrances to the gun compartment and command center were not provided with embrasures. In November 1937 captain-lieutenant of the Soviet Navy Georgy Alexander was designated as the battery's commander.
经过革命和内战的动荡岁月,炮台建设直到 1928 年才恢复,1934 年基本完成。巨大的预制构件都是由炮台自配的 75 吨吊车从铁路月台上卸下并安装到位的,吊车本身也有防护掩体。炮台装备的是 1913 年在圣彼得堡为一战时代的战列舰而造的 305 毫米海军炮,并换装了现代化的光学测距仪和自动火控站“街垒”。Mb-2-12 型炮塔与保护列宁格勒海上通道的红山炮台和伊诺炮台的配备完全相同。位于地下 37 米的指挥中心是 1936 年完工的,同期完工的还有 6 个观测所组成的支持网(分布在卢库勒斯角、阿尔玛河口、卡查河口、赫尔松涅斯角、暴烈角以及巴拉克拉瓦湾西岸)。由于炮台射程极远,如此庞大的观测所网是必不可少的。炮台火力可远达尼古拉耶夫卡、波赫托维(使用全装药弹丸)或巴赫奇萨赖(使用半装药弹丸)。30 号炮台总共可控制约 5000 平方千米的土地。有 3 组高射炮和 4 挺高射机枪为炮台抵御空袭,另有 5 挺架设在混凝土碉堡中的重机枪帮助防备敌人的步兵。但是炮塔以及炮位和指挥中心的入口处都没有设置枪眼。1937 年 11 月,苏联海军大尉格奥尔基·亚历山大被任命为炮台的台长。

楼主 红色精英兵  发布于 2016-03-23 11:46:00 +0800 CST  

1. Main entrance. 2. Entrance. 3. Lobby. 4. Main entrance. 5. Change room. 6-7. Bathroom. 8. Medical center. 9. Sally port entrance (37 meters under the surface). 10. Reception. 11. Surgery. 12. Medical room. 13. Medical room. 14. Hospital attendants room. 15. Sleeping quarters. 16-17. Water supply. 18. Air ventilation unit. 19. Passage to the right turret (# 2). 20. Electrical room. 21. Ammo cellar. 22. Guns. 23. Storage. 24. Storage. 25. Guns service room. 26. Ammo cellar. 27. Storage room. 28. Storage room. 29. Guns service room. 30. Sleeping quarters. 31. Air ventilation unit. 32. Electrical room. 33. Service room. 34. Electrical accumulators room. 35. Repair room. 36. Storage. 37. Communication passage. 38. Officers quaters. 39. Sleeping quarters. 40. Sleeping quarters. 41. Electrical accumulators room. 42. Telephone station. 43. Sleeping quarters. 44. Sleeping quarters. 45. Pumps. 46. Sleeping quarters. 47. Compressor room. 48. Storage. 49. Air ventilation unit. 50. Passage to the left turret (# 1). 51. Air ventilation unit. 52. Ammo cellar. 53. Guns. 54. Storage. 55. Storage. 56. Guns service room. 57. Ammo cellar. 58. Storage. 59. Storage. 60. Guns service room. 61. Sleeping quarters. 62. Air ventilation unit. 63. Reserve room. 64. Sleeping quarters. 65. Sleeping quarters. 66. Sleeping quarters. 67. Kitchen and galley. 68. Kitchen and galley. 69. Closet. 70. Bathroom. 71. Lobby. 72. Entrance. 73. maintenance room. 74. Air filters. 75. Heating room. 76. transformers room. 77. Arrest room. 78. Lobby. 79. Sleeping quarters. 80. Air filters. 81. Entrance to the reserve room. 82. Air filters. 83. Air filters. 84. Service room.
1. 主入口 2. 入口 3. 前厅 4. 主入口 5. 更衣室 6-7. 浴室 8. 医疗中心 9. 出击通道入口(地下 37 米) 10. 接待处 11. 门诊室 12. 医务室 13. 医务室 14. 护理室 15. 寝室 16-17. 给水站 18. 鼓风机 19. 到右炮塔(2 号)的通道 20. 配电间 21. 弹药库 22. 火炮 23. 储藏室 24. 储藏室 25. 火炮操作室 26. 弹药库 27. 储藏室 28. 储藏室 29. 火炮操作室 30.寝室 31. 鼓风机 32. 配电间 33. 机房 34. 蓄电池室 35. 修理室 36. 储藏室 37. 通道 38. 军官寝室 39. 寝室 40. 寝室 41. 蓄电池室 42. 电话站 43. 寝室 44. 寝室. 45. 泵组 46. 寝室 47. 压缩机室 48. 储藏室 49. 鼓风机 50. 到左炮塔(1 号)的通道 51. 鼓风机 52. 弹药库 53. 火炮 54. 储藏室 55. 储藏室 56. 火炮操作室 57. 弹药库 58. 储藏室 59. 储藏室 60. 火炮操作室 61. 寝室 62. 鼓风机 63. 备用房 64. 寝室 65. 寝室 66. 寝室 67. 厨房 68. 厨房 69. 橱柜 70. 浴室 71. 前厅 72. 入口 73. 保养室 74. 空气过滤器 75. 供暖室 76. 变压器室 77. 制动装置室 78. 前厅 79. 寝室 80. 空气过滤器 81. 备用房入口 82. 空气过滤器 83. 空气过滤器 84. 机房

World War II第二次世界大战

Sevastopol defenses by the start of the first German offensive, November 1, 1941德军第一次进攻开始时塞瓦斯托波尔布防情况,1941 年 11 月1 日
By the start of the World War II Sevastopol defense also received identical battery of 305-mm naval guns, which covered sea approaches to the Sevastopol from the south. Sister battery was constructed on Cape Chersonese and received number 35. Both batteries were part of the First Separate Artillery Division of the Black Sea Fleet Coastal Defense Command, earmarked mostly for the defense against enemy's capital ships. 30-th battery covered wide arc to the north from Cape Lucullus, 35-th battery controlled south sector from Cape Chersonese to Cape Violent. However, when in October 1941 German armies broke through Russian positions at Perekop and entered Crimea, the coastal batteries, originally intended for protection of the Sevastopol Navy base from the sea, became the main staples of the city defense from the inland threat. Roles of each battery were proved to be quite different. Since 35th battery was located too far to the south from the area of the main German thrust, it was able to fire only as far away as Mackenzie Mountains railway station, and 30th battery had to play the major role in Sevastopol's defense.
截至第二次世界大战爆发时,塞瓦斯托波尔城防体系中又增添了几门相同的 305 毫米海军炮,用于掩护塞瓦斯托波尔南方的海上通道。姐妹炮台建在赫尔松涅斯角,得到的编号是 35。两个炮台都隶属于黑海舰队岸防司令部的独立炮兵第一师,主要使命是防范敌人的主力舰。30 号炮台把守北方起自卢库勒斯角的广阔扇面,35 号炮台则控制从赫尔松涅斯角到暴烈角的南方扇面。但是,由于德军在 1941 年 10 月突破苏军在彼列科普的防线进入克里米亚,原本用于保卫塞瓦斯托波尔基地免遭海上入侵的海岸炮台成了城防体系中对付内陆威胁的主要支柱。各个炮台起的作用大不相同。因为 35 号炮台处在远离德军主要突击地带的南方地区,最远只能射击美谦集耶威山火车站,所以 30 号炮台必须在塞瓦斯托波尔保卫战中发挥主要作用。
On October 30, 1941 11th German Army again atacked Soviet positions and after breakthrough, started advance in the direction of Sevastopol.10 月 30 日,德国第 11 集团军再度攻击苏军阵地,突破后开始朝塞瓦斯托波尔方向前进。
On November 1, 30th battery opened fire in anger for the first time. It targeted vanguard units of kampfgruppe Ziegler from 132 Infantry Division, assembling between Alma railway station and Bazarchik village for the attack on positions of Russian 8th Marine Brigade. After 68 shells Germans were dispersed and attack was canceled.
11 月 1 日,30 号炮台第一次怒吼。它的目标是德国 132 步兵师齐格勒战斗群的先头部队,该部当时正集结在阿尔玛火车站和巴扎尔奇克村之间准备攻击苏联海军陆战队第 8 旅的阵地。68 发炮弹落下后,德国人溃不成军,进攻也不了了之。
On November 2 30th battery shelled column of motorized infantry, resting at that moment between Bahchisarai and Alma-Tarchan. Shock waves, shell fragments and heavy fire destroyed up to 40 trucks and several tanks.
11 月 2 日,30 号炮台轰击了正在巴赫奇萨赖和阿尔玛-塔尔千之间休整的机械化步兵纵队。冲击波、弹片和大火摧毁多达 40 辆卡车和多辆坦克。

30th battery opens fire, 194130 号炮台开火,1941 年

楼主 红色精英兵  发布于 2016-03-23 11:50:00 +0800 CST  
On November 3 German infantry and tanks attacked Duvankoy sector and attempted to break along the highway into Belbek Valley. 17th Marine battalion, remains of the 16th battalion and cadets from Coastal Defense Academy were supported by the 30th. As a result, when 30th shelled attacking force and field artillery battery near Bahchisarai, Germans retreated.
11 月 3 日,德军步兵和坦克攻击了杜万科伊地域,并企图沿公路突入别耳别克谷地。海军陆战队 17 营、16 营残部和岸防学院的学员们得到了 30 号炮台的支援。由于 30 号炮台对德军攻击部队和巴赫奇萨赖附近野战炮兵的轰击,德军不得不撤退。
On November 4, at 14:36, 30th battery fired 19 fragmentation shells on advancing German infantry and mortar battery. At 16:35 30th lobbed 6 shells into Koba-Jiga ravine, where German armor were concentrating for the attack, at 19:10 20 shells fell on Sevastopol-Bakhchisarai highway, on the assembly area of the German infantry battalion, which took heavy casualties. And at 22:00 pm later on the same day battery fired on German trains, unloading reinforcements on Alma and Biuk-Suren railway stations.
11 月 4 日 14:36,30 号炮台对进攻的德军步兵和迫击炮兵发射了 19 发杀爆弹。16:35,30 号炮台将 6 发炮弹射进有德军装甲部队集中的科巴-济加峡谷。19:10,20 发炮弹落在塞瓦斯托波尔-巴赫奇萨赖公路上德军步兵营的集结地带造成重大伤亡。当天晚上 22:00,炮台又射击了在阿尔玛和比尤克-苏伦火车站上卸载援军的德国火车。
On November 6 30th shelled advancing Germans in Aranchi-Mamashai sector, on November 8 battery supported counter-attack of the 7th Marine Brigade by firing fragmentation shells, quite risky undertaking, which, by the war standards, was, however, considered as necessary.
11 月 6 日,30 号炮台轰击了在阿兰契-马马沙伊地域推进的德军。11 月 8 日,炮台用杀爆弹支援了海军陆战队第 7 旅的反击。这是个相当冒险的举动,但按战时标准来看是必要的。
Staff analysts of the 1st Artillery division determined that 30th battery was often used excessively, mostly to compensate poor performance of Maritime Army field artillery, which was slow to deploy and short of guns and ammunition. Also it was determined, that 54% firings were commenced without further correction, which resulted in wasting ammunition. After November 15 battery's fire became less frequent and more tightly controlled. Overall battle effectiveness increased, since battery at last managed to develop a number of observation posts in all sectors, 20 in total. Sometimes observers were parachuted in the German rear to direct artillery fire against enemy reserves, assembly areas, transport, communication and storage units. In total during the first German offensive 30th battery fired 517 shells.
炮一师参谋部的分析人员认为 30 号炮台经常被过度使用,主要是为了弥补部署缓慢且火炮和弹药都短缺的滨海集团军野战炮兵的糟糕表现。他们还认为 54% 的射击没有作进一步修正,导致了弹药的浪费。在 11 月 15 日以后,炮台降低开火频率并得到了更严密的控制。由于炮台终于能在所有地境部署多个观测所(总计 20 个),总体作战效能有所提高。有时观测员甚至伞降到德军后方,引导炮火轰击敌军预备队、集结地、运输队、通信和仓储单位。在德军第一次进攻期间,30 号炮台总计发射炮弹 517 发。
Germans received intelligence about 30th battery even before November advance and made constant attempts to bomb her, but this target proved hard to find, since it was camouflaged by special nets and metal models of trees and bushes. Adjacent airspace was protected by four powerful anti-aircraft 75-mm batteries with the most experienced gun crews available. The only technical problem was some damage of the left gun of the first turret, inflicted on November 16 by constant salvos, but broken parts were changed promptly, as soon as spare parts were delivered from the storage of the Coastal Defense Academy.
德军早在 11 月发动进攻前就得到了关于 30 号炮台的情报,而且一直企图用飞机轰炸它,但由于炮台有特制伪装网和金属制作的假树和假灌木掩护,他们很难找到这个目标。四组威力强大的 75 毫米高射炮在守军中最有经验的炮手操作下,有力地保护着炮台临近空域。唯一的技术问题是一号炮塔的左炮在 11 月 16 日因连续发射而发生一定损坏,但从岸防学院运来备用件后,很快就更换了受损部件。

Battery's commander Alexander (left) with commissar Soloviev炮台台长亚历山大(左)和政委索洛维耶夫
With this hard-hitting fire 30th battery proved to be not just nuisance for the Germans and they had to alter their next offensive, started on December 17, accordingly. One of their spearheads was aimed along Belbek River Valley and Mackenzie Mountains specifically with the purpose to destroy 30th battery, which Germans dubbed Maxim Gorky-I (They mistakenly considered battery's command center as a separate "fort" and named it "Schutzbastion"). 22nd German infantry division and Romanian motorized infantry regiment attacked positions of the Soviet 90th Rifle regiment and 8th Marine Brigade. At first December offensive went on smoothly, Germans broke through Soviet defenses, inflicted heavy casualties on the 8th Marine brigade, 151 Cavalry and 773 Rifle regiments and on December 28 4 infantry battalions supported by 12 German tanks approached battery's command center. Alexander had to form 2 rifle companies from the crew members and with the help of the sector's designated reserve battalion protected exposed battery's right flank. As a last resort battery opened fire with open sights, assuming unusual role of the frontline artillery. One of the defenders, D. Piskunov remembered later: "With German tanks shelling command center from the distance just 300 meters situation became inconvenient enough. But then earth trembled and we heard enormous explosion. I climbed out from the trench and couldn't see German tank, which stood in front of us just moments before. Now nothing was there. Only earth and unrecognizable debris were still falling down. Soon we were told that Alexander's battery opened fire". On the next day Soviet Marines successfully counter-attacked enemy infantry, which was digging near communication center and Germans retreated back along the Belbeck Valley.
30 号炮台如此猛烈的火力令德军如芒刺在背,迫使他们在 12 月 17 日开始第二次进攻时作出相应调整。他们的一个进攻箭头沿别耳别克河谷和美津集耶威山直指 30 号炮台,就是专为摧毁这个被他们叫做“马克西姆·高尔基一号”的堡垒而来的(他们错以为炮台的指挥中心是独立的“堡垒”,把它命名为“舒茨棱堡”)。德国第 22 步兵师和罗马尼亚机械化步兵团攻击了苏联步兵第 90 团和海军陆战队第 8 旅的阵地。12 月攻势最初进展顺利,德军突破苏军阵地,使海军陆战队第 8 旅、骑兵第 151 团和步兵第 773 团伤亡惨重。12 月 28 日,4 个步兵营在 12 辆坦克支援下接近了炮台的指挥中心。亚历山大不得不用炮台人员组建 2 个步兵连,在配属当地的预备营协助下保护炮台暴露的右翼。炮台使出最后一招,使用缺口表尺开火,从而罕见地承担了前线炮兵的角色。一名守军 D·皮斯库诺夫后来回忆:“德国坦克在区区 300 米的距离上炮击指挥中心,情况相当不利。但是突然间地动山摇,我们听到了巨大的爆炸声。我爬出战壕,却看不见刚才还在眼前的德国坦克。那里什么都没了。只有泥土和无法辨认的碎片还在不停地往下掉。不久我们就听说亚历山大的炮台开火了。”次日,苏联海军陆战队对盘踞在通信中心附近的敌人步兵发动了成功的反击,德军沿着别耳别克谷地铩羽而归。
In just two months 30-th battery fired 1238 shells. However, after 300 shots maintenance rules required to replace guns’ barrels. Even if most of the shells were fired with half charge or less, by the beginning of 1942 barrels had been completely worn out and accuracy markedly decreased. Crew extracted spare 50-tons barrels from the secret storage in Sevastopol and in January 1942 transported them to the battery. According to the same maintenance rules, new barrels had to be installed with the help of 75 tons crane in no less than 60 days. However battery's crew with the help of experts from Leningrad's Metal Works Plant, original manufacturer, and workers of Repair Plant #1127 of the Black Sea Fleet managed to replaced barrels in just 16 day, using much smaller and less conspicuous crane and jacks, working only at night, since front line by that time run only in 1,5 kilometers from the battery.
在短短两个月时间里 30 号炮台发射了 1238 发炮弹。但是按照保养规定,发射 300 次后就需要更换炮管。尽管大多数炮弹是使用半装药或更少的装药发射的,但到了 1942 年初,几根炮管已经完全磨损,精度显著降低。炮手们从塞瓦斯托波尔的秘密仓库提出了备用的 50 吨炮管,在 1942 年 1 月运到炮台。按照保养规定,安装新炮管必须使用 75 吨吊车,工作时间不少于 60 天。但是炮台人员在来自制造厂家——列宁格勒金属加工厂的专家和黑海舰队 1127 号修理厂的工人帮助下,使用比规定小得多也隐蔽得多的吊车和夹具,只用 16 天就更换了炮管。而且由于此时前线离炮台只有 1.5 千米,所有工作都是在夜间进行的。

楼主 红色精英兵  发布于 2016-03-23 11:52:00 +0800 CST  
In May 1942 Germans started yet another Sevastopol offensive, which, as they hoped, would be decisive. Well aware of the key role of Maxim Gorky-I in city's defense, commander of 11th army, General-Colonel von Manstein concentrated powerful siege group of heavy artillery. This group included scores of field artillery guns with caliber up to 180 mm, one battalion of 210-mm mortars, two battalions of 240-mm heavy howitzers, four batteries of 280 mm howitzers, two battalions of 305-mm mortars, battery of two 356 mm mortars, 624th battalion (each of its three batteries had two 305-mm mortars and three 210-mm Moerzer-18), battery of 420-mm howitzers, the battery of 420-mm моrtars "Gamma" WWI vintage (total weight 140 tons, weight of a shell of 1020 kg, range of fire 14 kilometers) and the battery of 280-mm railway artillery.
1942 年 5 月,德国人开始了对塞瓦斯托波尔的又一轮攻势,他们指望这次能一举成功。11 集团军司令冯·曼斯坦因大将非常清楚马克西姆·高尔基一号炮台在城防体系中的关键作用,因此集中了强大的攻城重炮群。这个炮群包括大量口径不超过 180 毫米的野战炮、一个营的 210 毫米迫击炮、两个营的 240 毫米重型榴弹炮、四个连的 280 毫米榴弹炮、两个营的 305 毫米迫击炮、两门 356 毫米迫击炮、624 营(该营有三个连,每连两门 305 毫米迫击炮和三门 210 毫米 Moerzer-18)、一个连的 420 毫米榴弹炮、一个连的一战时制造的 420 毫米迫击炮“伽玛”(总重 140 吨,弹重 1020 千克,射程 14 千米)和一个连的 280 毫米列车炮。
German super heavy mortar "Karl"德国超重型迫击炮“卡尔”
"Karl" in the firing position发射阵地上的“卡尔”

楼主 红色精英兵  发布于 2016-03-23 11:54:00 +0800 CST  
On top of these powerful artillery group Germans delivered to the front line two 615-mm self-propelled mortars type "Karl" named "Thor" and "Odin" and one 800-mm railway super-gun "Dora". Siege mortars moved on caterpillars and fired 615-mm shells, which weighted 2.2 tons each and were specifically designed for the use against thick ferro-concrete slabs up to 3.5 m thick or 450-mm steel armor. Odin and Thor entered history books as the most powerful and heavy self-propelled guns ever made, however, caterpillars were used only for the limited maneuvering of the huge gun into position. Because of the extremely strong recoil, " Karls" had to be unlimbered and placed on the ground before firing. Small speed of shell's flight allowed to observe it in the air, and duly impressed German soldiers immediately called Karls' massive shells "flying coffins", while Russians prefer to stick with WWI trench slang and called these enormous projectiles "suitcases".
除了这个强大的炮群,德国人还出动了两门 615 毫米“卡尔”式自行迫击炮(分别被命名为“托尔”和“奥丁”)和一门 800 毫米超级列车炮“多拉”。两门攻城迫击炮靠履带行走,发射的 615 毫米炮弹重 2.2 吨,专为对付厚达 3.5 米的钢筋混凝土层或 450 毫米的钢装甲而设计。奥丁和托尔作为截至当时制造的最强最重的自行火炮被载入史册,但这种巨炮的履带仅用于进入阵地时的短距机动。由于后坐力极大,“卡尔”在发射前必须解开牵引车并固定在阵地上。炮弹飞行速度很慢,在空中可以被看得清清楚楚,因此印象深刻的德军士兵立即给卡尔的巨弹起了“飞行棺材”的绰号,而苏军则沿用一战时的堑壕俚语,把这些巨弹叫做“手提箱”。
As if it was not enough, Germans were ready to use the biggest artillery weapon in their arsenal, railway gun "Dora", which was able to lob 800 mm shells. It was and still is the biggest railroad gun ever made. All Dora's establishment was transported in 106 carriages on 5 trains, gun's barrel had 32.5 m length, and carriage towered as high as 3-stored building. This monster gun was served by the firing crew of 1500, and overall, including service, transport, maintenance, ant-aircraft and security personnel, compliment counted as much as 4370, so General-Major of Artillery Zukerort was appropriately put in charge of this huge outfit. After aerial reconnaissance, which was conducted by general himself, Dora's firing position was carefully chosen in 2 km from Bakhchisarai, and all necessary preparations lasted more than a month. Dora fired shells from 4 up to 7 tons which theoretically were able to punch holes in 1 meter thick steel armor or in 8-meters thick ferro-concrete slabs. Originally "Dora" was constructed for breaking French Maginot fortified line, but was not finished by May 1940, and so Sevastopol defense batteries had to become its first battle target. On May, 26th, 1942 the super-gun was put in firing position on 4 railroad tracks, slighly curved for horizontal aiming adjustment and made ready to open fire. German Propaganda Minister Goebbels planned to mold Dora's debut into a showcase of Wermacht military might and documentary crews waited anxiously to film enormous gun in action.
德国人似乎觉得这还不够意思,又准备动用他们武库中最大的火炮——能够发射 800 毫米炮弹的列车炮“多拉”。它在当时是、至今也是有史以来最大的列车炮。多拉的全套机构需要用 5 列火车的 106 节车皮运输,炮管长 32.5 米,炮架有三层楼高。这门怪物大炮需要 1500 名炮手伺候,如果把检修、运输、保养、防空和警卫人员都算在内,全套班子人数多达 4370,因此炮兵少将楚克罗特担负起了领导这一大队人马的责任。将军大人亲自进行航空侦察后,在离巴赫辛萨赖 2 千米的地方进行选择了多拉的发射阵地,而各种必要的准备工作又持续了一个多月。多拉发射的炮弹有 4 到 7 吨重,理论上能击穿 1 米厚的钢装甲或 8 米厚的钢筋混凝土层。它原本是为了突破法国的马其诺防线而造的,但直到 1940 年 5 月都未完工,因此塞瓦斯托波尔的防御炮台成了它的第一个作战目标。1942 年 5 月 26 日,这门超级大炮进入发射阵地,架在为了调整水平瞄准方向而略有弧度的四条铁轨上,做好了发射准备。德国宣传部长戈培尔计划把多拉的首次亮相搞成德国军队强大武力的盛大展示,纪录片摄制组焦急地等待着拍摄这门巨炮的实战。
Preparing firing position for the "Dora"准备“多拉”的发射阵地
Horizontal aim correction水平瞄准修正
Ready to fire准备开炮

楼主 红色精英兵  发布于 2016-03-23 11:55:00 +0800 CST  
On June, 5th, 1942 at 5.35 am Dora's first "inaugural" shell was fired on Sevastopol's Northern Side. It was followed by 8 more shells, 5 of them were aimed directly at 30th battery. Columns of black smoke from powerful explosions rose up to 500 feet in the air, however, no shells landed on armored turrets, since shooting accuracy of the monster gun, firing from a distance of almost 30 km, proved non-sufficient, the closest hit was registered in 0.5 km from the nearest turret. Dora switched on more lucrative targets on the North Side of the Sevastopol proper, but was not able to inflict serious damage, due to the relatively small proportion of explosives in the overall weight of the projectile.
1942 年 6 月 5 日早晨 5:35,多拉对塞瓦斯托波尔北城区射出了它的第一发“破处”弹。接着它又打了 8 发炮弹,其中 5 发是瞄准 30 号炮台打的。爆炸造成的黑色烟柱足有 500 英尺高,但是没有一发炮弹命中装甲炮塔,因为这门巨炮在近 30 千米距离上的射击精度实在令人不敢恭维。根据记录,最近的一发炮弹离炮塔也有 0.5 千米。多拉随后转而射击塞瓦斯托波尔北城区更有价值的目标,但由于炮弹中炸药占的分量相对较小,也未能造成严重破坏。
Most Russian war-time sources didn't mention Dora at all, and immediate post-war surveys of the siege treated rumors about the monstrous gun as one of the war legends. Some sources did mention that "Dora" had been located by Russian battle reconnaissance group, which transmitted target coordinates to Soviet aircraft bases on the North Caucasus. Russian pilots bombed "Dora" firing position and put out of action power supply train, several maintenance and service platforms, as well as special climate-controlled carriages with gun's ammunition. However, German sources don't mention any air attacks at all. Whatever happened in reality, fact of the matter was that after just 48 shots Dora's battle history ended. City was taken and Dora stayed in position until the end of July, when it was transported north to support siege of Leningrad.
苏方大多数战时资料对多拉只字未提,而战后立即进行的围城战调查把关于这门怪兽火炮的传闻当成了战时谣言。也有些资料提到“多拉”被苏军战斗侦察分队发现,他们把目标坐标发送到了北高加索的苏军航空基地。随后苏军飞行员轰炸“多拉”的发射阵地,炸坏了供电列车、几个保养和检修平台以及装载炮弹的特制温控车厢。但是,德方资料根本没有提到空袭的事。无论实际发生了什么,事实是多拉只打了 48 发炮弹就草草结束了自己的战斗历程。塞瓦斯托波尔被攻陷后多拉在阵地上滞留到 7 月底,然后被运到北方支援对列宁格勒的围攻。
In fact, "Karls", not "Dora" gave Alexander every reason to worry. After first accurate mortar shells Alexander reported that Germans were using unknown guns of monstrous proportions, but his report was met with disbelief. However soon one 2-meters long dud shell was found, photographed, and measured. Only then Soviet Navy intelligence officer agreed with Alexander that there was something suspicious going on indeed. Comparing to Dora, Odin and Thor were firing from much smaller distance, just 3.5 km and were much more accurate, also delivering much greater load of explosives. On June 6 German fire damaged and displaced 2 armor plates of the first turret, which for a while was not able to rotate. Next day one of the Karl's shell again hit the first turret and second punched a hole in ferro-concrete encasing, damaging room with chemical air filters. German guns had to be found as soon as possible. From the top of Alkadar Heights battery observers could see all Sevastopol's northern defense perimeter, and Alexander instructed them to collect data for the counter-battery fire.
实际上,真正让亚历山大担心的是“卡尔”,而不是“多拉”。第一发准确的迫击炮弹落下后,亚历山大报告说德国人使用了异常巨大的不明火炮,但上级不愿相信。可是没过多久,苏军就找到一发 2 米长的哑弹并拍照测量。直到此时苏联海军的情报官员才同意亚历山大的判断,认为前线确实有古怪。奥丁和托尔的射击距离只有 3.5 千米,比多拉短得多,因此也准确得多,而且它们的炮弹装药量更大。6 月 6 日,德方炮火打坏了一号炮塔的两块装甲板并使其偏离原位,导致炮塔一度无法转动。第二天,卡尔的一发炮弹再度击中一号炮塔,另一发则击穿钢筋混凝土外壳,炸坏了装有化学空气过滤器的房间。必须尽快找到德国人的大炮。炮台的观测员从阿尔卡达尔高地顶上可以对塞瓦斯托波尔北部防线一览无余,亚历山大指示他们收集数据以便反击敌炮兵。
Karl's dud shell卡尔的哑弹

楼主 红色精英兵  发布于 2016-03-23 11:56:00 +0800 CST  
Despite Karls' well-thought tactics of firing simultaneously with other German batteries, careful positioning in the 30th battery's "dead zone", behind the crest of the hill, and exceptionally good camouflage, they were eventually betrayed by unusually bright muzzle flashes and signature "clearing throat" sound of the firing blast. Artillery duel between "monsters" and Soviet batteries started in earnest. From June 6 to June 14 Karls fired 172 anti-concrete and 25 high-explosive shells. However no more hits on the turrets were registered. According estimations around 40% of all shells didn't explode or just fell apart after falling on the ground. One dud shell was transported to the Suharnaya Ravine arsenal for further research, survived arsenal explosion after the fall of the city, and was demolished only in 1957. Luftwaffe airplanes also were active, making 600 raids on the 30th battery with bombs up to 1 ton weight, but still couldn't produce any notable results, since ferro-concrete encasing was designed to withstand bombs of exactly that weight.
虽然卡尔采用了狡猾的战术,总是和其他德国火炮一起射击,而且小心地把阵地设在山背后 30 号炮台的射击死角内,还作了特别仔细的伪装,但异常明亮的炮口焰和发射时特有的“轻咳”声还是让它暴露了。这些“怪兽”与苏方炮群之间的炮火对决立刻如火如荼地展开。从 6 月 6 日到 6 月 14 日,卡尔发射了 172 发混凝土破坏弹和 25 发高爆弹,但是再也没能击中炮塔。据估计,约有 40% 的炮弹没有爆炸,或者落到地上就摔散了。有一发哑弹被运到苏哈纳亚峡谷军火库作进一步研究,在城市陷落、军火库爆炸后仍然留了下来,直到 1957 年才被销毁。德国空军也非常活跃,使用重达 1 吨的炸弹对 30 号炮台进行了 600 次空袭,但还是没能取得任何明显的效果,因为炮台的钢筋混凝土壳体恰好就是以抵御这种级别的炸弹为标准设计的。

Georgy Alexander (Frame from the Soviet documentary)格奥尔基·亚历山大(苏方纪录片截图)
In June 15-17 Germans 213 infantry regiment, 1st and 2nd battalion of 132d pioneer regiment and 1st battalion of 173d pioneer regiment moved in to encircle the 30th battery. Communication land line with Sevastopol was cut, on the next day radio communication was also shut down, since all external aerials were destroyed (radio with internal antenna proved to be unable to perform properly). Clearly understanding value of 30-th battery in Sevastopol defense system Germans continued attacks by tanks and infantry. Gnawing their way through Russian defenses they put out of action machine-gun nests, suppressed snipers fire and ward off counter-attacks. Previous heavy bombardment, going on for weeks, considerably soften defense, stripping 30th battery of all field defenses, removing barbed wire, leveling trenches, machine-gun nests and detonating minefields.
6 月 15-17 日,德国 213 步兵团、132d 工兵团 1 营和 2 营以及 173d 工兵团 1 营包围了 30 号炮台。连接塞瓦斯托波尔的电话线路被切断了,次日无线电通信也告中断,因为所有外露天线都被摧毁了(使用内部天线的电台无法正常工作)。德国人很清楚 30 号炮台在塞瓦斯托波尔城防体系中的价值,因此不断以坦克和步兵发起攻击。他们逐渐蚕食苏军阵地,摧毁机枪火力点,压制狙击手火力,并击退了苏方反击。此前持续数周的猛烈炮击已经大大削弱防御,使 30 号炮台失去了所有地面防护。铁丝网、平行战壕、机枪火力点都被炸毁,雷场也被引爆了。
On June 17 30-th battery was completely encircled. Next day it fired all remaining live shells. Battery gunners used whole shots, which were stored before war for training purposes. One such shot torn off turret of the German tank, which tried to fire from Sofia Perovsky state farm. When no more shells remains in stock, battery fired 70 kg powder charges, three at once, and lucky shot, producing jet stream of powder gases with temperature up to 1000 degrees Celsius, reportedly, could obliterate approaching German infantrymen. But 30th was already doomed. By that time Germans were storming Northern Side and Michailovsky Bastion, far in the battery's rare. 200 gunners, marines and soldiers from 95th Rifle Division were still inside the battery compartments, blocked by the Germans, who by that time positioned machine guns to control exits. German infantry regiment and three pioneer battalions managed to reach damaged turrets and lobbed hand grenades inside.
6 月 17 日,30 号炮台已经被团团包围。第二天,它打光了所有剩余的实弹。炮台的炮手们开始使用战前为训练而储存的实心弹。有一辆德国坦克试图从索菲亚·佩罗夫斯基国营农场开炮,就被一发这样的炮弹打飞了炮塔。当再也没有炮弹可打时,炮台将 70 千克发射药包三个一组地打出去,这些药包会喷射出高达 1000 摄氏度的火药气体,据说运气好的话能烧死一些接近炮台的德国步兵。但是,30 号炮台已经在劫难逃了。此时德军已经在猛攻远在炮台后方的北城区和米哈伊洛夫斯基堡垒。德军还布置了机枪来控制炮台出口,把 200 名炮手、海军陆战队员和步兵第 95 师的士兵堵在炮台内部。德军步兵团和三个工兵营成功地冲到受损的炮台跟前,往里面投掷了手榴弹。

Moving closer to the burning turret #2接近燃烧的 2 号炮塔

German infantry attacks the gun turret #2德国步兵攻击 2 号炮塔

楼主 红色精英兵  发布于 2016-03-23 11:58:00 +0800 CST  
At first Alexander planned to break out in three groups, the last had to blow up all equipment, but first group of 76 defenders was completely wiped out by machine gun fire, only several survivors managed to reach front line with desperate appeals for help. However counter-attacks to rescue garrison failed. Delay in escape of the second and third groups made retreat impossible. On June 21 Alexander ordered to blow up turrets, diesel engines, electric station, and destroy fire control equipment.
起初亚历山大打算让大家分三队突围,最后一队人必须爆破所有设备。但是第一队 76 名守军几乎被机枪火力赶尽杀绝,只有几名幸存者到达本方战线苦苦求援。而援助守军的反击也失败了。由于耽误了脱逃,第二队和第三队人已经不可能撤退。亚历山大在 6 月 21 日下令爆破炮塔、柴油机、电站,并破坏火控设备。
Meanwhile German pioneers found exhaust pipes of the diesel generators and attempted to block them. Then they poured gasoline into concrete cracks and burned it. Soon gun compartments were engulfed by flames from burning oil, but due to sturdy steel doors and still partly working air ventilation system, flames and smoke were contained. At last Alexander ordered survivors to leave the battery and join partisans, which, according rumors, already operated in Crimean Mountains, since Sevastopol's Northern side had been already taken by the Germans.
Since underground sally port was blocked, Alexander and several gunners were not able to return to the battery. They left command center through the water drain and made last-ditched attempt to reach Crimean Mountains. However on the next day, near Duvankoi village, Alexander's group was surrounded and captured. By that time Alexander was in civilian clothes, but a local resident recognized him and gave him up to the Germans. Alexander was sent to the Simferopol prison, where he was interrogated and promptly shot, probably, as one legend goes, for refusal to give Germans some information regarding 30th battery. Another legend says that Germans found Alexander to be German by birth, born in the family of XVIII century German settlers in Ukraine, and asked him to switch sides, intending to use him as a propaganda tool, but he refused. However, most likely Alexander was shot as a punishment for his key role in prolonged siege. Germans were not able to capture a battle banner of 30-th battery, either it was destroyed by the last defenders, or, as some versions say, it was immured in a wall in one of the battery's vaults and remains there since. Absence of a battle banner was frequently cited as a reason why Georgy Alexander has not been made the Hero of Soviet Union posthumously, but true reason could be Stalin's overall dissatisfaction with the siege's outcome.
由于地下的出击通道堵塞,亚历山大和几个炮手无法回到炮台。他们通过下水道离开指挥中心,作最后一次前往克里米亚山区的努力。但是,第二天在杜万科伊村附近,亚历山大一行被包围俘虏。此时亚历山大已经换上便衣,但一个当地村民认出了他,并把他出卖给德国人。亚历山大被送到辛菲罗波尔监狱,在那里受到审讯,旋即遭枪杀。根据传言之一,他可能是因为不愿向德军透露关于 30 号炮台的一些情报而被害的。另一个传言则说德国人发现亚历山大有德国血统,生于十八世纪乌克兰的一个德国移民家庭。为了利用他作宣传工具,他们要求他转换阵营,遭到拒绝后下了毒手。但是,最有可能的原因是亚历山大在漫长的守城战中发挥了关键作用,德国人杀他是为了泄愤。德军没能缴获 30 号炮台的战旗,它要么被最后的保卫者销毁了,要么如传言所说,被藏在炮台某个房间的墙缝里留存至今。很多资料说失去战旗是格奥尔基·亚历山大没有被追认为苏联英雄的原因,但真实的原因可能是斯大林对这次保卫战的总体结果不满。

General-Colonel von Manstein smiles after his victorious visit to the silenced battery (frame from the German documentary) with turret # 1 on the background.冯·曼斯坦因大将获胜后得意地视察已经沉默的炮台(德方纪录片截图),背景中是 1 号炮塔
On June 26 Germans started to clean up the large subterranean complex from the last isolated defenders. Trying to break resistance of the remaining defenders Germans blasted through steal doors, moving from one compartment to the next, using grenades and flamethrowers to flush out defenders, who continued to fight in total darkness. Mopping up continued for another week, when at last Germans rounded up 40 wounded survivors out of the original compliment of 200.
6 月 26 日,德军开始在庞大的地下迷宫中清剿独立无援的最后一批保卫者。为了击破守军的抵抗,德国人炸开钢门逐屋搜索,用手榴弹和火焰喷射器肃清在伸手不见五指的黑暗中坚持战斗的守军。清剿战斗又持续了一周,200 名守军中只有 40 名伤员幸存下来被德军俘虏。
In the last days of the war Soviets captured German confidential archives, which contained drawings and engineering specifications of the "monster guns", and other "miracle-weapons". However to their complete surprise they also discovered among these papers complete description and drawings of the 30-th battery, made by the German engineers after the fall of Sevastopol. Original research included calculations of survivability, graphics of barrels deterioration, analysis of the chemical composition of gunpowder and a number of other research issues. In conclusion Germans named Russian "fort" a masterpiece of military engineering and stated that the battery by virtue of its exclusive properties and their skillful applications could delay the fall of Sevastopol for more than 6 months.
在战争临近尾声时,苏军缴获了德军的一些机密档案,其中包括“怪兽大炮”和其他“神奇武器”的图纸和制造规范。但出乎意料的是,他们在这些文件中还找到了 30 号炮台的详细描述和全套图纸,是由德国工程师在塞瓦斯托波尔陷落后编写的。德国人还进行了一些原创研究,包括生存概率计算、炮管磨损图表、发射药化学成分分析和另一些研究课题。在总结中,德国人把这个俄国“堡垒”称作军事工程杰作,声称该炮台凭借其独有的特性和巧妙的应用,可能将塞瓦斯托波尔的陷落时间推迟了半年以上。

楼主 红色精英兵  发布于 2016-03-23 12:00:00 +0800 CST  
30th battery after the storm被攻占的 30 号炮台
General Views of the battery炮台全貌

General view from the east to the turret and entrances to the concrete guns block. Black Sea is slightly visible in the upper part of the picture. Turret №2 is on the left, #1 is on the right. Picture by Hauptmann Otto Schmidt, from J-87 7./St. G. 77.从炮塔和混凝土炮垒入口以东观察到的炮台全貌。黑海在照片上部依稀可辨。2 号炮塔在左,1 号炮塔在右。霍普特曼·奥托·施密特摄,J-87 7./St. G. 77。

View from the north. Turret #1 is on the left, #2 is on the right. Barrels are turned to the south-west to prevent barrels' damage from splinters. Picture by Hauptmann Otto Schmidt, J-87 7/St.G.77.从北面观察。1 号炮塔在左,2 号炮塔在右。炮管已转到西南以防被弹片损伤。霍普特曼·奥托·施密特摄,J-87 7./St. G. 77。
Damaged turrets of the 30th battery. Turret #2 is on the front, #1 is on the background. Black cylinder in the foreground is a dud, heavy Karl's shell without nose cone.30 号炮台损坏的炮塔。前景为 2 号炮塔,背景为 1 号炮塔。前景中的黑色圆柱体是重炮卡尔的一发哑弹,头锥体已分离。
German soldiers on the roof of the concrete guns block.德军士兵在混凝土炮垒顶上。
Right entrance to the guns block炮垒右侧入口Turret #11 号炮塔
Turret # 1 after the storm, July 1942, view from the south. Photo by Horst Grund.被攻占的 1 号炮塔,1942 年 7 月,从南面观察。霍斯特·格伦德摄。
Turret #1, view from the north-west.1 号炮塔,从西北面观察。
Turret #1, view from the north-west.1 号炮塔,从西北面观察。
Turret #1.1 号炮塔。
Turret #1, close-up.1 号炮塔近照。

楼主 红色精英兵  发布于 2016-03-23 12:02:00 +0800 CST  

Turret #1, barrels are damaged by the splinters.1 号炮塔,炮管已被弹片划伤。
Worn out and changed barrels near turret #1 (which is partly visible on the right, behind the walking soldier).1 号炮塔附近磨损后被换下的炮管(照片右边士兵身后可以看到 1 号炮塔的一部分)。Turret #22 号炮塔

Turret # 2 after the storm, July 1942. Turret #1 is slightly visible on the background. Photo by Horst Grund.被攻占的2号炮塔,1942年7月。背景中依稀可见 1 号炮塔。霍斯特·格伦德摄。

Command center指挥中心
Range finder on the command center. View from the guns block指挥中心上的测距仪。从炮垒上观察
Range finder. View from command center to the gun turret #1 (barely visible on top of the height). Service road on the south slope connects battery and command center.测距仪。从指挥中心向 1 号炮塔方向观察(高地顶上依稀可见该炮塔)。南坡上的专用道路将炮台与指挥中心连在一起。
Fortified 2-levels machine-gun nest on the command center.指挥中心上加固的 2 层机枪火力点。

楼主 红色精英兵  发布于 2016-03-23 12:03:00 +0800 CST  
Battery's Power station炮台的发电站
Destroyed outer power station被摧毁的外部发电站

After World War II
Conducting their own postwar survey, Russian engineers found out that many underground compartments had not been damaged at all, only turrets, mechanical and directional equipment were destroyed, so battery was rebuilt and upgraded with MB-3-12-FM turrets from the Baltic Fleet battleship Frunze (former Poltava) with the same caliber 305-mm guns. Command center was equipped with the most sophisticated for that time fire control system "Shore-30" with built-in radar station and heat-detecting optical and electronic range finders. With this new equipment battery is able to fire at sea targets, moving up to 60 knots speed. According to the new specifications battery can withstand prolonged chemical attacks for 10 hours, bombardment by 2 tons anti-concrete shells or even tactical air nuclear explosion.
苏联工程师在战后也进行了调查,发现许多地下隔间还完好无损,只有炮塔、机械设备和定向设备被摧毁了。因此他们重建了炮台,给其换装了波罗的海舰队伏龙芝号战列舰(原波尔塔瓦号)上的 MB-3-12-FM 炮塔,火炮口径仍为 305 毫米。指挥中心配备了当时最尖端的火控系统“海岸-30”,以及内置雷达站和热感应光电测距仪。凭借这套新设备,炮台能射击移动速度高达 60 节的海上目标。按照新的设计标准,炮台能连续抵御 10 小时的化学攻击,2 吨重的混凝土破坏弹轰击,乃至战术核武器空爆。
Last time battery was seen in action in 1958 during the shooting of the movie "Sea on Fire”. Guns fired blanks in the direction of Mackenzie Mountains. As a result in neighborhood houses, which appeared in vicinity of Alkadar heights after the war, window glass was broken, and some roofs were shattered. In 1997, six years after Ukraine gained independence, battery crew was transferred to the Caucasian coast, leaving behind only preservation platoon of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Reportedly, battery still can be ready for action in 72 hours, other sources state that the real preparation time would be around 1 month. Today this is the only 305-mm naval gun battery on the territory of the former USSR which still able to operate, other famous batteries like Red Gorka near St. Petersburg and Voroshilov battery near Vladivostok haven't survived. Officially battery is leased by the Russian Black Sea Fleet, but after the lease will expire in 2017, 30th battery may be looted, scrapped and demolished, as already happened with other Sevastopol defense batteries, both artillery and rocket. On the more optimistic note, new Ukraninan president Victor Yanukovich, propelled to power by voters from more Russia-oriented Eastern Ukraine, promised to renew lease of the Sevastopol naval base to the Russian Black Sea Fleet, move, which can preserve 30th battery well into 21st century.
炮台最后一次开炮是在 1958 年配合电影《燃烧的海洋》拍摄。几门火炮朝美谦集耶威山方向发射了空包弹。由于这次射击,几幢战后出现在阿尔卡达尔高地附近的房子窗玻璃全被震碎,有的连屋顶都被掀了。在乌克兰独立六年后的 1997 年,炮台人员被调到高加索海岸,只留下俄罗斯黑海舰队的看守排。据说炮台仍可在 72 小时内完成战斗准备,另一些资料则称实际准备时间需要一个月左右。今天,这是前苏联领土上仅存的尚能运作的 305 毫米海军炮台,其他著名炮台(如圣彼得堡附近的红山炮台和符拉迪沃斯托克附近的伏罗希洛夫炮台)都已不复存在。按照官方说法,这个炮台是租借给俄罗斯黑海舰队的,但在租约于 2017 年到期后,30 号炮台将被拆毁,而同样的命运已经发生在塞瓦斯托波尔的其他岸防炮台和导弹阵地上。从乐观的角度讲,被亲俄的东乌克兰选民推上台的乌克兰新任总统维克多·亚努科维奇已经承诺为俄罗斯黑海舰队延长塞瓦斯托波尔海军基地的租期,这可能使 30 号炮台在 21 世纪继续长期留存。

楼主 红色精英兵  发布于 2016-03-23 12:04:00 +0800 CST  
Contemporary Photos
(Courtesy of sevdig.sevastopol.ws)(由 sevdig.sevastopol.ws 提供)Satellite image of the 30th battery, square command center is visible near the right upper corner of the picture.30 号炮台的卫星照片,靠近图片右上角可以看到方形的指挥中心。Modern view of the 3-guns turret现代的三联装炮塔
Entrance to the gun turret炮塔入口

Inside gun turret炮塔内部
305-mm gun305 毫米炮
Underground passage to the gun turret通向炮塔的地下通道
Electric power station发电站

Shell transfer compartment输弹隔间
Shell feeder扬弹机

Shell transporter输弹机

楼主 红色精英兵  发布于 2016-03-23 12:06:00 +0800 CST  

Powder chargers transporter输药包机
Shell loader装弹机

Shell on the transfer table输弹台上的炮弹
Loading compartment装填隔间

Fire solution board弹道解算板

Monument to the defenders of the 30th battery near the main entrance主入口附近的 30 号炮台保卫者纪念碑

305-mm mock-up shells305 毫米炮弹模型
Huge splinter of the Karl's 615mm shell卡尔的 615 毫米炮弹的巨大碎片
Gun turret's commander battle station炮塔指挥员的战位

楼主 红色精英兵  发布于 2016-03-23 12:07:00 +0800 CST  

Fire control station with gun directors装有火炮射击指挥仪的火控站
Compressed air cylinders压缩空气钢瓶

楼主 红色精英兵  发布于 2016-03-23 12:08:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 红色精英兵  发布于 2016-03-23 12:08:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2016-03-23 19:46:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2016-07-17 18:11:50 +0800 CST


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